Pediatric Tuberculosis and a Unique Method of Case Finding and Default Prevention: The Case of Baby ‘Lucky’, Moyale Sub-County, Kenya, 2019

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (5) ◽  
pp. 553-555
Dahabo Adi Galgallo ◽  
Ibrahim Lio ◽  
Adano Kochi ◽  
Dennis Kalikidane Mutiga CCE ◽  
James Ransom

Abstract We report the case of a 9-month-old male infant diagnosed in the field with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Use of innovative global positioning system tracking of pregnant pastoralist women allowed staff to find the mother, locate the infant and enroll the infant in care and treatment. Due to this innovative intervention of case finding and tracking, the infant was prevented from defaulting and completed his anti-TB regimen.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-99 ◽  
Jyothi T. S. ◽  
Catherine Mathew ◽  
Irene George

2007 ◽  
Vol 104 (18) ◽  
pp. 7471-7476 ◽  
Dora Biro ◽  
Robin Freeman ◽  
Jessica Meade ◽  
Stephen Roberts ◽  
Tim Guilford

How do birds orient over familiar terrain? In the best studied avian species, the homing pigeon (Columba livia), two apparently independent primary mechanisms are currently debated: either memorized visual landmarks provide homeward guidance directly, or birds rely on a compass to home from familiar locations. Using miniature Global Positioning System tracking technology and clock-shift procedures, we set sun-compass and landmark information in conflict, showing that experienced birds can accurately complete their memorized routes by using landmarks alone. Nevertheless, we also find that route following is often consistently offset in the expected compass direction, faithfully reproducing the shape of the track, but in parallel. Thus, we demonstrate conditions under which compass orientation and landmark guidance must be combined into a system of simultaneous or oscillating dual control.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 482-492 ◽  
Catherine L. Granger ◽  
Linda Denehy ◽  
Christine F. McDonald ◽  
Louis Irving ◽  
Ross A. Clark

Introduction. Increasingly physical activity (PA) is being recognized as an important outcome in non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We investigated PA using novel global positioning system (GPS) tracking individuals with NSCLC and a group of similar-aged healthy individuals. Methods. A prospective cross-sectional multicenter study. Fifty individuals with NSCLC from 3 Australian tertiary hospitals and 35 similar-aged healthy individuals without cancer were included. Individuals with NSCLC were assessed pretreatment. Primary measures were triaxial accelerometery (steps/day) and GPS tracking (outdoor PA behavior). Secondary measures were questionnaires assessing depression, motivation to exercise, and environmental barriers to PA. Between-group comparisons were analyzed using analysis of covariance. Results. Individuals with NSCLC engaged in significantly less PA than similar-aged healthy individuals (mean difference 2363 steps/day, P = .007) and had higher levels of depression ( P = .027) and lower motivation to exercise ( P = .001). Daily outdoor walking time ( P = .874) and distance travelled away from home ( P = .883) were not different between groups. Individuals with NSCLC spent less time outdoors in their local neighborhood area ( P < .001). A greater number of steps per day was seen in patients who were less depressed ( r = .39) or had better access to nonresidential destinations such as shopping centers ( r = .25). Conclusion. Global positioning system tracking appears to be a feasible methodology for adult cancer patients and holds promise for use in future studies investigating PA and or lifestyle behaviors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 168781401770813 ◽  
Chaoran Zhou ◽  
Hongfei Jia ◽  
Jingxin Gao ◽  
Lili Yang ◽  
Yixiong Feng ◽  

10.17159/5053 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Z Webster

on the improvement of skills during training sessions. However, there is a certain level of physical effort required to execute these skills optimally which tend to get little focused attention during training. This could lead to players being physically unprepared for the demands of a match. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the physical demands of a one-day cricket game and a training session of provincial cricket players, using GPS units. Methods:The study employed a quantitative design as it essentially collected numerical data from GPS units to describe and analyze the physical demands of ODGs and cricket training sessions preceding these games.   Results:There were significant differences across all sub-disciplines and movement categories during training and ODGs for provincial cricket players.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rifqi Prima Anggara ◽  
Arif Johar Taufiq

  Tunanetra adalah seseorang yang mengalami gangguan pada indra penglihatannya. Penyandang tunanetra mempunyai keterbatasan dalam penglihatan sehingga mobilitasnya terbatas. Hambatan yang sering dialami tunanetra diantaranya adalah menentukan keberadaan penghalang, genangan air, dan lokasi. Hambatan tunanetra dalam menentukan lokasi menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi keluarga tunanetra dalam mengetahui keberadaannya. Alat ini dibuat untuk membantu tunanetra (pengguna tongkat) agar dapat mengetahui keberadaan penghalang, air, lokasi tunanetra, dan tombol emergency saat terjadi keadaan darurat. Tongkat ini terdapat tiga sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 depan, kanan, dan kiri sebagai pendeteksi halangan, sensor soil moisture sebagai pendeteksi air, DF player mini yang terhubung ke speaker sebagai indikator suara dan modul GPS sebagai pendeteksi lokasi. Hasil pengujian tongkat ini dapat mendeteksi halangan yang ada di depan sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 dengan jarak < 70 cm dan dapat mendeteksi air dengan kedalaman genangan > 2 cm melalui sensor soil moisture. Sebagai indikator bunyi ketika sensor aktif digunakan DF Player Mini yang terhubung ke speaker. Tongkat ini mampu memberikan informasi keberadaan pengguna melalui sebuah Smartphone pada aplikasi kodular berupa tampilan lokasi Google Maps. Tongkat ini juga dilengkapi dengan tombol emergency untuk mengirimkan pesan ke g-mail saat dalam keadaan darurat. Kata Kunci :DF Player Mini, Modul GPS, Sensor Ultrasonik HC-SR04, Tunanetra

Monitoring cattle behaviour has been a perpetual challenge in animal husbandry and animal breeding. Various methods have been used in the past to monitor the behaviour of cattle and their grazing patterns. We proposed a framework for real time cattle monitoring using multimedia networks. The study observes the grazing patterns of cattle and their behaviours in the grazing field. In order to accomplish the above observation, global positioning system monitoring collar for cattle is utilized; this technology monitors the activities of individual cattle during grazing through a networked system. The materials used in carrying out the work include cattle, waterproof global positioning system tracking collars (TR20) for cattle, and supporting application software by Sigfox’s global Internet of Things network. The paddock size was 121 by 174 m. Forage was predominantly agricultural plants. Cattle weighing up to 580 kg were used. The collared cattle were used to initiate all data collections. Latitude and longitude information of location was cumulatively stored in memory that is on-boarded and big enough for the fixing of position. Each fix record is comprised of corresponding estimation of height, date and time of global positioning system, precision value dilution, status of fix, temperature, including horizontal and vertical activity sensor counts in intervals that are fixed. Units of collar were well compacted, robust, and of about 1 kg in weight. Location fixes for over a day period were showed through testing to be accurate, at roughly 95% for eight minutes of time after correction of the difference. There was no bias of direction on the part of errors that have consistency with other studies’ finding.

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