scholarly journals Suppressor T cells activated in a primary in vitro response to non-major histocompatibility alloantigens.

1982 ◽  
Vol 156 (5) ◽  
pp. 1398-1414 ◽  
S Macphail ◽  
O Stutman

Normal mouse spleen cells are not capable of mounting a primary cytotoxic T lymphocyte (Tc) response to non-H-2 alloantigens in vitro, although a good secondary H-2-restricted response is observable after in vivo immunization of the responder animals. Suppressor cells are generated in such a primary responses provided a Mls incompatibility exists between the responder and stimulator. These suppressors are not antigen specific, are Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, 2-, I-J-, and are highly radiosensitive. The suppressor cell precursors in normal spleen express the same phenotype. These suppressor cells are probably implicated in the lack of a primary Tc response in a primary mixed lymphocyte reaction across non-H-2 incompatibilities that include an Mls difference.

1979 ◽  
Vol 150 (4) ◽  
pp. 898-908 ◽  
K Suzuki ◽  
T B Tomasi

The primary IgM antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in vivo as well as in vitro is markedly decreased in the spleen cells of pregnant mice, compared to age-matched female controls. Decreased antibody synthesis appears to be mediated by nonspecific suppressor cells, because the addition of pregnant spleen cells to the normal spleen cell cultures causes a significant suppression of plaque-forming-cell responses of the normal spleen cells. Suppressor cell activity was not observed in lymph nodes of pregnant mice. At least two populations of pregnant spleen cells were shown to exert a suppressor cell activity; one is T lymphocytes and the other a nylon-adherent cell present in the B-cell-enriched macrophage-depleted fraction. Pregnant spleen cells cultured in vitro were shown to secrete a soluble suppressive factor(s) into the supernatant medium.

1979 ◽  
Vol 149 (6) ◽  
pp. 1371-1378 ◽  
B S Kim

Normal BALB/c spleen cells are unresponsive in vitro to the phosphorylcholine (PC) determinant in the presence of anti-idiotype antibodies specific for the TEPC-15 myeloma protein (T15) which carries an idiotypic determinant indistinguishable from that of most anti-PC antibodies in BALB/c mice. The possibility that idiotype-specific suppressor cells may be generated during the culture period was examined by coculturing the cells with untreated syngeneic spleen cells. Cells that had been preincubated with anti-T15 idiotype (anti-T15id) antibodies and a PC-containing antigen, R36a for 3 d, were capable of specifically suppressing the anti-PC response of fresh normal spleen cells, indicating that idiotype-specific suppressor cells were generated during the culture period. The presence of specific antigen also appeared to be necessary because anti-T15id antibodies and a control antigen, DNP-Lys-Ficoll, were not capable of generating such suppressor cells. Suppressor cells were induced only in the population of spleen cells nonadherent to nylon wool and the suppressive activity was abrogated by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum and complement. These results indicate that anti-idiotype antibodies and specific antigen can generate idiotype-specific suppressor T cells in vitro. These in vitro results may reflect in vivo mechanisms of idiotype suppression.

1981 ◽  
Vol 154 (3) ◽  
pp. 809-820 ◽  
B S Kim ◽  
J A Greenberg

Specific tolerance to phosphorylcholine (PC) can be induced in BALB/c mice by neonatal injection with either pneumococcal C-polysaccharide (PnC) or anti-TEPC 15 idiotype (T15Id) antibody specific for the major idiotype (Id) of anti-PC antibody. Spleen cells from these tolerant mice exhibited T cell-mediated active suppression of anti-PC response when they were co-cultured with normal spleen cells. Suppressor cells from the PnC-injected mice appeared to bear either Lyt-1 or Lyt-2 antigens, whereas suppressor cells from anti-Id-treated mice expressed Lyt-2 antigens. Analyses of the specific receptors of these suppressor T cells, based on either adherence to PC and T15-coated petri dishes or cytolysis by rabbit anti-T15Id and monoclonal IgM anti-PC antibody with complement, revealed that receptors of PnC-induced suppressor T cells recognize PC, whereas receptors of anti-Id-induced suppressor T cells react with the T15Id. The possible interaction of the two different types of suppressor T cells was examined by co-culturing normal spleen cells with mixtures of the different suppressor cell types in various cell ratios in the presence of the T-independent PC-antigen, R36a. A brief incubation of anti-Id-induced, T15Id-specific suppressor T cells with PnC-induced, hapten-specific, and T15Id-bearing suppressor T cells resulted in complete cancellation of their suppressor function. These results suggest that idiotype network regulation may also occur among suppressor T cell population.

