Word Recognition Performance with Modified CID W-22 Word Lists

1985 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-362 ◽  
Cheryl A. Runge ◽  
Holly Hosford-Dunn

Abbreviated CID W-22 lists were administered to large groups of normal and hearing-impaired listeners to test the hypothesis, that fewer, judiciously chosen items can be used to test word recognition without compromising test accuracy. Data were analyzed by comparing each subject's performance on half- and 10-word lists to full-list scores. Sensitivity and specificity for various sublists and for several pass/fail criteria were calculated. Results show that fewer than the traditional 50 items can be used in word recognition test procedures if the words are sufficiently difficult and strict passing criteria are employed. We recommend terminating testing after 10 words if no errors occur and after 25 words if there are no more than four errors. Otherwise, a full 50-item list should be administered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (06) ◽  
pp. 412-441 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Victoria A. Sanchez

Abstract Background In the 1950s, with monitored live voice testing, the vu meter time constant and the short durations and amplitude modulation characteristics of monosyllabic words necessitated the use of the carrier phrase amplitude to monitor (indirectly) the presentation level of the words. This practice continues with recorded materials. To relieve the carrier phrase of this function, first the influence that the carrier phrase has on word recognition performance needs clarification, which is the topic of this study. Purpose Recordings of Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 by two female speakers were used to compare word recognition performances with and without the carrier phrases when the carrier phrase and test word were (1) in the same utterance stream with the words excised digitally from the carrier (VA-1 speaker) and (2) independent of one another (VA-2 speaker). The 50-msec segment of the vowel in the target word with the largest root mean square amplitude was used to equate the target word amplitudes. Research Design A quasi-experimental, repeated measures design was used. Study Sample Twenty-four young normal-hearing adults (YNH; M = 23.5 years; pure-tone average [PTA] = 1.3-dB HL) and 48 older hearing loss listeners (OHL; M = 71.4 years; PTA = 21.8-dB HL) participated in two, one-hour sessions. Data Collection and Analyses Each listener had 16 listening conditions (2 speakers × 2 carrier phrase conditions × 4 presentation levels) with 100 randomized words, 50 different words by each speaker. Each word was presented 8 times (2 carrier phrase conditions × 4 presentation levels [YNH, 0- to 24-dB SL; OHL, 6- to 30-dB SL]). The 200 recorded words for each condition were randomized as 8, 25-word tracks. In both test sessions, one practice track was followed by 16 tracks alternated between speakers and randomized by blocks of the four conditions. Central tendency and repeated measures analyses of variance statistics were used. Results With the VA-1 speaker, the overall mean recognition performances were 6.0% (YNH) and 8.3% (OHL) significantly better with the carrier phrase than without the carrier phrase. These differences were in part attributed to the distortion of some words caused by the excision of the words from the carrier phrases. With the VA-2 speaker, recognition performances on the with and without carrier phrase conditions by both listener groups were not significantly different, except for one condition (YNH listeners at 8-dB SL). The slopes of the mean functions were steeper for the YNH listeners (3.9%/dB to 4.8%/dB) than for the OHL listeners (2.4%/dB to 3.4%/dB) and were <1%/dB steeper for the VA-1 speaker than for the VA-2 speaker. Although the mean results were clear, the variability in performance differences between the two carrier phrase conditions for the individual participants and for the individual words was striking and was considered in detail. Conclusion The current data indicate that word recognition performances with and without the carrier phrase (1) were different when the carrier phrase and target word were produced in the same utterance with poorer performances when the target words were excised from their respective carrier phrases (VA-1 speaker), and (2) were the same when the carrier phrase and target word were produced as independent utterances (VA-2 speaker).

