scholarly journals Effect of Instructional Module on Drug Adherence in Terms of Attitude among Patients with Schizophrenia

2016 ◽  
Vol 06 (01) ◽  
pp. 028-032
S. Mary Metilda ◽  
Santh S. ◽  
G. J. Sara Sapharina

AbstractQuasi experimental study was done with 40 samples using instructional module on drug adherence. The selection of the sample was done by non probability purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical method. The findings of the study revealed that the instructional module helped the patients with Schizophrenia to develop a positive attitude towards drug adherence. The research hypothesis retained for this study also showed significant improvement in the level of attitude towards drug adherence.

F.X. Sugiyanto

Abstract: The Effectiveness of Learning Sequences in Swimming Skills. This study aims to investigate the appropriateness and effectiveness of learning sequences in swimming skills after the students mastered the crawl stroke. The sequences were that from the crawl stroke to the breast stroke and that from the crawl stroke to the back stroke. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the pretest-posttest group design. The population comprised students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the sequence from the crawl stroke to the back stroke was more efficient than that from the crawl stroke to the breast stroke in terms of the mastery of swimming skills. Keywords: learning sequences, crawl stroke, back stroke, breast stroke

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Iin Khairunnisa ◽  
Sugiharsono Sugiharsono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Keefektifan model pembelajaran kooperatif metode Problem Solving dan tipe Team-Assisted Individualization (TAI)  dapat meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar IPS, dan (2) Perbedaan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif metode Problem Solving dan tipe Team- Assisted Individualization dalam meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar IPS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Depok tahun pelajaran 2013-2014 yang terbagi menjadi 12 kelas. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga kelas yaitu dua kelas untuk kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas untuk kelas kontrol. Teknik sampling yang digunakan ialah purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan test dan tugas. Penentuan keefektifan kedua model tersebut diuji dengan Anava satu jalur. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Model pembelajaran kooperatif  metode Problem Solving dan tipe Team-Assisted Individualization efektif untuk meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar IPS. (2) Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team-Assisted Individualization lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik dibandingkan dengan metode Problem Solving, sedangkan metode  Problem Solving lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dibandingkan dengan tipe Team-Assisted Individualization.Kata Kunci: penelitian ekperimen, problem solving, team-assisted individualization , minat belajar dan hasil belajar. ______________________________________________________________ EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING PROBLEM SOLVING AND TAI TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES INTERESTS AND IPS Abstract This study aims to reveal: (1) the cooperative learning model of Problem Solving method and Team-Assisted Individualization type in increasing the interest and learning outcomes in IPS, and (2) the difference the effectiveness of the cooperative learning model of Problem Solving method and Team-Assisted Individualization Type in increasing the interest and learning outcomes in IPS. This study was a quasi-experimental study. The population was all students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Depok in 2013-2014 divided into 12 classes. The sample consisting of three classes, two experimental classes and one control class, was establisted using the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using a test and assignments. The determination of the effectiveness of these two models was tested with one-way Anova. The results are as follows. (1) The cooperative learning model of the Problem Solving method and Team-Assisted Individualization types effective increase the interest and learning outcomes in IPS. (2) The Team-Assisted Individualization type is more effective to increase the interest of the learners than the Problem Solving method, and the Problem Solving method is more effective to improve the learning outcomes of the students than the Team-Assisted Individualization type. Keywords: experimental study, problem solving, team assisted individualization, interest in learning and learning outcomes

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-284
Vitrianingsih Vitrianingsih ◽  
Sitti Khadijah