1978 ◽  
Vol 148 (5) ◽  
pp. 1324-1337 ◽  
R N Germain ◽  
B Benacerraf

(Responder [R] X nonresponder [NR])F1 mice give indistinguishable primary in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses to either R or NR parental macrophages (Mphi) pulsed with the Ir-gene controlled antigen L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT). However, such (R X NR)F1 mice, if primed to GAT, retained in vitro responsiveness to GAT-R-Mphi, but no longer responded to GAT-NR-Mphi. This suggested (a) a possible Mphi-related locus for Ir gene activity in this model, and (b) the occurrence of active suppression after priming with GAT leading to a selective loss of the usual primary responsiveness of (R X NR)F1 mice to GAT-NR-Mphi. This latter interpretation was tested in the current study. [Responder C57BL/6 (H-2b) X nonresponder DBA/1 (H-2q)]F1 mice were primed with 100 microgram GAT in pertussis adjuvant. 4-8 wk later, spleen cells from such mice were tested alone or mixed with normal unprimed F1 spleen cells for PFC responses to GAT-R-Mphi and GAT-NR-Mphi. The primed cells failed to respond to GAT-NR-Mphi, and moreover, actively suppressed the normal response of unprimed F1 cells to GAT-NR-Mphi. If the primed spleen cell donor had been treated with 5 mg/kg cyclophosphamide 3 days before priming or with 5-10 microliter/day of an antiserum to the I-Jb subregion [B10.A(5R) anti B10.A(3R)] during the first 4 days postpriming (both procedures known to inhibit suppressor T-cell activity), cells from such mice responded in secondary culture to both GAT-R-Mphi and also GAT-NR-MPhi. In addition, such spleen cells no longer were capable of suppressing normal F1 cells in response to GAT-NR-Mphi. Similar data were obtained using [CBA (H-2k) X DBA/1 (H-2q)]F1. Further, it was shown that (a) primary responsiveness to GAT-NR-Mphi was not an artifact of in vitro Mphi pulsing, because in vivo GAT-pulsed Mphi showed the same activity and (b) the secondary restriction for Mphi-antigen presentation was controlled by H-2 linked genes. These data suggest an important role for suppressor T cells in H-2 restricted secondary PFC responses, and also provide additional support for the hypothesis that Ir-gene controlled differences in Mphi antigen presentation are related to both suppressor cell generation and overall responsiveness in the GAT model.

1980 ◽  
Vol 152 (3) ◽  
pp. 521-531 ◽  
L Adorini ◽  
M A Harvey ◽  
D Rozycka-Jackson ◽  
A Miller ◽  
E E Sercarz

B10 (H-2b) mice are genetic nonresponders to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) and the distantly related human lysozyme (HUL). However, anti-HEL or anti-HUL primary antibody responses in vivo or in vitro can be obtained in B10 mice by immunization with the appropriate lysozyme coupled to erythrocytes. T cells able to suppress either anti-lysozyme plaque-forming cells (PFC) response are induced in B10 mice after immunization with HEL-complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or HUL-CFA. This cross-reactivity of HEL and HUL in the induction and the expression of suppressive activity is in marked contrast to their very low cross-reactivity at the PFC level. These results suggest that either HEL or HUL can stimulate a suppressor T cell which recognizes a particular epitope present on both lysozymes. Suppressor cells induced by HEL or HUL bear the same predominant idiotype found on the majority of anti-HEL antibodies, and on the small proportion of anti-HUL antibodies cross-reactive with HEL. B10.Q (H-2q) mice are responders in vivo to HEL-CFA, but not to HUL-CFA. In contrast to B10, HEL-CFA priming in B10.Q micr induces helper cells whereas HUL-CFA priming induces suppressor cells. These suppressor cells are cross-reactive with HEL and are fully able to suppress HEL-specific helper cells. The presence of HEL-specific suppressor cell precursors in B10.Q mice which are not activated by HEL, seems to implicate differential choice by the antigen presenting system as a basis for Ir gene control, rather than the absence of a regulatory cell type from the T cell repertoire.

