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Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5071 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-117

Eighteen species and four genera of the family Gyrinidae are recorded from Thailand. Seven species, belonging to three genera in the tribes Dineutini and Gyrinini, are here treated in detail. Dineutus sitesi Gustafson, Hájek & Miller, D. spinosus (Fabricius), D. unidentatus Aubé, Porrorhynchus marginatus Laporte and Gyrinus sericeolimbatus Régimbart were already known, whereas D. australis (Fabricius) and Gyrinus smaragdinus Régimbart are recorded for the first time. Diagnoses, distribution maps and keys to tribes, genera, and all species of Dineutus and Gyrinus occurring in Thailand are provided. The fourth genus, Patrus (tribe Orectochilini), has been partly revised in a preceding paper.  

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  
pp. 2936
Zhidong Zhang ◽  
Osamu Suzuki

A method of the Riemann–Hilbert problem is employed for Zhang’s conjecture 2 proposed in Philo. Mag. 87 (2007) 5309 for a ferromagnetic three-dimensional (3D) Ising model in a zero external magnetic field. In this work, we first prove that the 3D Ising model in the zero external magnetic field can be mapped to either a (3 + 1)-dimensional ((3 + 1)D) Ising spin lattice or a trivialized topological structure in the (3 + 1)D or four-dimensional (4D) space (Theorem 1). Following the procedures of realizing the representation of knots on the Riemann surface and formulating the Riemann–Hilbert problem in our preceding paper [O. Suzuki and Z.D. Zhang, Mathematics 9 (2021) 776], we introduce vertex operators of knot types and a flat vector bundle for the ferromagnetic 3D Ising model (Theorems 2 and 3). By applying the monoidal transforms to trivialize the knots/links in a 4D Riemann manifold and obtain new trivial knots, we proceed to renormalize the ferromagnetic 3D Ising model in the zero external magnetic field by use of the derivation of Gauss–Bonnet–Chern formula (Theorem 4). The ferromagnetic 3D Ising model with nontrivial topological structures can be realized as a trivial model on a nontrivial topological manifold. The topological phases generalized on wavevectors are determined by the Gauss–Bonnet–Chern formula, in consideration of the mathematical structure of the 3D Ising model. Hence we prove the Zhang’s conjecture 2 (main theorem). Finally, we utilize the ferromagnetic 3D Ising model as a platform for describing a sensible interplay between the physical properties of many-body interacting systems, algebra, topology, and geometry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Victor Christianto

Continuing our previous paper, we gave an outline of a new integral model of human consciousness scheme beyond Freudian mental model. We start from a recent book by one of us: Neutropsychic personality. Then we discuss possibility to reintroduce spirit into human consciousness. To emphasize what we have outlined in a preceding paper, we consider the following: that human consciousness model should take into consideration “spirit” role, i.e. the mind-body-spirit as integral aspect, which view is neglected in the Freudian mental model. In this paper, we consider a further step: introducing “soul” as a different element of human consciousness. We also discuss a few possible applications of such an integral model of human consciousness, including relational psychotherapy and relational pedagogy. While we are fully aware that much remain to be done and we admit that this is only a sketch, we hope that this paper will start a fresh approach of research towards more realistic nonlinear human consciousness model. === Melanjutkan makalah kami sebelumnya, kami memberikan garis besar model integral baru skema kesadaran manusia di luar model mental Freudian. Kita mulai dari sebuah buku baru-baru ini oleh salah satu dari kita: kepribadian Neutropsik. Kemudian kita membahas kemungkinan untuk memperkenalkan kembali roh ke dalam kesadaran manusia. Untuk menekankan apa yang telah kami uraikan dalam makalah sebelumnya, kami mempertimbangkan yang berikut: bahwa model kesadaran manusia harus mempertimbangkan peran "roh", yaitu jiwa-raga-jiwa sebagai aspek integral, yang pandangannya diabaikan dalam model mental Freudian. Dalam tulisan ini, kami mempertimbangkan langkah selanjutnya: memperkenalkan "jiwa" sebagai elemen berbeda dari kesadaran manusia. Kami juga membahas beberapa aplikasi yang mungkin dari model integral dari kesadaran manusia, termasuk psikoterapi relasional dan pedagogi relasional. Sementara kami sepenuhnya menyadari bahwa masih banyak yang harus dilakukan dan kami mengakui bahwa ini hanya sketsa, kami berharap makalah ini akan memulai pendekatan penelitian baru menuju model kesadaran manusia nonlinier yang lebih realistis.  


