The Detector Control System for the magnetic field sensors in New Small Wheel phase I upgrade of ATLAS detector
Abstract In conjunction with the High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider accelerator at CERN, the ATLAS detector is also undergoing an upgrade to handle the significantly higher data rates. The muon end-cap system upgrade in ATLAS, lies with the replacement of the Small Wheel. The New Small Wheel (NSW) is expected to combine high tracking precision with upgraded information for the Level-1 trigger. To accomplish this, small Thin Gap Chamber (sTGC) and MicroMegas detector technologies are being deployed. Due to their installation location in ATLAS, the effects of Barrel Toroid and End-Cap Toroid magnets on NSW must be measured. For the final experiment at ATLAS, each sTGC large double wedge will be equipped with magnetic field Hall effect sensors to monitor the magnetic field near the NSW. The readout is done with an Embedded Local Monitor Board (ELMB) called MDT DCS Module (MDM). For the integration of this hardware in the experiment, first, a detector control system was developed to test the functionality of all sensors before their installation on the detectors. Subsequently, another detector control system was developed for the commissioning of the sensors. Finally, a detector control system based on the above two is under development for the expert panels of ATLAS experiment. In this paper, the sensor readout, the connectivity mapping and the detector control systems will be presented.