public school principals
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Ashraf Mohammad Abu Khayran, Atef Mahmoud Alarjan Ashraf Mohammad Abu Khayran, Atef Mahmoud Alarjan

  This study aimed at researching the reality of crisis management among public school principals in the Hebron governorate during the Corona pandemic, and this study was conducted on all public-school principals and principals in the Hebron governorates in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 on a sample consisting of (281). As principals, the descriptive approach is used, whereby the study tool that relates to crisis management for government school principals in Hebron Governorate during the Corona pandemic was built: Reality and Obstacles, and the tool’s validity and stability were sure. The study found that the reality of crisis management among public school principals in the Hebron governorate during the Corona pandemic came to a large extent, and the existence of differences in the reality of crisis management among public school principals in the Hebron governorate during the Corona pandemic from the viewpoint of government school principals in the Hebron governorate depending on the educational qualification variable and in favor of the academic qualification Master and above, and according to the variable of the directorate and in favor of the Hebron district, and according to the school gender variable in favor of schools Females by averages. The study found that obstacles to crisis management among public school principals in Hebron Governorate during the Corona pandemic came to a large extent And based on the results of the study, the recommendation: Giving the school director greater powers so that he can cope with any crisis he faces through his work, and work to provide the teaching bodies with training, internet and computers to enable them to work on teaching students according to the distance education programs approved by the ministry, And the participation of school principals in drawing up plans in the directorates and at the level of the ministry, due to their good knowledge of the reality through the nature of their work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (06) ◽  
pp. 208-223
Rola Abd Al-Rahman ALKHARRAZ ◽  
Majdi Hamad Tawfik AL-ATARI

The study aimed to measure the attitudes of public school principals towards integrating students with motor disabilities in Nablus governorate and to measure the differences in the attitudes of government school principals towards integrating students with mobility disabilities in Nablus Governorate according to the different variables (gender, educational level, experience), and the descriptive survey method was used, and it was The study population consisted of all school principals in Nablus governorate, totaling (267) principals. The questionnaire was randomly distributed to a sample of (167) principals in Nablus governorate, which was statistically analyzed. The study showed the presence of high positive attitudes among public school principals towards integrating students with motor disabilities in Nablus governorate, and the presence of apparent differences in the attitudes of government school principals towards integrating students with motor disabilities in Nablus governorate due to gender in favor of females, and the absence of differences due to educational level and experience Based on the results of the study, it recommends preparing schools in a way that contributes to educating all workers to better accept the idea of inclusion in order to be successful in an optimal manner, and the need to issue legislation by the competent authorities, which guarantees the principle of equal opportunities for the disabled to obtain education, and the necessity of holding courses And workshops for managers in the field of inclusion of the disabled and special methods of dealing with them‎.

Ebtesam Awwad Aladamat Ebtesam Awwad Aladamat

This study aimed to know the reality of transformational leadership among public school principals in Jordan from the point of view of the evaluators of the Education Quality and Accountability Unit, and to achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach, the study tool represented in a questionnaire applied to a random sample of (50) male and female evaluators. The results of the study showed that the degree of transformational leadership practice of public school principals in Jordan came with a degree of approval (medium) and average of (3.33). As for the areas of transformational leadership, the field of individual considerations ranked first with a degree of approval (large) with an average of (3.53), followed by The field of the inspirational stimulus with a degree of approval (medium) with an average (3.33), then the field of the ideal effect with a degree of approval (medium) and average of (3.29), while the field of intellectual arousal ranked last with a degree of approval (medium) and with an average of (3.17), and in light of the results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and proposals to improve the practice of public school principals and directors in Jordan, the most important of which are: Holding training courses and programs for each of the school principals and their teachers and their development to increase their capacity To practice transformational leadership.

Nariman Mohammad Aljarab’ah Nariman Mohammad Aljarab’ah

The study aimed at the problems facing public school principals in Jordan in managing educational crises in light of the Corona pandemic from their point of view. In public schools affiliated to the First Zarqa Directorate in Jordan, the results of the study showed a problem facing government school principals in Jordan in managing educational crises in light of the Corona pandemic, obtaining an overall average (3.78 out of 5), with a degree of severity (high).

