scholarly journals Hydrogen Recovery from Hydrogen-Methane Gas Mixture Using Coffee Grounds Based Activated Carbon Bioadsorbent

2018 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 02046
Mahmud Sudibandriyo ◽  
Faracitra Kusumadewi

Hydrogen recovery from off-gas of hydrocracking unit by adsorption is one of the process that could increase the efficiency processes of refinery unit. The purpose of this research is to make coffee grounds based activated carbon bioadsorbent that will be used in hydrogen recovery proses. The carbon was prepared by chemical activation using ZnCl2 at temperature 600°C. The surface area of produced activated carbon was measured using BET and Iodine number, while its surface morphology and composition were characterized using SEM-EDX. The adsorption capacity of activated carbon and its selectivity will be tested using hydrogen-methane gas mixture. The test was carried out on pure methane and hydrogen gas at 20°C and a mixture of CH4/H2 (mole ratio: 4:1) at 10°C, 20°C and 30°C and pressures from 1 to 6 bars. The results of this study show that the activated carbon can be successfully produced having the specific surface area of 728.07 m2/g and the iodine number of 2160 mg/g. The result shows that the adsorption of pure CH4 gas at the same pressure was 2.4 times greater than pure H2. The adsorption test indicates that the produced activated carbon might be used for hydrogen/methane separation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 929 ◽  
pp. 128-135
Sheila Nabila Putri ◽  
Mahmud Sudibandriyo

The objective of the study is to obtain suitable adsorbent to be applied for the purification of hydrogen from hydrogen-methane gas mixture. The application will be used to increase the efficiency of process in refinery unit focusing on hydrogen supply as the feed of hydrocracking unit. One of the promising technology is adsorption. In this study, adsorbent used is utilized by palm shell based bioadsorbent activated carbon which is a potential raw material among others due to its carbon and lignin content also its abundant supply. The activated carbon is going through chemical activation using H3PO4 to increase its surface area. Characteristic test of produced activated carbon is measured to obtain surface area which resulted in BET surface area of 414.91 m2/g and iodine number of 716 mg/g. In this case, a detailed experimental study has been made for the adsorption of pure methane, and pure hydrogen at 20°C and CH4/H2 gas mixture at 10, 20, and 30°C isothermal condition with pressure variation for each isothermal condition 1 – 6 bar. Measurement were made using volumetric technique coupled with gas chromatographic analysis. The result of adsorption test shows at 20°C adsorption of pure CH4 was highest followed by mixture gas of CH4/H2 with 1.5% methane then pure H2. The adsorption of gas mixture for any composition of gas were increased with increasing pressure at all temperatures. At the same pressure, adsorption of gas mixture that composed of 8.5% methane at 10 and 30°C increased in lower isothermal condition. Based on gas chromatograph analysis, in all conditions methane in gas mixture is all adsorbed to activated carbon. The trend of isothermal adsorption also fits the Langmuir model of isothermal adsorption.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-98
Andy Mizwar

