scholarly journals Active Sleep Promotes Coherent Oscillatory Activity in the Cortico-Hippocampal System of Infant Rats

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 2070-2082 ◽  
Carlos Del Rio-Bermudez ◽  
Jangjin Kim ◽  
Greta Sokoloff ◽  
Mark S Blumberg

Abstract Active sleep (AS) provides a unique developmental context for synchronizing neural activity within and between cortical and subcortical structures. In week-old rats, sensory feedback from myoclonic twitches, the phasic motor activity that characterizes AS, promotes coherent theta oscillations (4–8 Hz) in the hippocampus and red nucleus, a midbrain motor structure. Sensory feedback from twitches also triggers rhythmic activity in sensorimotor cortex in the form of spindle bursts, which are brief oscillatory events composed of rhythmic components in the theta, alpha/beta (8–20 Hz), and beta2 (20–30 Hz) bands. Here we ask whether one or more of these spindle-burst components are communicated from sensorimotor cortex to hippocampus. By recording simultaneously from whisker barrel cortex and dorsal hippocampus in 8-day-old rats, we show that AS, but not other behavioral states, promotes cortico-hippocampal coherence specifically in the beta2 band. By cutting the infraorbital nerve to prevent the conveyance of sensory feedback from whisker twitches, cortical-hippocampal beta2 coherence during AS was substantially reduced. These results demonstrate the necessity of sensory input, particularly during AS, for coordinating rhythmic activity between these two developing forebrain structures.

2017 ◽  
Logan Grosenick ◽  
Michael Broxton ◽  
Christina K. Kim ◽  
Conor Liston ◽  
Ben Poole ◽  

Tracking the coordinated activity of cellular events through volumes of intact tissue is a major challenge in biology that has inspired significant technological innovation. Yet scanless measurement of the high-speed activity of individual neurons across three dimensions in scattering mammalian tissue remains an open problem. Here we develop and validate a computational imaging approach (SWIFT) that integrates high-dimensional, structured statistics with light field microscopy to allow the synchronous acquisition of single-neuron resolution activity throughout intact tissue volumes as fast as a camera can capture images (currently up to 100 Hz at full camera resolution), attaining rates needed to keep pace with emerging fast calcium and voltage sensors. We demonstrate that this large field-of-view, single-snapshot volume acquisition method—which requires only a simple and inexpensive modification to a standard fluorescence microscope—enables scanless capture of coordinated activity patterns throughout mammalian neural volumes. Further, the volumetric nature of SWIFT also allows fast in vivo imaging, motion correction, and cell identification throughout curved subcortical structures like the dorsal hippocampus, where cellular-resolution dynamics spanning hippocampal subfields can be simultaneously observed during a virtual context learning task in a behaving animal. SWIFT’s ability to rapidly and easily record from volumes of many cells across layers opens the door to widespread identification of dynamical motifs and timing dependencies among coordinated cell assemblies during adaptive, modulated, or maladaptive physiological processes in neural systems.

Eva M. Navarro-López ◽  
Utku Çelikok ◽  
Neslihan S. Şengör

AbstractWe propose to investigate brain electrophysiological alterations associated with Parkinson’s disease through a novel adaptive dynamical model of the network of the basal ganglia, the cortex and the thalamus. The model uniquely unifies the influence of dopamine in the regulation of the activity of all basal ganglia nuclei, the self-organised neuronal interdependent activity of basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuits and the generation of subcortical background oscillations. Variations in the amount of dopamine produced in the neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta are key both in the onset of Parkinson’s disease and in the basal ganglia action selection. We model these dopamine-induced relationships, and Parkinsonian states are interpreted as spontaneous emergent behaviours associated with different rhythms of oscillatory activity patterns of the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical network. These results are significant because: (1) the neural populations are built upon single-neuron models that have been robustly designed to have eletrophysiologically-realistic responses, and (2) our model distinctively links changes in the oscillatory activity in subcortical structures, dopamine levels in the basal ganglia and pathological synchronisation neuronal patterns compatible with Parkinsonian states, this still remains an open problem and is crucial to better understand the progression of the disease.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sarah Galley ◽  
Gavin Clowry

