The potential of Croton lindheimeri to sequester different metals from different mediums: uptake essential element Fe from soils or sequester toxic metal Sr from solutions

Elizabeth Ann Mcelrath ◽  
Lin Guo
Kjell Vegard F. Weyde ◽  
Ann-Karin Olsen ◽  
Nur Duale ◽  
Jorke H. Kamstra ◽  
Thea S. Skogheim ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 117-125 ◽  
Judita Grzunov LetiniĿ ◽  
Marijana Matek SariĿ ◽  
Martina Piasek ◽  
Jasna JurasoviĿ ◽  
Veda Marija Varnai ◽  

Werner J. Niklowitz

After intoxication of rabbits with certain substances such as convulsant agents (3-acetylpyridine), centrally acting drugs (reserpine), or toxic metal compounds (tetraethyl lead) a significant observation by phase microscope is the loss of contrast of the hippocampal mossy fiber layer. It has been suggested that this alteration, as well as changes seen with the electron microscope in the hippocampal mossy fiber boutons, may be related to a loss of neurotransmitters. The purpose of these experiments was to apply the OsO4-zinc-iodide staining technique to the study of these structural changes since it has been suggested that OsO4-zinc-iodide stain reacts with neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, catecholamines).Domestic New Zealand rabbits (2.5 to 3 kg) were used. Hippocampal tissue was removed from normal and experimental animals treated with 3-acetylpyridine (antimetabolite of nicotinamide), reserpine (anti- hypertensive/tranquilizer), or iproniazid (antidepressant/monamine oxidase inhibitor). After fixation in glutaraldehyde hippocampal tissue was treated with OsO4-zinc-iodide stain and further processed for phase and electron microscope studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-87
György Kovács ◽  
Rabab Benotsmane ◽  
László Dudás

Recent tendencies – such as the life-cycles of products are shorter while consumers require more complex and more unique final products – poses many challenges to the production. The industrial sector is going through a paradigm shift. The traditional centrally controlled production processes will be replaced by decentralized control, which is built on the self-regulating ability of intelligent machines, products and workpieces that communicate with each other continuously. This new paradigm known as Industry 4.0. This conception is the introduction of digital network-linked intelligent systems, in which machines and products will communicate to one another in order to establish smart factories in which self-regulating production will be established. In this article, at first the essence, main goals and basic elements of Industry 4.0 conception is described. After it the autonomous systems are introduced which are based on multi agent systems. These systems include the collaborating robots via artificial intelligence which is an essential element of Industry 4.0.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-280
Rhoderick John Suarez Abellanosa

The declaration of enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in various provinces and cities in the Philippines did not impede the Catholic Church from celebrating its sacraments and popular devotions. Mired with poverty and various forms of economic and social limitations, the presence of God for Filipinos is an essential element in moving forward and surviving in a time of pandemic. Predominantly Roman Catholic in religious affiliation, seeking the face of God has been part of Filipinos' lives whenever a serious disaster would strike. This essay presents how the clergy, religious and lay communities in the Philippines have innovatively and creatively sustained treasured religious celebrations as a sign of communion and an expression of faith. In addition to online Eucharistic celebrations that are more of a privilege for some, culturally contextualised efforts were made during the Lenten Season and even on Sundays after Easter. This endeavour ends with a reflection on the Church as the sacrament of God in a time of pandemic. Pushed back to their homes, deprived of life's basic necessities and facing threats of social instability, unemployment and hunger, Filipinos through their innovative celebrations find in their communion with their Church the very presence of God acting significantly in their lives.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1751-1757
Rohith Raja M ◽  
Ida David

Customers hold the key role in determining the market of any material. The demand and requirements of the customers are taken into account while the manufacturers produce any product. Mobile phones, being an essential element in today’s world, occupy a large market in today’s business world. Customer satisfaction is the prime motive of the manufacturing companies. Based on a survey conducted, we study the current trend of phone purchase in India and thus analyze the customer’s responses towards different brands and their products. The results depict which brands satisfy the customer requirements.