1976 ◽  
Vol 143 (4) ◽  
pp. 728-740 ◽  
V Kumar ◽  
T Caruso ◽  
M Bennett

Friend leukemia virus (FV) suppressed the proliferative responses of spleen, lymph node, marrow, and thymus cell populations to various T- and B-cell mitogens. Cells taken from mice, e.g. BALB/c genetically susceptible to leukemogenesis in vivo were much more susceptible to suppression of mitogenesis in vitro than similar cells from genetically resistant mice, e.g., C57BL/6. Nylon wool-purified splenic T cells from BALB/c and C3H mice lost susceptibility to FV-induced suppression of mitogenesis but became suppressible by addition of 10% unfiltered spleen cell. Thus, FV mediates in vitro suppression of lymphocyte proliferation indirectly by "activating" a suppressor cell. The suppressor cell adhered to nylon wool but not to glass wool or rayon wool columns. Pretreatment of spleen cells with carbonyl iron and a magnet did not abrogate the suppressor cell function. Suppressor cells were not eliminated by treatment with rabbit antimouse immunoglobulin (7S) and complement (C). However, high concentrations of anti-Thy-1 plus C destroyed suppressor cells of the spleen; thymic suppressor cells were much more susceptible to anti-Thy-1 serum. Nude athymic mice were devoid of suppressor cells and their B-cell proliferation was relatively resistant to FV-induced suppression in vitro. The suppressor cells in the thymus (but not in the spleen) were eliminated by treatment of mice with cortisol. Thus, FV appears to mediate its suppressive effect on mitogen-responsive lymphocytes by affecting "T-suppressor cells." Spleen cells from C57BL/6 mice treated with 89Sr to destroy marrow-dependent (M) cells were much more suppressible by FV in virto than normal C57BL/6 spleen cells. However, nylon-filtered spleen cells of 89Sr-treated C57BL/6 mice were resistant to FV-induced suppression in vitro, indicating that the susceptibility of spleen cells from 89Sr-treated B6 mice is also mediated by suppressor cells. Normal B6 splenic T cells were rendered susceptible to FV-induced suppression of mitogenesis by addition of 10% spleen cells from 89Sr-treated B6 mice. Thus, M cells appear to regulate the numbers and/or functions of T-suppressor cells which in turn mediate the immunosuppressive effects of FV in vitro. Neither mitogen-responsive lymphocytes nor T-suppressor cells are genetically resistant or susceptible to FV. The genetic resistance to FV is apparently a function of M cells, both in vitro as well as in vivo.

1974 ◽  
Vol 140 (3) ◽  
pp. 648-659 ◽  
Judith A. Kapp ◽  
Carl W. Pierce ◽  
Stuart Schlossman ◽  
Baruj Benacerraf

In recent studies we have found that GAT not only fails to elicit a GAT-specific response in nonresponder mice but also specifically decreases the ability of nonresponder mice to develop a GAT-specific PFC response to a subsequent challenge with GAT bound to the immunogenic carrier, MBSA. Studies presented in this paper demonstrate that B cells from nonresponder, DBA/1 mice rendered unresponsive by GAT in vivo can respond in vitro to GAT-MBSA if exogenous, carrier-primed T cells are added to the cultures. The unresponsiveness was shown to be the result of impaired carrier-specific helper T-cell function in the spleen cells of GAT-primed mice. Spleen cells from GAT-primed mice specifically suppressed the GAT-specific PFC response of spleen cells from normal DBA/1 mice incubated with GAT-MBSA. This suppression was prevented by pretreatment of GAT-primed spleen cells with anti-θ serum plus C or X irradiation. Identification of the suppressor cells as T cells was confirmed by the demonstration that suppressor cells were confined to the fraction of the column-purified lymphocytes which contained θ-positive cells and a few non-Ig-bearing cells. The significance of these data to our understanding of Ir-gene regulation of the immune response is discussed.

