scholarly journals An automated classification system for urban areas matching the ‘city country fingers’ pattern: the cases of Kamakura (Japan) and Acireale (Italy) cities

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Roberto Spina ◽  
Emiliano Tramontana

Abstract The uncontrolled expansion of urban areas is one of the main factors that reduce the liveability of cities. In recent years, to contrast urban sprawl, several nations have promoted policies aimed at developing urban green spaces. The importance of green oases within cities had already been highlighted, in 1977, by the architect Christopher Alexander who had developed a series of patterns including ‘City Country Fingers’ claiming that city development should consider the prolongation of country land in to the urban area. In several cities, especially in Japan, it is possible to recognize the imprint of urban development based on country fingers. This term refers to extensive urban intersections of agricultural land or wooded hills which, from the peripheral areas, penetrate the city. Inside them, there are urban windows, called city fingers, whose development direction is opposite to those of the country fingers. To recognize and analyze, in an automated way, these particular structures, a Python-based application was created. Starting from the original high-resolution image of Google Earth, a complete analysis was performed, labeling and delimiting urban and vegetational areas and extrapolating the main geometric parameters of the country and city fingers. The finalization of the results obtained was carried out through a classification model whose criteria were based on Alexander’s pattern. Thanks to this classification scheme, the distinction between Active Green Areas (country fingers) and Passive Green Areas (gardens and public parks) have been revealed for the analyzed cities. The tests performed showed almost ideal conditions for the city of Kamakura and a limited match for the urban area of Acireale. The proposed method is suitable for fields of application that require a qualitative and quantitative determination of the vegetation cover present within the city, an essential condition for correct territorial planning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (48) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Alla Mikhailivna Pleshkanovska

AbstractOne of the ways to ensure the sustainable development of settlements is to improve comfort of living in urban areas. The formation of a developed landscaping system is one of the priorities of modern city development and provides an opportunity to realise the main functions of green areas of public use – ecological, historical, cultural, urban and social. Sufficiency or insufficiency of green areas is determined by indicators both objective (the level or area of landscaping per person), and subjective (the feeling of green space and comfort of urban areas). This study addresses both of these aspects. Significant differences in the findings of sociological surveys conducted earlier were also analysed. Residents of the city of Kyiv completed a questionnaire, which evaluated not only the existing greening system of the city, but also the perceived priority directions for its improvement. Four main criteria for assessing the quality of landscaping elements are proposed – environmental friendliness, contact, accessibility and attractiveness.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 112 ◽  
Yusril Ihza Mahendra ◽  
Wisnu Pradoto

Limited land in the centre of the city will encourage people to choose residing in the suburb area as alternative, which of course also effect transformation in those areas. Spatial transformation that occured in peri-urban area will change the pattern of space utilization existed in that region. The population growth rate of Malang city is approximately 0,86% larger than that in East Java (0,75%). The increasing number of population growth in Malang occured unevenly in all parts of the city. The purpose of this research is to review the spatial transformation occuring in peri-urban area of Malang city by firstly analyzing the location of peri-urban based on its land usage. The analysis is conducted with geographic information system ArcGis 9.3, which is benefited to analyze map overlay dan kernel density analyze. Based on the result of analysis, it is discovered that there is a difference of spatial transformation between the north and south region of peri-urban areas in Malang city. Kedung Kandang district, which is located in the south region, experienced a low transformation with a linier trend of developing land pattern. Meanwhile, Lowokwaru district is experiencing high transformation with a concentric trend of developing land pattern. This difference occured due to several factors, which are population factor like high growth population, center of activity, accessibility, the role of developer, and policy factor related with direction of spatial region patter.The trend of distribution pattern in population density and developed land aimed on the northern part of the city indicated the direction of the city development trend.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-97
I Made Agus Mahendra

City Development Planning can be described as a decision-making process to realize economic, social, cultural and environmental goals through the development of a spatial vision, strategies and plans, and the application of a set of policy principles, tools, institutional participatory mechanisms, and regulatory procedures. Connectivity between cities is needed for a Bali island which is the best tourism destination in Indonesia. Good connectivity between cities can contribute greatly to tourism destinations in each city / region. In the future it will be a great work if the development of urban areas on the island of Bali is the integrated tourism industry path connectivity in the Smart City Development system. Smart city is a dream of almost all countries in the world both in the provincial and urban spheres. With Smart City, various kinds of data and information located in every corner of the city can be collected through sensors installed in every corner of the city, analyzed with smart applications, then presented according to user needs through applications that can be accessed by various types of gadgets. Through the gadget, users can also interactively become data sources, they send information to data centers for consumption by other users.

