big city
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2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 181-204
Jennifer García Carrizo

The object of study of this research is the Digbeth cultural and creative district, located in Birmingham, United Kingdom. The main objective is to analyze the urban regeneration processes and the different plans proposed by different entities to restore and revitalize the area. To achieve this, different data collection techniques have been used, such as in-depth interviews, in which the model developed by Charmaz and Belgrave (2014) was followed; the bibliographic review of primary and secondary sources and the participant observation as a complete observer. As a result, a scrupulous analysis is carried out of the urban regeneration plans that the Birmingham City Council has proposed regarding the Eastside area, where Digbeth is located, such as the Big City Plan (Birmingham City Council, 2011), the Birmingham Development Plan 2031 (Birmingham City Council, 2017) and specific redevelopment plans for the area, such as the Curzon Investment Plan (Birmingham City Council, 2016). Likewise, the different regeneration plans developed by private initiatives such as Oval Real Estate for Digbeth are considered, analyzed and detailed, as well as the strategic visions and specific proposals for the regeneration of the area. Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio el distrito cultural y creativo del Digbeth, situado en Birmingham, Reino Unido. Su principal objetivo es analizar los procesos de regeneración urbana y los diferentes planes propuestos por diferentes entes con la finalidad de rehabilitar y revitalizar el área. Para ello, se han usado diferentes técnicas de recolección de datos, como las entrevistas en profundidad, en las que se siguió el esquema de preguntas desarrollado por Charmaz y Belgrave (2014); la revisión bibliográfica tanto de fuentes primarias como secundarias y la observación participante, con carácter de observador completo. Como resultado, se realiza un escrupuloso análisis de los planes de regeneración urbana que el Ayuntamiento de la Birmingham plantea vinculados a la zona del Eastside, en la que se encuentra el Digbeth, como son el Big City Plan (Birmingham City Council, 2011), el Birmingham Development Plan 2031 (Birmingham City Council, 2017) y planes específicos para la remodelación para el área, como el Curzon Investment Plan (Birmingham City Council, 2016). Igualmente, se consideran, analizan y detallan los diferentes planes de regeneración desarrollados por iniciativas privadas como Oval Real Estate para el Digbeth, así como las visiones estrategias y las propuestas específicas de regeneración del área.

Tsaqofah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (02) ◽  
pp. 113
Ryas Basmala

This study explains how the Chinese in Surakarta have established themselves to convert to Islam. While in other big cities there are already associations to accommodate Chinese Moslem people, but in Surakarta, which is a big city, there is no forum to gather these people. This study uses four main steps of the historical method, namely: (1) heuristics, (2) source criticism, (3) interpretation, and (4) historiography. The result of this research is that the Chinese descent converted to Islam due to three reasons, the first is because of marriage, the second is guidance, and the third is because they follow the religion of their parents or are Muslim since birth. Although there is no PITI (Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association) in Surakarta, in Surakarta there is an organization called Mualaf Center Soloraya, this organization can be used to add Islamic insight to people who have converted to Islam.

2021 ◽  
Totok Wahyu Wibowo ◽  
Sigit Heru Murti Budi Santosa ◽  
Bowo Susilo ◽  
Taufik Hery Purwanto

Lontara ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-132
St. Mu’tamirah Naim ◽  
Novi Poni Harwani

A complicated problem for big city governments today is the increasing volume of solid waste, due to population growth and mobility so that the waste load will also increase, especially in metropolitan cities such as Makassar City. To reduce the rate of organic waste generation, which is 60%, is to use organic waste as compost, both liquid and solid. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of composting with EM4 and MOL activators. The results of the study with the addition of EM4 activator, MOL activator and without the addition of activator from the first day to the fourteenth day the compost structure was different. The addition of MOL produces a slightly coarser structure compared to the addition of EM4, while the compost without activator still smells like wet waste. The quality (C/N) of compost, the addition of 100 ml of EM4 was in the optimum level, while the addition of 100 ml of MOL was less than optimum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Chi Thanh NGUYEN ◽  
Ngoc Anh DO ◽  
Van Vi PHAM ◽  

