Approximation of null controls for semilinear heat equations using a least-squares approach
The null distributed controllability of the semilinear heat equation $\partial_t y-\Delta y + g(y)=f \,1_{\omega}$ assuming that $g\in C^1(\mathbb{R})$ satisfies the growth condition $\limsup_{r\to \infty} g(r)/(\vert r\vert \ln^{3/2}\vert r\vert)=0$ has been obtained by Fern\'andez-Cara and Zuazua in 2000. The proof based on a non constructive fixed point theorem makes use of precise estimates of the observability constant for a linearized wave equation. Assuming that $g^\prime$ is bounded and uniformly H\"older continuous on $\mathbb{R}$ with exponent $p\in (0,1]$, we design a constructive proof yielding an explicit sequence converging strongly to a controlled solution for the semilinear equation, at least with order $1+p$ after a finite number of iterations. The method is based on a least-squares approach and coincides with a globally convergent damped Newton methods: it guarantees the convergence whatever be the initial element of the sequence. Numerical experiments in the one dimensional setting illustrate our analysis.