work pressure
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-128
Tran Kha Huy ◽  
Quan Minh Nhut

The study’s objective is to determine factors impacting employees’ job satisfaction at Vinh Long Radio and Television (TV) Station. The authors used convenient sampling to collect data from 233 employees working at Vinh Long Radio and TV Station. The exploratory factor analysis and multivariable linear regression help the study find seven factors affecting job satisfaction. They include nature of work, training and promotion, income, leadership, colleagues, working environment, work pressure, and work autonomy. In which, work pressure has the most negative influence on job satisfaction of employees working at Vinh Long Radio and TV Station.

Michela Bersia ◽  
Paola Berchialla ◽  
Lorena Charrier ◽  
Patrizia Lemma ◽  
Alberto Borraccino ◽  

(1) Aims: To explore temporal trends 2010–2018 of well-being among Italian adolescents and to evaluate potential explanatory factors. (2) Methods: Italian nationality representative samples of students aged 11, 13, and 15 years were recruited in 2010, 2014, and 2018; Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), for an overall number of 165,000 teenagers. Multivariable logistic regression models were performed to fit the trends over time of life satisfaction (LS), psychological (PSY-HC) and somatic health complaints (SOM-HC) considering the contextual factors: school work pressure, social support (family, school, peers), socioeconomic status, geographic area, and immigration background; (3) Results: From 2010 to 2018 while LS was steady, health complaints increased, mainly for PSY-HC, in all age and gender groups. Trend of PSY-HC affected mainly 15-yrs-olds: rates among boys varied from 29.6% to 35.9% (OR: 1.13, 95%CI: 1.02–1.25); among girls from 49.1% to 63.3% (OR: 1.56, 95%CI: 1.42–1.72). High school work pressure and poor social support play a central role in worsening well-being outcomes; (4) Conclusions: Our findings pictured a remarkable worsening trend of teenagers’ well-being, especially among 15-year-old girls. Further research will be required to investigate this breaking up of the connection between psychophysical symptomatology and cognitive perception of life satisfaction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-28
Qingguo Meng ◽  
Xiaojing Liu ◽  
Xiaojing Liu

Administrators are the implementers of the management in colleges and universities; however, their job scopes are relatively boring and complicated, with heavy workload and high work pressure, causing some of them to be less active and slack off in their careers. Therefore, under the guidance of psychological contract theory, colleges and universities should adopt various measures to deal with job burnout among college and university administrators. In this paper, the main causes of job burnout among college and university administrators are analyzed, and specific countermeasures are proposed from the perspective of psychological contract theory, hoping to help college and university administrators improve their work enthusiasm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Alvian Josua Editya ◽  
Aryanto Juvendi Kaburito ◽  
Donal Hariman Pasaribu ◽  
Juniarta Juniarta ◽  
Lenny Angelina Harefa

<p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Perawat merupakan kelompok tenaga kesehatan yang berisiko mengalami tekanan kerja, apabila tidak dapat diadaptasi akan menimbulkan stress kerja dan jika berlangsung lama dengan intensitas yang tinggi dapat berujung pada burnout. Oleh sebab itu, perawat membutuhkan resiliensi untuk dapat bertahan dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah dan tuntutan pekerjaan di rumah sakit. Penelitian tentang resiliensi pada perawat di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit, begitu juga di satu rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta penelitian mengenai resiliensi belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran <em>resiliency quotient</em> pada perawat di rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat di satu rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 156 perawat dengan menggunakan metode <em>Convenience Sampling</em>. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner R<em>esiliency Quotient</em> (RQ) Russell dan Russell (2007) dengan jumlah pertanyaan sebanyak 32 item (<em>Cronbach’s Alpha </em>0,951). Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas perawat masuk dalam kategori resilient yaitu sebanyak 137 perawat (87,82%),18 perawat (11,54%) sangat resilient, dan satu perawat (0,64%) sedikit resilient. Pada penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk menggali lebih dalam faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi resiliensi pada perawat.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INGGRIS </strong><em>Nurses are a group of healthcare workers who are at risk of experiencing work pressure which mightl cause job stress and in turn might lead to burnout. Therefore, nurses need to be resilient to be able to face various problems and work demands in the hospital. Research on resiliency of nurses in Jakarta is still insufficient, as is in a private hospital in western Indonesia where research on resiliency has never been done. Purpose: This study aimed to describe nurse’s resiliency quotient. This was a descriptive quantitative study. The population was nurses in a private hospital in western Indonesia, obtaining 156 respondents. The instrument used was Resiliency Quotient (RQ) questionnaire by Russell and Russell (2007) with 32 questions. The result showed that the majority (87,82%) of nurses were resilient, 18 (11.54%) nurses were very resilient, and only 1 (0.64%) who was slightly resilient. It is expected that the next study will explore in depth about factors contributing to nurses’ resiliency.</em></p>