Circular tunnels are usually encountered when excavation tunnel. However, the U-shapedtunnel lining is used a lot in practice because of it’s advantages. However, there are not many studies inthe world to calculate and design for underground structures with U-shaped tunnel lining, especially inthe case of tunnels being affected by earthquakes. This paper proposes a new numerical-HRM methodapproach for the analysis of U-shaped segmental tunnel lining under the impact of earthquakes. Hanoi isthe capital of Vietnam, this is a big city with more than 8 million people. Hanoi is located between twomajor fault systems, the Red River fault system and the Son La-Dien Bien-Lai Chau fault system.Therefore, the Hanoi area is assessed as likely to be affected by earthquakes of magnitude Mw = 6.1 up to6.5 Richter. The Hanoi metro system is constructed by TBM and the U-shaped segmental tunnel lining isalso one of the types of tunnel lining considered for use in the construction of metro tunnels in Hanoi. Theimproved HRM method has been used to investigate the effect of joints in the tunnel lining from the Hanoisystem metro under the impact of earthquakes is conducted considering from the results of the tunnellining behavior in terms of bending moment (M), normal forces (N) and tunnel lining displacements (δn)in both cases: the U-shaped continuous tunnel lining and the U-shaped segmental tunnel lining.

Xueting Zeng ◽  
Hua Xiang ◽  
Jia Liu ◽  
Yong Xue ◽  
Jinxin Zhu ◽  

The conflict between excessive population development and vulnerable resource (including water, food, and energy resources) capacity influenced by multiple uncertainties can increase the difficulty of decision making in a big city with large population scale. In this study, an adaptive population and water–food–energy (WFE) management framework (APRF) incorporating vulnerability assessment, uncertainty analysis, and systemic optimization methods is developed for optimizing the relationship between population development and WFE management (P-WFE) under combined policies. In the APRF, the vulnerability of WFE was calculated by an entropy-based driver–pressure–state–response (E-DPSR) model to reflect the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptability caused by population growth, economic development, and resource governance. Meanwhile, a scenario-based dynamic fuzzy model with Hurwicz criterion (SDFH) is proposed for not only optimizing the relationship of P-WFE with uncertain information expressed as possibility and probability distributions, but also reflecting the risk preference of policymakers with an elected manner. The developed APRF is applied to a real case study of Beijing city, which has characteristics of a large population scale and resource deficit. The results of WFE shortages and population adjustments were obtained to identify an optimized P-WEF plan under various policies, to support the adjustment of the current policy in Beijing city. Meanwhile, the results associated with resource vulnerability and benefit analysis were analyzed for improving the robustness of policy generation.

E. Shkurov ◽  
M. Yenin ◽  
T. Kolomiiets ◽  
Kenneth Laundra

The pace of urbanization at the beginning of the XXI century is accelerating. For large cities, the processes of globalization are becoming significant. Globalization has become one of the powerful factors that determine the formation of both visual-architectural, and cultural-behavioral and economicpolitical spheres of city life. Globalization creates and sets the general trends of behavioral patterns of society, determining their frames of unified processes at the global and regional levels. Ukrainian sociological thought lacks a reception of Western discourses of the city's globalization. The article analyzes a number of theses of modern Western scholars on globalization and urbanization. The interdependence of globalization processes, communication and urbanization is revealed: along with the acceleration of communication processes, globalization, which affects urbanization, is also accelerating. The potential of globalization phenomena in transformational-urban processes is understood: socio-economic, sociopolitical, socio-cultural. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the globalization of the world economy with the simultaneous erosion of national sovereignty of modern states, fragmentation of social and class structure, value transformation in the direction of strengthening the individualistic orientation of mass consciousness, commercialization of higher education forms a new configuration where the most successful and urbanized cities become centers of technological, economic and cultural innovation. The processes of unification and interdependence, which are clearly traced at all levels of globalization practices, especially in the life of cities, are considered. The world is unifying, which causes both positive and negative receptions in social and scientific discourses. The article focuses on the sociological interpretation of the city in the context of urbanism as a way of life (Urbanism as a Way of Life): the influence of urban lifestyle on the transformation of gender roles, the potential of universal inclusion in everyday life – a big city should be tolerant and multicultural.

