scholarly journals Characteristics and environmental carrying capacities of coastal area in Yogyakarta Special Region for aquaculture

B Triyatmo ◽  
Rustadi ◽  
S B Priyono
2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  
Lucky Restyan Nugroho ◽  
Sukardi Sukardi ◽  
Bambang Triyatmo

This study aims to apply a good fish farming methods and determine factors that influence development the vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in the coast of Yogyakarta Special Region. This research also aims to find out an applicable technology of shrimp aquaculture for fish farmers in the coastal area of Special Region of Yogyakarta. The basic method used in this research is descriptive research with research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The descriptive research aims to provide a picture of a society, a particular group of people or a picture of a symptom. Data collection techniques are conducted by interviews and structured observation to obtain a more detailed picture of a phenomenon. The location of the research is determined by purposive sampling, focusing on Sidorejo, Banaran, Galur, Kulon Progo, Kuwaru and Ngentak, Poncosari, Srandakan, Bantul. The reason for taking 3 areas is because as the center of production of shrimp vaname first and the longest operates in the coastal area ofSpecial Region of Yogyakarta. Respondents were determined by proportionate random sampling from 3 specified areas. This research took place from June 18, 2015, to July 12, 2015. The results showed the application of the good fish farming method on the activity of enlargement of shrimp vaname (L. vannamei) on the coast of Special Region of Yogyakarta covers 10 parameters. These ten parameters include site selection; determination of construction layout and design; selection of cultivation containers; biosecurity; selection of fish seed (shrimp); use of fish feed (shrimp); use of probiotics; use of disinfectants; harvesting method and harvesting equipment. Application of good fish farming method at vaname shrimp (L. vannamei) aquaculture development in the coast of Yogyakarta Special Region averaged at 62.24%. Factors that influence the application of good fish farming in the shrimp aquaculture development activities are the existence of communication and socialization services on the technical methods for the shrimp aquaculture by employees of feed and probiotics companies. Counseling (communication and socialization), verification (recording) and control in the form of certification has not been done by the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Indonesia. The technology of vaname shrimp farming (L. vannamei) applied by farmers in the coast of Yogyakarta Special Region is semi-intensive technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Tien Aminatun ◽  
Siti Umniyatie ◽  
Anna Rakhmawati ◽  
Aji Suhandy ◽  
Nrangwesthi Widyaningrum ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kondisi edafik, hubungan antara kondisi edafik dan keanekaragaman organisme tanah, serta perbedaan keanekaragaman organisme tanah pada berbagai ekosistem rhizosfer gulma Siam (Chromolaena odorata) yang tumbuh di lahan vulkanik, pesisir, dan karst. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel tanah dari ekosistem rhizosfer gulma Siam di lahan vulkanik, karst, dan pesisir Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta; mengamati komposisi organisme tanah di laboratorium, yaitu collembola, nematoda, dan mikoriza. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah pada rhizosfer gulma Siam yang tumbuh di lahan karst menunjukkan tingkat kesuburan tertinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh kandungan N, K, dan C-organik tanah, sedangkan tanah pesisir memiliki kandungan P tertinggi. Tekstur tanah pada rhizosfer gulma Siam lebih berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman organisme tanah dibandingkan kandungan hara tanah dan sifat tanah lainnya yang diteliti. Keragaman organisme tanah rhizosfer gulma Siam lebih besar di lahan pesisir dibandingkan di lahan karst dan vulkanik. Implikasi dari hasil tersebut adalah bahwa tanah dengan tekstur berpasir akan lebih bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan gulma Siam dengan keanekaragaman organisme rhizosfer yang lebih tinggi.ORGANISM DIVERSITY IN THE RHIZOSPHERE OF SIAM WEEDS IN VOLCANIC, COASTAL AND KARST LANDThe research aims to compare the edaphic condition, the relationship between the edaphic condition and soil organism diversity, and the differences of soil organism diversity in different rhizosphere ecosystems of Siam weed growing in volcanic, coastal and karts areas. The research was conducted by taking soil samples from the Siam weed rhizosphere ecosystems in volcanic, karst and coastal areas of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and observing the composition of the soil organisms in the laboratory, including collembola, nematode, and mycorrhiza. The results find that soil from rhizosphere of Siam weed growing in karst area shows the highest level of fertility indicated by the N, K, and C-organic contents of the soil, whereas soil from coastal area has the highest P content. Soil texture in the rhizosphere of Siam weed has more effect on the diversity of soil organisms than the soil nutrient content and other soil properties investigated. The diversity of soil organisms of Siam weed rhizosphere is greater in coastal area than those in karst and volcanic areas. The implication of the results is that soil with a sandy texture will be more beneficial for the growth of Siam weed with a higher diversity of rhizosphere organisms

