
Приведены результаты исследования этологии коров Татарстанского типа холмогорской породы в условиях роботизированного доения. Для анализа результатов рассчитаны индексы пищевой, двигательной и общей активности. Коровы по молочной продуктивности разделены на 3 группы: низкопродуктивные, среднепродуктивные и высокопродуктивные. Индекс пищевой активности в среднем у животных составил 0,542. Минимальная пищевая активность наблюдалась между 7 и 8 ч (0,344), максимальная — между 20 и 21 ч (0,667). Индекс двигательной активности варьировал от 0,222 между 6 и 7 ч до 0,717 между 15 и 16 ч. Индекс общей активности составил 0,751. Животные проявляют определенный вид активности в течение 75% суточного времени. Периоды наибольшей активности наблюдаются в 8—9 ч (0,928), 15—16 (0,878) и 20—21 (0,883) ч. В ночное время коровы менее активны, чем в дневное. Животные доились в среднем 3,8 раза в сутки, при этом низкопродуктивные — 2,8 раза, среднепродуктивные — 3,6, высокопродуктивные — 4,7 раза. Индекс пищевой активности у животных разных групп составляет 0,542—0,543. Однако животные высокопродуктивной группы принимали корм на 54 мин дольше, чем низкопродуктивные. Высокопродуктивные животные больше времени проводили стоя: индексы двигательной активности в группах составили 0,415, 0,528 и 0,556. Самыми активными были животные средней молочной продуктивности, индекс общей активности которых составил 0,762. The results of a study of the ethology of cows of Kholmogory breed of Tatarstan type in the conditions of robotic milking are presented. To analyze the results, indexes of food, motor and total activity were calculated. Cows on milk productivity are divided into 3 groups: low-productive, medium-productive and high-productive. The index of food activity of animals was 0.542. The minimum of food activity was observed between 7 and 8 hours (0.344), the maximum — between 20 and 21 hours (0.667). The motor activity index ranged from 0.222 between 6 and 7 hours to 0.717 between 15 and 16 hours. The total activity index was 0.751. Animals show a certain type of activity during 75 % of the daily time. The periods of greatest activity are observed in 8—9 (0.928), 15—16 (0.878), and 20—21 (0.883) hours. At night, cows are less active than in the daytime. Animals were milked on average 3.8 times a day, while low-productivity — 2.8 times, medium-productive — 3.6 times, high-productive — 4.7 times. The index of food activity in animals of different groups is 0.542.—.0.543. However, animals of the high-productive group ate for 54 minutes more than the low-productivity ones. Highly productive animals spend more time standing: motor activity indexes in the groups were 0.415, 0.528 and 0.556. The most active are animals of medium milk productivity, the index of total activity of which was 0.762.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 00039
Lenar R. Zagidullin ◽  
Rifat R. Khisamov ◽  
Rubin R. Kayumov ◽  
Radik R. Shaidullin

Research has been conducted to study the cow’s behavioral acts of the Tatarstan type of Kholmogory breed and their relationship with milk productivity in the robotic milking system. It was found that cows spend 706.7 minutes, or 49.1 % of the daily time, in the lying position, and 733.3 minutes, or 50.1 %, in the standing position. Animals spend 283.7 minutes (19.7 % of the daily time) on taking food, 497.3 minutes (34.5 %) on rumination, of which 150 minutes (10.4 %) – standing, 347.3 (24.1) – lying down. 232.3 minutes (16.1 %) of the time the cows stood in one place and were inactive. The movement took 42.7 minutes or 3 % of the daily time. After dividing the cows into 3 groups by productivity was found that highly productive animals were milked 1.9 times more compared to low-productivity animals (4.7 versus 2.7 times). They also spent more time standing (34.5 %), consumed more food (21.0 %), and chewed less cud (13.9 %). Animals assigned to the active and ultra-active groups by the motor activity index outperformed animals of the infro-passive and passive groups by 26.9 % in daily milking.

