Activation of command fibres to the stomatogastric ganglion by input from a gastric mill proprioceptor in the crab,Cancer pagurus†

1973 ◽  
Vol 2 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 197-228 ◽  
M. R. Dando ◽  
B. Chanussot ◽  
F. Nagy
1984 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-73 ◽  
D. F. Russell ◽  
D. K. Hartline

The properties of neurons in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) participating in the pattern generator for the gastric mill rhythm were studied by intracellular current injection under several conditions: during ongoing gastric rhythms, in the nonrhythmic isolated STG, after stimulation of the nerve carrying central nervous system (CNS) inputs to the STG, or under Ba2+ or Sr2+. Slow regenerative depolarizations during ongoing rhythms were demonstrated in the anterior median, cardiopyloric, lateral cardiac, gastropyloric, and continuous inhibitor (AM, CP, LC, GP, and CI) neurons according to criteria such as voltage dependency, burst triggering, and termination by brief current pulses, etc. Experiments showed that regenerative-like behavior was not due to synaptic network interactions. The slow regenerative responses were abolished by isolating the stomatogastric ganglion but could be reestablished by stimulating the input nerve. This indicates that certain CNS inputs synaptically induce the regenerative property in specific gastric neurons. Slow regenerative depolarizations were not demonstrable in gastric mill (GM) motor neurons. Their burst oscillations and firing rate were instead proportional to injected current. CNS inputs evoked a prolonged depolarization in GM motor neurons, apparently by a nonregenerative mechanism. All the gastric cells showed prolonged regenerative potentials under 0.5-1.5 mM Ba2+. We conclude that the gastric neurons of the STG can be divided into three types according to their properties: those with a regenerative capability, a repetitively firing type, and a nonregenerative "proportional" type. The cells are strongly influenced by several types of CNS inputs, including "gastric command fibers."

1980 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-160

A pharmacological analysis was made of the depolarizing acetylcholine (ACh) response found on the gastric mill 1 muscles of the crabs Cancer pagurus, Cancer irroratus and Cancer borealis. Acetylcholine, carbamylcholine, trimethylammonium, nicotine, and dimethyl-4-phenyl-piperazinium were effective in producing contractures and depolarizations in these muscles. No response to decamethonium, suberyldicholine, acetyl-β-methylcholine, carbamyl-β-methylcholine, pilocarpine and oxotremorine could be detected. High concentrations of muscarinic agonists (10−4 to 10−3 M) potentiated and prolonged the ACh iontophoretic response. When the acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited with neostigmine, or when the response was elicited with carbamylcholine, muscarinic agonists partially inhibited the response. ACh responses were most effectively blocked by vertebrate nicotinic ganglionic antagonists, including dihydro-β-erythroidine, pempidine, and mecamylamine. α-Bungarotoxin was without effect on the ACh response.

2006 ◽  
Vol 96 (6) ◽  
pp. 3378-3388 ◽  
Rafael Levi ◽  
Allen I. Selverston

In addition to ionotropic effects, glutamate and acetylcholine have metabotropic modulatory effects on many neurons. Here we show that in the stomatogastric ganglion of the lobster, glutamate, one of the main ionotropic neurotransmitters, modulates the excitability of gastric mill neurons. The neurons in this well-studied system produce rhythmic output to a subset of lobster foregut muscles. Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) agonists were suggested as modulators of the rhythmic output, in addition to the previously described muscarinic modulation by acetylcholine. However, the cellular mechanisms responsible for these effects on the pattern are not known. Using intracellular recording methods and calcium imaging, we show that glutamate has an excitatory effect on specific neurons in the stomatogastric ganglion, which is mediated by mGluRs. Responses to the application of mGluR type I agonists are transient oscillations in the system, probably arising from network interactions. We show that the excitatory effect is sensitive to phospholipase-C and IP3 and is G-protein dependent. The G-protein dependency was demonstrated by GDPβS and GTPγS injection into identified neurons. The depolarizations and oscillations were accompanied by an increase of intracellular Ca2+ levels and correlated Ca2+ oscillations. By using cyclopiazonic acid, an endoreticular Ca2+ uptake inhibitor, we show that some internal calcium release may augment the response, but is not crucial for its production. Interestingly, although Ca2+ concentration increase is typically associated with the phosphoinositide pathway, in the lobster, the Ca2+ concentration increase—either voltage dependent or independent—cannot account for the observed depolarization.

