scholarly journals Thiophene antibacterials that allosterically stabilize DNA-cleavage complexes with DNA gyrase

2017 ◽  
Vol 114 (22) ◽  
pp. E4492-E4500 ◽  
Pan F. Chan ◽  
Thomas Germe ◽  
Benjamin D. Bax ◽  
Jianzhong Huang ◽  
Reema K. Thalji ◽  

A paucity of novel acting antibacterials is in development to treat the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance, particularly in Gram-negative hospital pathogens, which has led to renewed efforts in antibiotic drug discovery. Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibacterials that target DNA gyrase by stabilizing DNA-cleavage complexes, but their clinical utility has been compromised by resistance. We have identified a class of antibacterial thiophenes that target DNA gyrase with a unique mechanism of action and have activity against a range of bacterial pathogens, including strains resistant to fluoroquinolones. Although fluoroquinolones stabilize double-stranded DNA breaks, the antibacterial thiophenes stabilize gyrase-mediated DNA-cleavage complexes in either one DNA strand or both DNA strands. X-ray crystallography of DNA gyrase–DNA complexes shows the compounds binding to a protein pocket between the winged helix domain and topoisomerase-primase domain, remote from the DNA. Mutations of conserved residues around this pocket affect activity of the thiophene inhibitors, consistent with allosteric inhibition of DNA gyrase. This druggable pocket provides potentially complementary opportunities for targeting bacterial topoisomerases for antibiotic development.

2018 ◽  
Daan C. Swarts ◽  
Martin Jinek

HIGHLIGHTSTarget ssDNA binding allosterically induces unblocking of the RuvC active sitePAM binding facilitates unwinding of dsDNA targetsNon-target DNA strand cleavage is prerequisite for target DNA strand cleavageAfter DNA cleavage, Cas12a releases the PAM-distal DNA productSUMMARYCRISPR-Cas12a (Cpf1) is an RNA-guided DNA-cutting nuclease that has been repurposed for genome editing. Upon target DNA binding, Cas12a cleaves both the target DNA incisand non-target single stranded DNAs (ssDNA) intrans.To elucidate the molecular basis for both deoxyribonuclease cleavage modes, we performed structural and biochemical studies onFrancisella novicidaCas12a. We show how crRNA-target DNA strand hybridization conformationally activates Cas12a, triggering itstrans-acting, non-specific, single-stranded deoxyribonuclease activity. In turn,cis-cleavage of double-stranded DNA targets is a result of PAM-dependent DNA duplex unwinding and ordered sequential cleavage of the non-target and target DNA strands. Cas12a releases the PAM-distal DNA cleavage product and remains bound to the PAM-proximal DNA cleavage product in a catalytically competent,trans-active state. Together, these results provide a revised model for the molecular mechanism of Cas12a enzymes that explains theircis- andtrans-acting deoxyribonuclease activities, and additionally contribute to improving Cas12a-based genome editing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (11) ◽  
pp. e2016705118
Lipeng Feng ◽  
Julia E. A. Mundy ◽  
Clare E. M. Stevenson ◽  
Lesley A. Mitchenall ◽  
David M. Lawson ◽  

DNA gyrase, a type II topoisomerase, introduces negative supercoils into DNA using ATP hydrolysis. The highly effective gyrase-targeted drugs, fluoroquinolones (FQs), interrupt gyrase by stabilizing a DNA-cleavage complex, a transient intermediate in the supercoiling cycle, leading to double-stranded DNA breaks. MfpA, a pentapeptide-repeat protein in mycobacteria, protects gyrase from FQs, but its molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here, we show that Mycobacterium smegmatis MfpA (MsMfpA) inhibits negative supercoiling by M. smegmatis gyrase (Msgyrase) in the absence of FQs, while in their presence, MsMfpA decreases FQ-induced DNA cleavage, protecting the enzyme from these drugs. MsMfpA stimulates the ATPase activity of Msgyrase by directly interacting with the ATPase domain (MsGyrB47), which was confirmed through X-ray crystallography of the MsMfpA–MsGyrB47 complex, and mutational analysis, demonstrating that MsMfpA mimics a T (transported) DNA segment. These data reveal the molecular mechanism whereby MfpA modulates the activity of gyrase and may provide a general molecular basis for the action of other pentapeptide-repeat proteins.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Bo Zhang ◽  
Diyin Luo ◽  
Yu Li ◽  
Vanja Perčulija ◽  
Jing Chen ◽  

AbstractCas12i is a newly identified member of the functionally diverse type V CRISPR-Cas effectors. Although Cas12i has the potential to serve as genome-editing tool, its structural and functional characteristics need to be investigated in more detail before effective application. Here we report the crystal structures of the Cas12i1 R-loop complexes before and after target DNA cleavage to elucidate the mechanisms underlying target DNA duplex unwinding, R-loop formation and cis cleavage. The structure of the R-loop complex after target DNA cleavage also provides information regarding trans cleavage. Besides, we report a crystal structure of the Cas12i1 binary complex interacting with a pseudo target oligonucleotide, which mimics target interrogation. Upon target DNA duplex binding, the Cas12i1 PAM-interacting cleft undergoes a remarkable open-to-closed adjustment. Notably, a zipper motif in the Helical-I domain facilitates unzipping of the target DNA duplex. Formation of the 19-bp crRNA-target DNA strand heteroduplex in the R-loop complexes triggers a conformational rearrangement and unleashes the DNase activity. This study provides valuable insights for developing Cas12i1 into a reliable genome-editing tool.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (13) ◽  
pp. 3986
Cécilia Hognon ◽  
Antonio Monari