Studi memperkirakan emesis gravidarum terjadi pada 50-90% kehamilan. Mual muntah pada kehamilan memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi tubuh dimana ibu menjadi lemah, pucat dan cairan tubuh berkurang sehingga darah menjadi kental (hemokonsentrasi). Keadaan ini dapat memperlambat peredaran darah dan berakibat pada kurangnya suplay oksigen serta makanan ke jaringan sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan ibu dan janin. Salah satu terapi yang aman dan dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi keluahan mual muntah pada ibu hamil adalah pemberian aromaterapi lemon. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas aroma terapi lemon untuk menangani emesis gravidarum. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Quasi experiment  dengan  one group pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu hamil yang mengalami emesis gravidarum di Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman. Jumlah sampel 20 ibu hamil trimester pertama yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran mual muntah dilakukan debelum dan setelah  pemberian aromaterapi lemon menggunakan Indeks Rhodes. Analisa data menggunakan uji Paired t-test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata skor mual muntah sebelum pemberian aromaterapi lemon berdasarkan Indeks Rhodes pada Ibu Hamil dengan emesis gravidarum yaitu 22,1 dan terjadi penurunan skor setelah pemberian aromaterapi lemon menjadi 19,8. Ada pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lemon dengan pengurangan mual muntah pada ibu hamil (p-value = 0.017). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemberian aromaterapi lemon efektif untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester pertama.  Kata kunci: aromaterapi lemon, emesis gravidarum THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON AROMATHERAPY FOR HANDLING EMESIS GRAVIDARUM   ABSTRACT Studies estimate that nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarum) occur in 50 – 90% of pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy have a significant impact on the body in which it makes a mother becomes weak, pale, and decreasing body fluid so that the blood becomes thick (hemoconcentration). This situation can slow down blood circulation and inflict the lack of oxygen and food supplies to the body tissues so that it can endanger the health of the mother and fetus. One of the therapies that is safe and can be conducted to reduce nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is by giving the lemon aromatherapy treatment. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of the aroma of lemon therapy to deal with emesis gravidarum. This study applied quasi-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population of this study was pregnant women who experienced emesis gravidarum. Furthermore, samples were 20 mothers from Berbah, Sleman taken by using a purposive sampling technique. Nausea and vomiting were assessed between before and after giving lemon aromatherapy using the Rhodes Index. The data were analyzed using the paired t-test. The mean score of nausea and vomiting before giving lemon aromatherapy on mother with emesis gravidarum based on the Rhodes Index was 22.1. However, it decreased after given lemon aromatherapy treatment to 19.8. Therefore, there was an effect on giving lemon aromatherapy treatment toward the decrease of nausea and vomiting for pregnant women (p-value = 0.017). Lemon aromatherapy is effective to reduce emesis gravidarum.  Keywords: lemon aromatherapy, emesis gravidarum

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Ismaniar Ismaniar Ismaniar

The present study is aimed at developing effective guidance program for increasing student’s learning motivation. The present study applies quantitative research approach with nonequivalent pre-posttest control group quasi-experimental design, and nonrandom-purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using inventory, interview, and documentary study. The study comes up with the main finding that the tested guidance program is proven to be effective for increasing learning motivation students of 11th grade at SMA Kartika XIX-2 Bandung.

2020 ◽  
Tamil Selvi

BACKGROUND HIV infection is one of the most leading infections in the world. According to WHO HIV constitutes to be a major global public health issue, having claimed almost 33 million so far. There were an estimation of 38.0 million people living with the HIV at the end of 2019. As a result of concerted international efforts to respond to HIV , coverage of services has been steadily increasing. In 2019, 68% of adults and 53% of children living with HIV globally were receiving lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART). There is no cure of HIV infections , however effective antiretroviral drugs can the control of virus and help onward transmission to other people. The knowledge regarding HIV infections in the public is a not much. The study focuses on the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding the HIV among the drivers in Kancheepuram, Chennai. The objectives of the study was to assess the pre and post test of the self instructional module. For the study 60 samples were adopted by purposive sampling technique. The pre test was conducted by giving the structured questionnare then the module was given and then the post assessment was conducted. The study was conducted for 1 week. In the pre assessment 52(86.7%) were having inadequate knowledge and 8(13.3%) had moderately inadequate knowledge. In the post test 50(83.33%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 10(16.67%) has adequate knowledge. The effectivess of self instructional module was calculated by the paired t test (t=12.880) was found to be statistically highly significant at p<0.001 OBJECTIVE To assess the pre test level of existing knowledge on HIV among drivers. (2)To determine the effectiveness of self instructional module on HIV among drivers. (3)To find the association between the level of knowledge with their selected demographic variables METHODS Quantative research approach and pre experimental one group pre test post test design was used to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on HIV to drivers. After obtaining permission from Saveetha College Of Nursing , the investigator selected 60 drivers by using purposive sampling technique. The sample who met the inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling technique . The investigator introduced and explained the purpose of the study to the samples and obtain the written confirmed. The purpose of the study were explained to the drivers. Section A: It consist of the demographic variables which include Age, sex, education. Occupation, monthly income, religion, marital status, type of family and dietary pattern.Section B- It consist 25 multiple choice questions to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module. RESULTS The drivers most of them 26(43.3%) were in the age group of 41 – 50 years, all 60(100%) were male, 45(75%) were private employee, 21(35%) had monthly income of 9000 – 11000 and above 11000 respectively, 45(75%) were married, 32(53.3%) belonged to nuclear family 45(75%) were non-vegetarian. Section B : Assess the pretest level of existing knowledge on HIV among drivers. The finding of the pretest 52(86.67%) had inadequate knowledge and 8(13.33%) had moderately adequate knowledge. Whereas in the post test, 50(83.33%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 10( 16.67%) had adequate knowledge on HIV among drivers CONCLUSIONS The findings revealed that the existing level of knowledge on HIV among drivers was improve the knowledge about HIV to be effective awareness by administered self instructional module