Abstract In noncommutative algebraic geometry an Artin–Schelter regular (AS-regular) algebra is one of the main interests, and every three-dimensional quadratic AS-regular algebra is a geometric algebra, introduced by Mori, whose point scheme is either $\mathbb {P}^{2}$ or a cubic curve in $\mathbb {P}^{2}$ by Artin et al. [‘Some algebras associated to automorphisms of elliptic curves’, in: The Grothendieck Festschrift, Vol. 1, Progress in Mathematics, 86 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1990), 33–85]. In the preceding paper by the authors Itaba and Matsuno [‘Defining relations of 3-dimensional quadratic AS-regular algebras’, Math. J. Okayama Univ. 63 (2021), 61–86], we determined all possible defining relations for these geometric algebras. However, we did not check their AS-regularity. In this paper, by using twisted superpotentials and twists of superpotentials in the Mori–Smith sense, we check the AS-regularity of geometric algebras whose point schemes are not elliptic curves. For geometric algebras whose point schemes are elliptic curves, we give a simple condition for three-dimensional quadratic AS-regular algebras. As an application, we show that every three-dimensional quadratic AS-regular algebra is graded Morita equivalent to a Calabi–Yau AS-regular algebra.

2021 ◽  
Aniruddha Sasmal ◽  
Naazneen Khan ◽  
Zahra Khedri ◽  
Benjamin P. Kellman ◽  
Saurabh Srivastava ◽  

Vertebrate sialic acids (Sias) display much diversity in modifications, linkages and underlying glycans. Slide microarrays allow high-throughput analysis of sialoglycan-protein interactions. The preceding paper used ~150 structurally-defined sialyltrisaccharides with various Sias and modified forms at non-reducing ends, to compare pentameric sialoglycan-recognizing bacterial toxin B subunits. Unlike the poor correlation between B subunits and species phylogeny, there is stronger correlation with Sia types prominently expressed in susceptible species. Further supporting this pattern we report a B subunit(YenB) from Yersinia enterocolitica (broad host range) recognizing almost all sialoglycans in the microarray, including 4-O-acetylated-Sias not recognized by a Y.pestis orthologue(YpeB). Differential Sia-binding patterns were also observed with phylogenetically-related B subunits from Escherichia coli(SubB), Salmonella Typhi(PltB), S. Typhimurium(ArtB), extra-intestinal E. coli(EcPltB), Vibrio cholera(CtxB), and cholera family homologue of E. coli(EcxB). Given library size, data sorting and analysis posed a challenge. We devised a 9-digit code for trisaccharides with terminal Sias and underlying two monosaccharides assigned from the non-reducing end, with three digits assigning a monosaccharide, its modifications, and linkage. This code allows logical sorting, motif searching of results, and optimizes printing. While we developed the system for the >113,000 possible linear sialyltrisaccharides, we note that a biantennary N-glycan with two terminal sialoglycan trisaccharides could have >1010 potential combinations and a triantennary N-glycan with three terminal sequences, >1015 potential combinations. While all possibilities likely do not exist in nature, sialoglycans encode enormous diversity. Thus, while glycomic approaches address these challenges, naturally-occurring toxin B subunits are simpler tools to track the dynamic sialome in biological systems.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 779
Charles F. Dunkl

In a preceding paper the theory of nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials taking values in modules of the Hecke algebra of type A (Dunkl and Luque SLC 2012) was applied to such modules consisting of polynomials in anti-commuting variables, to define nonsymmetric Macdonald superpolynomials. These polynomials depend on two parameters q,t and are defined by means of a Yang–Baxter graph. The present paper determines the values of a subclass of the polynomials at the special points 1,t,t2,… or 1,t−1,t−2,…. The arguments use induction on the degree and computations with products of generators of the Hecke algebra. The resulting formulas involve q,t-hook products. Evaluations are also found for Macdonald superpolynomials having restricted symmetry and antisymmetry properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 197
Chao Wang ◽  
Juan Diez ◽  
Hajeung Park ◽  
Timothy P. Spicer ◽  
Louis D. Scampavia ◽  