Artemis is an endonuclease responsible for breaking hairpin DNA strands during immune system adaptation and maturation as well as the processing of potentially toxic DNA lesions. Thus, Artemis may be an important target in the development of anticancer therapy, both for the sensitization of radiotherapy and for immunotherapy. Despite its importance, its structure has been resolved only recently, and important questions concerning the arrangement of its active center, the interaction with the DNA substrate, and the catalytic mechanism remain unanswered. In this contribution, by performing extensive molecular dynamic simulations, both classically and at the hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics level, we evidenced the stable interaction modes of Artemis with a model DNA strand. We also analyzed the catalytic cycle providing the free energy profile and key transition states for the DNA cleavage reaction.

2021 ◽  
Martin Pacesa ◽  
Martin Jinek

Cas9 is a CRISPR-associated endonuclease capable of RNA-guided, site-specific DNA cleavage. The programmable activity of Cas9 has been widely utilized for genome editing applications. Despite extensive studies, the precise mechanism of target DNA binding and on-/off-target discrimination remains incompletely understood. Here we report cryo-EM structures of intermediate binding states of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 that reveal domain rearrangements induced by R-loop propagation and PAM-distal duplex positioning. At early stages of binding, the Cas9 REC2 and REC3 domains form a positively charged cleft that accommodates the PAM-distal duplex of the DNA substrate. Target hybridisation past the seed region positions the guide-target heteroduplex into the central binding channel and results in a conformational rearrangement of the REC lobe. Extension of the R-loop to 16 base pairs triggers the relocation of the HNH domain towards the target DNA strand in a catalytically incompetent conformation. The structures indicate that incomplete target strand pairing fails to induce the conformational displacements necessary for nuclease domain activation. Our results establish a structural basis for target DNA-dependent activation of Cas9 that advances our understanding of its off-target activity and will facilitate the development of novel Cas9 variants and guide RNA designs with enhanced specificity and activity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 493-521 ◽  
Fred Dyda ◽  
Michael Chandler ◽  
Alison Burgess Hickman

AbstractDNA transposases are enzymes that catalyze the movement of discrete pieces of DNA from one location in the genome to another. Transposition occurs through a series of controlled DNA strand cleavage and subsequent integration reactions that are carried out by nucleoprotein complexes known as transpososomes. Transpososomes are dynamic assemblies which must undergo conformational changes that control DNA breaks and ensure that, once started, the transposition reaction goes to completion. They provide a precise architecture within which the chemical reactions involved in transposon movement occur, but adopt different conformational states as transposition progresses. Their components also vary as they must, at some stage, include target DNA and sometimes even host-encoded proteins. A very limited number of transpososome states have been crystallographically captured, and here we provide an overview of the various structures determined to date. These structures include examples of DNA transposases that catalyze transposition by a cut-and-paste mechanism using an RNaseH-like nuclease catalytic domain, those that transpose using only single-stranded DNA substrates and targets, and the retroviral integrases that carry out an integration reaction very similar to DNA transposition. Given that there are a number of common functional requirements for transposition, it is remarkable how these are satisfied by complex assemblies that are so architecturally different.

2017 ◽  
Stefano Stella ◽  
Pablo Alcón ◽  
Guillermo Montoya

AbstractCpf1 is a single RNA-guided endonuclease of class 2 type V CRISPR-Cas system, emerging as a powerful genome editing tool 1,2. To provide insight into its DNA targeting mechanism, we have determined the crystal structure of Francisella novicida Cpf1 (FnCpf1) in complex with the triple strand R-loop formed after target DNA cleavage. The structure reveals a unique machinery for target DNA unwinding to form a crRNA-DNA hybrid and a displaced DNA strand inside FnCpf1. The protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) is recognised by the PAM interacting (PI) domain. In this domain, the conserved K667, K671 and K677 are arranged in a dentate manner in a loop-lysine helix-loop motif (LKL). The helix is inserted at a 45° angle to the dsDNA longitudinal axis. Unzipping of the dsDNA in a cleft arranged by acidic and hydrophobic residues facilitates the hybridization of the target DNA strand with crRNA. K667 initiates unwinding by pushing away the guanine after the PAM sequence of the dsDNA. The PAM ssDNA is funnelled towards the nuclease site, which is located 70 Å away, through a hydrophobic protein cavity with basic patches that interact with the phosphate backbone. In this catalytically active conformation the PI and the helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif in the REC1 domain adopt a “rail shape” and “flap-on” conformations, channelling the PAM strand into the cavity. A steric barrier between the RuvC-II and REC1 domains forms a “septum” that separates the displaced PAM strand and the crRNA-DNA hybrid, avoiding re-annealing of the DNA. Mutations in key residues reveal a novel mechanism to determine the DNA product length, thereby linking the PAM and DNAase sites. Our study reveals a singular working model of RNA-guided DNA cleavage by Cpf1, opening up new avenues for engineering this genome modification system2-4.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (10) ◽  
pp. 2835-2842
Sara R Henderson ◽  
Clare E M Stevenson ◽  
Brandon Malone ◽  
Yelyzaveta Zholnerovych ◽  
Lesley A Mitchenall ◽  