1975 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-420
D. K. Hartline ◽  
D. M. Maynard

1. Acitivity patterns arising from the thirty cells of the stomatogastric ganglion of Panulirus argus are described for both a semi-intact preparation and an isolated one. 2. The thirty or so cells can be divided so far into two functional groupings: the gastric mill group, with at least ten motor elements, and the pyloric group with at least fourteen. There is some, but not extensive, interaction between groups. 3. The main gastric mill activity is arranged in two sets of elements, each of which is composed of reciprocating elements innervating antagonistic muscles. Thus alternation in activity between the single LC and the two LG neurones results in alternate closing and opening of the lateral teeth; alternation between the four GM and single CP units results in alternate protraction and retraction of the medial tooth. 4. The two sets are phased to each other in such a way that they cause gastric mill teeth to operate effectively to masticate food. 5. The main pyloric activity is arranged in a three-part cycle with each of three sets of units active in sequence. Activity in two PD and one AB unit is followed by bursts in IC and LP units followed in turn by activity in up to seven PY units. Activity in a single VD neurone is locked to this cycle in a more complex pattern.

1989 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 571-581 ◽  
P. S. Katz ◽  
R. M. Harris-Warrick

1. The gastropyloric receptor (GPR) cells, which are described in the preceding paper, are a set of proprioceptive cells in the crabs Cancer borealis and Cancer irroratus that contain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and choline acetyltransferase. These cells have a variety of synaptic effects on cells in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG). We used pharmacologic methods to distinguish the effects that were due to acetylcholine (ACh) from those that could be due to serotonin. 2. The GPR cells evoke excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in two gastric mill motor neurons [lateral and dorsal gastric (LG and DG)] in the stomatogastric ganglion. The EPSPs exhibit nicotinic pharmacology, indicating that they may be due to the release of ACh from the GPR cells. 3. A train of GPR action potentials induces plateau potential properties in the DG motor neuron. This plateau potential induction is not blocked by nicotinic or muscarinic antagonists, suggesting it might be due to serotonin released from the GPR cells. Bath-applied serotonin induces a tonic depolarization of DG with high-intensity spiking. 4. In the accompanying paper, it is shown that DG-evoked muscle contraction leads to the excitation of GPR2 through mechanical coupling of the muscles. Because GPR2 also excites DG, a positive feedback loop exists between GPR2 and DG. This reflex loop may be involved in the control of the medial tooth of the gastric mill. 5. GPR stimulation initiates or enhances rhythmic pyloric cycling. This is due at least in part to a direct enhancement of bursting in the pyloric dilator/anterior burster (PD/AB) pacemaker cell group and can outlast the period of GPR stimulation by up to 1 min. GPR-induced PD burst enhancement continues in the presence of nicotinic and muscarinic antagonists, indicating that the effect is probably not due to the release of ACh. Bath application of serotonin mimicks the neuromodulatory effect of GPR stimulation on the PD/AB group by inducing or enhancing bursting. 6. Thus the GPR cells elicit at least three different synaptic actions in the stomatogastric ganglion: 1) classical, fast nicotinic cholinergic EPSPs that may be important for reflex functions in the gastric mill; 2) noncholinergic, cycle-by-cycle plateau potential induction that might be critical for the timing and operation of the gastric mill, and 3) prolonged, noncholinergic burst enhancement in pyloric neurons that is mimicked by serotonin, lasts many cycles, and may act to assure that the pyloric central pattern generator (CPG) is activated and cycling strongly.