Oleksandr Topchiyev ◽  
Vitalii Sych ◽  
Viktoriya Yavorska ◽  
Katerina Kolomiyets

The article defines the directions that it is recommended to assess the role of the population in the formation of recreation and tourism activities (RTA). It is proved the need to investigate the role of the population in the RTA in two main directions: 1) as a subject of recreational and tourist systems in its relation to their media (objects); 2) combined - as a subject and component of the object of recreational and tourist systems. The population forms the flows of recreation and tourists, developing relevant structures and mechanisms for their recreational and tourist service, organizes directions and fields of economic and non-economic activities that ensure the recreational needs of the population, creates a specialized recreation infrastructure, develops and implements a variety of functional and territorial organization of recreation and tourism, forms at the national and international level of territorial division of labor. In order to evaluate the recreational potential of a separate plot or object usually consider not the entire nomenclature of conditions and resources, but only a characteristic or typical combination. Each territory, each object of recreation and tourism has its own set (complex) of resource characteristics. And this circumstance greatly facilitates the procedure for a comprehensive assessment of recreational potential due to elimination (allocation) of a characteristic complex of terms and resources of RTA. A similar situation arises for a functional assessment of recreational potential. The valuation of conditions and resources are not developed for a general list of species and forms of RTA, but for those that are distributed in this area in this locality. It is determined that among the numerous characteristics and indicators of recreational potential, the concept of recreational and tourist attractiveness is one of the objective indicators of resource potential. Estimation of recreational potential for quantitative indicators of recreation and tourists and their numerical and spatial distributions creates an objective basis for all other characteristics and indicators of RTD. Another important characteristic of the recreational potential, which forms the population as a factor of RTA is a recreation capacity of territories and objects of RTA. The concept of "recreational capacity" is related to "recreational attractiveness". Attractiveness characterizes recreational territories and objects for their attraction, according to real flows of recreation and tourists. Recreational capacity is intended to set the upper limits of such attractiveness. Attractiveness represents the actual use of a recreational resource, and the capacity indicates its critical level of recreation, which does not lead to degradation of this resource. In recreational geography, tourism and planning of territories, this direction is well known and extremely designed. The indicators of recreational capacities for certain types and recreation forms and recreations - beach baths, short-term rest in green zones, anthropogenic load of resort zones and areas of the natural reserve fund, maximum population density in various functional zones of the big city, etc. At the same time, the zonal principles of assessing the recreational capacity of objects and areas of recreation and tourism have not yet been developed, and this actual problem is waiting for its researchers. The population forms a so-called anthropogenic load on the territory, and its economic activity is man-made load. Anthropogenic-technogenic load is considered as a factor of recreational and tourist activities, in turn, indicators of anthropogenic-technogenic load are the original characteristics of "anti-resource" of recreation potential. The article has proven that in the context of the study of the prerequisites for the development of recreation and tourist activities of the region also need to analyze both the quality of life of the population, in addition to the assessment of this indicator have a high contrast and diversity in the country. Key words: population, recreational and tourist potential, attractiveness of recreational territories, anthropogenic-technogenic load, quality of life of the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi29-vi29
Hirokazu Sadahiro ◽  
Kazutaka Sugimoto ◽  
Sadahiro Nomura ◽  
Hideyuki Ishihara

Abstract Background: EF-14 trial showed the efficacy of tumor treating fields (TTF), and TTF was approved as a standard therapy for glioblastoma in Japan. In TTF opening, Device Support Specialist (DSS) explains how to use it for the patient and the family. Because there is no DSS in Yamaguchi prefecture, DSS has to come to our hospital across other prefectures. On the other hand, COVID-19 is still spreading and it is sometimes tough to move from a big city to countryside. Here, we would present the experiences of TTF opening with online DSS support. Method: From June 2020, Zoom was used for 4 patients, and from June 2021, iPad/Face-Time was used for one patient. TTF was introduced via online DSS support with direct support from our nurse in our out clinic. After that, initial times of TTF change were performed via online DSS support in patient’s home. Two patients who used Zoom had trouble to connect to internet, however finally completed with relative helps.Conclusion: Online medicine should be absolutely spreading in country sides. Now, we change from Zoom to iPad, because the old patients in country sides were hard to use internet utility. We should make efforts to provide patients more brief methods of online support.

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