AbstractA CST-YFP transgenic mouse has been developed for the study of the corticospinal tract in which yellow fluorescent protein is expressed under the control of thy1 and emx1 promoters in order to restrict expression to forebrain neurones. We explored plasticity of the developing corticospinal tract of these mice following a unilateral lesion to the sensorimotor cortex at postnatal day 7. The extent of innervation of the cervical spinal cord at time points post-lesion was assessed by measuring density of immunoperoxidase reactivity for yellow fluorescent protein in the dorsal funiculi and a defined region of each dorsal horn, and by counting immunoreactive axonal varicosities in the ventral horns. Two/three days post-lesion, the density of immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn contralateral to the lesion was reduced proportional to the decrease in positive fibres in the dorsal funiculus, however density of immunoreactive varicosities in the ventral horn was more resistant to loss. Over a three week period, immunoreactive axonal processes in the grey matter increased on the contralateral side, particularly in the ventral horn, but without an increase in immunopositive fibres in the contralateral dorsal funiculus, demonstrating sprouting of surviving immunoreactive fibres to replace lesioned corticospinal axons. However, the origin of sprouting fibres could not be identified with confidence as parallel observations revealed strongly immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies in the spinal cord, medulla and red nucleus. We have demonstrated plasticity in response to a developmental lesion but discovered a drawback to using these mice if visualisation of individual axons is enhanced by immunohistochemistry.

Gert Pfurtscheller ◽  
Fernando Lopes da Silva

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) reflects a decrease of oscillatory activity related to internally or externally paced events. The increase of rhythmic activity is called event-related synchronization (ERS). They represent dynamical states of thalamocortical networks associated with cortical information-processing changes. This chapter discusses differences between ERD/ERS and evoked response potentials and methodologies for quantifying ERD/ERS and selecting frequency bands. It covers the interpretation of ERD/ERS in the alpha and beta bands and theta ERS and alpha ERD in behavioral tasks. ERD/ERS in scalp and subdural recordings, in various frequency bands, is discussed. Also presented is the modulation of alpha and beta rhythms by 0.1-Hz oscillations in the resting state and phase-coupling of the latter with slow changes of prefrontal hemodynamic signals (HbO2), blood pressure oscillations, and heart rate interval variations in the resting state and in relation to behavioral motor tasks. Potential uses of ERD-based strategies in stroke patients are discussed.

2012 ◽  
Vol 25 (0) ◽  
pp. 152
Manuela Ruzzoli ◽  
Salvador Soto-Faraco

It is widely recognized that oscillatory activity plays an important functional role in neural systems. Decreases in alpha (∼10 Hz) EEG/MEG activity in the parietal cortex correlate with the deployment of spatial attention controlateral to target location in visual, auditory and tactile domains. Recently, repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) has been successfully applied to entrain a specific frequency at the parietal cortex (IPS) and the visual cortex. A short burst of 10 Hz rTMS impaired contralateral visual target detection and improved it ipsilaterally, compared to other control frequencies. This finding suggests a causal role of rhythmic activity in the alfa range in perception. The aim of the present study is to address whether entraining alpha frequency in the IPS plays a role in tactile orienting, indicating similarities between senses (vision and touch) in the communication between top-down (parietal) and primary sensory areas (V1 or S1). We applied rhythmic TMS at 10 and 20 Hz to the (right or left) IPS and S1, immediately before a masked vibrotactile target stimulus (present in 50% of the trials) to the left or right hand. Preliminary results lean towards the consequential effects of entraining alpha frequency into IPS for tactile detection such that it decreases tactile perception contralaterally and increases it ipsilaterally, compared to Beta frequency.