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (06) ◽  
pp. 496-506 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Rachel McArdle ◽  
Heidi Roberts

Background: So that portions of the classic Miller, Heise, and Lichten (1951) study could be replicated, new recorded versions of the words and digits were made because none of the three common monosyllabic word lists (PAL PB-50, CID W-22, and NU–6) contained the 9 monosyllabic digits (1–10, excluding 7) that were used by Miller et al. It is well established that different psychometric characteristics have been observed for different lists and even for the same materials spoken by different speakers. The decision was made to record four lists of each of the three monosyllabic word sets, the monosyllabic digits not included in the three sets of word lists, and the CID W-1 spondaic words. A professional female speaker with a General American dialect recorded the materials during four recording sessions within a 2-week interval. The recording order of the 582 words was random. Purpose: To determine—on listeners with normal hearing—the psychometric properties of the five speech materials presented in speech-spectrum noise. Research Design: A quasi-experimental, repeated-measures design was used. Study Sample: Twenty-four young adult listeners (M = 23 years) with normal pure-tone thresholds (≤20-dB HL at 250 to 8000 Hz) participated. The participants were university students who were unfamiliar with the test materials. Data Collection and Analysis: The 582 words were presented at four signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs; −7-, −2-, 3-, and 8-dB) in speech-spectrum noise fixed at 72-dB SPL. Although the main metric of interest was the 50% point on the function for each word established with the Spearman-Kärber equation (Finney, 1952), the percentage correct on each word at each SNR was evaluated. The psychometric characteristics of the PB-50, CID W-22, and NU–6 monosyllabic word lists were compared with one another, with the CID W-1 spondaic words, and with the 9 monosyllabic digits. Results: Recognition performance on the four lists within each of the three monosyllabic word materials were equivalent, ±0.4 dB. Likewise, word-recognition performance on the PB-50, W-22, and NU–6 word lists were equivalent, ±0.2 dB. The mean recognition performance at the 50% point with the 36 W-1 spondaic words was ˜6.2 dB lower than the 50% point with the monosyllabic words. Recognition performance on the monosyllabic digits was 1–2 dB better than mean performance on the monosyllabic words. Conclusions: Word-recognition performances on the three sets of materials (PB-50, CID W-22, and NU–6) were equivalent, as were the performances on the four lists that make up each of the three materials. Phonetic/phonemic balance does not appear to be an important consideration in the compilation of word-recognition lists used to evaluate the ability of listeners to understand speech.A companion paper examines the acoustic, phonetic/phonological, and lexical variables that may predict the relative ease or difficulty for which these monosyllable words were recognized in noise (McArdle and Wilson, this issue).

1980 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-238 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
June K. Antablin

The Picture Identification Task was developed to estimate the word-recognition performance of nonverbal adults. Four lists of 50 monosyllabic words each were assembled and recorded. Each test word and three rhyming alternatives were illustrated and photographed in a quadrant arrangement. The task of the patient was to point to the picture representing the recorded word that was presented through the earphone. In the first experiment with young adults, no significant differences were found between the Picture Identification Task and the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 materials in an open-set response paradigm. In the second experiment, the Picture Identification Task with the picture-pointing response was compared with the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 in both an open-set and a closed-set response paradigm. The results from this experiment demonstrated significant differences among the three response tasks. The easiest task was a closed-set response to words, the next was a closed-set response to pictures, and the most difficult task was an open-set response. At high stimulus-presentation levels, however, the three tasks produced similar results. Finally, the clinical use of the Picture Identification Task is described along with preliminary results obtained from 30 patients with various communicative impairments.

Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Victoria A. Sanchez

Background: In the 1950s, with monitored live voice testing, the vu meter time constant and the shortdurations and amplitude modulation characteristics of monosyllabic words necessitated the use of the carrierphrase amplitude tomonitor (indirectly) the presentation level of the words. This practice continues withrecorded materials. To relieve the carrier phrase of this function, first the influence that the carrier phrasehas on word recognition performance needs clarification, which is the topic of this study.<br />Purpose: Recordings of Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 by two female speakers were usedto compare word recognition performances with and without the carrier phrases when the carrier phraseand test word were (1) in the same utterance stream with the words excised digitally from the carrier (VA-1speaker) and (2) independent of one another (VA-2 speaker). The 50-msec segment of the vowel in thetarget word with the largest root mean square amplitude was used to equate the target word amplitudes.<br />Research Design: A quasi-experimental, repeated measures design was used.<br />Study Sample: Twenty-four young normal-hearing adults (YNH; M = 23.5 years; pure-tone average[PTA] = 1.3-dB HL) and 48 older hearing loss listeners (OHL; M = 71.4 years; PTA = 21.8-dB HL) participatedin two, one-hour sessions.<br />Data Collection and Analyses: Each listener had 16 listening conditions (2 speakers 3 2 carrier phraseconditions 3 4 presentation levels) with 100 randomized words, 50 different words by each speaker.Each word was presented 8 times (2 carrier phrase conditions 3 4 presentation levels [YNH, 0- to24-dB SL; OHL, 6- to 30-dB SL]). The 200 recorded words for each condition were randomized as 8,25-word tracks. In both test sessions, one practice track was followed by 16 tracks alternated betweenspeakers and randomized by blocks of the four conditions. Central tendency and repeated measuresanalyses of variance statistics were used.<br />Results: With the VA-1 speaker, the overall mean recognition performances were 6.0% (YNH) and 8.3%(OHL) significantly better with the carrier phrase than without the carrier phrase. These differences werein part attributed to the distortion of some words caused by the excision of the words from the carrierphrases. With the VA-2 speaker, recognition performances on the with and without carrier phrase conditionsby both listener groups were not significantly different, except for one condition (YNH listeners at8-dB SL). The slopes of the mean functions were steeper for the YNH listeners (3.9%/dB to 4.8%/dB) thanfor the OHL listeners (2.4%/dB to 3.4%/dB) and were <1%/dB steeper for the VA-1 speaker than for theVA-2 speaker. Although the mean results were clear, the variability in performance differences betweenthe two carrier phrase conditions for the individual participants and for the individual words was strikingand was considered in detail.<br />Conclusion: The current data indicate that word recognition performances with and without the carrierphrase (1) were different when the carrier phrase and target word were produced in the same utterancewith poorer performances when the target words were excised from their respective carrier phrases(VA-1 speaker), and (2) were the same when the carrier phrase and target word were produced as independentutterances (VA-2 speaker).<br />See the Supplementary Data tab for supplementary materials.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (04) ◽  
pp. 331-345 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Rachel McArdle

Background: In developing the PB-50 word lists, J. P. Egan suggested five developmental principles, two of which were “equal average difficulty” and an “equal range of difficulty” among the lists (page 963). Egan was satisfied that each of the 20 PB-50 lists had equivalent ranges of recognition performances and that the lists produced the same average performances. This was accomplished in preliminary studies that measured the recognition performance of each word and eliminated words that were always or never correct. In preparing for studies of interrupted words, we needed to know the range of difficulty inherent in the speaker specific NU-6 and Maryland CNC materials we planned to use when those words were not interrupted. There were only a few studies in the literature that touched on the range of difficulty characteristic of the word-recognition materials in common usage. The paucity of this information prompted this investigation whose scope broadened to include the CID W-22, Maryland CNC, NU-6, and PB-50 materials spoken by a variety of speakers. Purpose: The purpose was to evaluate the homogeneity with respect to intelligibility of the words that comprise several of the common word-recognition materials used in audiologic evaluations. Research Design: Both retrospective (10) and prospective (3) studies were involved. Data from six of the retrospective studies were from our labs. The prospective studies involved both listeners with normal hearing for pure tones and listeners with sensorineural hearing loss. Study Sample: The sample sizes for the 13 data sets ranged from 24 to 1,030, with 24 the typical number for listeners with normal hearing. Data Collection and Analysis: The retrospective data were from published studies and archived data from our laboratories. The prospective studies involved presentation of the word-recognition materials to the listeners at a comfortable level. An item analysis was conducted on each data set with descriptive statistics used to characterize the data. Additionally, skewness coefficients were calculated on the distributions of word performances and the interquartile range was used to determine minor and major outliers within each set of 200 words and their component 50-word lists (300 words for the Maryland CNCs). Results: For listeners with normal hearing the majority of performances on the words within a 50-word list were better than the mean performance, which produced negatively skewed distributions with outlier performances in every list. For listeners with sensorineural hearing loss the performances on the words within a 50-word list were evenly distributed above and below the mean performance, which yielded essentially normal distributions with few outliers. There were a few words on which performances were better by the listeners with hearing loss. Conclusions: Every list of word-recognition materials has a few words on which recognition performances are noticeably poorer than performances on the majority of the remaining words. If the intention of an experiment is to evaluate performance at the word level, then identifying these “outliers” becomes a necessity. Although not evaluated in this report, the implications for 25-word lists are they should be based on recognition-performance data and not compiled arbitrarily.