1983 ◽  
Vol 157 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-154 ◽  
P J Fink ◽  
I L Weissman ◽  
M J Bevan

To detect a strong cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to minor histocompatibility (H) antigens in a 5-d mixed lymphocyte culture, it is necessary to use a responder that has been primed in vivo with antigen-bearing cells. It has previously been shown that minor-H-specific CTL can be primed in vivo both directly by foreign spleen cells and by presentation of foreign minor H antigens on host antigen-presenting cells. This latter route is evident in the phenomenon of cross-priming, in which H-2 heterozygous (A x B)F1 mice injected 2 wk previously with minor H-different H-2A (A') spleen cells generate both H-2A- and H-2B-restricted minor-H-specific CTL. In a study of the kinetics of direct- vs. cross-priming to minors in F1 mice, we have found that minor H-different T cells actually suppress the induction of virgin CTL capable of recognizing them. CTL activity measured from F1 mice 3-6 d after injection with viable A' spleen cells is largely H-2B restricted. The H-2A-restricted response recovers such that roughly equal A- and B-restricted activity is detected in mice as early as 8-10 d postinjection. This temporary hyporeactivity does not result from generalized immunosuppression--it is specific for those CTL that recognize the foreign minor H antigen in the context of the H-2 antigens on the injected spleen cells. The injected spleen cells that mediate this suppression are radiosensitive T cells; Lyt-2+ T cells are highly efficient at suppressing the induction of CTL in vivo. No graft vs. host reaction by the injected T cells appears to be required, as suppression of direct primed CTL can be mediated by spleen cells that are wholly tolerant of both host H-2 and minor H antigens. Suppression cannot be demonstrated by in vitro mixing experiments. Several possible mechanisms for haplotype-specific suppression are discussed, including inactivation of responding CTL by veto cells and in vivo sequestration of responding CTL by the injected spleen cells.

1978 ◽  
Vol 147 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-136 ◽  
RN Germain ◽  
J Theze ◽  
JA Kapp ◽  
B Benacerraf

A combination of in vitro and in vivo techniques were used to explore the mode of action of both crude and purified suppressive extracts specific for the random copolymer L-giutamic acid(60)-L-alanine(30)-L-tyrosine(10) (GAT- T(s)F) obtained from nonresponder DBA/1 (H-2(q)) mice. Normal DBA/1 spleen cells were incubated under modified Mishell-Dutton culture conditions for 2 days together with crude or purified GAT-T(s)F, and in the presence or absence of free GAT. These cells were then washed extensively and 3 × 10(6) viable cells transferred to syngeneic recipients, which were challenged at the same time with the immunogenic form of GAT complexed to methylated bovine serum albumin (GAT-MBSA). GAT-specific IgG plaque-forming cells (PFC) in the spleen were assayed 7 days later. In agreement with earlier in vitro studies on the action of GAT-T(s)F, it was demonstrated that under these conditions, low concentrations of GAT-T(s)F stimulated the development of cells which, aider transfer, are able to suppress the GAT PFC response to GAT-MBSA. The cells responsible for this suppression were shown to be T lymphocytes by using nylon wool-purified T cells for suppressor cell induction and by eliminating suppressive activity in cells cultured with crude GAT-T(s)F by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 plus C before transfer. The suppressor T cells act in a specific manner failing to suppress significantly either anti-sheep erythrocyte or trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin primary PFC responses. For the induction of GAT-specific suppressor T cells in culture, a moiety bearing H- 2(K(q) or I(q)) determinants and also GAT, either bound to the crude GAT- T(s)F or added in nanogram amounts to antigen (GAT)-free purified GAT-T(s)F, were both required.

1978 ◽  
Vol 148 (6) ◽  
pp. 1539-1549 ◽  
N K Cheung ◽  
D H Scherr ◽  
K M Heghinian ◽  
B Benacerraf ◽  
M E Dorf

The palmitoyl derivative of the linear polypeptide of poly-(L-Glu-L-Lys-L-Phe)n (GLphi) can be coupled to spleen cells directly. The intravenous administration of 2 X 10(5)--3 X 10(7) GLphi-coupled syngeneic spleen cells induces GL-phi-specific suppressor T cells in C57BL/6 nonresponder mice. The suppression is antigen specific and can be detected by the inhibition of the primary GLphi plaque-forming cell response to challenge with GLphi-fowl gamma globulin. The number of inducer cells required for suppression carry less than 0.1 microgram of antigen. Spleen cells from tolerized mice can transfer suppression to normal syngeneic recipients. The suppression is cyclophosphamide sensitive and the suppressor cells bear the Thy 1.2 marker. This method of inducing antigen-specific suppressor cells may be generally applicable to other antigen systems.

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