Fahad Husain Alshammari Fahad Husain Alshammari

    This study aimed to: Identify the leadership style prevailing among public school principals in Hail from the teachers ’point of view, and to reveal the statistical significance of the differences in the estimates of the study sample individuals of the leadership style prevailing among school principals, which may due to variables of (educational stage, number of years of experience, and specialization). The researcher used the descriptive method, and prepared a questionnaire consisting of (24) statements distributed to (3) dimensions, which are: Democratic style, authoritarian style and chaotic style. The current study population included all the teachers of public education schools in Hail, who numbered (9390) teachers. The questionnaire was applied to a random sample of (296) teachers. The study found a set of results, the most important of which are: The prevailing leadership style among school principals is the democratic style, followed by the authoritarian style, and then the chaotic style. Where the democratic style obtained a mean (4.18) and a high degree of approval from the study sample, while the domineering style obtained a mean (1.83) and a low degree of approval from the study sample, and the chaotic style obtained an average (1.73) and a low degree of approval. Very members of the study sample. The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences in the degree of the study sample’s estimates of the leadership style prevailing among school principals due to the variable of years of experience, while there are no statistically significant differences in the degree of the study sample’s estimates of the leadership style prevailing among school principals due to the variables of the educational stage or specialization. In light of these results, the researcher recommended organizing training courses for school principals to enlighten them about the modern trends in educational leadership, and urged school principals to follow the democratic style of administration.

Lubna El-Tamimi Nasrala, Mervat Abu Asab Agbaria, Khaled Abu Lubna El-Tamimi Nasrala, Mervat Abu Asab Agbaria, Khaled Abu

This study aimed to know the reality of crisis management among public school principals in East Jerusalem from the teachers ’point of view, and the research was based on the descriptive and analytical approach, and the Nieroch questionnaire (2020) was used with some changes to demographic variables to suit the current study. A random sample was chosen a sample consisting of (233) male and female teachers. The results showed that the degree of practicing public school principals in East Jerusalem in managing school crises got an average (3.58 out of 5), meaning a degree of (high) practice. At the level of domains, the confrontational field before the crisis occurred got the highest average (3.64 out of 5), then the confrontation field. During the occurrence of the crisis at an average of (3.58), and finally the confrontation after its occurrence at an average of (3.52), all of which are of a (high) practice rating, and that school principals have a preconceived perception of any emergency crisis and on all axes of the questionnaire (before, during and after the crisis). The study also found that the ability Managers deal with the crisis before its occurrence is greater than dealing with it after its end, and the study indicated that there are statistically significant differences in the degree of school crisis management among public school principals due to the variables of the teacher’s gender and the gender of the school principal and in favor of males. Based on the results, the researchers presented a set of recommendations and proposals to enhance the culture of crisis management among public school principals in East Jerusalem, all of Palestine and the Arab countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-48
Maryam Sasani ◽  
Assadollah Mehrara ◽  
Zabihollah Gholami rudi ◽  
Seyed jafar Moosavi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Jennie Weiner ◽  
Chantal Francois ◽  
Corrie Stone-Johnson ◽  
Joshua Childs

Utilizing a sample of 54 interviews from a larger study of traditional public school principals' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, we examined the degree to which principals in 19 states and representing both urban (e.g., intensive, emergent or characteristic; n = 37) and suburban settings (n = 17) and across all student levels (i.e., elementary, middle, and high), experienced and engaged in behaviors to create psychological safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also sought to understand how various environmental and organizational features may have influenced these conditions and thus the likelihood of learning taking place. We find principals reported varied levels of psychological safety in their schools with associated differing levels of organizational learning and responsiveness to the crisis. However, rather being grounded in environmental conditions (e.g., urbanicity, demographics, etc.), organizational factors and specifically, differences in accountability, principal autonomy, professional culture and teacher decision-making were all key in the degree of psychological safety exhibited. Together, these findings serve to expand understanding of leadership as creating conditions for learning and give insight into the degree our pre-COVID-19 system may have facilitated or stymied the ability or capacity of school leaders in different settings to support transformational learning. In this way, this research may have real and important implications for the types of support leaders and teachers require as we collectively transition into the next phase of uncertainty as many schools continue to try and re-open safely and all that lays ahead.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Cassia Domiciano ◽  
Márcia Cossetin ◽  
Nádia Drabach