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 894-902
Bertakalswa Hermawati ◽  
Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani ◽  
Dyah Sukendra Mahendrasari ◽  
Farah Azizah Mukti ◽  
Aprilia Wijayanti

Kasus Covid-19 semakin meningkat namun praktik mencuci tangan dengan benar belum diterapkan sebagai upaya pencegahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan praktik mencuci tangan pada guru anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan  a quasi‑experimental study dan The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Pengambilan sampel secara purposif (Purposive Sampling) yakni 15 guru di taman kanak-kanak di kelurahan Petompon, kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah observasi dengan check list prosedur mencuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi, demonstrasi dan simulasi serta menggunakan media promosi yakni film dan leaflet. Data dianalisa dengan Wilcoxon Rank tests. Hasil penelitian membuktikan ada peningkatan praktik mencuci tangan secara signifikan setelah diberikan intervensi dibandingkan sebelum diberikan intervensi (p=0.001 0.05). Metode dan media promosi kesehatan efektif meningkatkan praktik cuci tangan pada guru anak usia dini

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-143
Tomi Satria Maggara ◽  
Aldri Frinaldi

This study describes the impact of work culture in implementing the e-planning application to realize good governanc e studies in the Planning ,Research and Development Agency of 50 Kota. There search method used is descriptive qualitative, because the problems are complex so that it requires interviews and observations to get valid data. The selection of informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the impact of work culture in implementing E-Planning applications to achieve Good Governance at Bapelitbang Kabupaten 50 Kota it has had a good impact but there are still some problems that the authors haveen countered, among others: there are still delays in the preparation and inp t of planning documents, there are no awards given to employees, accommodation of RPJPD programs in application E-Planning and there are still employees who don't understand how to use the E-Planning application.

LingTera ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Rosihan Anwar ◽  
Maman Suryaman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kriteria-kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan cerita anak yang layak sebagai bahan ajar membaca di MTs. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis cerita anak yang layak sebagai bahan ajar membaca di MTs berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria itu.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah cerita anak yang ada di Buku Sekolah Elektronik, buku bacaan, dan internet. Objek penelitiannya adalah isi cerita. Ada dua puluh cerita anak yang yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca dan mencatat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi, penyajian, dan penyimpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada tiga kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan cerita anak yang layak sebagai bahan ajar membaca di MTs. Kriteria-kriteria itu adalah kriteria nilai/moral, motivasi, dan kesesuaian jenis sekolah. (2) Dari dua puluh cerita yang dianalisis, sebelas cerita dinyatakan layak dan sembilan cerita dinyatakan tidak layak dijadikan bahan ajar membaca di MTs. Kata kunci: cerita anak, bahan ajar, membaca   THE SELECTION OF CHILDREN STORIES AS READING TEACHING MATERIAL IN MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH (MTS) Abstract The study aims to describe criteria used in the selection proper children stories as reading teaching material in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). In addition, the study also aims to describe proper children stories as reading teaching material in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) based on the criteria.The study is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of the study are children stories in Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE), reading book, and internet. The object of the study is the contents of the stories. There are twenty children stories that the research sample. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. The collection of data is done by reading and writing. Data is analyzed by reduction, presentation, and inference.The results of study showed that (1) there are three criteria used in the selection of children stories as reading teaching material in MTs. The criteria are Value/moral, motivation, and relevant of the type of school. (2) Of the twenty stories analyzed, there are eleven proper stories and nine stories are not proper as reading materials in the MTs. Keywords: children stories, teaching material, reading

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Widiyanti Sarimunadi ◽  
Bunga Tiara Carolin ◽  
Rosmawaty Lubis

