Putting Donald Trump in Historical Perspective

Doug McAdam

The tumultuous onset of Donald Trump’s administration has so riveted public attention that observers are in danger of losing a historical perspective. Trump’s rhetoric and behavior are so extreme that the tendency is to see him and the divisions he embodies as something new in American politics. Instead, Trump is only the most extreme expression of a brand of racial politics practiced ever more brazenly by the Republican Party since the 1960s. His unexpected rise to power was aided by a number of institutional developments in American politics that also have older roots. In the spirit of trying to understand these historical forces, the chapter describes (a) the origins and evolution of the exclusionary brand of racial politics characteristic of the Republican Party since the 1960s, and (b) three illiberal institutions that aided Trump’s rise to power, and that, if left unchanged, will continue to threaten the survival of American democracy.

Never Trump ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 240-248
Robert P. Saldin ◽  
Steven M. Teles

This concluding chapter highlights how the Republican Party has been substantially transformed by the experience of having Donald Trump at its head. The president's reelection in 2020 would only deepen that transformation. Deep sociological forces—in particular, a Republican Party base that is increasingly white, working class, Christian, less formally educated, and older—will lead the party to go where its voters are. What Trump started, his Republican successors will finish. Just as parties of the right across the Western world have become more populist and nationalist, so will the Republicans. That, of course, bodes poorly for most of the Never Trumpers, who combined a deep distaste for Trump personally with a professional interest in a less populist governing style and a disinclination to see their party go ideologically where he wanted to take it. Ultimately, the future is unwritten because it will be shaped by the choices of individuals. Never Trump will have failed comprehensively in its founding mission, which was to prevent the poison of Donald Trump from entering the nation's political bloodstream. However, it is likely to be seen, in decades to come, as the first foray into a new era of American politics.

Christopher Parker

This chapter examines the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of the reactionary right in the United States. It seeks to provide a better understanding of what motivates the reactionary right, and how such motivations inform the policy preferences and behavior of its constituents. However, the paucity of data restricts the analysis of the reactionary right to a fifty-year span, from the 1960s through the Tea Party. It begins with an overview of reactionary thought, including a brief history of reactionary movements through the mid-twentieth century. It then conducts an assessment of the immediate predecessor of the Tea Party: the John Birch Society. This is followed by an analysis of the contemporary reactionary movement in the United States: the Tea Party, and the movement responsible for the election of Donald Trump. The conclusion also briefly touches upon the continuities (and discontinuities) between the Tea Party and its European counterparts.

Daedalus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 150 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-22
Douglas S. Massey

Abstract Dysfunctional immigration and border policies implemented in recent decades have accelerated growth of the Latino population and racialized its members around the trope of illegality. Since the 1960s, Republicans have cultivated White fears and resentments toward African Americans, and over time these efforts broadened to target Hispanics as well. Until 2016, this cultivation relied on a dog whistle politics of racially coded symbolic language, but with the election of Donald Trump as president, White nationalist sentiments became explicit and White nationalism emerged as an ideological pillar of the Republican Party. This volume confirms this political transformation, describing its features and documenting its consequences. In this essay, I describe the unwise U.S. immigration and border policies that were steadily promulgated and expanded over the decades by Democrats as well as Republicans, inevitably leading to the current racist and nativist moment. I close by offering a way forward by granting legal status to those who currently lack it, while simultaneously dismantling the nation's formidable machinery of immigration and border enforcement.

Leadership ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 513-523 ◽  
George R Goethals

The populism of Donald Trump and his supporters can be viewed as rooted in feelings of relative deprivation, whereby people feel that they are getting less than they deserve in exchanges with other groups, and perceptions of unfair procedures, whereby elites are seen to allocate outcomes in an unethical, biased, and/or disrespectful manner. Populist leaders can boost people’s self-esteem and hence their sense of what they deserve and how they should be treated by establishment decision makers. Populist leaders make intergroup comparisons salient and thereby exacerbate intergroup hostility. In the United States, populist politics has shifted from emphasizing unfair economic outcomes to exploiting racist and nativist sentiments as well as cultural antagonisms. Donald Trump’s populism can be traced most directly to George Wallace’s racist populist campaigns in the 1960s. Trump has also focused on unfair decisions made about political allies. His presidency is arguably the first to ride these elements in American politics to the White House.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Lestari Manggong