2019 ◽  
Tatyana Sedunova ◽  
Alexander Kudrin ◽  
Marina Mechanikova ◽  
Julia Smirnova

The article presents the data of ethological studies on dairy cows of the Ayrshire breed of the second lactation under conditions of stall-tethered keeping in the spring. Animals with increased nutritional activity have milk yield per 305 days of lactation higher by 1662 kg (P> 0.999) compared with animals with reduced nutritional activity. The amount of milk fat in animals with increased food activity is 72.8 kg more (P> 0.999), and the total amount of milk protein is 47.8 kg more (P> 0.999) than in animals with reduced food activity. An increased index of food activity characterizes Ayrshire cows. Comparison of milk yields obtained from Ayrshire cows with milk yields of cows with reduced food activity leads to the establishment of the following results: there is a difference in milk yield for the first lactation of 1179 kg (P> 0.999), a difference in the amount of milk fat 53.2 kg (P> 0.99), and by the amount of milk protein – 36.4 kg (P> 0.99). Comparison of the total activity index led to the following results: the difference in milk yield per 305 days of lactation is 1386 kg (P> 0.999), in the amount of milk fat 61.3 kg (P> 0.999), milk protein 40.0 kg (P> 0.999). The highest correlation is observed between the index of food activity and milk productivity in ultra-active animals. In infra-passive cows, the correlation between the index of food activity and milk productivity is negative. Therefore, an effective means of increasing milk productivity is the selection of animals of Ayrshire breed by ethological individuality, taking into account indices of food, motor, and general activity. The studied indices of ethological activity are inherited by cows and can be effectively used in breeding and breeding with highly productive cattle of the Vologda selection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00038
Lenar R. Zagidullin ◽  
Rifat R. Khisamov ◽  
Rubin R. Kayumov ◽  
Igor V. Lomakin ◽  
Nadezhda M. Kanalina

Studies have been conducted to assess the lactation productivity of first-calf cows of Kholmogory breed of Tatarstan type using robotic milking systems. The following changes in the amount of milking over the course of 10 months of lactation were observed: during the first month, the cows were milked the least number of times, which was 75, or 2.4 times per day. During the second month, they were milked 86 times (2.8 per day). By the 4th month, milking reached a peak of 93 times (3 per day). By the 5th month, a decline was observed (by 11 % compared to the 4th month). The average number of milking times per day was 2.8 ± 0.05 times. The amount of milking is closely correlated with milk productivity: twicemilked cows had an average productivity of 15.3 kg, 3 times – 19.0 kg, and 4 times – 27.0 kg (r = 0.69). The milking robot spent approximately 108 seconds, or 29 % of the time spent in the milking box, on preparation activities, including: udder cleaning, 39 seconds; scanning the position of the utter, 21 seconds; and connecting milking cups, 48 seconds. Lactation took most of the time, namely 251 seconds, or 66 %. The peak milk production takes place during the second month of lactation, 681.3 kg. By the third month, a decline was observed by 4.8 %, to 648.1 kg. The maximum decrease in milk production by 12.4 % occurred between the 5th and 6th month of the tested lactation period.

2008 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 351-355 ◽  
Giuseppe Piccione ◽  
Claudia Giannetto ◽  
Stefania Casella ◽  
Giovanni Caola

To evaluate if seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperature were associated with changes in total daily motor activity we recorded the total daily motor activity of five clinically healthy goats at four different times of the year (vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice). Goats were housed under natural photoperiod and natural ambient temperature in a 12-m2 sound-proof box equipped with 50 × 100 cm opening window, which allowed natural ventilation. Total motor activity of each goat was recorded by Actiwatch-Mini®, actigraphy-based data loggers that record a digitally integrated measure of motor activity. Our results show the existence of clear seasonal variations in daily activity rhythms in goats, with the highest daily amount of activity during the vernal equinox (769.21 ± 82.56 movements h-1) and the lowest during the winter solstice (401.65 ± 61.82 movements h-1) (P < 0.0001). There was also a change in the amount of motor activity observed during photophase and scotophase through the year (P < 0.0001). The cosine peak (times of the daily peaks), always occurred in the middle of the photoperiods and varied from season to season (P < 0.0001). Our data indicate that daily motor activity of goats varies with season. Key words: Daily rhythm, environmental condition, total activity, goat

