Victimization and risky sexual behavior among high school male LGB and heterosexual students

2011 ◽  
Dorothy L. Espelage
2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 265-271
Mladen Popov ◽  
Sasa Vojinov ◽  
Ivan Levakov ◽  
Dragan Grbic ◽  
Dimitrije Jeremic ◽  

Introduction. In recent years, there has been a growing global trend in the number of people with pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. There is a worldwide lack of data on the prevalence and incidence of sexually transmitted infections in the general population, especially among the high school students. Material and Methods. We conducted a cross sectional study on attitudes and knowledge of young people about sexually transmitted infections. The survey population included young people aged 14 to 20 years attending a high school in the city of Novi Sad. The data were collected through a questionnaire. Results. The percentage of students with signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections was higher among the students who did not use a condom during the last sexual intercourse compared to the students who used a condom. Conclusion. Young people engaging in risky sexual behavior showed better knowledge about sexually transmitted infections in comparison to young people who did not engage in risky sexual behavior.

Fenny Etrawati ◽  
Evi Martha ◽  
Rita Damayanti

Adolescents aged 10-24 years old are susceptible group to premarital sex, drugs abuse, and HIV/AIDS infection. Papua is the largest contributor to AIDS/HIV number in Indonesia. To overcome such problem, Rutgers WPF formed Dunia Remajaku Seru!(DAKU!), an intervention program towards adolescent reproductive health at senior high school level. This study aimed to determine psychosocial determinants of risky sexual behavior among senior high school students in Merauke District through cross-sectional approach. Samples were 1,364 second grade students that got DAKU!Program and matching process wasconducted on schools that did not get DAKU!Program. Data analysis included univariate analysis, bivariate (chi square test) and multivariate (logistic regression test). Results showed that variables significantly related to adolescent risky sexual behavior were peer group with negative behavior, self-efficacy, parents’control, exposure to DAKU!Program and sex. Meanwhile, based on multivariate analysis, peer group with negative behavior (RP = 4.7 CI = 2.8 - 7.7) was the most dominant factor influencing risky sexual behavior.AbstrakRemaja usia 10-24 tahun merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap perilaku seksual pranikah, penyalahgunaan narkoba dan infeksi HIV/AIDS. Papua merupakan penyumbang angka HIV/AIDS terbesar di Indonesia. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut Rutgers WPF membentuk suatu program intervensi kesehatan reproduksi remaja di tingkat sekolah menengah atas (SMA) yakni program Dunia Remajaku Seru! (DAKU!). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan psikososial perilaku seksual berisiko pada siswa SMA di Kabupaten Merauke dengan menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang. Sampel berjumlah 1.364 siswa SMA kelas dua yang mendapatkan program DAKU!dan dilakukan proses pencocokan pada sekolah yang tidak mendapat program DAKU!. Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat (uji kai kuadrat) dan multivariat (uji regresi logistik). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang signifikan berhubungan dengan perilaku seksual berisiko remaja adalah kelompok teman sebaya dengan perilaku negatif, efikasi diri, kontrol orangtua, keterpaparandengan program DAKU!dan jenis kelamin. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat, kelompok teman sebaya dengan perilaku negatif merupakan faktor yang paling dominan memengaruhi perilaku seksual berisiko.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-67
Nurul Fitriani Rahayu ◽  
Ratih Indraswari ◽  
Besar Tirto Husodo

