A Survey of Virginia Public School Principals on the State of Environmental Education

1978 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-42 ◽  
Alvin M. Pettus ◽  
Karl E. Schwaab
Raeda Hussein Mohammed Sous

    The study aimed at revealing the role of the principals of public schools in developing students' awareness of environmental education in Ajloun Governorate. The researcher used the descriptive approach. To achieve the goal of the study، the researcher constructed a questionnaire and distributed it to a random sample of 168 managers and directors. The role of public school principals in developing students' awareness of environmental education in Ajloun Governorate is estimated at (high)، with an average of 3.67 (5). In terms of the dimensions of the study، the following is the cognitive field، with an average of (3.79). (3.88)، and the affective area with an average of (4.14)، all of which are rated (high). The results also showed no significant differences at the level of significance between the role of government principals in developing students' Ajloun Governorate، due to gender variable. In the light of the results، a number of recommendations and proposals were presented to raise the role of managers in developing students' awareness of environmental education   ، ، 

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Cassia Domiciano ◽  
Márcia Cossetin ◽  
Nádia Drabach

Neste artigo objetivamos apresentar e problematizar a gestão escolar democrática na rede estadual e nos diferentes municípios do estado de Mato Grosso, decorrente da decisão favorável à inconstitucionalidade da eleição para diretores de unidades de ensino, proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), em novembro de 2019. O princípio, inscrito no inciso IV, do artigo 237 da Constituição do estado, foi declarado inconstitucional em razão de a maioria dos ministros entender que a indicação para funções de confiança é de competência direta dos executivos estaduais e municipais. Intencionando verificar as decisões dos governantes frente à deliberação do STF, realizamos pesquisa documental levantando nas mídias eletrônicas reportagens que trazem ações da Secretaria de Educação e Cultura do Estado de Mato Grosso e das Secretarias Municipais de Educação mato-grossenses, após ciência da manifestação do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os resultados indicam incertezas na continuidade da eleição como um instrumento da gestão democrática, podendo interromper ou enfraquecer processos de participação históricos da comunidade escolar na escolha de dirigentes escolares no estado de Mato Grosso e em seus respectivos municípios aprofundando políticas educacionais conservadoras que têm sido a tônica governamental dessa segunda década do século XXI.DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT IN THE STATE OF MATO GROSSO: achievements threatened by the implementation of conservative educational policiesAbstractThis article presents an overview of the democratic school management system law as perceived in the State and different municipalities of Mato Grosso, in Brazil. The piece problematizes the Supreme Federal Court (STF) decision to make the election of public school principals unconstitutional. The principle, inscribed in the item number IV, of article 237 of the State Constitution was declared unconstitutional in November 2019. It makes the appointment for public school principals an executive power decision since the majority of the Supreme Federal Court ministers understood that the appointment of trust functions is the responsibility of the executive power, thus ruling against the democratic election of candidates for this position. Intending to verify the decisions made by the local government in the face of the STF ruling, we conducted a document research analysis in which we identified electronic media reports of opposite actions by the State Education Department and local municipalities.  The results indicate uncertainties in the continuity of the election for public school principals as an instrument of democratic management. Which in turn can interrupt or weaken the historical participation processes of the school community in choosing school principals in the state of Mato Grosso and their respective municipalities, deepening conservative educational policies that have been the focus of the government of that second decade of the XXI century .Keywords: Democratic management. Election of school principals. Mato Grosso.GESTIÓN DEMOCRÁTICA EN EL ESTADO DE MATO GROSSO: conquista amenazada por la implantación de políticas educacionales conservadorasResumen En tal artículo objetivamos presentar y problematizar la gestión escolar democrática en la red estatal y en las diferentes municipalidades del estado de Mato Grosso, decurrente de la decisión favorable a la inconstitucionalidad de la elección para directores de unidades de enseñanza , proferida por el Supremo Tribunal Federal  (STF), en noviembre de 2019. El principio, puesto en el inciso IV, del artículo 237 de la Constitución del estado, fue declarado inconstitucional  por razones de la mayoría de los ministros entender que la indicación para funciones de confianza es de competencia directa  de los ejecutivos estatales y municipales. Intentando verificar las decisiones de los gobernantes  frente a las deliberaciones del STF, realizamos una investigación documental en los archivos electrónicos reportajes que trajeron acciones de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Estado de Mato Grosso y de las Secretarías Municipales de Educación del estado,  después que supieron de la manifestación del Supremo Tribunal Federal. Los resultados indican incertidumbres en la continuidad de la elección como instrumento de la gestión democrática, pudiendo interrumpir o enflaquecer procesos de participaciones histórica de la comunidad escolar en elegir dirigentes escolares en el estado de Mato Grosso y en sus respectivos municipios, profundizando políticas educacionales conservadoras que han sido la tónica del gobierno de esa segunda década del siglo XXI.Palabras-clave: Gestión Democrática. Elección de Directores. Mato Grosso. 

1993 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-202
James E. Lyons

This study was designed to determine the level of competency that beginning principals perceived they had in their primary areas of responsibility when appointed to the position. Secondarily, the study determined what beginning principals perceived to be their greatest challenges and frustrations, most familiar and most unfamiliar areas of responsibility, and who was most and least helpful to them as new principals. The findings indicated that beginning principals are challenged by the following: delegating responsibilities and becoming familiar with the principal's role, the local school, and school operations. Their major frustrations were role adjustment, the (large) amount of responsibility, and time management.

SAGE Open ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824401982954 ◽  
Jason A. Kaufman

The present study sought to investigate perceptions of stress and coping among public school principals. School principals are daily called upon to make decisions regarding a range of unscripted events. The position can be stressful, and stress is known to interfere with sound decision making. It was predicted that present samples of school principals would report a mean level of elevated stress. Contrary to expectations, school principals did not report an elevated level of stress. They instead reported an ostensibly effective reliance on problem-focused and emotion-focused coping skills. It remains unclear how the school principals developed such adaptive means for coping with the stress of leading schools. It is recommended that future research explore this question so that such skills may be transmitted to principals-in-training.

David B. Reid

School principals are fundamentally important to school improvement. Due in part to this importance, the roles and responsibilities of school principals are constantly evolving. To explore leader sensemaking about this phenomenon I conducted 30 interviews with 10 public school principals in the US state of New Jersey during the 2018–2019 school year. Specifically, in this study I asked: (a) What are current public school principals’ predictions of the future role of school principals? and (b) In what way(s) do these predictions shape principals’ thinking about remaining in the profession? The findings of this work indicate: (a) principals believe the future of the school principal will focus heavily on safety and security; (b) principals believe the future of the role will include an increased emphasis on supporting student and teacher emotion and mental health; and (c) principals believe their future role as a school leader will evolve in how they interact with parents/guardians. Finally, an analysis of data shows in some cases how principals make sense of the future of the profession shapes their thinking about remaining in or exiting the role of school principal. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.

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