Meprin α is a zinc metalloproteinase (metzincin) that has been implicated in multiple diseases, including fibrosis and cancers. It has proven difficult to find small molecules that are capable of selectively inhibiting meprin a, or its close relative meprin b, over numerous other metzincins which, if inhibited, would elicit unwanted effects. We recently identified possible molecular starting points for meprin a-specific inhibition through an HTS effort (see part I, preceding paper). Here, in part II, we report further efforts to optimize potency and selectivity. We hope that a hydroxamic acid meprin α inhibitor probe will help define the therapeutic potential for small molecule meprin a inhibition and spur further drug discovery efforts in the area of zinc metalloproteinase inhibition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Rana Jawad ◽  
Daniel Béland ◽  
Emmanuele Pavolini

The aims of this review article are two-fold: (1) to set out the key theoretical trends in the study of religion, populism and social policy as antithetical concepts that also share common concerns; (2) to re-assert the relevance of social policy to the social and political sciences by making the case for studying outlier or indeed rival topics together – in this case populism and religion. Social policy scholars do not necessarily associate these two topics with modern social policy, yet they have a long history of influence on societies all over the world; populism is also especially timely in our current era. The article contributes to the literature by: (a) helping social policy better understand its diverse and at times contradictory constituencies; (b) contributing to a more complex and inclusive understanding of social policy and, therefore, social welfare. In setting out the state-of-the-art, the article also draws upon research on social policy which spans various continents (North America, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and Latin America) and a preceding paper collaboration by the authors on religion and social policy (Pavolini et al., 2017).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-33
Gerd Grubb ◽  

<abstract><p>The paper treats pseudodifferential operators $ P = \operatorname{Op}(p(\xi)) $ with homogeneous complex symbol $ p(\xi) $ of order $ 2a &gt; 0 $, generalizing the fractional Laplacian $ (-\Delta)^a $ but lacking its symmetries, and taken to act on the halfspace ${\mathbb R}^n_+$. The operators are seen to satisfy a principal $ \mu $-transmission condition relative to ${\mathbb R}^n_+$, but generally not the full $ \mu $-transmission condition satisfied by $ (-\Delta)^a $ and related operators (with $ \mu = a $). However, $ P $ acts well on the so-called $ \mu $-transmission spaces over ${\mathbb R}^n_+$ (defined in earlier works), and when $ P $ moreover is strongly elliptic, these spaces are the solution spaces for the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for $ P $, leading to regularity results with a factor $ x_n^\mu $ (in a limited range of Sobolev spaces). The information is then shown to be sufficient to establish an integration by parts formula over ${\mathbb R}^n_+$ for $ P $ acting on such functions. The formulation in Sobolev spaces, and the results on strongly elliptic operators going beyond certain operators with real kernels, are new. Furthermore, large solutions with nonzero Dirichlet traces are described, and a halfways Green's formula is established, as new results for these operators. Since the principal $ \mu $-transmission condition has weaker requirements than the full $ \mu $-transmission condition assumed in earlier papers, new arguments were needed, relying on work of Vishik and Eskin instead of the Boutet de Monvel theory. The results cover the case of nonsymmetric operators with real kernel that were only partially treated in a preceding paper.</p></abstract>

Chao Wang ◽  
Juan Diez ◽  
Hajeung Park ◽  
Christoph Becker-Pauly ◽  
Gregg B. Fields ◽  

Meprin &alpha; is a zinc metalloproteinase (metzincin) that has been implicated in multiple diseases, including fibrosis and cancers. It has proven difficult to find small molecules that are capable of selectively inhibiting meprin &alpha;, or its close relative meprin &beta;, over numerous other metzincins which, if inhibited, would elicit unwanted effects. We recently identified possible molecular starting points for meprin &alpha;-specific inhibition through an HTS effort (see part I, preceding paper). In part II we report the optimization of a potent and selective hydroxamic acid meprin &alpha; inhibitor probe which may help define the therapeutic potential for small molecule meprin &alpha; inhibition and spur further drug discovery efforts in the area of zinc metalloproteinase inhibition.

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