scholarly journals Relationship of cow behavioral performance with milk productivity in the conditions of robotic milking

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 00039
Lenar R. Zagidullin ◽  
Rifat R. Khisamov ◽  
Rubin R. Kayumov ◽  
Radik R. Shaidullin

Research has been conducted to study the cow’s behavioral acts of the Tatarstan type of Kholmogory breed and their relationship with milk productivity in the robotic milking system. It was found that cows spend 706.7 minutes, or 49.1 % of the daily time, in the lying position, and 733.3 minutes, or 50.1 %, in the standing position. Animals spend 283.7 minutes (19.7 % of the daily time) on taking food, 497.3 minutes (34.5 %) on rumination, of which 150 minutes (10.4 %) – standing, 347.3 (24.1) – lying down. 232.3 minutes (16.1 %) of the time the cows stood in one place and were inactive. The movement took 42.7 minutes or 3 % of the daily time. After dividing the cows into 3 groups by productivity was found that highly productive animals were milked 1.9 times more compared to low-productivity animals (4.7 versus 2.7 times). They also spent more time standing (34.5 %), consumed more food (21.0 %), and chewed less cud (13.9 %). Animals assigned to the active and ultra-active groups by the motor activity index outperformed animals of the infro-passive and passive groups by 26.9 % in daily milking.


Приведены результаты исследования этологии коров Татарстанского типа холмогорской породы в условиях роботизированного доения. Для анализа результатов рассчитаны индексы пищевой, двигательной и общей активности. Коровы по молочной продуктивности разделены на 3 группы: низкопродуктивные, среднепродуктивные и высокопродуктивные. Индекс пищевой активности в среднем у животных составил 0,542. Минимальная пищевая активность наблюдалась между 7 и 8 ч (0,344), максимальная — между 20 и 21 ч (0,667). Индекс двигательной активности варьировал от 0,222 между 6 и 7 ч до 0,717 между 15 и 16 ч. Индекс общей активности составил 0,751. Животные проявляют определенный вид активности в течение 75% суточного времени. Периоды наибольшей активности наблюдаются в 8—9 ч (0,928), 15—16 (0,878) и 20—21 (0,883) ч. В ночное время коровы менее активны, чем в дневное. Животные доились в среднем 3,8 раза в сутки, при этом низкопродуктивные — 2,8 раза, среднепродуктивные — 3,6, высокопродуктивные — 4,7 раза. Индекс пищевой активности у животных разных групп составляет 0,542—0,543. Однако животные высокопродуктивной группы принимали корм на 54 мин дольше, чем низкопродуктивные. Высокопродуктивные животные больше времени проводили стоя: индексы двигательной активности в группах составили 0,415, 0,528 и 0,556. Самыми активными были животные средней молочной продуктивности, индекс общей активности которых составил 0,762. The results of a study of the ethology of cows of Kholmogory breed of Tatarstan type in the conditions of robotic milking are presented. To analyze the results, indexes of food, motor and total activity were calculated. Cows on milk productivity are divided into 3 groups: low-productive, medium-productive and high-productive. The index of food activity of animals was 0.542. The minimum of food activity was observed between 7 and 8 hours (0.344), the maximum — between 20 and 21 hours (0.667). The motor activity index ranged from 0.222 between 6 and 7 hours to 0.717 between 15 and 16 hours. The total activity index was 0.751. Animals show a certain type of activity during 75 % of the daily time. The periods of greatest activity are observed in 8—9 (0.928), 15—16 (0.878), and 20—21 (0.883) hours. At night, cows are less active than in the daytime. Animals were milked on average 3.8 times a day, while low-productivity — 2.8 times, medium-productive — 3.6 times, high-productive — 4.7 times. The index of food activity in animals of different groups is 0.542.—.0.543. However, animals of the high-productive group ate for 54 minutes more than the low-productivity ones. Highly productive animals spend more time standing: motor activity indexes in the groups were 0.415, 0.528 and 0.556. The most active are animals of medium milk productivity, the index of total activity of which was 0.762.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 35-41
Nikolay Moga