2005 ◽  
Vol 16 (08) ◽  
pp. 622-630 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Christopher A. Burks ◽  
Deborah G. Weakley

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the relationship between psychometric functions for words presented in multitalker babble using a descending presentation level protocol and a random presentation level protocol. Forty veterans (mean = 63.5 years) with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing losses were enrolled. Seventy of the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 words spoken by the VA female speaker were presented at seven signal-to-babble ratios from 24 to 0 dB (10 words/step). Although the random procedure required 69 sec longer to administer than the descending protocol, there was no significant difference between the results obtained with the two psychophysical methods. There was almost no relation between the perceived ability of the listeners to understand speech in background noise and their measured ability to understand speech in multitalker babble. Likewise, there was a tenuous relation between pure-tone thresholds and performance on the words in babble and between recognition performance in quiet and performance on the words in babble.

2005 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 219-229 ◽  
Peggy Nelson ◽  
Kathryn Kohnert ◽  
Sabina Sabur ◽  
Daniel Shaw

Purpose: Two studies were conducted to investigate the effects of classroom noise on attention and speech perception in native Spanish-speaking second graders learning English as their second language (L2) as compared to English-only-speaking (EO) peers. Method: Study 1 measured children’s on-task behavior during instructional activities with and without soundfield amplification. Study 2 measured the effects of noise (+10 dB signal-to-noise ratio) using an experimental English word recognition task. Results: Findings from Study 1 revealed no significant condition (pre/postamplification) or group differences in observations in on-task performance. Main findings from Study 2 were that word recognition performance declined significantly for both L2 and EO groups in the noise condition; however, the impact was disproportionately greater for the L2 group. Clinical Implications: Children learning in their L2 appear to be at a distinct disadvantage when listening in rooms with typical noise and reverberation. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists should collaborate to inform teachers, help reduce classroom noise, increase signal levels, and improve access to spoken language for L2 learners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (08) ◽  
pp. 547-554
Soha N. Garadat ◽  
Ana'am Alkharabsheh ◽  
Nihad A. Almasri ◽  
Abdulrahman Hagr

Abstract Background Speech audiometry materials are widely available in many different languages. However, there are no known standardized materials for the assessment of speech recognition in Arabic-speaking children. Purpose The aim of the study was to develop and validate phonetically balanced and psychometrically equivalent monosyllabic word recognition lists for children through a picture identification task. Research Design A prospective repeated-measure design was used. Monosyllabic words were chosen from children's storybooks and were evaluated for familiarity. The selected words were then divided into four phonetically balanced word lists. The final lists were evaluated for homogeneity and equivalency. Study Sample Ten adults and 32 children with normal hearing sensitivity were recruited. Data Collection and Analyses Lists were presented to adult subjects in 5 dB increment from 0 to 60 dB hearing level. Individual data were then fitted using a sigmoid function from which the 50% threshold, slopes at the 50% points, and slopes at the 20 to 80% points were derived to determine list psychometric properties. Lists were next presented to children in two separate sessions to assess their equivalency, validity, and reliability. Data were subjected to a mixed design analysis of variance. Results No statistically significant difference was found among the word lists. Conclusion This study provided an evidence that the monosyllabic word lists had comparable psychometric characteristics and reliability. This supports that the constructed speech corpus is a valid tool that can be used in assessing speech recognition in Arabic-speaking children.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-53 ◽  
S. Rojathai ◽  
M. Venkatesulu

