scholarly journals Organic agriculture in the system of the sustainable use of natural resources

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00219
Tatiana Polushkina ◽  
Yulia Akimova ◽  
Elena Kovalenko ◽  
Olga Yakimova

World experience indicates that the problems of ensuring sustainable development of agriculture have become an urgent need, therefore, the concepts of traditional technology for cultivating crops should be substantially revised not only from the standpoint of environmental management, but also to improve the economic situation in the industry. Greening of agriculture contributes to natural restoration of soil fertility, maintaining the balance of nature, on which agricultural economy largely depends. A growing quantity of farms in the USA, China, Russia, India, Japan and the EU countries conduct their farming in harmony with nature. The ultimate goals of their activities are ecologically balanced farming, animal husbandry and this agriculture industry technology acts as an alternative to traditional (industrial) farming. Development of organic agriculture involves the search and implementation of new technologies from a science-based position and due to the laws of optimal environmental management. In the article, the authors substantiate the need to enhance introduction of organic farming methods in order to ensure sustainable development and sustainable use of natural resources. Based on the study of foreign agriculture experience, the authors developed a number of key measures for the development of organic agriculture in Russian conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8658
Vojko Potocan

This study examined the importance of technologies in advancing modern organizations’ corporate social responsibility (CSR). Drawing upon environmentalist and technological theories, we analyzed the shift from the traditional development of technology to the development of sustainable technologies for the further sustainable advancement of organizations. Technology has decisively influenced the development of humankind, but its research has traditionally excluded sustainable development issues. Newer technological visions have addressed the incorporation of technologies in all industries more comprehensively to solve social issues related to environmental protection and sustainable economic development. Such an orientation is followed by several conceptual solutions, such as the sustainable use of traditional technologies, development of sustainable technologies, and interdisciplinary treatment of sustainable technology to extend the CSR model. The results of our study have theoretical implications, highlighting the effects of technological development and new technologies on the course of further societal sustainable development. Practical implications include extending CSR’s Triple Bottom model with a technological dimension to improve organizations’ further sustainable operating and behavior.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Zlatka Grigorova ◽  
Ekaterina Arabsk

The paper examines the significance, opportunities and ways of biodiversity preservation and sustainable use of natural resources in the central region of the mountain of Rhodopes in Bulgaria.The proposed integrated model of recommendations embraces the following issues: preservation of rare, in danger of extinction and protected plant and animal species and their habitats; implementation of approved environmentally friendly practices in plant growing and animal husbandry; sustainable use of forest, hunting and fishing resources; knowledge, capacity building and motivation in applying measures for sustainable development.In fact that model is composed of many components and considers a number of important aspects. Its application will contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources and preserved biodiversity for future generations. 

Tumai Murombo ◽  
Isaac Munyuki

A recent development in South African environmental law is the use of plea and sentencing agreements. The main objective of environmental law is to promote the sustainable use of natural resources while preventing pollution and ecological degradation. Grand environmental due diligence processes could achieve sustainable development; the use of criminal sanctions with sentencing agreements could be more effective. This paper answers the question whether the plea and sentencing agreements in reality achieve the objectives of environmental regulation? This study analyses this recent development by looking at selected recent cases in South Africa. The study found that plea and sentence agreements are potentially effective, subject to the effective monitoring of compliance and enforcement against non-compliance with the undertakings made by the accused person. Without institutional strengthening and effective monitoring, the plea and sentence agreement procedure remains ineffective.

Malgorzata Pankowska

Today, business organizations seem to be involved in the processes of sustainable development. Therefore, not only economic indicators of performance are considered but also the environmental responsibility is equally important. The environmental responsibility covers social responsibility and natural environment responsibility. The latter demands taking into account promotion of sustainable use of renewable natural resources, reducing the emissions and wastages, decrease of energy consumption. The first part of the paper includes presentation of benefits resulting from IT (Information Technology) resources virtualization, grid computing and cloud computing development. The second part contains a model of IT governance for sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Gian Nova Sudrajat Nur

This paper discusses local wisdom from local communities in Indonesiain environmental management of natural resources asimplementation of sustainable development. The purpose of this paper isprovide an overview of the forms of natural resource management andovercoming environmental problems based on local wisdom asinsight for community development activities. This research is descriptivequalitative analytical descriptive method using a theoretical approachcultural ecology through literature study. From the results of this study, it is known that the valuesculture in Indonesia tends to be ecocentric and biocentric, so it cansaid to be a deep ecology (ecology that is deep / concentrated). Apart from that, it was shown toocultural values ??regulate the management of natural resources wisely. This writingalso shows that local wisdom as cultural ecology is an insightimportant in community development activities because it is not just shapingindependence and creating prosperity. More than that, cultural ecology isembodiment of sustainable development.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-99 ◽  
Mariana Martins da Costa Quinteiro ◽  
Ana Mayumi Gonçalves Tamashiro ◽  
Moemy Gomes de Moraes

A Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo apontada como ferramenta de fundamental importância na aderência da sociedade moderna a novos paradigmas. Definir o ferramental metodológico para implementar a sustentabilidade é um grande desafio. Informações sobre o uso de recursos naturais por populações tradicionais têm oferecido modelos de uso sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a interface entre a Educação Ambiental e a Etnobotânica, pelo paradigma da complexidade ambiental, enfatizando a importância das perspectivas de retorno dos trabalhos para a comunidade. A Etnobotânica, abordada de forma mais complexa, pode fornecer subsídios para realização de ações em EA embasadas na realidade socioambiental e nas formas de cognição específicas das comunidades estudadas. Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento sustentável, etnociência, comunidades tradicionais ABSTRACT Means of returning the ethnobotanical research to the community on the paradigm of environmental complexity and environmental education. The Environmental Education (EE) has been identified as a tool of fundamental importance in the adherence of modern society to the new paradigms. Set the methodological tools for implementing sustainability is a major challenge. Information about the use of natural resources by traditional populations has offered models for sustainable use. The aim of this study is to analyze the interface between Environmental Education and ethnobotany, considering the paradigm of environmental complexity and emphasizing the importance of the prospects of returning the work to the community. Ethnobotany, addressed in a more complex way, might aid the implementation of actions in EE grounded in socio-environmental reality and in the specific forms of cognition of the studied communities. Key-words: sustainable development, ethnoscience, traditional communities

2021 ◽  
Vol 278 ◽  
pp. 03020
Sergey Zhironkin ◽  
Olga Zhironkina ◽  
Dawid Szurgacz

Currently, studies of the problems of convergence of leading countries in terms of the lean use of natural resources, the reduction of harmful emissions and the transition to using new types of energy carriers are highly relevant, with regard to sustainable development mainstream. At the same time, the majority of authors consider convergent processes from an economic or socio-political point of view. In this regard, the article examines the issues of ecological convergence, as a special structural shift in the economy, leading to radical positive changes in the environmental management system and a decrease in anthropogenic impact on the environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Yasminingrum Yasminingrum

<p>Protection and environmental management to ensure the fulfillment and protection of the environment as a part of human rights. As part of the human rights protection and management of the environment in the use of natural resources implemented harmonious, harmonious and balanced with environmental functions. The use of natural resources is based on government policies that are imbued with the obligation to conserve the environment and realize the goal of sustainable environmental development. One way to realize the goal of environmentally sustainable development is to optimize the participation of the community in the protection and management of the environment.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 31-38 ◽  
Anda Jankava ◽  
Velta Parsova ◽  
Maija Berzina ◽  
Aina Palabinska

With growing importance of the global economy, one of the basic natural resources - intensity of land use - is also increasing, which often is the cause of land degradation processes. The causes and manifestations of brownfields are diverse, and their elimination is the first prerequisite for the sustainable use of land resources and development of each region. Improvement, maximal and efficient engagement in economic activity of brownfields is one of the key challenges for sustainable resource use that makes significant contribution to regional development. The reuse of brownfields has significant impact on sustainable development as it meets all three of its objectives: improving the economy, improving social cohesion and the environment. The aim of the article is on the basis of special literature examples to examine issues of sustainable development, evaluation and restoration of brownfields, transformation of brownfields into recreational areas, as well as further use of brownfields in cities and rural areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 174-191
Anastasiya Sevastyanova ◽  
Victor Yatsenko

Numerous studies demonstrate that the goals of economic growth frequently take precedence over addressing social problems and problems of environmental degradation. The manifestations of this imbalance differ from country to country depending on the stage of development of the productive forces, and institutional framework that ensures the creation and adoption of new practices and approaches to exploitation of natural resources. This problem is entirely inherent into the economies of resource regions. The paper aims to examine the impact of the extraction of raw materials demanded by the national economy on the problems and prospects of the long-term sustainable development of northern Russian localities. Methodologically, the research rests on the theory of inclusive development and evolutionary economic geography. The comparative analysis of the formation of local budgets and dynamics of the Okrug in Russia reveals that the degree of their financial sufficiency depends insignificantly on the scales and dynamics of raw material production. The legislation on assigning revenues to local budgets takes into account the specifics of the northern oiland gas-producing territories rather poorly. The financial capabilities of local communities do not allow handling existing ecological problems. The growth in hydrocarbon production in current institutional conditions does not guarantee sustainable long-term development for such territories. Addressing environmental issues requires instituting serious changes at federal and regional levels, including making the alterations to the articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is also crucially important to give financial incentives to introduce new technologies, provide research grants, lower labour taxes, and raise taxes on the use of natural resources.

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