Pedagogy and Politics: Origins of the Special Conference of 1905 on Primary Education for Non-Russians in the East

1998 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 761-775 ◽  
Wayne Dowler

In May-June 1905 a special conference on education for non-Russians (inorodtsy) of the eastern Empire met in St Petersburg. The conference was organized by the Ministry of National Enlightenment (i.e. Education) with the concurrence of the Holy Synod. It was chaired by A. S. Budilovich, a member of the Council of Ministers. The conference had been preceded by an investigatory commission, also headed by Budilovich, which visited non-Russian elementary schools in the eastern regions of Russia and interviewed education officials, teachers, and parents involved in the education of non-Russians in the area. The purpose of the commission and the subsequent conference was the “examination of the presently existing legislation concerning the non-Russian schools of eastern Russia and in particular that system among them which is linked to the name of N.I. Il'minskii, compared with the schools of the general type that exist in those regions, on the one hand, and with the confessional schools (especially Moslem and Buddhist), on the other.”

1996 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-76 ◽  
Simon Hix ◽  
Christopher Lord

THE SINGLE EUROPEAN ACT AND THE MAASTRICHT TREATY attempted to balance two principles of representation in their redesign of the institutional structures of the European Union: the one, based on the indirect representation of publics through nationally elected governments in the European Council and Council of Ministers; the other, based on the direct representation of publics through a more powerful European Parliament. There is much to be said for this balance, for neither of the two principles can, on its own, be an adequate solution at this stage in the development of the EU. The Council suffers from a non-transparent style of decision-making and is, in the view of many, closer to oligarchic than to democratic politics. On the other hand, the claims of the European Parliament to represent public sentiments on European integration are limited by low voter participation, the second-order nature of European elections and the still Protean nature of what we might call a transnational European demos. The EU lacks a single public arena of political debate, communications and shared meanings; of partisan aggregation and political entrepreneurship; and of high and even acceptance, across issues and member states, that it is European and not national majority views which should count in collective rule-making.

PMLA ◽  
1966 ◽  
Vol 81 (5) ◽  
pp. 381-388
William Park

But the Discovery [of when to laugh and when to cry] was reserved for this Age, and there are two Authors now living in this Metropolis, who have found out the Art, and both brother Biographers, the one of Tom Jones, and the other of of Charlotte SummersRather than discuss the differences which separate Fielding and Richardson, I propose to survey the common ground which they share with each other and with other novelists of the 1740's and 50's. In other words I am suggesting that these two masters, their contemporaries, and followers have made use of the same materials and that as a result the English novels of the mid-eighteenth century may be regarded as a distinct historic version of a general type of literature. Most readers, it seems to me, do not make this distinction. They either think that the novel is always the same, or they believe that one particular group of novels, such as those written in the early twentieth century, is the form itself. In my opinion, however, we should think of the novel as we do of the drama. No one kind of drama, such as Elizabethan comedy or Restoration comedy, is the drama itself; instead, each is a particular manifestation of the general type. Each kind bears some relationship to the others, but at the same time each has its own identity, which we usually call its conventions. By conventions I mean not only stock characters, situations, and themes, but also notions and assumptions about the novel, human nature, society, and the cosmos itself. If we compare one kind of novel to another without first considering the conventions of each, we are likely to make the same mistake that Thomas Rymer did when he blamed Shakespeare for not conforming to the canons of classical French drama.

Isakova Feruza Rakhmanovna ◽  

This article reveals the policy of the Soviet government in relation to Islam in the 1920 of the XX century. This policy was initially dual in nature, that is, on the one hand, the Bolsheviks established strict control in the Muslim regions of Russia, on the other hand, until a certain time Muslims were allowed to follow their traditions and customary norms of life. However, in the second half of the 20 after strengthening its position, the Soviet government began to implement the policy of atheism everywhere in order to finally put an end to religion.

Parasitology ◽  
1912 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
Cecil Warburton

The identification of species of Rhipicephalus is likely to give more trouble than is the case with any other genus of Ixodidae, for while, on the one hand, there are few species which depart greatly from the general type, on the other hand the range of variation within the species is extremely great. In no genus is it so dangerous to describe a new species from a single individual, especially if the specimen be a female.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-266 ◽  
Leor Cohen

This article refocuses the discussion of identity in narrative and practice by looking at structuring-in-practice and beyond to the discourse functions of identity. The narrative of an Ethiopian Israeli female college student is analyzed, wherein she tells about changing elementary schools — a context mirroring the immediate situation in her new academic setting. The analysis identifies and labels the partial, microgenetic elicitation of identity-attributable imagery in each utterance and then consolidates the accumulation of those images into the various groupings relevant in the narrative. In the particular narrative studied here all consolidated images contrast against the one identity-attributable image that is interactionally advantageous. This result, found in all 28 prototypical narratives in my corpus of 46, is evidence of a poetic identity structuring of narrative serving two discourse functions: (1) metasemantic- the contrastive identity work creates and indexes the narrative’s Complication and its subsequent Resolution; (2) metapragmatic- the contrastive identity work creates and indexes the identity for impression management. The contrastive basis of the poetic identity structure of narrative is indicative of much Western identity and narrative construction. Thus, identity and narrative are shown to stand in reflexive relation one to the other, where identity is an ‘indexical icon’, a map of itself drawn in the very narrative from which it emerges.