Panggung ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Nur Sahid

ABSTRACTRevolutionary struggle in order to compete for the independence of Indonesia has been a source of inspiration Indonesian artists, including Bambang Soelarto who wrote drama Domba-domba Re- volusi (DDR). DDR studied drama is quite interesting because it tries to criticize the freedom fight- ers. This study aims to: first to know the theme and the problem plays DDR; second to determine the relationship of the socio - historical struggle in 1948 with the sociological elements of drama DDR themes and issues. This study uses sociological theory of art. The basic principles of the sociology of art is the fact that the creation of works of art influenced by the historical social conditions where the work was created. Research using content analysis of Krippendorf, the methods used to examine the symbolic phenomena with the aim to explore and express the observed phenomenon which is the content, meaning, and an essential element of the literary work. Based results of this research is that Bambang Soelarto as the author tries to capture di?erence between fighters during the struggle for the political aspirations for 1948 are expressed in a work of drama. Historical events inspired the creation of drama DDR. Soelarto want to respond to the political aspirations of the di?erence between historical figures and wanted to provide an assessment and outlook through DDR.Keywords: themes, drama, sociology of art, social historical ABSTRAKRevolusi perjuangan dalam rangka memperebutkan kemerdekaan Indonesia telah men- jadi sumber inspirasi para seniman Indonesia, termasuk Bambang Soelarto yang menulis drama Domba-domba Revolusi (DDR). Drama DDR cukup menarik diteliti karena mencoba mengkritisi para pejuang kemerdekaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: pertama, mengeta- hui tema dan permasalah drama DDR; kedua, mengetahui hubungan kondisi sosio-histo- ris perjuangan pada tahun 1948 dengan unsur-unsur sosiologis terimplisir pada unsur tema dan masalah drama DDR. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sosiologi seni. Prinsip dasar dari sosiologi seni adalah adanya fakta bahwa penciptaan karya seni dipengaruhi oleh kon- disi sosial historis tempat karya itu diciptakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode con- tent analysis dari Krippendorf, yakni metode yang dipergunakan untuk meneliti fenome- na-fenomena simbolik dengan tujuan untuk menggali dan mengungkapkan fenomena yang teramati yang merupakan isi, makna, dan unsur esensial karya sastra. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Bambang Soelarto sebagai penulis mencoba un- tuk menangkap perbedaan antara pejuang aspirasi politik selama perjuangan tahun 1948 untuk diekspresikan dalam sebuah karya drama. Peristiwa sejarah mengilhami penciptaan drama DDR. Soelarto ingin menanggapi aspirasi politik perbedaan antara tokoh-tokoh se- jarah dan ingin memberikan penilaian dan pandangan pandangannnya melalui DDR.Kata kunci: tema, drama, sosiologi seni, sosial historis

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (9A) ◽  
pp. 1276-1282
Nabeel I. Allawy ◽  
Amjad B. Abdulghafour

Reconstruction of the mandible after severe trauma is one of the most difficult challenges facing oral and maxillofacial surgery. The mandible is an essential element in the appearance of the human face that gives the distinctive shape of the face, holds. This paper aims to propose a methodology that allows the surgeon to perform virtual surgery by investing engineering programs to place the implant by default and with high accuracy within the mandible based on the patient's medical data. The current study involved a 35-year-old man suffering from a traffic accident in the mandible with multiple fractures of the facial bones. Basically, an identification of the steps required to perform virtual surgery and modeling images from the CBCT technology has been done by using the software proposed in the research. The implant model is designed as a mesh model, allowing the patient to return to a normal position. Moreover, an application of FEA procedures using the Solidworks simulation software to test and verify the mechanical properties of the final transplant.

2019 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

Based on the perspective that motivation is an essential element for learning and academic achievement nor challenge that its components are not directly observable variables, I was empirically examined the instrument through rigorous survey data. The instrument used was Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ-II) that translated into Indonesian Language. The 4 expert judged my Indonesian translation version of SMQ-II and 240 students responded to this version. It assesses five motivation components: intrinsic motivation, self-determination, self-efficacy, career motivation, and grade motivation. The findings of this work show that the questionnaire is a valid and reliable and that the entire questionnaire can be completed in about 15 minutes. Through this work, I suggest my version of SMQ-II in Bahasa Indonesia can be used as an efficient instrument for assessing components of students’ motivation to learn science in Indonesia secondary school.

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