The Evolution of Domestic Trade Flows When Foreign Trade Is Liberalized: Evidence from the Chinese Maritime Customs Service

Wolfgang Keller ◽  
Ben Li ◽  
Carol H. Shiue
José Luis Placer Galán

<p>El notable crecimiento del comercio exterior de España en las últimas décadas también se ha producido en una economía tan orientada al mercado interior como la de la provincia de León. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble: averiguar la evolución del peso del comercio exterior en el conjunto de la actividad productiva leonesa, y el perfil sectorial de sus flujos comerciales durante el período 1995-2014.<br />El análisis realizado permite señalar que en los últimos veinte años la actividad productiva orientada a los mercados internacionales se ha duplicado, especialmente en los últimos cinco años. Por otra parte,  el perfil sectorial exportador ha variado notablemente pasando de ser mayoritariamente de productos químico-farmacéuticos y extractivos  a serlo actualmente de bienes de equipo eléctricos y de manufacturas metálicas. Sin embargo, las importaciones, que tienen un mayor grado de diversificación que las exportaciones, han mantenido un perfil sectorial similar en todo el período, concentrado en legumbres y, en menor medida, en bienes de equipo eléctricos y de manufacturas metálicas.</p><p>In the last decades foreign trade has experienced a significant growth both in Spain and Leon economies, whereas the latter has always been characterized by a strong focus on domestic trade. The goal of this paper is dual: find out the evolution of foreign trade importance within the whole productive activity in Leon and sector profile of its trade flows during the period from 1995 to 2014.<br />On the one hand, the analysis carried out highlights that productive activities focused on foreign trade have doubled in the last twenty years, especially in the recent five. On the other hand, export sectors have changed mainly, from exporting pharmaceutical chemistry products and extractors to currently exporting electrical equipment and metal assembly. However, import sectors that are more diversified than export, have maintained a similar sector profile during the full period analysed. Import sectors in Leon are mainly focused on legumes and in a smaller proportion on electrical appliance equipment and metal assembly.</p>

José Luis Placer Galán

<p>El notable crecimiento del comercio exterior de España en las últimas décadas también se ha producido en una economía tan orientada al mercado interior como la de la provincia de León. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble: averiguar la evolución del peso del comercio exterior en el conjunto de la actividad productiva leonesa, y el perfil sectorial de sus flujos comerciales durante el período 1995-2014.<br />El análisis realizado permite señalar que en los últimos veinte años la actividad productiva orientada a los mercados internacionales se ha duplicado, especialmente en los últimos cinco años. Por otra parte,  el perfil sectorial exportador ha variado notablemente pasando de ser mayoritariamente de productos químico-farmacéuticos y extractivos  a serlo actualmente de bienes de equipo eléctricos y de manufacturas metálicas. Sin embargo, las importaciones, que tienen un mayor grado de diversificación que las exportaciones, han mantenido un perfil sectorial similar en todo el período, concentrado en legumbres y, en menor medida, en bienes de equipo eléctricos y de manufacturas metálicas.</p><p>In the last decades foreign trade has experienced a significant growth both in Spain and Leon economies, whereas the latter has always been characterized by a strong focus on domestic trade. The goal of this paper is dual: find out the evolution of foreign trade importance within the whole productive activity in Leon and sector profile of its trade flows during the period from 1995 to 2014.<br />On the one hand, the analysis carried out highlights that productive activities focused on foreign trade have doubled in the last twenty years, especially in the recent five. On the other hand, export sectors have changed mainly, from exporting pharmaceutical chemistry products and extractors to currently exporting electrical equipment and metal assembly. However, import sectors that are more diversified than export, have maintained a similar sector profile during the full period analysed. Import sectors in Leon are mainly focused on legumes and in a smaller proportion on electrical appliance equipment and metal assembly.</p>


The development of the USA, Canada and Mexico is studied taking into account the signing of the new USMCA Agreement, and some differences from the previous NAFTA are presented in accordance with modern challenges. The foreign trade of the association and its separate member states is analysed, their shares in the general trade are determined, and basic indicators of international trade are calculated. The main directions of trade flows and the importance of partner countries with regards to each other are identified. Exports are analysed taking into account the periods before and after the conclusion of the Agreement, while changes of intra-regional trade between the partner countries are investigated. Particular attention is paid to the study of foreign trade in agricultural products. Its share in total trade in goods is defined, the basic indicators are analysed, features concerning directions are determined. Trade trends taking into account North-South integration are considered, and the corresponding features are revealed. The importance of the agricultural sector in the new USMCA Agreement is presented as a result of the consideration of trade policy for agricultural products. It is proposed to take into account certain provisions of USMCA when concluding regional trade agreements of Ukraine in the future, as well as the possible impact on trade with Ukraine.