О.В. Филинская ◽  
Д.Г. Керунова

Используя в качестве признака селекции коров показатели этологической оценки, можно ускорить совершенствование племенных стад. Исследования проводили в одном из предприятий Ярославской области на первотёлках айрширской породы с целью оценки молочной продуктивности коров с учётом их поведенческой активности. Наблюдения показали, что коровы были активными, большая часть времени уходила на стояние, лежание и поедание кормов. Активные животные больше времени отводили пищевому поведению. Повышение индексов пищевой, двигательной и общей активности сопровождалось возрастанием показателей продуктивности первотёлок. Так, надой за лактацию у коров с повышенным индексом общей активности был на 502,1 кг больше, чем у сверстниц, массовая доля жира и белка – на 0,02 абс.% и 0,04 абс.%, коэффициент молочности – на 105,6 кг. Особенно чёткая разность по продуктивности отмечается у животных разных функциональных классов по индексу пищевой активности. При распределении животных по классам активности также существует прямая связь между продуктивностью и активностью.Самыми высокомолочными были первотёлки ультраактивного класса (7311,6 кг), у инфрапассивных – 5736 кг. Ультраактивные животные характеризовались и относительно высоким содержанием жира и белка в молоке, а суммарное количество молочного жира и белка было достоверно выше на 30,2% по сравнению со сверстницами низкого класса активности. Коровы инфрапассивного класса характеризовались низкой кривой надоя, ультраактивные сверстницы имели высокую одновершинную лактационную кривую. Этологические признаки коров могут быть использованы для лучшего управления стадом и повышения общей продуктивности. Для хозяйств желательны молочные коровы с более активным типом поведения. Using ethological assessment indicators as a character of cow selection, improvement of breed herds can be accelerated. The researches were carried out in one of the enterprises of the Yaroslavl region on the first-calf heifers of the Ayrshire breed in order to assess the lactation performance of cows taking into account their behavioral activity. Observations showed that cows were active, most of the time spent standing, lying and eating feed. Active animals spent more time feeding behavior. The increase in indices of food, motor and general activity was accompanied by an increase in the productivity indicators of the first-calf heifers. Thus, milk yield for lactation in cows with an increased index of total activity was 502.1 kg more than in herdmates, mass fraction of fat and protein was more by 0.02 abs% and 0.04 abs%, milking capacity coefficient was more by 105.6 kg. A particularly clear difference in productivity is observed in animals of different functional classes according to the index of food activity. In the distribution of animals by activity class, there is also a direct relationship between productivity and activity. The ultra-active class first-calf heifers (7311.6 kg) were the highest-milk yielding ones, 5736 kg in the infra-passive ones. Ultra-active animals were also characterized by a relatively high content of fat and protein in milk and the total amount of milk fat and protein was significantly higher by 30.2% compared to low-class herdmates of activity. The infra-passive cows were characterized by a low milk yield curve and ultra-active herdmates had a high unimodal lactation curve. The ethological characters of cows can be used for better herd management and increasing overall productivity. Dairy cows with a more active type of behaviour are desirable for farms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (89) ◽  
pp. 75-78
N. M. Hordiichuk ◽  
B. S. Denkovich ◽  
L. M. Hordiichuk