Limbah rotan dari industri kerajinan dan mebel berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan karbon aktif karena memiliki kandungan holoselulosa dan kadar karbon yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas dari aktivasi kimia menggunakan larutan natrium klorida (NaCl) yang dilanjutkan dengan aktivasi fisik dalam pembuatan karbon aktif berbahan dasar  limbah serutan rotan. Pembuatan karbon aktif diawali dengan proses karbonisasi pada suhu 250°C selama 1 jam. Selanjutnya aktivasi kimia menggunakan larutan NaCl dengan variasi konsentrasi 10%, 15% dan 20% serta waktu perendaman selama 10, 15 dan 20 jam. Aktivasi fisik dilakukan dengan pembakaran pada suhu 700°C selama 30 menit. Analisis karakteristik fisik-kimia karbon aktif mengacu pada SNI 06-3730-95, meliputi kadar air, fixed carbon, dan iodine number, sedangkan perhitungan luas permukaan spesifik karbon aktif dilakukan dengan Metode Sears. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum aktivasi kimia terjadi pada konsentrasi NaCl 10% dan lama perendaman 10 jam dengan hasil analisis kadar air 2.90%, fixed carbon 72.70%, iodine number 994.59 mg/g dan luas permukaan 1587.67 m²/g. Peningkatan fixed carbon, iodine number dan luas permukaan karbon aktif berbanding terbalik dengan peningkatan konsentrasi NaCl dan lama waktu perendaman, sedangkan peningkatan kadar air pada karbon aktif berlaku sebaliknya. Rattan waste from handicraft and furniture industry could potentially be used as raw material of activated carbon due to high content of holoselulosa and carbon. This paper investigates the effectiveness of chemical activation using sodium chloride (NaCl) followed by physical activation in the making of activated carbon-based on rattan shavings waste. Preparation of the activated carbon began with the carbonization process at 250°C for 1 hour. Furthermore chemical activation using a variation of NaCl concentrations 10%, 15% and 20% as well as the time of immersion 10, 15 and 20 hours. Physical activation was done by burning at 700°C for 30 minutes. Analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of the activated carbon was referred to the SNI 06-3730-95, including of moisture content, fixed carbon and iodine number, while the calculation of the specific surface area was done by the Sears’s method. The results of this study showed that the optimum conditions of chemical activation occurred in impregnation by NaCl 10% for 10 hours. The water content, fixed carbon, iodine number and surface area of activated carbon was 2.90%, 72.70%, 994.59 mg/g and 1587.67 m²/g  respectively. The increase values of fixed carbon, iodine number, and surface area was inversely proportional to the increase of NaCl concentration and the length of impregnation time, while the increase of water content applied vice versa.

2011 ◽  
Vol 704-705 ◽  
pp. 517-522 ◽  
Xiao Juan Jin ◽  
Zhi Ming Yu ◽  
Gao Jiang Yan ◽  
Wu Yu

Activated carbons were prepared through chemical activation of lignin from straw pulping precursor using potassium carbonate as the chemical agent. Effects of activated temperature, K2CO3/lignin ratio and the activated time on the yield, Iodine number of activated carbon were investigated. Experimental results indicated that the optimum conditions were as follow: activated temperature 800°C, K3CO3(40% concentration) /lignin ratio 5: l, activated time 50min. These conditions allowed us to obtain a BET surface area of 1104 m2/g, including the external or non-microporous surface of 417 m2/g,Amount of methylene blue adsorption, Iodine number and the yield of activated carbon prepared under optimum conditions were 10.6mL/0.lg,1310 mg/g and 19.75%, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-89
Sriatun Sriatun ◽  
Shabrina Herawati ◽  
Icha Aisyah

The starting material for activated carbon was biomass from teak woodcutting, which consists of 47.5% cellulose, 14.4% hemicellulose, and 29.9% lignin. The surface area and iodine number of activated carbons are the factors determining the adsorption ability. This study aims to determine the effect of the activator type on activated carbon characters and test the absorption ability for waste cooking oil. The synthesis stages include carbonization, chemical activation, and then physics activation. The activation process consists of two steps. Firstly, the chemical activation via adding H2SO4, and H3PO4 at room temperature for 24 hours, the second, physical activation by heating at various temperatures of 300, 400, and 500 °C for two hours. The characterizations of activated carbon include water content, ash content, iodine number, functional groups, and surface area. Furthermore, the activated carbon was used as an adsorbent for waste cooking oil for 60 minutes at 100 °C with a stirring of 500 rpm. The results were analyzed using UV-Vis spectrophotometry at a maximum wavelength of 403 nm. The iodine numbers of activated carbon ranged 481.1-1211.4 mg/g and 494.8-1204 mg/g for H3PO4 and H2SO4, respectively.Activated carbon with H3PO4 of 15% and an activation temperature of 400 °C has the highest surface area of 445.30 m2/g.  The H2SO4 dan H3PO4 activators can be used to improve the quality of activated carbon in absorbing dyes in waste cooking oil, where the optimum concentration is 10-15% (v/v). The H3PO4 activator tends to produce a higher bleaching percentage than H2SO4. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-139 ◽  
Rinita Rajbhandari Joshi