2016 ◽  
Vol 115 (5) ◽  
pp. 2434-2445 ◽  
Lin Zhu ◽  
Allen I. Selverston ◽  
Joseph Ayers

The hyperpolarization-activated inward cationic current ( Ih) is known to regulate the rhythmicity, excitability, and synaptic transmission in heart cells and many types of neurons across a variety of species, including some pyloric and gastric mill neurons in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) in Cancer borealis and Panulirus interruptus. However, little is known about the role of Ih in regulating the gastric mill dynamics and its contribution to the dynamical bifurcation of the gastric mill and pyloric networks. We investigated the role of Ih in the rhythmic activity and cellular excitability of both the gastric mill neurons (medial gastric, gastric mill) and pyloric neurons (pyloric dilator, lateral pyloric) in Homarus americanus. Through testing the burst period between 5 and 50 mM CsCl, and elimination of postinhibitory rebound and voltage sag, we found that 30 mM CsCl can sufficiently block Ih in both the pyloric and gastric mill neurons. Our results show that Ih maintains the excitability of both the pyloric and gastric mill neurons. However, Ih regulates slow oscillations of the pyloric and gastric mill neurons differently. Specifically, blocking Ih diminishes the difference between the pyloric and gastric mill burst periods by increasing the pyloric burst period and decreasing the gastric mill burst period. Moreover, the phase-plane analysis shows that blocking Ih causes the trajectory of slow oscillations of the gastric mill neurons to change toward the pyloric sinusoidal-like trajectories. In addition to regulating the pyloric rhythm, we found that Ih is also essential for the gastric mill rhythms and differentially regulates these two dynamics.

1982 ◽  
Vol 97 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-168
K. A. Sigvardt ◽  
B. Mulloney

1. The IVN command interneurones synapse directly onto 11 identified neurones in the stomatogastric ganglion: the two pyloric dilators (PDs), the anterior burster (AB), ventricular dilator (VD), the four gastric mill neurones (GMs), the two lateral posterior gastric neurones (LPGNs), and Interneurone I (Int 1). 2. The IVN p.s.p.s in PD and AB are biphasic, and consist of a fast depolarizing component followed by a slower hyperpolarizing component. 3. The hyperpolarizing component of this biphasic postsynaptic potential is inhibitory, and appears to be the result of a conductance increase to K+ and Cl-. 4. The IVN p.s.p. in VD is excitatory and can drive VD one-for-one. 5. The IVN p.s.p.s in GM and LPGN are inhibitory. The amplitude of a single p.s.p. is small but, at high frequency, summation of p.s.p.s holds the postsynaptic membrane potential below threshold. 6. The facilitation characteristics of the p.s.p.s in each neurone are described. 7. The functional significance of these synaptic characteristics is discussed in terms of the modification of motor output caused by a burst of the IVN interneurones.

2001 ◽  
Vol 85 (4) ◽  
pp. 1424-1435 ◽  
Patsy S. Dickinson ◽  
Jane Hauptman ◽  
John Hetling ◽  
Anand Mahadevan

The neuropeptide red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH), which we have previously shown to activate the cardiac sac motor pattern and lead to a conjoint gastric mill-cardiac sac pattern in the spiny lobster Panulirus, also activates and modulates the pyloric pattern. Like the activity of gastric mill neurons in RPCH, the pattern of activity in the pyloric neurons is considerably more complex than that seen in control saline. This reflects the influence of the cardiac sac motor pattern, and particularly the upstream inferior ventricular (IV) neurons, on many of the pyloric neurons. RPCH intensifies this interaction by increasing the strength of the synaptic connections between the IV neurons and their targets in the stomatogastric ganglion. At the same time, RPCH enhances postinhibitory rebound in the lateral pyloric (LP) neuron. Taken together, these factors largely explain the complex pyloric pattern recorded in RPCH in Panulirus.

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