With the introduction of intensive technologies, requirements that need to be taken into account when selecting animals for industrial production of livestock products are increasing. At the same time pay attention to the adaptability of animals to maintain large groups, the leveling of animals by productivity, the need for feed, and others. However, due regard is not paid to ethical indicators. In turn, the accounting of ethological indicators in the selection contributes to a more complete realization of the genetic potential of animals in the process of their livelihoods. In this regard, the practical application of scientifically grounded methods, taking into account the behavior of animals for the formation of herds of cows, capable of exhibiting high milk productivity in specific technological conditions, becomes of special significance. Formation of milk production of Simmental breed cows depends on the indicators of the rhythmic manifestation of behavioral reactions. It was established that the highest tastes, the content of fat and protein and their yields in milk were characterized by the firstborns, classified by the index of general activity to the group of active (4992 kg, 3.84%, 3.38%, 191.7 and 168.7 kg respectively) and ultraactive (respectively 4763 kg, 3.81%, 3.35%, 181.5 kg and 159.6 kg). Cows classified by the index of general activity as infra-passive and passive had significantly lower rates for their analogues of the active class, respectively: by their hopes – by 456 and 333 kg, by the fat content – by 0.02 and 0.04%, by the protein – 0.06 and 0.09%, the milk fat content – 18.4 and 14.7 kg, and protein – by 18.1 and 15.4%. Since the lowest productivity was observed in the cows of the group, they are infra-passive and passive, then the task is early detection and removal of animals with a low index of total activity index. Cows of different ethological groups differ significantly among themselves according to technological signs of udder. Animals of the active class are best adapted to machine milking. Calculations of the economic efficiency of milk production of cows of different ethological groups have shown that the use of ethological indicators in the formation of a dairy herd can reveal cows, capable of producing a much larger quantity of milk of high quality, while reducing the costs of its production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 204 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Kristina Nazarova ◽  
G. Berezkina

Abstract. Milking cows is the final stage, which determines the effectiveness of milk production with all other issues resolved. The number of dairy farms equipped with modern milking machines is growing in the republic. Simultaneously with the increase in milk productivity of cows, the task is to use the least labor-intensive and energy-intensive technologies for milk production. At the same time, the health and tranquility of cows is a prerequisite for this, it is necessary to use modern technologies. The purpose is to study the impact of milking technology on the level of milk productivity, milk quality and reproductive indicators of cows. The object of the study is cows of black-and-pesky breed in the leading tribal farms of the Vavozhskiy district of the Udmurt Republic – collective farm (APC) named after Michurin and APC collective farm “Kolos”. Methods. Three groups of cows were formed using the pair-analog method: 1st group – loose-box keeping of cows using a robotic milking system, 2nd – loose-box keeping using milking machines “Evroparallel”, 3rd – loose-box keeping using the technology of milking cows through the milking parlor “Кarusel”. Results. Thus, in case of careless-box content and use of robotic milking plant, cows of black and pesky breeds outnumbered cows, which were fed using “Evroparallel” plant and milking technology with the help of milking hall “Кarusel” on all indicators of dairy productivity investigated by us (except for content of mass fraction of protein in milk) and reproduction qualities. Scientific novelty. Milking machines of outdated designs do not quite meet the physiological state of the animals, which leads to the loss of milk, premature start of cows and the incidence of mastitis. Thus, in the Udmurt Republic, new farms and complexes are being built, which are equipped with modern automated milking equipment, which excludes direct human participation in the process of obtaining milk, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of milk.

E. A. Larkina ◽  
B. A. Mirzakhodjaev ◽  
A. Mirzakhodjaev ◽  
R. Akbarov

Тhe behavioral activity of such an extremely important agricultural object in scientific and practical terms as the silkworm still remains poorly studied. Aims: Сreation of silkworm lines with alternative behaviors to prove the genetic determinacy of the behavioral activity of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. Place and Duration of Study: The work was carried out at the Research Institute of Sericulture in the Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding of the silkworm in 2015-2020. The Ipakchi 1 and Ipakchi 2 breeds widely zoned in Uzbekistan were used as research objects. Methodology and Results: The Ipakchi 1 and Ipakchi 2 breeds widely zoned in Uzbekistan were used as research objects. The breeding of alternative silkworm lines in terms of motor activity was carried out by selecting the most active caterpillars and male butterflies in the "A" -lines (active), and the least active individuals in the "P"-lines (passive). The separation of individuals by motor activity led to their separation by reproductive and biological indicators. The difference between the lines by the average number of eggs in the clutch of the Ipakchi 1 breed in 2018 was 32 eggs, in 2020 already 133 eggs; by the mass of the clutch in 2018 – 25mg, in 2020 – 78mg. The same patterns were observed in the Ipakchi 2 breed. The greatest difference between the "A" and "P" lines was observed in the viability of caterpillars: in 2018 it was 3.2%, in 2020 already 6.9%. Conclusions: Selection of hatched larvae (caterpillars) and male butterflies by the speed of movement to the feed (the larvae) and to the sexual partner (butterflies) leads to the appearance of silkworm lines with alternative forms of motor activity.