Abstract Objectives To evaluate the efficacy of two novel compounds against mycobacteria and determine the molecular basis of their action on DNA gyrase using structural and mechanistic approaches. Methods Redx03863 and Redx04739 were tested in antibacterial assays, and also against their target, DNA gyrase, using DNA supercoiling and ATPase assays. X-ray crystallography was used to determine the structure of the gyrase B protein ATPase sub-domain from Mycobacterium smegmatis complexed with the aminocoumarin drug novobiocin, and structures of the same domain from Mycobacterium thermoresistibile complexed with novobiocin, and also with Redx03863. Results Both compounds, Redx03863 and Redx04739, were active against selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative species, with Redx03863 being the more potent, and Redx04739 showing selectivity against M. smegmatis. Both compounds were potent inhibitors of the supercoiling and ATPase reactions of DNA gyrase, but did not appreciably affect the ATP-independent relaxation reaction. The structure of Redx03863 bound to the gyrase B protein ATPase sub-domain from M. thermoresistibile shows that it binds at a site adjacent to the ATP- and novobiocin-binding sites. We found that most of the mutations that we made in the Redx03863-binding pocket, based on the structure, rendered gyrase inactive. Conclusions Redx03863 and Redx04739 inhibit gyrase by preventing the binding of ATP. The fact that the Redx03863-binding pocket is distinct from that of novobiocin, coupled with the lack of activity of resistant mutants, suggests that such compounds could have potential to be further exploited as antibiotics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 1499-1510 ◽  
Daan C. Swarts

Abstract CRISPR–Cas12a (previously named Cpf1) is a prokaryotic deoxyribonuclease that can be programmed with an RNA guide to target complementary DNA sequences. Upon binding of the target DNA, Cas12a induces a nick in each of the target DNA strands, yielding a double-stranded DNA break. In addition to inducing cis-cleavage of the targeted DNA, target DNA binding induces trans-cleavage of non-target DNA. As such, Cas12a–RNA guide complexes can provide sequence-specific immunity against invading nucleic acids such as bacteriophages and plasmids. Akin to CRISPR–Cas9, Cas12a has been repurposed as a genetic tool for programmable genome editing and transcriptional control in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In addition, its trans-cleavage activity has been applied for high-sensitivity nucleic acid detection. Despite the demonstrated value of Cas12a for these applications, the exact molecular mechanisms of both cis- and trans-cleavage of DNA were not completely understood. Recent studies have revealed mechanistic details of Cas12a-mediates DNA cleavage: base pairing of the RNA guide and the target DNA induces major conformational changes in Cas12a. These conformational changes render Cas12a in a catalytically activated state in which it acts as deoxyribonuclease. This deoxyribonuclease activity mediates cis-cleavage of the displaced target DNA strand first, and the RNA guide-bound target DNA strand second. As Cas12a remains in the catalytically activated state after cis-cleavage, it subsequently demonstrates trans-cleavage of non-target DNA. Here, I review the mechanistic details of Cas12a-mediated cis- and trans-cleavage of DNA. In addition, I discuss how bacteriophage-derived anti-CRISPR proteins can inhibit Cas12a activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 116 (12) ◽  
pp. 5505-5513 ◽  
Elda Cannavo ◽  
Giordano Reginato ◽  
Petr Cejka

To repair DNA double-strand breaks by homologous recombination, the 5′-terminated DNA strands must first be resected to produce 3′ overhangs. Mre11 fromSaccharomyces cerevisiaeis a 3′ → 5′ exonuclease that is responsible for 5′ end degradation in vivo. Using plasmid-length DNA substrates and purified recombinant proteins, we show that the combined exonuclease and endonuclease activities of recombinant MRX-Sae2 preferentially degrade the 5′-terminated DNA strand, which extends beyond the vicinity of the DNA end. Mechanistically, Rad50 restricts the Mre11 exonuclease in an ATP binding-dependent manner, preventing 3′ end degradation. Phosphorylated Sae2, along with stimulating the MRX endonuclease as shown previously, also overcomes this inhibition to promote the 3′ → 5′ exonuclease of MRX, which requires ATP hydrolysis by Rad50. Our results support a model in which MRX-Sae2 catalyzes 5′-DNA end degradation by stepwise endonucleolytic DNA incisions, followed by exonucleolytic 3′ → 5′ degradation of the individual DNA fragments. This model explains how both exonuclease and endonuclease activities of Mre11 functionally integrate within the MRX-Sae2 ensemble to resect 5′-terminated DNA.

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