Traditionally, the problem of muscle spasticity was considered by experts as a kind of local problem associated with the inhibition or traumatisation of the central motor neuron in a certain part of its path. According to this approach, only the first stage of the causal relationship of the two systems was reflected: the nervous and the muscular systems. In the following, intrasystem relations of the muscle and muscle complex appeared according to the type of harmonization or destructivization of the activity of this system. To resolve this problematic situation, the article examines the original theory of Thomas V. Myers about “anatomical trains” or “myofascial meridians” as an integral musculoskeletal system of the human body, which forms the basis of its anatomy and motor activity. Key ideas of tensegrity as a structure of balanced compression-tension of the musculoskeletal system are identified, and it is necessary to rush to the targets, carrying out the correction of motor disorders of the tender age children with paresis of central type by means of physical education. For deeper understanding of the activities of these mechanisms of children myofascial status harmonization, the main myofascial lines were briefly characterized: surface back line, surface frontal line, lateral line, spiral line, arm lines. On this basis, working hypothesis was formulated as for using the holistic myofascial system capabilities of the child’s body to correct both the tonic state of individual spastic muscles and to improve the general children motor status. To check the formulated hypothesis, the directions of the implementation of correctively directed physical education of tender age children with central paresis of different localization levels were indicated. An attempt was made to use the basic knowledge of the myofascial meridians functioning to increase the efficiency of diagnosing the state of musculoskeletal formations of children with spastic paresis, developing strategies and tactics for correcting their tonic state, methods and techniques for adjusting the balance of compression and tension of these structures to improve children motor activity and to improve the efficiency of their basic motor regimes mastering. There was made a fundamental conclusion that the correctional work by means of physical education should be preceded by preparatory work aimed at normalization of the whole myofascial system of a child with a spastic type of movement disorders, which can be carried out using purely medical techniques and the techniques based on the means of children physical education. Prospects of the scientific and practical development of the problem indicated in this article are highlighted separately.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 209-219 ◽  
Debra F Horwitz

Practical relevance: Urine spraying (synonymous terms include urine marking or scent marking) is commonly described as urine deposited on vertical surfaces while the cat is in a standing position. With the increasing trend of keeping cats indoors in some countries and the potential resultant increase in frustration-related behaviors, urine spraying may occur in the home. Although also a normal feline behavior, it is usually not deemed acceptable when the cat targets household possessions. Urine spraying is a common behavioral complaint that practitioners receive from cat owners and has the potential to disrupt the human–cat bond. In fact, feline elimination issues are a frequent reason cited by owners when they relinquish their cats to shelters and rescue organizations. Clinical challenges: While the location of the deposited urine should be diagnostic, this is not always the case. Urine marking can occur on horizontal surfaces, thus complicating the diagnosis. Urine spraying by intact males and females is used to signal availability for mating but the behaviour can also be exhibited by neutered animals. Multiple factors including medical problems can trigger the onset and maintenance of urine spraying, and correct identification of these is necessary for treatment to be most successful. Evidence base: This review draws on information from multiple studies that have been published on the normal aspects of urine spraying in cats, the frequency as reported by owners, the relationship of urine spraying to intercat aggression and various treatment options including behavior modification, pheromone therapy and use of psychoactive medication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00038
Lenar R. Zagidullin ◽  
Rifat R. Khisamov ◽  
Rubin R. Kayumov ◽  
Igor V. Lomakin ◽  
Nadezhda M. Kanalina

Studies have been conducted to assess the lactation productivity of first-calf cows of Kholmogory breed of Tatarstan type using robotic milking systems. The following changes in the amount of milking over the course of 10 months of lactation were observed: during the first month, the cows were milked the least number of times, which was 75, or 2.4 times per day. During the second month, they were milked 86 times (2.8 per day). By the 4th month, milking reached a peak of 93 times (3 per day). By the 5th month, a decline was observed (by 11 % compared to the 4th month). The average number of milking times per day was 2.8 ± 0.05 times. The amount of milking is closely correlated with milk productivity: twicemilked cows had an average productivity of 15.3 kg, 3 times – 19.0 kg, and 4 times – 27.0 kg (r = 0.69). The milking robot spent approximately 108 seconds, or 29 % of the time spent in the milking box, on preparation activities, including: udder cleaning, 39 seconds; scanning the position of the utter, 21 seconds; and connecting milking cups, 48 seconds. Lactation took most of the time, namely 251 seconds, or 66 %. The peak milk production takes place during the second month of lactation, 681.3 kg. By the third month, a decline was observed by 4.8 %, to 648.1 kg. The maximum decrease in milk production by 12.4 % occurred between the 5th and 6th month of the tested lactation period.