ABSTRAKSajak “Song of Myself” karya pujangga Amerika abad ke-19, Walt Whitman,mengupas konsep demokrasi yang menjadi salah satu pondasi prinsip kebebasanberpendapat di Amerika. Makalah ini membahas pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasiyang dapat diperoleh dari sajak tersebut. Arah pembahasan menjadi spesifik ketikakonsep demokrasi dalam sajak tersebut dikaitkan dengan praktek demokrasi yang terjadidi Amerika sekarang, sejak Amerika berada dalam masa administrasi Presiden DonaldTrump. Dalam pembahasannya, makalah ini mengemukakan argumentasi bahwa dalamprakteknya, prinsip demokrasi yang mengedepankan kebebasan berpendapat bagi setiapindividu, secara dilematis mengantar Amerika pada masa kepresidenan Trump yang dinilaikontroversial. Selain “Song of Myslelf,” makalah ini juga membahas dan membandingkansajak Whitman yang lain, yaitu “For You O Democracy” untuk melihat lebih jauh lagi persepsiWhitman tentang demokrasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan melihat aspek pragmatis sajakWhitman dengan merujuk pada Mack (2002). Selain itu, pembahasan juga akan berfokuspada aspek xenofobia dalam karya Whitman dengan merujuk pada salah satu tulisan Price(2004). Simpulan dari pembahasan akan bermuara pada gagasan bahwa konsep utopissemacam demokrasi pun tidak sepenuhnya ideal. Karena, seperti yang terjadi di Amerikasekarang, prinsip demokrasi yang dipraktekkan membuat rakyatnya memasuki era yangbanyak menuai protes. Pada akhirnya, pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasi ini secaraglobal juga dapat memberi sudut pandang yang lebih kritis mengenai konsep demokrasi.Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, Walt Whitman, demokrasi Amerika, Donald Trump,kajian pragmatis, xenofobia.ABSTRACT“Song of Myself,” by America’s nineteenth-century poet, Walt Whitman, describesthe concept of democracy which is one of foundations of the principle of freedom of speechin America. This essay discusses literature learning on the concept of democracy in thepoem. The discussion becomes specific when the concept of democracy in the poem is linkedwith the practice of democracy that occurs currently in America, ever since it is underPresident Trump’s administration. This essay argues that in its practice, the principle ofdemocracy that upholds freedom of speech to every individual, in a dillematic way bringsAmerica to today’s controversial administration by President Trump. Aside From “Songof Myslelf,” this essay also discusses and compares Whitman’s other poem, “For You ODemocracy,” to see further Whitman’s perception on democracy. The discussion will havea look at the pragmatic aspect of Whitman’s poem, by referring to Mack (2002), and it will1 Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional HISKI: “Literasi, Sastra, dan Pembelajaran” yangdiselenggarakan di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, 29-30 April 2017.222 | METAHUMANIORA, Vol. 7, Nomor 2 September 2017: 221—233Lestari Manggongalso focus on the xenophobic aspect in the poem, by referring to Price (2004). This essayconcludes that even a utopian concept such as democracy is not entirely ideal, because thepractice of democracy today leads the American people to enter an era of protests. Thisessay proposes an idea that literature learning of the concept of democracy in the poemalso contributes to giving a more critical view on the concept of democracy.Keywords: literature learning, Walt Whitman, American democracy, Donald Trump,pragmatics studies, xenophobia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Parul Singh Kanwar

This essay examines how the election of Donald Trump and the Ring Wing sentiments in American politics affect the Right-Wing extremist identity in Canada. This is significant because, through an analysis of the impact of American politics and identity on Canadians and their experiences as Anti-American, with focus on superiority and multiculturalism. 

The Forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-227
Vladimir E. Medenica ◽  
Matthew Fowler

Abstract While much attention has been paid to understanding the drivers of support for Donald Trump, less focus has been placed on understanding the factors that led individuals to turn out and vote or stay home. This paper compares non-voters and voters in the 2016 election and explores how self-reported candidate preference prior to the election predicted turnout across three different state contexts: (1) all states, (2) closely contested states won by Trump, and (3) closely contested states won by Clinton. We find that preference for both candidates predicted turnout in the aggregate (all states) and in closely contested states won by Clinton, but only preference for Trump predicted turnout in the closely contested states won by Trump. Moreover, we find that political interest is negatively associated with preference for Clinton when examining candidate preferences among non-voters. Our analysis suggests that non-voters in the 2016 election held meaningful candidate preferences that impacted voter turnout but that state context played an important role in this relationship. This study sheds light on an understudied component of the 2016 election, the attitudes and behavior of non-voters, as well as points to the importance of incorporating contextual variation in future work on electoral behavior and voter turnout.

Matthew J. Lacombe

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is one of the most powerful interest groups in America, and has consistently managed to defeat or weaken proposed gun regulations — even despite widespread public support for stricter laws and the prevalence of mass shootings and gun-related deaths. This book provides an unprecedented look at how this controversial organization built its political power and deploys it on behalf of its pro-gun agenda. Taking readers from the 1930s to the age of Donald Trump, the book traces how the NRA's immense influence on national politics arises from its ability to shape the political outlooks and actions of its followers. The book draws on nearly a century of archival records and surveys to show how the organization has fashioned a distinct worldview around gun ownership and has used it to mobilize its supporters. It reveals how the NRA's cultivation of a large, unified, and active base has enabled it to build a resilient alliance with the Republican Party, and examines why the NRA and its members formed an important constituency that helped fuel Trump's unlikely political rise. The book sheds vital new light on how the NRA has grown powerful by mobilizing average Americans, and how it uses its GOP alliance to advance its objectives and shape the national agenda.

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