The Psychosocial Aspects of Feeding in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Beyond

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 1507-1515
Lauren L. Madhoun ◽  
Robert Dempster

Purpose Feeding challenges are common for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). While sufficient oral feeding is typically a goal during NICU admission, this can be a long and complicated process for both the infant and the family. Many of the stressors related to feeding persist long after hospital discharge, which results in the parents taking the primary role of navigating the infant's course to ensure continued feeding success. This is in addition to dealing with the psychological impact of having a child requiring increased medical attention and the need to continue to fulfill the demands at home. In this clinical focus article, we examine 3 main areas that impact psychosocial stress among parents with infants in the NICU and following discharge: parenting, feeding, and supports. Implications for speech-language pathologists working with these infants and their families are discussed. A case example is also included to describe the treatment course of an infant and her parents in the NICU and after graduation to demonstrate these points further. Conclusion Speech-language pathologists working with infants in the NICU and following hospital discharge must realize the family context and psychosocial considerations that impact feeding progression. Understanding these factors may improve parental engagement to more effectively tailor treatment approaches to meet the needs of the child and family.

2007 ◽  
Vol 96 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-220 ◽  
R Latva ◽  
L Lehtonen ◽  
R K Salmelin ◽  
T Tamminen

1982 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 556-556

Let us address ourselves to the problem of informed consent. I believe, as a physician who has had prior contact with the family, that I can persuade 99% of parents to my way of thinking if I really work at it, even if I am 100% wrong. If I tell them in such a way that I appear concerned and that I am knowledgeable and that I have their interests at heart and the interest of their foetus or their newborn baby, there is no question they will be totally agreeable to my suggestion. I think informed consent is an absolute farce, legalistically, morally and ethically. The information is what I want it to be. Certainly, the physician must try to involve the parents in decision making. He should do so to the maximum extent feasible, but we are fooling ourselves if we believe that the parent or the physician can make all the decisions.—Director of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Rita H. Pickler ◽  
Heather Tubbs-Cooley ◽  
Sharon Cone ◽  
Jacqueline McGrath ◽  
Paul Wetzel ◽  

1991 ◽  
Vol 7 (S1) ◽  
pp. 136-138
Kari O. Raivio

Treatment decisions in the delivery room and neonatal intensive care unit are often life-and-death decisions. In a true Hippocratic spirit of “do no harm,” the guiding principle should be the long-term outlook for the infant and the family. This is usually, but not always, determined by the prospects of normal or near normal mental development versus incapacitating injury.

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