Sebastian H. Bitzenhofer ◽  
Jastyn A. Pöpplau ◽  
Ileana L. Hanganu-Opatz

AbstractGamma oscillations are a prominent activity pattern in the cerebral cortex. While gamma rhythms have been extensively studied in the adult prefrontal cortex in the context of cognitive (dys)functions, little is known about their development. We addressed this issue by using extracellular recordings and optogenetic stimulations in mice across postnatal development. We show that fast rhythmic activity in the prefrontal cortex becomes prominent during the second postnatal week. While initially at about 15 Hz, fast oscillatory activity progressively accelerates with age and stabilizes within gamma frequency range (30-80 Hz) during the fourth postnatal week. Activation of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons drives fast oscillations throughout development, yet the acceleration of their frequency follows similar temporal dynamics as the maturation of fast-spiking interneurons. These findings uncover the development of prefrontal gamma activity and provide a framework to examine the origin of abnormal gamma activity in neurodevelopmental disorders.

2019 ◽  
Arjen Stolk ◽  
Loek Brinkman ◽  
Mariska J. Vansteensel ◽  
Erik Aarnoutse ◽  
Frans S. S. Leijten ◽  

AbstractThis study uses electrocorticography in humans to assess how alpha- and beta-band rhythms modulate excitability of the sensorimotor cortex during movement selection, as indexed through a psychophysically-controlled movement imagery task. Both rhythms displayed effector-specific modulations, tracked spectral markers of action potentials in the local neuronal population, and showed spatially systematic phase relationships (traveling waves). Yet, alpha- and beta-band rhythms differed in their anatomical and functional properties, were weakly correlated, and traveled along opposite directions across the sensorimotor cortex. Increased alpha-band power in the somatosensory cortex ipsilateral to the selected arm was associated with spatially-unspecific inhibition. Decreased beta-band power over contralateral motor cortex was associated with a focal shift from relative inhibition to excitation. These observations indicate the relevance of both inhibition and disinhibition mechanisms for precise spatiotemporal coordination of neuronal populations during movement selection. Those mechanisms are implemented through the substantially different neurophysiological properties of sensorimotor alpha- and beta-band rhythms.

2020 ◽  
Emily B.J. Coffey ◽  
Isabelle Arseneau-Bruneau ◽  
Xiaochen Zhang ◽  
Sylvain Baillet ◽  
Robert J. Zatorre

AbstractThere is much debate about the existence and function of neural oscillatory entrainment mechanisms in the auditory system. The frequency-following response (FFR) is an index of neural periodicity encoding that can provide a vehicle to study entrainment in frequency ranges relevant to speech and music processing. Criteria for entrainment include the presence of post-stimulus oscillations and phase alignment between stimulus and endogenous activity. To test the hypothesis of entrainment, in experiment 1 we collected FFR data to a repeated syllable using magneto- (MEG) and electroencephalography in 20 healthy adults. We observed significant oscillatory activity after stimulus offset in auditory cortex and subcortical auditory nuclei, consistent with entrainment. In these structures the FFR fundamental frequency converged from a lower value over 100 ms to the stimulus frequency, consistent with phase alignment, and diverged to a lower value after offset, consistent with relaxation to a preferred frequency. In experiment 2, we tested how transitions between stimulus frequencies affected the MEG-FFR to a train of pure-tone pairs in 30 adults. We found that the FFR was affected by the frequency of the preceding tone for up to 40 ms at subcortical levels, and even longer durations at cortical levels. Our results suggest that oscillatory entrainment may be an integral part of periodic sound representation throughout the auditory neuraxis. The functional role of this mechanism is unknown, but it could serve as a fine-scale temporal predictor for frequency information, enhancing stability and reducing susceptibility to degradation that could be useful in real-life noisy environments.