1988 ◽  
Vol 94 (6) ◽  
pp. 1285-1291 ◽  
L.A. Houghton ◽  
N.W. Read ◽  
R. Heddle ◽  
M. Horowitz ◽  
P.J. Collins ◽  

Eta Berina Kuswardani ◽  
Arifin Arifin ◽  
Gunung Setiadi

The Use of High Heels and Work Fatigue at The Employee Mal. Usage of high heels with standing position continuously over working will have an impact on work fatigue. This study aims to determine the relationship of usage of high heels with fatigue on employee of Mal in Banjarbaru. This study used observational method with cross sectional design. Research instruments used are Questionnaires Measuring Work fatigue Feeling and ruler. Population in this study are 120 people. Sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling technique with total samples are 36 people. Data analysis in this study used correlation test rank spearman. The results of study is The employees used high heels with low altitude are 21 people and very high altitude are 15 people, The employees did not experience fatigue are 9 people, and employees experienced low fatigue are 15 people, and employees experienced middle fatigue are 12 people, and There was no relationship between the height of shoes with fatigue on employees of Mal in Banjarbaru. The employees should use high heels with the altitude have recommended that is maximum of 5 cm, because if >5 cm will be risky to affected a disorder of health.

F.F. Zinnatov ◽  

Based on the results of the analysis of the relationship between the DGAT1 gene polymorphism and economically valuable traits, it was concluded that animals with the DGAT1KK genotype have the highest milk yield and fat content. When analyzing the relationship of CSN3 gene polymorphism with milk productivity, it was found that higher rates are characteristic of mothers cows with a homozygous CSN3BB genotype. Animals of this group have an advantage, in comparison with the AB and AA genotypes, in milk yield, protein content, mass yield of fat and protein. When studying the data of the relationship between the LGB gene polymorphism and economically valuable traits, it was concluded that animals with the homozygous LGBBB genotype have the highest milk yield, fat, protein content, mass fat and protein yield.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S909-S910
Yujia (Susanna) Qiao ◽  
Theresa Gmelin ◽  
Robert M Boudreau ◽  
Stacy L Andersen ◽  
Stephanie Cosentino ◽  

Abstract Lower physical activity is cross-sectionally associated with greater fatigability; whether such a relationship holds for longitudinal changes in fatigability is under-studied. We examined this question in offspring (≥60 years, range 60-93y, 99.7% white; 53.2% female) enrolled in the Long Life Family Study, a two-generation cohort enriched for exceptional longevity and their spousal controls. At Visit 2 (2014-2017), we measured self-reported physical activity (PA) with the Framingham Physical Activity Index (dichotomized by median value: less active <37 MET-hrs/wk and more active ≥37 MET-hrs/wk). Perceived physical fatigability was assessed using the Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale (PFS, 0-50) at Visit 2 and repeated during a follow-up contact 2.7±0.92 years later. We constructed a repeated-measures linear mixed-effect model to examine the effect of PA on longitudinal change in PFS by median age (younger <70y; older ≥70y) adjusted for family structure, field center, follow-up time, sex, and self-rated health. We found a strong dose-response relationship of PFS scores across the four age/PA groups (ptrend<0.001). Specifically, older/less active (N=310) participants had the highest annual PFS increases of 0.37 points/yr (p<0.001) while those older/more active (N=340) had annual increases of 0.17 points/yr (p=0.03). Younger/less active (N=371) participants had annual PFS increases of 0.09 points/yr (p=0.008); those younger/more active (N=341) had annual decreases (improvement) of 0.18 points/yr (p<0.001). Although annual PFS changes were modest, our findings indicate physical activity attenuated age differences in these trajectories. Physical activity is emerging as a potential target for intervention aimed at reducing fatigability - an important risk factor in the disability pathway.

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