Latar Belakang: Sifat khas remaja yang memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar, menyukai petualangan dan tantangan serta cenderung bertindak tanpa memikirkan akibatnya, menyebabkan remaja sering kali terjerumus ke dalam perilaku yang berisiko, salah satunya adalah perilaku seksual berisiko. Media pornografi menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong utama remaja terjerumus ke dalam perilaku seksual berisiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan jenis kelamin, usia dan keterpaparan media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual berisiko siswa SMP di Kota Semarang.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 104 remaja awal (usia 12-15 tahun) yang terpilih dengan menggunakan teknik multistage random sampling.  Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square.Hasil: Sebagian besar jenis kelamin responden pada penelitian adalah laki-laki (51,9%) dan sisanya adalah perempuan (48,1%). Usia responden didominasi pada usia ≥14 tahun (76,9%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 41,3% responden telah mengakses pornografi dengan alasan terbanyak adalah didorong rasa penasaran (26,9%) dan diajak teman (18,3%). Responden mendapatkan informasi mengenai pornografi didapatkan dari teman, baik teman sekolah (24%) dan teman di rumah (17,3%). Media sosial (22,1%) dan situs porno (19,2%) menjadi tempat dimana responden mengakses pornografi. Hasil analisis chi-square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin (p-value= 0,045) dan keterpaparan media pornografi (p-value= <0,001) dengan perilaku seksual berisiko siswa SMP di Kota Semarang.Simpulan dan Saran: Terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan keterpaparan media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual siswa SMP di Kota Semarang. Pemberian pendidikan seks dan pembuatan safe browsing di area sekolah diperlukan untuk mengatasi perilaku seksual yang berisiko pada siswa SMP. Kata kunci: Media pornografi, perilaku seksual, remaja Title: The Relationship between Sex, Age and Pornography Media with Risk Sexual Behavior of Middle School Students in Semarang City Background: The special nature of adolescents who have a great curiosity, like adventure and challenges and tend to act without thinking about the consequences, causing teens often fall into risky behavior, one of which is risky sexual behavior. Pornography media is an important factor for teenagers who often fall into risky sexual behavior. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between sex, age and exposure to pornographic media with sexual behavior of junior high school students in the city of Semarang.Method: This type of research was analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The sample from this study was 104 early adolescents (aged 12-15 years) who were selected using a multistage random sampling technique. This study uses univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test.Results: Most of the respondents' sex in the study were male (51.9%) and the rest were female (48.1%). The age of the respondents was dominated by age ≥14 years (76.9%). The results showed that 41.3% of respondents had accessed pornography with the most reasons being driven by curiosity (26.9%) and being invited by friends (18.3%). Respondents get information about pornography obtained from friends, both school friends (24%) and friends at home (17.3%). Social media (22.1%) and porn sites (19.2%) are places where respondents access pornography. The results of the chi-square analysis showed that there was a relationship between sex (p-value= 0,045) and exposure to pornographic media (p-value = <0.001) with risky sexual behavior of junior high school students in the city of Semarang. Conclusion and Recommendation: There was a relationship between sex and exposure to pornographic media with sexual behavior of junior high school students in Semarang City. Providing sex education and making safe browsing for school students are needed to deal with risky sexual behavior in junior high school students. Keywords: Pornographic media, sexual behavior, adolescent

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Nur Asnah Sitohang ◽  
Diah Lestari Nasution ◽  
Cut Adeya Adella

Adolescent reproductive and sexuality health in Indonesia is still low, this can be seen from the many cases of pregnancy out of wedlock, violence during courtship and abortion with high-risk drugs. The understanding of adolescents about reproductive health is the provision of adolescents in healthy and responsible behavior. But not all teenagers get information about reproductive health. This limitation of knowledge and understanding can bring teenagers towards risky behavior. This is a lack of information about sexuality and reproduction. Cadres health has a big role in realizing the optimal level of community health. Community service is carried out in two (2) junior high schools, namely Dharma Pancasila Private Junior High School (260 students and 21 cadres trained) and Al-Fhatiyan Private Middle School Medan (199 students and cadres trained by 16 students). The method used is by: 1. counseling with material on adolescent reproductive health; 2. cadre training; 3. Cadre mentoring. Evaluation of program success: pre test and post test cadres and student participants. Based on the results of the questionnaires distributed to students, the majority of data was 13 years old (47.5%), male sex (54%), high school parents education (62%) and entrepreneurial work (96.6%). The results of the dependent test obtained data, average knowledge before health education 26.23 and after health education39.58. The mean difference is 13,349 and the standard deviation is 3,911 and 95% CI 13,707-12,990. Based on the results of statistical tests obtained P = 0.001, it can be concluded that there is an influence of adolescent reproductive health cadres on student knowledge. For attitudes obtained data on average attitudes before counseling 27.57 and after counseling 39.58. The mean difference is 13,349 and the standard deviation is 3,802 and 95% CI 12,362 - 11,664. P value = 0.001 it can be concluded that there is an influence of adolescent reproductive health cadres on student attitudes. This PKM activity is useful in increasing knowledge and attitudes towards adolescent reproductive health. With increased knowledge of the behavior of adolescents to risky sexual behavior, and if the attitudes of adolescents towards sexual behavior are good, it is expected that sexually well and adolescents are expected to be responsible for their reproductive healthKeywords: cadres, education, health, reproduction, adolescents

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Edi Putra ◽  
Putu Erma Pradnyani ◽  
Ni Nyoman Astri Artini ◽  
Ni Luh Eka Purni Astiti