2021 ◽  
Jorden J. S. Lefler

This thesis discusses a method of analysing the input of interventions in a building's site design, all of which affect the heat island effect, bio-diversity and hydrology of urban areas. Existing standards from Toronto, Vancouver and Berlin have been researched and analysed. This paper presents an evolution of a method called biotope area factor used in Berlin, Germany. A synthesis of the approach of all three systems was considered and distilled into the key points which were then incorporated into the proposed method. In addition to the impact of an individual building, it also includes the impact from the adjacent street area. The final components of this thesis are the application of the method developed to an urban area in the city of Toronto and results showing the impacts on architectural design from site rating systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 85 ◽  
pp. 161-177
Diego López-Collar ◽  
Francisco J. Cabrero-Sañudo

New geolocated records of the invasive ant Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868) are added to the previous references for the city of Madrid and its surroundings, and the possible causes of the occurrence and permanence of this species in urban areas are discussed. The data collection corresponds to a series of samplings carried out for the last three years in green areas of the city, bibliographic searches, citizen science platforms and personal communications. To date, eleven locations in the urban area of Madrid and four points outside the city have been registered. The city of Madrid is undergoing a colonisation by the Argentine ant, although it is not widespread yet, since observations over time and space are isolated and apparently unrelated. However, this species has a great capacity to disperse and establish new colonies, mainly human-mediated through the transport of goods, plants, gardening tools, etc. Considering the numerous colonizable urban green areas in the city that can provide the necessary conditions for its expansion, the Argentine ant should not be underestimated, and immediate action is strongly recommended.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Dahlia Astari ◽  
Agung Murti Nugroho

Selamatan desa adalah ritual yang bertujuan untuk mengucapkan rasa syukur atas panen yang melimpah dan menghindarkan diri dari mara bahaya. Di beberapa daerah di Kota Surabaya masih melaksanakan tradisi tersebut terutama di daerah pertanian. Meskipun demikian, RW IV Kelurahan Jajar Tunggal masih mempertahankan tradisi tersebut meskipun kondisi permukiman berada di wilayah padat perkotaan dengan penduduk yang mayoritas beragama Islam dan bekerja di sektor swasta dan bekerja sebagai tukang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pola pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi pada pelaksanaan selamatan desa dengan memanfaatkan jalan utama untuk melaksanakan tradisi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan behavior mapping dengan pemetaan perilaku yaitu place centered maps. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pola pemanfaatan ruang di jalan utama kampung berbentuk menyebar dan mengelompok di daerah yang rindang dan dekat dengan warung/toko. Sedangkan pada saat selamatan desa, pusat aktivitas terjadi hampir di sepanjang jalan utama kampung Selamatan desa is a ritual that aims to create a sense of gratitude for a bountiful harvest and refrain from danger. In some areas in the city of Surabaya still  performs  this tradition, especially in the areas that still have agricultural land. However, RW IV Kelurahan Jajar Tunggal still performs this tradition even though the conditions in the settlements located in the dense urban area with a  Muslim  majority society and livelihood as private sector employees and craftmans. Therefore, this study wants to know the pattern of utilization of space that occurs in Selamatan desa that using the main street for the tradition. The Method used is descriptive qualitative with environment behavior study approach with behavior mapping by place centered maps. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of use of the street in everyday activities shaped with spread and clustered form in an area close to stall or shady areas. While at Selamatan desa, the concentration of activity spread all along the main street

2021 ◽  
Evangelia Siouti ◽  
Ksakousti Skyllakou ◽  
Ioannis Kioutsioukis ◽  
Giancarlo Ciarelli ◽  
Spyros N. Pandis

<p>Cooking operations can be an important fine PM source for urban areas. Cooking emissions are a source of pollution that has been often ignored and are not included or are seriously underestimated in urban emission inventories. However, several field studies in cities all over Europe suggest that cooking organic aerosol (COA) can be an important component of the total organic PM. In this study we propose and evaluate a methodology for the simulation of the COA concentration and its variability in space and time in an urban area. The city of Patras, the third biggest in Greece is used for this first application for a typical late summer period. The spatial distribution of COA emissions is based on the exact location of restaurants and grills, while the emissions on the meat consumption in Greece. We estimated COA emissions of 150 kg d<sup>-1</sup> that corresponds to 0.6 g d<sup>-1</sup> per person. The temporal distribution of COA was based on the known cooking times and the results of the past field studies in the area. Half of the daily COA is emitted during dinner time (21:00-0:00 LT), while approximately 25% during lunch time (13:00-16:00 LT). The COA is simulated using the Volatility Basis Set with a volatility distribution measured in the laboratory and is treated as semivolatile and reactive. The maximum average COA concentration during the simulation period is predicted to be 1.3 μg m<sup>-3</sup> in a mainly pedestrian area with a high density of restaurants. Peak hourly COA concentrations in this area exceed 10 μg m<sup>-3</sup> during several nights. The local production of secondary COA is predicted to be slow and it represents just a few percent of the total COA.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Setya Etika Mulyasari ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Gusti M. Hatta ◽  
Bambang Joko Priatmadi

