Psychological Strain Measures

1976 ◽  
Terry A. Beehr
2020 ◽  
pp. 108128652097275
Miroslav Šilhavý

The paper presents a coordinate-free analysis of deformation measures for shells modeled as 2D surfaces. These measures are represented by second-order tensors. As is well-known, two types are needed in general: the surface strain measure (deformations in tangential directions), and the bending strain measure (warping). Our approach first determines the 3D strain tensor E of a shear deformation of a 3D shell-like body and then linearizes E in two smallness parameters: the displacement and the distance of a point from the middle surface. The linearized expression is an affine function of the signed distance from the middle surface: the absolute term is the surface strain measure and the coefficient of the linear term is the bending strain measure. The main result of the paper determines these two tensors explicitly for general shear deformations and for the subcase of Kirchhoff-Love deformations. The derived surface strain measures are the classical ones: Naghdi’s surface strain measure generally and its well-known particular case for the Kirchhoff-Love deformations. With the bending strain measures comes a surprise: they are different from the traditional ones. For shear deformations our analysis provides a new tensor [Formula: see text], which is different from the widely used Naghdi’s bending strain tensor [Formula: see text]. In the particular case of Kirchhoff–Love deformations, the tensor [Formula: see text] reduces to a tensor [Formula: see text] introduced earlier by Anicic and Léger (Formulation bidimensionnelle exacte du modéle de coque 3D de Kirchhoff–Love. C R Acad Sci Paris I 1999; 329: 741–746). Again, [Formula: see text] is different from Koiter’s bending strain tensor [Formula: see text] (frequently used in this context). AMS 2010 classification: 74B99

2021 ◽  
pp. 155708512110194
Allison E. Monterrosa

This study of working class, heterosexual, criminal-legal system-impacted Black women described the women’s romantic histories and current romantic relationship statuses in terms of commitment, exclusivity, and perceived quality. Using intersectional research methods, qualitative interviews were conducted with 31 Black women between the ages of 18 and 65 years who were working class, resided in Southern California, and were impacted by the criminal-legal system. Data were analyzed using an intersectional Black feminist criminological framework and findings revealed six types of relationship statuses. These relationship statuses did not live up to the women’s aspirations and yielded disparate levels of emotional and psychological strain across relationship statuses.

2021 ◽  
Mona Mannevuo ◽  
Jenni M Rinne ◽  
Isak Vento

AbstractPoliticians’ work pressure is gaining more attention in parliamentary studies. To participate in the discussion about governing under pressure, this article offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigate how representatives navigate within a flexible, limitless work culture. This article presents a new inquiry to re-examine contemporary political agency by combining cultural studies theories with empirical insights in Nordic countries. By analysing 52 semi-structured interviews with MPs in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, the study finds that politics attracts people who want to change the world, but these attributes may initiate a vicious cycle, taking the form of psychological strain.

1977 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 418 ◽  
A. R. Gillis

2007 ◽  
Vol 92 (5) ◽  
pp. 1456-1466 ◽  
Christine A. Sprigg ◽  
Christopher B. Stride ◽  
Toby D. Wall ◽  
David J. Holman ◽  
Phoebe R. Smith

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