Kalyani Yede ◽  
Shiney Chib ◽  
Ragini Patil ◽  
Neha Bhatt

Background: Pandemic, COVID is spreading like a wild fire and it has already become a global issue.  People all over the world are going through mental trauma due to the current situation of the globe. The most vulnerable situation is of the front line volunteers like doctors, health care workers, social workers who are coming in direct contact with the COVID patients and working in highly risky work environment. Since its inception in December 2019, Novel Corona Virus Disease started spreading rapidly both locally and internationally and looking to the adversity of the disease, World Health Organization (WHO) declared it has pandemic. The aim of this paper is to explore the determinants associated with the Mental Health of Health Care Workers (HCW) during the pandemic Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Questionnaire was developed having both demographic questions and questions related to mental health. Data was collected from 433 HCWs who were the front-line workers, involved directly in handling these patients. Questionnaire was classified into two parts; one included the demographic questions and the second part included questions related mental health and occupational stress.  These HCW were the front line works and were more vulnerable and were having the high risk of getting affected.  Percentage analysis was used to analyse the demographic data.  Exploratory factor analysis was used to explore the dimensions related to mental health and occupational strength.  Multi regression model was used to check the impact of emerged factors like increased workload, the continuous contact with COVID-19 patients and emotional aspects to mental health and occupational stress. Results: Value of R2 obtained was 0.778, which means, the derived factors namely Work pressure, optimism ,Risk factor, Emotional Exhaustion , Self control, Discomfort were able to explain 77.8 % of the dependent variable ‘Mental Health’. All the above factors influence Respondent’s Mental Health, as the significant the factors namely work pressure; risk factor and emotional exhaustion are directly proportional to Mental health.  Work pressure is the most influencing factor among it.  Optimism, self-control and discomfort are inversely proportional to Mental Health of HCW. Conclusion: Most important emerged from this study was ‘Work Pressure’.  Due to the fast spread of this deadly virus, a war like situation has emerged and Health Care Workers are the most vulnerable people as they are serving the patients directly.  They are sacrificing their own physical and mental health and are serving the mankind.  These people deserves lots of appreciation and salutations.

Jessica D. Veldhuizen ◽  
Sandra Zwakhalen ◽  
Bianca M. Buurman ◽  
Nienke Bleijenberg

Little is known about how COVID-19 affects older patients living at home or how it affects district nursing teams providing care to these patients. This study aims to (1) explore, from the perspectives of Dutch district nurses, COVID-19′s impact on patients receiving district nursing care, district nursing teams, and their organisations during the first outbreak in March 2020 as well as one year later; and (2) identify the needs of district nurses regarding future outbreaks. A mixed-methods, two-phase, sequential exploratory design was followed. In total, 36 district nurses were interviewed during the first outbreak (March 2020), of which 18 participated in the follow-up questionnaire in April 2021. Thirteen themes emerged, which showed that the COVID pandemic has substantially impacted patient care and district nursing teams. During the first outbreak, nurses played a crucial role in organising care differently and worked under high pressure, leading to exhaustion, tiredness, and psychosocial problems, including fear of infection. A year later, nurses were better prepared to provide COVID care, but problems regarding work pressure and mental complaints remained. The identified needs focus on a sustainable implementation of leadership roles for district nurses. At the organisational and national levels, more support and appreciation are needed in terms of trust and appropriate policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sheng Xu ◽  
Mengge Zhang ◽  
Bo Xia ◽  
Jiangbo Liu