Activated carbon was prepared from Lapsi (Choerospondias axillaries ) seed stone by chemical activation method using ZnCl2. The effect of experimental variables; ZnCl2 ratio, temperature and carbonization time on the quality of the activated carbon were systematically invested by determining the carbon yield, iodine number, methylene blue number, surface area and pore volume. Lapsi seed stone powder (LSP) of particle size < 300 μm was used to prepare activated carbon under N2 atmosphere. An increase in ZnCl2 ratio in general increased the iodine number and methylene blue number, but on increasing zinc chloride above 50 percentages, iodine and methylene blue number increased only marginally. An increase in carbonization temperature increases the iodine number, methylene blue number, and surface area and pore volume. Increase in carbonization time from 3 hour to 4 hour increases iodine number and methylene blue number and thereafter the increase in iodine number and methylene blue number is gradual. Regarding the carbon yield, it decreases with the ZnCl2 ratio above 50 percent, and the yield also decreases with increase in temperature and carbonization time. Therefore the optimum conditions for the preparation of activated carbon from Lapsi seed stone using ZnCl2 as follows: carbonization temperature of 400°C, zinc chloride ratio as LSP:ZnCl2 equals 1:1, and carbonization time of 4 hour. This resulted an activated carbon with 791 iodine number, 364 methylene blue number, 1167 surface area and 0.65 pore volume.Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 2015, 11(1): 128-139

Mustafa Kaya ◽  
Ömer Şahin ◽  
Cafer Saka

AbstractIn this study, low cost activated carbon was prepared from the pistachio shell by chemical activation with zinc chloride (ZnCl2). The prepared activated carbon was characterized by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal gravimetry (DTG), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) surface area analyses. Results showed that the activation temperature and impregnation ratio have significant effect on the iodine number of the prepared activated carbon. The optimum conditions for preparing the activated carbon having the highest surface area were found to be an activation temperature of 700 °C, soaking time of 24 h and ZnCl2/ pistachio shell ratio of 50 %. The results showed that the BET surface area, total pore volume, iodine number and methylene blue (MB) number of activated carbon prepared under the optimum conditions were 1108 m2/g, 0.39 cm3/g, 1051 mg/g, 98.48 mg/g, respectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 03020 ◽  
Yuliusman ◽  
Jervis Sinto ◽  
Yugo Widhi Nugroho ◽  
Hizba Ilmi Naf’an

Air pollution caused by motor vehicle exhaust emissions in the form of harmful gases becomes a problem for the health of living things in the surrounding environment. The alternative way to reduce those emissions is by utilizing agricultural waste as activated carbon (AC). AC can adsorbs those emissions due to its porous and high surface area. AC was made of banana peel waste that contains of lignocellulose and has considerable amount because of banana processing industrialization. AC was made through dehydration, carbonization at 350°C furnace without or with N2 gases of 0.15 NL/minute for 1 hour, then chemical activation using various concentrations of H2SO4 solution at 85°C for 1 hour. Characterization of activated carbon was done by iodine number test. The result shows that carbon chemical activation by 6 N of H2SO4 gave better result of iodine number than the lower concentration, obtaining 428 mg/g and overall yield of 41.68%. The result was even better on physical-and-chemical activation with same concentration of H2SO4, obtaining 617 mg/g with surface area of 614 m2/g and overall yield of 56.40%.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
W.D.P Rengga ◽  
M. Sudibandriyo ◽  
M Nasikin

