The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations
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Prof. Azizuddin Khan ◽  
Prof. K. Khasanova ◽  
Shakhzoda Bahtiyarovna Akhmedova ◽  

Сonducted research in the form of a survey of students to improve the quality of education and improve the quality of optimization in the distribution of the required disciplines through the student’s eyes.

Khayitmurod Khurramov ◽  

This article provides an in-depth analysis of the scientific literature on the Oxus civilization that emerged as a result of the research of the famous American archaeologist Lamberg Karlovsky. Extensive analytical information on the stages of the emergence of the Oxus civilization, the factors of its origin, the language of the population, its location.

Sadaf Djumaliyevna Shabanova ◽  

Phrases are the most important and unique units of any language and are expressive tools used to understand world culture and human characteristics. The purpose of this study is to explain the classification of el (hand) component phrases and their semantic features.

Farmonova Mohinur Faxritdinovna ◽  

This article discusses the introduction of the structural method in Uzbek literature, preliminary research, its role and importance in the analysis of the work. The study focuses on how to distinguish between a work of art and a literary text. The main differences were initially explained in opposition and presented in a simple tabular form for researchers. The article serves to shed light on the essence and significance of the structural method.

Dilobar Abdujalil Kizi Azizova ◽  

The article analyzes the theory of motives, the motives of marriage in Uzbek literature and the concept of variant and invariant in it, plot motives and their poetic features. In proving his views and conclusions, reference was made to works of art belonging to the literature of the 1920s and 1930s.

Akmal Subkhonovich Aslanov ◽  
Anora Akmalovna Subhonova ◽  
Klara Hodjayarovna Avilova ◽  
Muqaddam Akbarovna Saydullayeva ◽  

The basic theoretical goal of cognitive psychology is to describe the information processing mechanism during human action. The driving role of concept and situational role of textbook in language education is the further development of learners' intelligence for the purpose of developing learners' competency in language use. This study discusses cognitive psychology-based foreign language learning and instruction.

Esbergenova Rysgul Begdullaevna ◽  

Porridge is a thick food made from flour or cereals. There are several types of this food, depending on the product: Let's try to make it from flour, katybylamyk uzbentai - a kind of boiled corn flour boiled in water, flour porridge - a kind of porridge made from millet, shalma karma - a kind of sorghum flour soaked in fish soup, thick oatmeal with flour and milk, oatmeal, porridge, flour from various cereals, oatmeal.

Xalilov X.B. ◽  

This article discusses what to look for in research on the use of maps in economic and social geography courses taught in high schools, and how to develop the cartographic competencies of students in geography courses taught in high schools.

Akramova Nozima Muzaffarovna ◽  

The article deals with the linguistic and culturological field “Internet” in modern youth sociolect. The author of the article considers that the functioning of language in the global Internet has been studied by many linguists. The change of linguistic personality occurs in conjunction with the formation of a virtual picture of the world, including the linguistic one, reflecting life in the space of Internet with its specific features. All this significantly affects the linguistic situation and requires serious linguistic research.

Yunus Ortikovich Kholikov ◽  

This article reveals the philosophical essence of developing a culture of tolerance in society. It reveals the importance of making the culture of tolerance a universal value, a culture of tolerance, tolerance for the lifestyles, behaviors, manners, feelings, opinions, ideas and beliefs of others.

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