institutional strengthening
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-115
M.Farhan Fahrudin ◽  
Siska Mardiana ◽  
Annisarizki Annisarizki

INPOWER-CARE programs as the implementation of Community Relations is the fostered partner of Omah Kreteg Anggana, this activity aims to develop skills and welfare for the community, especially around the company by promoting the Suralaya locality, namely sambal kreteg. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and development of the INPOWER-CARE program of Omah Kreteg Anggana's fostered partners as the implementation of the Community Relations program. This study used a qualitative approach with case study methods and data collection techniques by conducting observations, in-depth interviews with four informants, documentation and literature. The results of this study indicate that the Division of Public Relations and Community Development PT. Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU in implementing the program, Community Relations, namely by maintaining relationships with the community by conducting socialization needed by the community and establishing intimacy with the people who participate in the program. Meanwhile, in developing the program of Omah Kreteg Anggana's fostered partners, they carried out institutional strengthening in accordance with the RENSTRA and RENJA. With the implementation of this program, the relationship between the company and the community is getting closer and mutually beneficial to one another.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-99
Rahmat Fadhil ◽  
Muhammad Yasir Yusuf ◽  
T. Saiful Bahri ◽  
Hafiizh Maulana ◽  
Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi

This paper uses Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to formulate strategies to prevent moral hazard acts in agricultural insurance in Indonesia. Agricultural insurance takes place, mainly, through Rice Crop Insurance and Cattle Insurance. Generally, the strategies that can be performed to minimize moral hazard practice in agricultural insurance programs are: developing the capacity of human resources, improving field communication, enforcing penalties, institutional strengthening, and adding new products through Islamic agricultural insurance. Specifically, this paper proposes that the prevention of moral hazard practices can be done by implementing Islamic agricultural insurance systems with the concept of risk-sharing instead of risk transfer.

2021 ◽  
Abdul Gaffar

Analisis kekuatan program KB dengan evidence based analysis, field force analysis, institutional strengthening analysis dan need community analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-121
Septa Riadi ◽  
Ahiruddin Ahiruddin ◽  
Kuswarak Kuswarak ◽  
Husna Purnama

This study aims to analyze and examine the main issues in any news on the internet related to the challenges of Islamic Religious Higher Education. Online News is obtained using the Google Indonesia search engine using the keyword "PTKI Challenge". In this study, 22 most popular news items were analyzed related to these keywords. All the news is then coded to find the main topic contained in the news using NVivo version 12 software. The results of the main topic analysis show that the PTKI Challenge according to various news quotes has revealed many things with 58 references obtained by researchers from 22 online news. The 58 references are divided into twenty main topics. Of the 20 main topics mentioned above, the most highlighted challenge was "the curriculum does not fit the needs" which were quoted from 8 references. Next, the most cited challenge for PTKI is the “Pandemic” which throughout 2020 is currently hitting Indonesia with 6 references. Furthermore, the challenge for PTKI that was highlighted the most was Institutional Strengthening, totaling 6 citations. And also widely quoted is the acquisition of skills and knowledge in PTKI which is a challenge with as many as 6 references.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 332-344
Siti Amerieska ◽  
Atik Andhayani ◽  
Novi Nugrahani

The number of fraud cases in Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) necessitates the implementation of accountability in order to reduce the potential for corruption or other forms of fraud within the BUMDes entity. Meanwhile, research on accountability in BUM Desa has received little attention. This paper aims to study an accountability model based on Sustainable Livelihood Assets, which include accountability based on asset potential (natural, physical, financial, human, social and cultural assets) that has been institutionalized in the management of BUMDes. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with content analysis method and as theoretical triangulation also uses data in the form of interviews with BUMDes directors and staff, village heads, and the community. The result Legal, policy, and compliance accountability for aspects of governance is the main foundation for complying with the regulations set in BUMDes, which states that BUMDes problems in their management are required elements of prudence that prioritize transparency and accountability. Managerial Accountability that emphasis in the managerial aspect is on how to embed the institutional elements of BUMDes that are patterned on administration, reporting, and accountability. It is possible that the procedural system for managing BUMDes includes several aspects such as social for institutional strengthening, the transformation of the environment into management, and the development of BUMDes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 262
Mimin Sundari Nasution ◽  
Zulkarkarnaini . ◽  
Mayarni .