Neste artigo objetivamos apresentar e problematizar a gestão escolar democrática na rede estadual e nos diferentes municípios do estado de Mato Grosso, decorrente da decisão favorável à inconstitucionalidade da eleição para diretores de unidades de ensino, proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), em novembro de 2019. O princípio, inscrito no inciso IV, do artigo 237 da Constituição do estado, foi declarado inconstitucional em razão de a maioria dos ministros entender que a indicação para funções de confiança é de competência direta dos executivos estaduais e municipais. Intencionando verificar as decisões dos governantes frente à deliberação do STF, realizamos pesquisa documental levantando nas mídias eletrônicas reportagens que trazem ações da Secretaria de Educação e Cultura do Estado de Mato Grosso e das Secretarias Municipais de Educação mato-grossenses, após ciência da manifestação do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os resultados indicam incertezas na continuidade da eleição como um instrumento da gestão democrática, podendo interromper ou enfraquecer processos de participação históricos da comunidade escolar na escolha de dirigentes escolares no estado de Mato Grosso e em seus respectivos municípios aprofundando políticas educacionais conservadoras que têm sido a tônica governamental dessa segunda década do século XXI.DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT IN THE STATE OF MATO GROSSO: achievements threatened by the implementation of conservative educational policiesAbstractThis article presents an overview of the democratic school management system law as perceived in the State and different municipalities of Mato Grosso, in Brazil. The piece problematizes the Supreme Federal Court (STF) decision to make the election of public school principals unconstitutional. The principle, inscribed in the item number IV, of article 237 of the State Constitution was declared unconstitutional in November 2019. It makes the appointment for public school principals an executive power decision since the majority of the Supreme Federal Court ministers understood that the appointment of trust functions is the responsibility of the executive power, thus ruling against the democratic election of candidates for this position. Intending to verify the decisions made by the local government in the face of the STF ruling, we conducted a document research analysis in which we identified electronic media reports of opposite actions by the State Education Department and local municipalities.  The results indicate uncertainties in the continuity of the election for public school principals as an instrument of democratic management. Which in turn can interrupt or weaken the historical participation processes of the school community in choosing school principals in the state of Mato Grosso and their respective municipalities, deepening conservative educational policies that have been the focus of the government of that second decade of the XXI century .Keywords: Democratic management. Election of school principals. Mato Grosso.GESTIÓN DEMOCRÁTICA EN EL ESTADO DE MATO GROSSO: conquista amenazada por la implantación de políticas educacionales conservadorasResumen En tal artículo objetivamos presentar y problematizar la gestión escolar democrática en la red estatal y en las diferentes municipalidades del estado de Mato Grosso, decurrente de la decisión favorable a la inconstitucionalidad de la elección para directores de unidades de enseñanza , proferida por el Supremo Tribunal Federal  (STF), en noviembre de 2019. El principio, puesto en el inciso IV, del artículo 237 de la Constitución del estado, fue declarado inconstitucional  por razones de la mayoría de los ministros entender que la indicación para funciones de confianza es de competencia directa  de los ejecutivos estatales y municipales. Intentando verificar las decisiones de los gobernantes  frente a las deliberaciones del STF, realizamos una investigación documental en los archivos electrónicos reportajes que trajeron acciones de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Estado de Mato Grosso y de las Secretarías Municipales de Educación del estado,  después que supieron de la manifestación del Supremo Tribunal Federal. Los resultados indican incertidumbres en la continuidad de la elección como instrumento de la gestión democrática, pudiendo interrumpir o enflaquecer procesos de participaciones histórica de la comunidad escolar en elegir dirigentes escolares en el estado de Mato Grosso y en sus respectivos municipios, profundizando políticas educacionales conservadoras que han sido la tónica del gobierno de esa segunda década del siglo XXI.Palabras-clave: Gestión Democrática. Elección de Directores. Mato Grosso. 

Johnnie Simmons

This phenomenological study explored teachers’ perceptions of the presence of servant leadership characteristics in their school principals and how the principals’ use of servant leadership characteristics influenced teachers. The primary phenomenon was the teachers’ perceptions of their principals’ use of servant leadership characteristics based on their direct personal experiences with the principals and the intrinsic and extrinsic influence on their behavior. A nonrandom sample of 16 public school teachers from Grades 1 through 12 from three similar districts in a southern California county was recruited. The elementary, middle, and high school teachers participated in one-on-one semi structured interviews. The data from the 16 oral interviews indicated that principals’ use of servant leadership characteristics, as perceived by the teachers, intrinsically and extrinsically influenced the teachers. The interviews generated seven themes regarding perceptions held by the teachers regarding their principals’ use of servant leadership characteristics. When principals in public schools exhibit servant leadership characteristics, teacher satisfaction and retention are impacted. Therefore, consideration must be made for use of servant leadership as a framework and model for teachers’ perceptions of their principals’ use of servant leadership and how those perceptions influence teachers.

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