2019 ◽  
John D Griffiths ◽  
Anthony Randal McIntosh ◽  
Jeremie Lefebvre

AbstractRhythmic activity in the brain fluctuates with behaviour and cognitive state, through a combination of coexisting and interacting frequencies. At large spatial scales such as those studied in human M/EEG, measured oscillatory dynamics are believed to arise primarily from a combination of cortical (intracolumnar) and corticothalamic rhythmogenic mechanisms. Whilst considerable progress has been made in characterizing these two types of neural circuit separately, relatively little work has been done that attempts to unify them into a single consistent picture. This is the aim of the present paper. We present and examine a whole-brain, connectome-based neural mass model with detailed long-range cortico-cortical connectivity and strong, recurrent corticothalamic circuitry. This system reproduces a variety of known features of human M/EEG recordings, including a 1/f spectral profile, spectral peaks at canonical frequencies, and functional connectivity structure that is shaped by the underlying anatomical connectivity. Importantly, our model is able to capture state-(e.g. idling/active) dependent fluctuations in oscillatory activity and the coexistence of multiple oscillatory phenomena, as well as frequency-specific modulation of functional connectivity. We find that increasing the level of sensory or neuromodulatory drive to the thalamus triggers a suppression of the dominant low frequency rhythms generated by corticothalamic loops, and subsequent disinhibition of higher frequency endogenous rhythmic behaviour of intra-columnar microcircuits. These combine to yield simultaneous decreases in lower frequency and increases in higher frequency components of the M/EEG power spectrum during states of high sensory or cognitive drive. Building on this, we also explored the effect of pulsatile brain stimulation on ongoing oscillatory activity, and evaluated the impact of coexistent frequencies and state-dependent fluctuations on the response of cortical networks. Our results provide new insight into the role played by cortical and corticothalamic circuits in shaping intrinsic brain rhythms, and suggest new directions for brain stimulation therapies aimed at state-and frequency-specific control of oscillatory brain activity.Author SummaryOne of the most distinctive features of brain activity is that it is highly rhythmic. Developing a better understanding of how these rhythms are generated, and how they can be controlled in clinical applications, is a central goal of modern neuroscience. Here we have developed a computational model that succinctly captures several key aspects of the rhythmic brain activity most easily measurable in human subjects. In particular, it provides both a conceptual and a concrete mathematical framework for understanding the well-established experimental observation of antagonism between high- and low-frequency oscillations in human brain recordings. This dynamic has important implications for how we understand the modulation of rhythmic activity in diverse cognitive states relating to arousal, attention, and cognitive processing. As we demonstrate, our model also provides a tool for investigating and improving the use of rhythmic brain stimulation in clinical applications.

2000 ◽  
Vol 7 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 109-125 ◽  
Richard L. Sutton ◽  
David A. Hovda ◽  
Michael J. Chen ◽  
Dennis M. Feeney

Measurements of oxidative metabolic capacity following the ablation of rat sensorimotor cortex and ,he administration of amphetamine were examined to determine their effects on the metabolic dysfunction that follows brain injury. Twenty-four hours after surgery, rats sustaining either sham operations or unilateral cortical ablation were administered a single injection of D-amphetamine (2 mg/kg; i.p.) or saline and then sacrificed 24 h later. Brain tissue was processed for cytochrome oxidase histochemistry, and 12 bilateral cerebral areas were measured, using optical density as an index of the relative amounts of the enzyme. Compared with that of the control groups, cytochrome oxidase in the injured animals was significantly reduced throughout the cerebral cortex and in 5 of II subcortical structures. This injury-induced depression of oxidative capacity was most pronounced in regions of the hemisphere ipsilateral to the ablation. Animals given D-amphetamine had less depression of oxidative capacity, which was most pronounced bilaterally in the cerebral cortex, red nucleus, and superior colliculus; and in the nucleus accumbens, caudateputamen, and globus pallidus ipsilaterai to the ablation. The ability of D-amphetamine to alleviate depressed cerebral oxidative metabolism following cortical injury may be one mechanism by which drugs increasing noradrenaline release accelerate functional recovery in both animals and humans.

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