PurposeThis study aimed to identify driving factors of safety attitudinal ambivalence (AA) and explore their influence. Construction workers' intention to act safely can be instable under conflicting information from safety management, co-workers and habitual unsafe behaviour. Existing research explained the mechanism of unsafe behaviours as individual decisions but failed to include AA, as the co-existence of both positive and negative attitude.Design/methodology/approachThis study applied system dynamics to explore factors of construction workers' AA and simulate the process of mitigating the ambivalence for less safety behaviour. Specifically, the group model building approach with eight experts was used to map the causal loop diagram and field questionnaire of 209 construction workers were used to collect empirical data for initiating parameters.FindingsThe group model building identified five direct factors of AA, namely the organisational safety support, important others' safety attitude, emotional arousal, safety production experience and work pressure, with seven feedback paths. The questionnaire survey obtained the initial values of the factors in the SD model, with the average ambivalence at 0.389. The ambivalence between cognitive and affective safety attitude was the highest. Model simulation results indicated that safety experience and work pressure had the most significant effects, and safety experience and positive attitude of co-workers could compensate the pressure from tight schedule and budget.Originality/valueThis study provided a new perspective of the dynamic safety attitude under the co-existence of positive and negative attitude, identified its driving factors and their influencing paths. The group model building approach and field questionnaire surveys were used to provide convincible suggestions for empirical safety management with least and most effective approaches and possible interventions to prevent unsafe behaviour with tight schedule and budget.

2021 ◽  
Kannan P ◽  
Allwin Devaraj ◽  
B.Pradheep T Rajan ◽  
Swathira P K ◽  
Subhikshaa Jayaranim ◽  

In this modern era, parents are busy building their lifestyle, carrier etc. As we know it has now become hard because parents have to take care of their children simultaneously, which paves a lot of work pressure and family pressure especially for women. Health of the child is affected and better care has also reduced. So, in order to handle such situation, we use temperature, Humidity, ultra-sonic Sensor. The conditions of the external atmosphere help to detect increased body temperature, babies voice while crying and their movements while they are continuously moving and also indicates the time for the diaper to be changed. If there are any abnormal activities are observed in baby’s atmosphere. An alert message is sent to the parents. In this system a video camera is attached and operated under the microcontroller’s instruction and it records a video when the motion sensor detects any continuous movements. The recorded video is broadcasted in a display to the parents which helps them to monitor baby in live. And in addition, this system detects and displays the status of the infant and alert the respective guardian by collecting values from sensor like temperature sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and also the location value from raspberry pi.

Suryono ◽  
Bambang Wiseno ◽  
Fannidya Hamdani Zeho

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on every area of ​​the organization, especially the health sector, especially hospitals. One of the impacts experienced is the work pressure felt by hospital employees. This study aims to analyze the work pressure experienced by hospital employees during the covid-19 pandemic which was obtained from the type of work and stressor factors that influenced it. This type of research was quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 120 employees at Hospital "X" in Indonesia. The sampling technique is probability sampling with random sampling method. Univariate analysis test was used to see the distribution of frequency and percentage of each variable and bivariate analysis with chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables (p value <0.05). It was found that the type of employee's work was significantly related to the employee's work pressure. Then an analysis of the level of work pressure is carried out with the influencing work pressure stressor. Based on the Spearman Correlation Test, a correlation value of 0.589 with a sig value of 0.000 means that the sig value is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) indicating that there is a significant effect between stressor and work pressure at Hospital "X". The cause of high work pressure from this type of work is the demands of the organization in relation to the high role of tasks, especially medical personnel, which increases during the pandemic. Then the stressor factors that influence are role overload, role conflict and role ambiguity caused by the demands of the duties and roles of employees, poor communication, and lack of direct guidance from the leadership on the tasks and regulations given.

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