In speech word recognition systems, feature extraction and recognition plays a most significant role. More number of feature extraction and recognition methods are available in the existing speech word recognition systems. In most recent Tamil speech word recognition system has given high speech word recognition performance with PAC-ANFIS compared to the earlier Tamil speech word recognition systems. So the investigation of speech word recognition by various recognition methods is needed to prove their performance in the speech word recognition. This paper presents the investigation process with well known Artificial Intelligence method as Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network (FFBNN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The Tamil speech word recognition system with PAC-FFBNN performance is analyzed in terms of statistical measures and Word Recognition Rate (WRR) and compared with PAC-ANFIS and other existing Tamil speech word recognition systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (07) ◽  
pp. 531-546
Mitzarie A. Carlo ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Albert Villanueva-Reyes

Abstract Background English materials for speech audiometry are well established. In Spanish, speech-recognition materials are not standardized with monosyllables, bisyllables, and trisyllables used in word-recognition protocols. Purpose This study aimed to establish the psychometric characteristics of common Spanish monosyllabic, bisyllabic, and trisyllabic words for potential use in word-recognition procedures. Research Design Prospective descriptive study. Study Sample Eighteen adult Puerto Ricans (M = 25.6 years) with normal hearing [M = 7.8-dB hearing level (HL) pure-tone average] were recruited for two experiments. Data Collection and Analyses A digital recording of 575 Spanish words was created (139 monosyllables, 359 bisyllables, and 77 trisyllables), incorporating materials from a variety of Spanish word-recognition lists. Experiment 1 (n = 6) used 25 randomly selected words from each of the three syllabic categories to estimate the presentation level ranges needed to obtain recognition performances over the 10 to 90% range. In Experiment 2 (n = 12) the 575 words were presented over five 1-hour sessions using presentation levels from 0- to 30-dB HL in 5-dB steps (monosyllables), 0- to 25-dB HL in 5-dB steps (bisyllables), and −3- to 17-dB HL in 4-dB steps (trisyllables). The presentation order of both the words and the presentation levels were randomized for each listener. The functions for each listener and each word were fit with polynomial equations from which the 50% points and slopes at the 50% point were calculated. Results The mean 50% points and slopes at 50% were 8.9-dB HL, 4.0%/dB (monosyllables), 6.9-dB HL, 5.1%/dB (bisyllables), and 1.4-dB HL, 6.3%/dB (trisyllables). The Kruskal–Wallis test with Mann–Whitney U post-hoc analysis indicated that the mean 50% points and slopes at the 50% points of the individual word functions were significantly different among the syllabic categories. Although significant differences were observed among the syllabic categories, substantial overlap was noted in the individual word functions, indicating that the psychometric characteristics of the words were not dictated exclusively by the syllabic number. Influences associated with word difficulty, word familiarity, singular and plural form words, phonetic stress patterns, and gender word patterns also were evaluated. Conclusion The main finding was the direct relation between the number of syllables in a word and word-recognition performance. In general, words with more syllables were more easily recognized; there were, however, exceptions. The current data from young adults with normal hearing established the psychometric characteristics of the 575 Spanish words on which the formulation of word lists for both threshold and suprathreshold measures of word-recognition abilities in quiet and in noise and other word-recognition protocols can be based.

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