Gas storage is a technology developed with an adsorptive storage method, in which gases are stored as adsorbed components on the certain adsorbent. Formaldehyde is one of the major indoor gaseous pollutants. Depending on its concentration, formaldehyde may cause minor disorder symptoms to a serious injury. Some of the successful applications of technology for the removal of formaldehyde have been reported. However, this paper presents an overview of several studies on the elimination of formaldehyde that has been done by adsorption method because of its simplicity. The adsorption method does not require high energy and the adsorbent used can be obtained from inexpensive materials. Most researchers used activated carbon as an adsorbent for removal of formaldehyde because of its high adsorption capacity. Activated carbons can be produced from many materials such as coals, woods, or agricultural waste. Some of them were prepared by specific activation methods to improve the surface area. Some researchers also used modified activated carbon by adding specific additive to improve its performance in attracting formaldehyde molecules. Proposed modification methods on activation and additive impregnated carbon are thus discussed in this paper for future development and improvement of formaldehyde adsorption on activated carbon. Specifically, a waste agricultural product is chosen for activated carbon raw material because it is renewable and gives an added value to the materials. The study indicates that the performance of the adsorption of formaldehyde might be improved by using modified activated carbon. Bamboo seems to be the most appropriate raw materials to produce activated carbon combined with applying chemical activation method and addition of metal oxidative catalysts such as Cu or Ag in nano size particles. Bamboo activated carbon can be developed in addition to the capture of formaldehyde as well as the storage of adsorptive hydrogen gas that supports renewable energy. Keywords: adsorption; bamboo; formaldehyde; modified activated carbon; nano size particles

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 2237
Sara Stelitano ◽  
Giuseppe Conte ◽  
Alfonso Policicchio ◽  
Alfredo Aloise ◽  
Giovanni Desiderio ◽  

Pinecones, a common biomass waste, has an interesting composition in terms of cellulose and lignine content that makes them excellent precursors in various activated carbon production processes. The synthesized, nanostructured, activated carbon materials show textural properties, a high specific surface area, and a large volume of micropores, which are all features that make them suitable for various applications ranging from the purification of water to energy storage. Amongst them, a very interesting application is hydrogen storage. For this purpose, activated carbon from pinecones were prepared using chemical activation with different KOH/precursor ratios, and their hydrogen adsorption capacity was evaluated at liquid nitrogen temperatures (77 K) at pressures of up to 80 bar using a Sievert’s type volumetric apparatus. Regarding the comprehensive characterization of the samples’ textural properties, the measurement of the surface area was carried out using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method, the chemical composition was investigated using wavelength-dispersive spectrometry, and the topography and long-range order was estimated using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. The hydrogen adsorption properties of the activated carbon samples were measured and then fitted using the Langmuir/ Töth isotherm model to estimate the adsorption capacity at higher pressures. The results showed that chemical activation induced the formation of an optimal pore size distribution for hydrogen adsorption centered at about 0.5 nm and the proportion of micropore volume was higher than 50%, which resulted in an adsorption capacity of 5.5 wt% at 77 K and 80 bar; this was an increase of as much as 150% relative to the one predicted by the Chahine rule.

Molecules ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (19) ◽  
pp. 4561
Sang Youp Hwang ◽  
Gi Bbum Lee ◽  
Ji Hyun Kim ◽  
Bum Ui Hong ◽  
Jung Eun Park

Spent activated carbon (SAC) usually exhibits a low specific surface area due to its high ash contents. In this study, pre-treatments, such as heat and acid treatments, were optimized to improve this feature. The heat pre-treatment did not reduce the ash content, nor did it increase the surface area. Because metallic ions adsorbed in SACs turn into ash upon the heat treatment. In the acid pre-treatment, the volatiles and fixed carbon were increased with decreasing ash contents. In this study, it was found that the surface area increase was correlated with the ratio between fixed carbon and ash. Among the pre-treatment methods, the combined heat and acid pre-treatment method highly increased the ratio, and therefore led to the surface area increase. Additionally, the acid pre-treatment was carried out using different types of acid (organic and inorganic acids) solutions to further improve the surface areas. The organic acid treatment caused a significant structural collapse compared to the inorganic acid treatment, decreasing the surface area. In particular, H3PO4 effectively removed ashes adsorbed on the activated carbon surface and regenerated the exhausted activated carbon. Both the heat and acid pre-treatments before chemical activation resulted in the positive effects such as strong desorption of pollutants and ashes within the internal structure of the activated carbon. Therefore, the regeneration introduced in this study is methodically the best method to regenerate SAC and maintain a stable structure.

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