2006 ◽  
Vol 189 (5) ◽  
pp. 461-462 ◽  
Tom F. D. Farrow ◽  
Michael D. Hunter ◽  
Rozana Haque ◽  
Sean A. Spence

SummaryAvolition affects quality of life in chronic schizophrenia. We investigated the effect of modafinil upon unconstrained motor activity in 18 male patients. In a randomised crossover design study wrist-worn actigraphic monitors were used to objectively record motor activity over a 20 h period. Patients' total activity was significantly greater when given the drug. These data suggest that modafinil increases quantifiable motor behaviour in schizophrenia and may have an impact on avolition.

Chiara Iacovelli ◽  
Pietro Caliandro ◽  
Marco Rabuffetti ◽  
Luca Padua ◽  
Chiara Simbolotti ◽  

Abstract Background Stroke units provide patients with a multiparametric monitoring of vital functions, while no instruments are actually available for a continuous monitoring of patients motor performance. Our aim was to develop an actigraphic index able both to identify the paretic limb and continuously monitor the motor performance of stroke patients in the stroke unit environment. Methods Twenty consecutive acute stroke patients (mean age 69.2 years SD 10.1, 8 males and 12 females) and 17 bed-restrained patients (mean age 70.5 years SD 7.3, 7 males and 10 females) hospitalized for orthopedic diseases of the lower limbs, but not experiencing neurological symptoms, were enrolled. This last group represented our control group. The motor activity of arms was recorded for 24 h using two programmable actigraphic systems showing off as wrist-worn watches. The firmware segmented the acquisition in epochs of 1 minute and for each epoch calculates two motor activity indices: MAe1 (Epoch-related Motor Activity index) and MAe2 (Epoch-related Motor Activity index 2). MAe1 is defined as the standard deviation of the acceleration module and MAe2 as the module of the standard deviation of acceleration components. To describe the 24 h motor performance of each limb, we calculated the mean value of MAe1 and MAe2 (respectively MA1_24h and MA2_24h). Then we obtained two Asymmetry Rate Indices: AR1_24h and AR2_24h to show the motor activity prevalence. AR1_24h refers to the asymmetry index between the values of MAe1 of both arms and AR2_24h to MAe2 values. The stroke patients were clinically evaluated by NIHSS at the beginning (NIHSST0) and at the end (NIHSST1) of the 24 h actigraphic recordings. Results Both MA1_24h and MA2_24h indices were smaller in the paretic than in the unaffected arm (respectively p = 0.004 and p = 0.004). AR2_24h showed a better capability (95% of paretic arms correctly identified, Phi Coefficient: 0.903) to discriminate the laterality of the clinical deficit than AR1_24h (85% of paretic arms correctly identified, Phi Coefficient: 0,698). We also found that AR1_24h did not differ between the two groups of patients while AR2_24h was greater in stroke patients than in controls and positively correlated with NIHSS total scores (r: 0.714, p < 0.001 for NIHSS, IC95%: 0.42–0.90) and with the sub-score relative to the paretic upper limb (r: 0.812, p < 0.001, IC95%: 0.62–0.96). Conclusions Our data show that actigraphic monitoring of upper limbs can detect the laterality of the motor deficit and measure the clinical severity. These findings suggest that the above described actigraphic system could implement the existing multiparametric monitoring in stroke units.

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