ABSTRACT: SEFT THERAPY (SPIRITUAL EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE) FOR ANXIETY IN DEALING WITH LABORBackground: If the concern and anxiety of pregnant women is not handled seriously, it will have an impact and influence on physical and psychological aspects, both on the mother and the fetus. Pregnant women who experience anxiety in the face of labor are afraid of being operated on, afraid of spending a lot of money, fear of not being able to care for their babies properly, fear of their baby dying, fear of pain during delivery. One of the techniques for dealing with anxiety is SEFT therapy.Objective: to determine the effect of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) on anxiety in dealing with labor process.Methodology: this research is a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test with control group design. The sample in this study was 25 trimester III pregnant women. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used the DASS 42 questionnaire. The results of the data normality test were normally distributed so that the data were analyzed using the paired t-test.Results: The results showed that the average score of maternal anxiety before therapy was 13.48 (moderate) while after therapy was 7.88 (normal). The bivariate test results obtained p value 0,000.Conclusions: Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) can overcome the anxiety of pregnant women in facing labor.Suggestions: It is hoped that this therapy can be applied in the practice of midwifery to care for pregnant women, especially pregnant women who experience trauma or have anxiety in their pregnancy. Keywords: anxiety, pregnant women, spiritual emotional freedom technique. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kekhawatiran dan kecemasan pada ibu hamil apabila tidak ditangani dengan serius akan membawa dampak dan pengaruh terhadap fisik dan psikis, baik pada ibu maupun janin. Ibu hamil yang mengalami kecemasan dalam menghadapi persalinan disebabkan karena ibu takut dioperasi, takut akan mengeluarkan biaya yang banyak, takut tidak bisa merawat bayinya dengan baik, takut bayinya meninggal, takut kesakitan saat persalinan. Salah satu teknik untuk menghadapi kecemasan adalah denga terapi SEFT.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) terhadap kecemasan dalam menghadapi persalinan.Metodologi penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan quasi-experimental dengan rancangan pre and post test with control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 25 ibu hamil trimester III. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner DASS 42. Hasil uji normalitas data berdistribusi normal sehingga dianalisis data menggunakan uji paired t-test.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa skor rata-rata kecemasan ibu sebelum terapi 13,48 (Sedang) sedangkan sesudah terapi menjadi 7,88 (normal). Hasil uji bivariate didapatkan p value 0,000.Kesimpulan: Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) mampu mengatasi kecemasan ibu hamil dalam menghadapi persalinan.Saran: Diharapkan terapi ini dapat diaplikasikan dalam praktik kebidanan perawatan ibu hamil khususnya ibu hamil yang mengalami trauma atau mempunyai kecemasan dalam kehamilannya. Kata kunci: Kecemasan, ibu hamil, Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique

Setiaji Nugroho ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti

 Pesisir selatan Jawa, khususnya pantai Pagak, Kabupaten Purworejo merupakan daerah potensial dengan beragam jenis biota yang seringkali dimanfaatkan masyarakat setempat sebagai bahan makanan. Biota tersebut diantaranya adalah yutuk (undur-undur laut) yang bermanfaat secara ekologis maupun ekonomis, namun pemanfaatan belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan pola sebaran undur-undur laut sebagai dasar pemilihan daerah penangkapan undur-undur laut dan hubungan salinitas substrat dengan kelimpahan undur-undur laut yang ada di pantai Pagak, Kabupaten Purworejo. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2018. Pengambilan sampel biota dan substrat dilakukan pada tiga stasiun dimana setiap stasiun dilakukan tiga kali pengulangan pada hari yang berbeda. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan undur-undur laut (hippidae) di pantai Pagak berkisar 2-4 individu/m2 dengan pola sebaran yang mengelompok. Kelimpahan tersebut cenderung lebih tinggi pada salinitas substrat kisaran 33-35 ppt. Salinitas substrat berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan undur-undur laut (hippidae) di pantai Pagak dan keduanya mempunyai hubungan yang lemah (r = 0,371). Southern coast of Java, especially Pagak beach, Purworejo Regency is a potential area with various types of biota that are often used by local people as food. One of the biota is mole crab that is useful ecologically and economically, while the existing utilization is not yet optimal and sustainable. The purpose of this research is to know the abundance and distribution pattern of mole crab as the basis for the selection of good and sustainable fishing areas of mole crab, and the relationship between substrate salinity and the abundance of mole crab at Pagak beach, Purworejo Regency. The study was conducted in January 2018. Samples collection of biota and substrate were conducted at three stations where each station was carried out with three replication on different days. Purposive sampling technique was used to take the sample. The results showed the abundance of mole crab (hippidae) at Pagak beach ranged from 2 to 4 individuals / m2 with a group pattern of distribution. The abundance tends to be higher in the substrate salinity of 33-35 ppt range. Substrate salinity and abundance of mole crab have weak relationships

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