Regional imbalances in the localization of creative capital
In the context of the changing role of non-material factors of development, creativity becomes an obligatory feature of a competitive economic system. This study is intended to characterize the features of the localization of creative capital in Russia. During the study, the features of the placement of components that form creative capital (associated with the cultural potential of a territory, the entrepreneurial activity of people, and innovation) were analyzed. The paper uses the statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service on the processes occurring in the regions. The methodological basis of the study is a cartographic analysis, as well as an analysis of indicators that make it possible to assess the level of inter-territorial inequality and the degree of concentration of resources. It was found that the localization of the elements of each of them has its own specifics: the least homogeneous is the space of implementation of innovative processes, while the difference between regions in the parameters of entrepreneurial activity is not so pronounced. This allows concluding that there is no single algorithm for the spatial location of creative capital. It has also been found that while the capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) are clear centers for the localization of creative capital, the scale of other major cities in the country does not always allow them to act as points of attraction for creative resources.