A conservation area that has cultural-based fisheries activities, traditional leaders play a role as activity controllers and have a vision to conserve and provide protection in the area around this customary lake. On the other hand, ecologically, Bakuok Lake is very worrying. Based on the rules regarding the prohibition on Lake Bakuok, not all of these rules were carried out and implemented properly, even though there were already monitoring, there were still violations that occurred. The number of institutions involved in the development of Lake Bakuok have so far been temporary or temporary in nature, and have run separately and have not yet formed a systematic collaboration. This study aims to see how to strengthen local institutions in the sustainable management of Lake Bakuok. This research uses qualitative research methods that aim to obtain a holistic (holistic) picture of a phenomenon in Lake Bakuok. The results showed several important items that the institutional strengthening of lolak in the management of Danau Bakuok was not optimal. As seen from the dimension of human resource development that has not been maximized where there is no training or technical provisioning in order to increase skills. The dimension of organizational strengthening is also not optimal even though there is support for several activities but it is only temporary and unsustainable. Meanwhile, in the institutional reform dimension, it was found that several rules and regulations that had been made by ninik mamak were still violated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 348-355
Indri Fariroh ◽  
Nurul Dwi Novikarumsari ◽  
Ratih Apri Utami

Hidayah Tani Farmers Group is a farmer's institution in Jember, East Java. The potential for large cayenne pepper productivity is around 523 tons, but most members of the Farmers Group still prioritize farming with rice-rice-palawija and rice-rice-tobacco cropping patterns. Meanwhile, cayenne pepper as a local potential has not become a priority because of the lack of technical knowledge about cayenne pepper cultivation. This group has several needs in terms of assistance and economic empowerment through farmer group institutions. Through group-based institutions, farmers can get counseling and assistance related to the cultivation of cayenne pepper in an integrated manner by utilizing their yards. Service activities are carried out through socialization of service programs, providing integrated cayenne pepper cultivation assistance, conducting counseling related to institutional strengthening of farmer groups, and monitoring and evaluation. Farmers' responses to the implementation of the mentoring program showed that the participants' perception of the cayenne pepper cultivation technique was good, and the women agreed that there would be a Women Farmers Group formed.

Irfan Fauzi ◽  
Danial Sultan ◽  
Abdul Rauf

Coastal is the meeting area between land and sea. This study aimed to (1) calculate how much shoreline change in East Sinjai Sub-district (2) analyze the factors that influence changes in the coastline in East Sinjai District (3) formulate strategic directions for shoreline change management in East Sinjai Sub-district. Citra data processing method used Er-Mappaer and Arcgis, and management strategy direction used SWOT analysis. The results of citra interpretation showed that the shoreline change in abrasion was 9.73 Ha and accretion was 20.39 Ha. The factors that caused the changes in the coastline included waves, currents, tides and conditions of the coastal ecosystem in East Sinjai Sub-district. In the coastal management analysis, there were 4 management strategies; determined coastal conservation areas as a measure to control abrasion and sedimentation, developed strategies that referred to ICM (integrated Coastal Management), improved the quality and awareness of human resources on coastal environmental management and law enforcement and institutional strengthening in coastal management. The use of high-resolution citra required further research by adding parameters such as the type of substrate and sedimentation rate. For the government of Sinjai District to conduct a study on mitigation of coastal abrasion and sedimentation disasters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Zackharia Rialmi ◽  
Ranila Suciati ◽  
Siti Hidayati ◽  
Ranti Nugraheni

Institutional strengthening in the form of establishing an organizational structure model, drafting job descriptions and handling conflicts are very important issues today. The need for institutional strengthening is needed not only in large organizations but also very much needed by small organizations such as MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). The Garbage Bank is a type of investment from the sale of community waste that is not cashed directly but is recorded as personal savings. The Sustainable Waste Bank, which was established by a community of environmental care residents at Perum Taman Banten Lestari, has experienced ups and downs in its organizational journey, institutional strengthening is expected to be one of the supporting tools so that this organization can survive and grow in the future. From the results of the implementation of this institutional strengthening activity, results were obtained in the form of a more introduction to the importance of making a clear organizational structure and preparation of job descriptions so that there is no overlapping in the implementation of duties and authorities within the organization. Abstrak Penguatan kelembagaan berupa penetapan model struktur organisasi, penyusunan job description dan handling conflict menjadi isu yang sangat penting dewasa ini. Kebutuhan akan penguatan kelembagaan diperlukan tidak hanya di organisasi besar tetapi juga sangat diperlukan oleh organisasi kecil seperti UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah). Bank Sampah merupakan jenis investasi dari penjualan sampah masyarakat yang tidak secara langsung diuangkan akan tetapi dicatat sebagai tabungan pribadi. Bank Sampah Lestari yang didirikan komunitas warga peduli lingkungan hidup di Perum Taman Banten Lestari ini mengalami pasang surut di dalam perjalanan organisasinya, penguatan kelembagaan diharapkan menjadi salah satu tools yang mendukung agar organisasi ini bisa survive dan semakin berkembang ke depannya. Dari hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan penguatan kelembagaan ini didapatkan hasil berupa pengenalan lebih akan pentingnya pembuatan struktur organisasi yang jelas, dan penyusunan job description sehingga tidak terjadi tumpang tindih pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang di dalam organisasi. Kata Kunci: penguatan kelembagaan; struktur organisasi; job description; umkm bank sampah

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