Complexity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Jaime De Pablo Valenciano ◽  
José Antonio Torres Arriaza ◽  
Juan Uribe-Toril ◽  
José Luis Ruiz-Real

An understanding of the intracommunity trade is essential for the agents involved in the fresh tomato market (farmers, entrepreneurs, public administrations, and consumers). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the interdependent relationships between exporting and importing countries within the European Union for a specific product such as fresh tomatoes and thus understand which have been the key countries in three specific years (2002–2007–2017). The methodology used to study the interrelationships of trade flows in the countries of the European Union (EU) is that of triangulation by means of the Leontief input-output model. Artificial intelligence techniques are used to process and triangulate the data based on pathfinding techniques using a cost function. The triangulation results have created a hierarchy of countries (suppliers and customers). This type of methodology has not been applied to the field of foreign trade. The results show that Netherlands and Spain are key countries in intracommunity trade as they have a strong impact both with regard to their exports and their imports and are fundamental when analyzing the growth of specific sectors and how they are able to stimulate the economies of other countries.

1997 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Frank Stolze

Summarizing our analysis we must acknowledge that it is still difficult to get a precise picture of the role which different factors play in determining international competitiveness of industrial branches. The most limits of the analysis are as follows: comprehensive data on input intensities of industrial branches were only available for West European countries; the assumptions necessary for a precise forecast of competitiveness positions through RCA-indicators are not been fulfilled; trade patterns are still distorted by production structures and capacities inherited from the planned economy. Although it may be premature to seriously address the question to what extent factor endowments determine trade flows between the Czech Republic and the EU, we have found a number of interesting tendencies. For the year 1989 correlation tests and an analysis of the most 10, 20 and 30 factor-intensive industries revealed a certain positive effect of capital, labour and energy inputs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-151
Anžela KOZLOVA ◽  

The scientific research results related to foreign trade and direct investment abroad (DIA) are discussed in the article. The relation of the direct investment abroad and foreign trade is still under the discussion as there is no clear answer whether foreign trade is supplemented or replaced by the direct investment abroad. Since 1997 the flows of the direct investment abroad increased greately in Lithuania. Consequently, it is important to define the link between the DIA and foreign trade considering each country separately. Direct investment abroad and trade links in Lithuania in 1997–2014 are analyzed in the article. The research analysis involves Lithuanian direct investments in the developed countries except some countries, such as Belorus, Russia and Ukraine. It is defined that there is a positive bilateral link between Lithuanian direct investment abroad and foreign trade. It is also observed the impact of general development of Lithuanian direct investment abroad (considering certain countries) on the countries economy itself – imports can exceed exports. Engle-Granger causality test is applied in the research paper for the purpose of defining the impact of the DIA on the import and export range.

Ashok Vasant Edurkar

<em>Transactions related to global trade flows have significantly improved at present, on account of the internationalization and highly developed e-commerce. Exports and imports opportunities have substantially increased so also risk associated with international trade has reached a high level. Along with issues related to languages used for communication involved in international marketing, drafting of letter of intent / purchase order, drafting of letter of credit, financing during execution of purchase order, pre and post shipment inspection and finally negotiation of bank documents for collection of payments, the international trade was always been quite risky. This risk is because of the fact that exporters and importers are from different countries, separated not only by physical distance but by socio political conditions. Actual trade flows determines quantum of foreign trade. Foreign trade divided by GDP is a good measure of improvement or growth in foreign trade. (Harrison 1996). There is a positive relationship between Foreign Trade well supported by domestic as well as foreign banks and economic growth (Edwards 1992).Mixed results are obtained during the study related to explanation of the causal relationship between the degree of openness of the economy and economic growth. This paper takes a review of India’s Foreign Trade with reference to post RBI Road Map 2005 and financing by Foreign Banks (FB) during the period 2003-2013.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 60-89

This article uses the gravity model to explain the trade flows between the regions of Russia. The data used contains information on all rail freight flows in tonnes for the period 2012–2016. The authors discuss the assumptions that make the gravity model applicable for trade by one mode of transport. For the purpose of correct estimation of the gravity equation, the special method of obtaining trade values in rubles was developed. The coefficients of distance and gross regional products are close to the results of previous studies on international and domestic trade. Along with the distance factor, the average rail tariff variable was included in the model. The significance of the coefficients of both variables has confirmed that trade flows are determined not only by transport costs, but by other trade costs, too. The results suggest that the export volume of the sending region proportional to its output is positively related to the volume of bilateral domestic trade flows. Accounting for regional fixed effects has not changed the coefficients of distance and average tariffs significantly, indicating the robustness of the estimates. No proof has been found for the impact of infrastructure on trade. An institutional factor that can negatively affect the trade volume is the level of corruption in the recipient region.

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