Does personality influence ratings of foreign accents?
Abstract In both research and educational settings, native and non-native speakers are often asked to make foreign accent ratings (FARs) as a measure of second language pronunciation. However, previous research has identified several factors that influence these ratings. The current study investigates one such variable that, to date, has received little attention in the literature: personality. Thirty-six monolingual English speakers completed the Big Five Aspects Scales personality test (DeYoung, Quilty, & Peterson, 2007) and provided accentedness ratings for 15 non-native English speakers (L1 Mandarin) and five native controls. Results show that two of the Big Five personality traits – conscientiousness and extraversion – were significantly correlated with the ratings listeners provided, while another trait – agreeableness – approached significance. These findings further underline the need to interpret FARs with caution, as variables unrelated to foreign accent, in this case listeners’ personality, may be associated with these ratings, as well.