Dwi Atmawati

The reduced ability of children and young people to speak Javanese has motivated researchers to conduct research on the shift in Javanese language. The data in this study are primary data. Respondents were selected by purposive sampling technique. The data were processed using the SPSS program and then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The theory used to discuss the problems in this study is the theory of language shift. The results of this study indicate that in the DIY coastal area there is a shift in the use of Javanese. In the past, Javanese was used to communicate in the family  and in daily conversations with fellow Javanese people, now some of its speakers have switched to using Indonesian. In fact, some parents use Indonesian as a mother tongue to their children. Speakers of children and adolescents tend to be less able to speak Javanese well, both ngoko and krama. Adult speakers tend to speak Javanese, both ngoko and krama. However, the mastery tends not to be as good as older speakers. The vitality of the Javanese language in the DIY coastal area based on the calculation of the indicator index is 0.73. The index value indicates that Javanese in the DIY coastal area is in the index number 0.61-0.80 or is in a stable but threatened position.

Nurul Khakhim ◽  
Muh Aris Marfai ◽  
Arief Wicaksono ◽  
Wahyu Lazuardi ◽  
Zulfikri Isnaen ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Achmad Andi Rif'an

DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyalarta/ Special Region of Yogyakarta) coastal area has so many nice beaches that is very interesting to visit. One of them is Wediombo Beach. Wediombo Beach is not so well known by tourists yet, and still less famous than other beaches in DIY. This study intends to introduce Wediombo Beach as an alternative maritime tourism in the coastal area of DIY. The purpose of this research are: to identify the general profile of Wediombo Beach; to identify the tourist attractions offered Wediombo Beach; to identify the accessibility to the location of Wediombo Beach; and identify the characteristics of tourists visiting the Wediombo Beach. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach by using descriptive analysis using primary data obtained from the field survey, documentation, and in-depth interviews with official and the visitors / tourists. Wediombo Beach has many attractions that can attract tourists to visit, which can be classified as something to see, something to do, and something to buy. Accessibility to the beach Wediombo quite easily accessed which can be reached using public transport or private vehicles. Tourists visiting the beach Wediombo have different characteristics that can be seen from the age, gender, occupation, income, origin of tourists, and tourist motivation.Keywords: Coastal Tourism, Attraction, Accessibility, Tourists Characteristic

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yarsi Efendi ◽  
Dahrul Aman Harahap

Structure and physiognomy of mangrove strongly influenced by the zonation that occurred in the area of mangroves growth. The differences of zona growth will effect  to differences in the structure and composition of vegetation. There are three zones in the mangrove area, which is caused by the difference of flooding which also resulted in the difference to the salinity. The differences of growth zone will performed to the type vegetation performance (Physiognomy). This study is aims to prove the mangrove’s physiognomy that taken in the coastal area of Rempang Cate  Batam, on March 2014 to June 2014. This study was a survey with data collection using a vertical transect plots 100 m. Based on the research that has been done obtained difference vegetation physiognomy stands for every level of growth in each zone growth. Proximally found 13 species of mangroves in 8 families. The results of the analysis of the vegetation on the trees growth level are, Ceriops decandra have the greatest significance important value 167.55% on sapling (juvenille ) level is dominated by Rhizophora apiculata 120%, and seedling growth level dominated by Rhizophora apiculata  186.80%. Keywords: Structure and physiognomy, mangrove zonation

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Uihwan KWAK ◽  
Wonkeun JANG ◽  
Inwoo HAN ◽  
Kyounghoon LEE

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