Banjarbaru City is one of the cities in South Kalimantan Province which is developing quite rapidly from year to year. Hence,  it is necessary to research and study changes in land use and their suitability with the city development plan. The purpose of this study is to examine changes in the area and types of land use changes in Banjarbaru City within a period of 8 years, from 2013 to 2021, determine the rate of land use change, and assess the suitability of land use changes to the applicable Banjarbaru City spatial plan. This research method is an overlay to see changes in land use and the suitability of changes in land use with the direction of spatial functions in the Regional Spatial Plan. The result of this research is that in an area of ​​16,414.00 ha (53.7%) there is a change in land use in Banjarbaru City in the period 2013-2021. The biggest land use changes are dry land agriculture, vacant land, wetland agriculture, housing, and villages. The use of dry land  and agricultural land has the largest decrease in area, which is 15,090.71 ha or a decrease of 365.5%. The use of vacant land increased in an area of ​​14,715.684 hectares or an increase of almost 4 times. Wetland agriculture has decreased in an area which is reduced by 986.55 ha or decreased by 65.8%. The use of land for housing/residential in the form of housing or villages has also undergone considerable changes. The use of residential land has increased by 528.105 hectares (44.626%) and the village area to 444.32 ha (21.2%). The suitability of land use with the RTRW in Banjarbaru City is 16,742.86 ha (54.8%) categorized as appropriate, while an area of ​​13,779.69 ha (45.2%) is categorized as not in accordance with the applicable RTRW.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 01
G. Martins ◽  
R. L. S. Ferraz ◽  
J. L. Batista ◽  
M. A. Barbosa

<p>Em decorrência de atividades antrópicas exploratórias, tem ocorrido aumento na supressão de espécies arbóreas, refletindo na biodiversidade e equilíbrio dos ecossistemas, reduzindo a população de espécies de abelhas.<strong> </strong>Objetivou-se com este trabalho, fazer um levantamento da ocorrência de árvores, nidificações e espécies de abelhas com intuito de incentivar o plantio de espécimes, principalmente nativos, na área urbana, para que ocorra uma maior proliferação das abelhas indígenas sem ferrão. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo na Praça Dr. Joaquim Batista na cidade de Jaboticabal, SP. Através de consultas em literatura especializada, identificou-se o número de espécies arbóreas e abelhas sem ferrão, o número e altura média de nidificações, além da coleta de sementes para produção de mudas. Foram identificadas 27 espécies de árvores nativas, 14 exóticas, cinco de abelhas sem ferrão, 37 nidificações, com altura média geral de 2,3 m, além da produção de 20 mudas nativas. A elevada ocorrência de nidificações em plantas nativas e a presença de sementes, demonstram a adaptabilidade destes polinizadores, além de subsidiar a viabilidade da proposta de incentivar o plantio de espécimes, principalmente nativas em área urbana para a proliferação das abelhas indígenas sem ferrão. Estudos complementares podem ser realizados visando educação ambiental nestes locais.</p><p align="center"><strong>Encouraging the planting of native trees in the urban area for proliferation of stingless bees</strong></p><p>As a result of exploratory human activities, there has been an increase in the suppression of tree species, reflecting on biodiversity and ecosystem balance, reducing the population of bee species. The objective of this work, to survey the occurrence of trees, Nest establishment and bee species in order to encourage the planting of species, mostly native, in urban areas, so that there is a higher proliferation of indigenous stingless bees. Therefore, we carried out a study in Dr. Joaquim Batista Square in the city of Jaboticabal, SP. Through consultations in the literature, we identified the number of tree species and stingless bees, the average number and height of Nest establishment, besides the collection of seeds for seedlings. They identified 27 species of native trees, 14 exotic, five of stingless bees, 37 Nest establishment, with overall average height of 2.3 m, in addition to producing 20 native seedlings. The high occurrence of Nest establishment of native plants and the presence of seeds demonstrate the adaptability of these pollinators, in addition to supporting the viability of the proposal to encourage the planting of specimens, especially in urban areas native to the proliferation of indigenous stingless bees. Additional studies can be conducted to environmental education in these places.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 718
S Haryani

Large cities still peak the interests of some Indonesian society. Big city development as the center of economic activity is a powerful pull for society, influencing high workforce from both inside and outside of the city, causing a strong current of urbanization. One main problem that always accompanies urban areas development is density population. Urbanization has caused a very rapid explosion in the city population; one implication is the clumping workforce in large Indonesian cities. The high number of people who choose to settle in the city increase the number of both legal and illegal settlements. In the high-density settlement, many houses are not liveable and irregular. The densely populated settlements find many houses unfit for habitation and irregular. The research aims to formulate the sustainability level of Urban communities, Lowokwaru District, Malang City using quantitative method through sustainability level calculation. Jatimulyo Urban Communities is measured by the sustainability criteria of density, diversity, mixed-use, and compactness to formulate the related sustainable urban spatial structure. Interpretation of the calculation results references similar research. The calculation result shows that Jatimulyo Urban Communities is included in the moderate sustainability level, where density is moderate (101.1-200 people/ha), has a moderate building density (20-40 buildings/ha), has a random diversity level (1.0) and an entropy index (0.51), and compactness is near perfect inequality (Gini Coefficient 0.99).

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