Michał Kowalewski

It is expected that today’s school shall, on the one hand – to the greatest extent possible, support a pupil in his or her development and education-related activities, on the other hand – prevent exclusion, so easy to occur in today’s, structurally diversified society. The factor which poses a potential source of social exclusion is the evaluation of education-related achievements of pupils, present in the education-related school practice in the form of a grade. The system of evaluating the education-related achievements, in view of the diversity of results, often introduce stereotypical divisions into “better” and “worse” pupils, resulting in school setbacks, implicating negatively perceived competition as well as distorting the relations within the school community. In view of the aforementioned circumstances, the considerations over the evaluation of education-related achievements seem to be well-founded, particularly in the context of primary education of pupils.

Vladimir Sinichenko ◽  
Galina Tokarevа ◽  

The article states that in the conditions of war, first the royal government, then the provisional government, moved to impose fixed food prices. The introduction of «firm prices» for food products has caused shortages. The shortage of goods led on the one hand to hyperinflation and depreciation of money, on the other hand to the growth of smuggling operations and saturation of the Far East market with smuggled food from abroad.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Sri Hartini

There is a relation that can not be ignored between the synergy of parents and teachers in character education discipline students. Relationships both occur in two directions, on the one hand, synergy parents and teachers play a role in shaping the behaviour of student discipline character. On the other hand, the view of certain disciplinary characters also becomes the catalyst for the emergence of other distinctive characters of discipline. In the context of character education of discipline students in the modern era, synergy of parents and teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri in Klaten District found an extension of synergy between parents and teachers with the phenomenon of disciplinary character education students who worry. While the factors causing the destruction of the character of students in MTN Negeri Klaten district is influenced by teachers and parents, and the education system imposed in the madrasah.

Ernesto Colomo Magaña ◽  
Vicente Gabarda Méndez ◽  
Andrea Cívico Ariza ◽  
Nuria Cuevas Monzonís

La muerte es un fenómeno natural y, como tal, forma parte de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, su inclusión como contenido curricular dista mucho de ser efectiva, ni en la formación de los estudiantes, ni en la de los docentes. Partiendo de esta realidad, la presente propuesta analiza la integración de la pedagogía de la muerte en los planes de formación inicial del futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria. Concretamente, se examinan las propuestas formativas de 15 universidades públicas, mediante la presencia de términos relacionados con esta disciplina desde una perspectiva mixta: por un lado, se explora cuantitativamente la presencia de los términos y, por otro, se analiza cualitativamente en qué asignaturas se integran y con qué sentido (biológico, religioso, filosófico o sociocultural). Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la escasez de términos vinculados con la muerte y, por ende, la práctica inexistencia de formación docente en pedagogía de la muerte, permitiendo identificar la necesidad de establecer estrategias que permitan formar a los maestros y maestras en esta cuestión. Death is a natural phenomenon and, as such, is part of our lives. However, its inclusion as curricular content is far from being effective, neither in the training of students nor in teacher´s training. Based on this reality, this proposal analyses the integration of the pedagogy of death into the initial training plans of future teachers of Primary Education. Specifically, the training plans of 15 public universities are examined, through the presence of terms related to this discipline from a mixed approach: on the one hand, the presence of the terms is quantitatively explored and, on the other hand, qualitatively analyzed in which subjects are integrated and with what conception (biological, religious, philosophical or sociocultural). The results highlight the scarcity of terms linked to death and, therefore, the non-existence of teaching training in pedagogy of death, allowing to identify the need no establish strategies to train teachers on this issue.

1920 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-103 ◽  
H. W. Wade ◽  
C. Manalang

It has been found that three different strains of an organism supposed to be Bacillus influenzæ will, under certain conditions, abandon the usual bacillary form and grow as a frank fungus, morphologically of the Discomyces type. Under other conditions they show less modification, the most striking feature then being the production of conidiospores, bodies of a type not found in true bacteria. That this organism may not be the true Pfeiffer bacillus is conceivable, of course, but considering the source, morphology, ordinary cultural characteristics, and the poison production of the one strain tested, we consider this highly improbable. Further, we are confident that the cultures do not contain any contaminating organisms, as may be suggested. In short, we believe that we have been dealing solely with the true Pfeiffer bacillus. While these observations are of considerable interest as a contribution to the biology of the bacteria of this general type it cannot, of course, be predicted that they will prove to be of any significance as regards the true causative agent of epidemic influenza. Experimental work with this organism, apparently negative so far as reproducing true clinical influenza is concerned, has been carried out with the bacillary form exclusively. It may be found that its physiological capabilities in another phase are essentially different. This is a general biological law and there is no evident reason why it should not hold true here. It remains to be determined whether the relatively high, complex forms described have any relation to those that occur while the organism lives among other organisms on the respiratory mucosa or acts as a tissue invader. While it seems improbable that they should develop in the animal body, that is while the organism is living as a parasite, it is at least possible that the bacillus may, under some conditions, undergo some analogous or at least similarly radical modification. If this supposition is true its cultivability might well be quite different from that of its bacillary phase, in which event it might be present in abundance and yet not be found in ordinary cultures or be recognizable in films. But the more important problem would appear to be whether it can assume a simpler phase. If, as some believe, some of the infectious bacteria and fungi can do this, whether it be as minute, filter-passing, formed elements or as a more or less amorphous ("sym-plastic,"16 "crytoplasmic,"15) substance, an organism that is capable of as remarkable a range of morphological development upward might well go to the other extreme from the mean, bacillary stage. Whether or not this occurs and if so under what conditions are questions that deserve through investigation.

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