The earlier age for dating among teenagers has an impact to increase the chance of sexual behavior. This study aimed to identify the factors related to sexual behavior among teenager dating in Denpasar City. This study was observational analytic with cross-sectional approach. Sample size was 880 students dating with sampling technique using nonprobability sampling. This study showed the proportion of teenager who had risky sexual behavior was 22,1%. Factors related to risky sexual behavior among teenager dating were aged >15 years old (OR=3,0; 95%CI=1,9-4,8; p<0,001), male (OR=3,0; 95%CI=2,2-4,2; p<0,001), education level of senior high school compared to junior high school (OR=3,9; 95%CI =2,4-6,2; p<0,001), education level of vocational high school compared to junior high school (OR=2,4; 95%CI =1,5-3,9; p=0,001), private school (OR=2,2; 95%CI=1,6-3,1; p<0,001), never accessed to health reproductive information (OR=2,0; 95%CI =1,3-3,0; p=0,001), accessed to pornography content (OR=4,1; 95%CI=2,8-6,1; p<0,001), lack of knowledge (OR=1,7; 95%CI=1,2-2,4; p=0,006), and lack of attitude (OR=3,1; 95%CI=2,2-4,5; p<0,001). There were relationship between age, sex, educational level, school status, the access of health reproductive information, the access to pornography content, knowledge, and attitude toward risky sexual behavior. Giving information comprehensively regarding reproductive and sexual health is essential approach through involving active participation from parents and teachers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 257
Abebaw Wasie Kasahun ◽  
Mezgebu Yitayal ◽  
Tadele Girum ◽  
Bekri Mohammed

According to World Health Organization (WHO), youth are young people within 15-24 years old. Studies reported that more than half of all new HIV infections occur among people between the ages of 15 and 24 years. Institution based quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted among high school students in Gondar city. Multistage sampling technique was employed to recruit study participants. Data were collected using pretested structured self-administered questionnaire. Data were entered in Epi Info version 7 and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Descriptive statistics were computed to describe important variables in relation to the outcome variable, Binary and multivariable logistic regressions were used to identify independent predictors of the outcome variable. The overall prevalence of risky sexual behavior was 12.8%. Two out of five sexually active respondents ever had unprotected sexual intercourse.  Ever used alcohol ((AOR, 3.53 95% CI (1.73-7.19)), had no parental monitor (AOR, 12.21 95% CI (6.55-22.78), ever watched pornographic film (AOR, 2.24 95% CI (1.15-4.35), had no parental discussion on sexual and reproductive health issues (AOR, 2.57 95% CI (1.36-4.85) and peer pressure (AOR,2.50, 95%CI (1.20-5.21), were factors which significantly increases the odds of risky sexual behavior among youth. Risky sexual behavior among high school students in Gondar city administration was very high and worrisome; so that collaborated effort is needed from parents, schools, health facilities and health policy makers to bring healthy sexual behavior among school youth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 193
Putra Brillian Djohan ◽  
Francisca Tjhay ◽  
Surilena Hasan ◽  
Nelly Tina Widjaja

<p class="Englishversionofabstract">Lack of sexual knowledge and increasing negative sexual attitudes in Indonesia could lead to risky sexual behavior. This problem increases teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and abortion among adolescents. This study aimed to determine the relationship between sexual knowledge and sexual attitudes towards sexual behavior among junior high school students in West Jakarta. This study was cross-sectional, conducted on 544 junior high school students in West Jakarta. Measuring instruments used were characteristic questionnaires, sexual knowledge questionnaires, sexual attitude questionnaires, and sexual behavior questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using bivariate (chi-square). This study shows 79.2% of the respondents had low sexual knowledge, 45.6% respondents had negative sexual behavior, and 48.2% respondents had risky sexual behavior. This study finds that most male respondents had low sexual knowledge (80.8%), low sexual attitude (56.8%), and “less-safe” risky sexual behavior (60.0%), while “not-safe” risky sexual behavior (2.7%) was found higher in female respondents. Bivariate analysis shows a significant relationship between sexual knowledge (p=0.006; 95% OR=1.763 |95% CI=1.151-2.698) and sexual attitude (p=&lt;0.001; OR=2.852 | 95% CI=2.012-4.043) towards sexual behavior. In conclusion, low sexual knowledge and negative sexual attitudes increase the risk of risky sexual behavior.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ernawati Ernawati ◽  
Mitra Mitra ◽  
Yessi Harnani ◽  
Nurhapipa Nurhapipa ◽  
Syamsul Bahri Rivai

Adolescent sexual behavior is all forms of behavior that are driven by sexual desire, a form of sexual behavior that is risky and is at low risk. The purpose of this study was to determine the sexual behavior of high school adolescents in Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2018, including risk factors, enabling and reinforcing. Cross sectional study design. Sample 233 people. The sampling procedure by systematic random sampling, data collection using questionnaires and data analysis was carried out univariately, bivariately by chi-square test and multivariate with multiple logistic regression tests. The results showed that the proportion of adolescents who carry out sexual behavior is at risk of 11.2%. Variables related to sexual behavior in adolescents are attitudes with p value 0.021 (POR: 3.441) and peers with p value 0.007 (POR: 3.906) and role family is a counfounding variable on attitudes and peers. It can be concluded that the bad influence of peers 4 times adolescents have a risky sexual behavior compared to the good influence of peers. It is expected that there should be school cooperation with the Education Agency in terms of providing counseling and including reproductive health education into the school curriculum, for parents and adolescents to be selective in choosing friends so that adolescents are not easily affected by the risk, especially in sexual matters.  

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