quantitative design
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Izza Amalia Rahman ◽  
Mutmainnah Mustofa ◽  
Izzatin Nisa'

This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of YouTube Music platform as teaching media to improve students’ listening mastery. It is believed that YouTube Music as an innovative media could be used effectively to attract students’ interest in increasing their listening mastery. By using true-experimental research with quantitative design, there are 52 students were divided into two groups, 26 students for experimental group and 26 students included in control group. This research used test and questionnaire as research instrument. There are several findings to prove that YouTube Music platform is an effective media to improve students’ listening skills. By conducting test as first instrument, it was found that the average score of students taught by YouTube music was 79.85. It was higher than those who taught by conventional media (71.50). By analyzing the data, it can be concluded that there are significant different between students taught by innovative media than those taught by conventional media. This result also affected by students’ perception in learning listening which was found by students’ answer from questionnaire.

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-55
Oliver Robinson ◽  
Ilham Sebah ◽  
Ana A. Avram

The Resilience Enhancement Programme for Students (REP-S) is an intervention that has been designed to boost resilience in students. The current study involved the remote delivery of the REP-S via an online platform to students, and an empirical evaluation of the intervention via a pre-post one-group quantitative design over one month and a post-intervention qualitative element. Fifty-six students from the University of Greenwich qualified for inclusion in the study. Results indicated that perceived stress and trait neuroticism decreased over the month of the study, while resilience increased. Engagement with the intervention also predicted a reduction in neuroticism. Students reported experiencing a complex range of difficulties over the duration of the pandemic and that 80% of participants found the workshop to be effective in addressing these problems. Overall, participants found more positives than negatives in the online delivery of the workshop. If rolled out on a wider basis, the REP-S has the potential to improve wellbeing and mental health across the higher education sector.

Crisdiansyah1 ◽  
Linda Suwarni ◽  
Selviana3 ◽  
Vidyastuti ◽  
Helfi Nolia

Background: Parental education is important in preventing sexual violence against children. Parents need good knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy to educate their children, though their effectiveness is affected by various factors. Objective: This study aimed to predict the knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy of parents in education to prevent sexual violence in children. Methods: A quantitative design with a cross-sectional approach was used. The sample is 400 parents who have children aged 12-17 years. Data was collected through direct interviews and analyzed using univariate and bivariate (Chi-Square test with 95% CI). Results: the experience of parents receiving education on preventing sexual violence against children correlate with knowledge (p-value = 0.012), attitude (p-value = 0.0000) and self-efficacy (p-value = 0.000). Conclusion: The experience of parents helps predict knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy in providing education to prevent sexual violence against children.)

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
H. Deniz Günaydın

We aimed to assess Covid-19 anxiety among Turkish medical school students. More specifically, we examined the association between the participants’ age, gender, grades, stress coping approaches and Covid-19 anxiety using a quantitative design. The participants were 875 (493 female and 480 male students) medical school students between 19 and 26 years old. The participants completed Ways of Coping Inventory and Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. It was observed that university students in the schools of medicine used stress coping approaches such as searching for social support and self-confident. ANOVA analyses revealed that female medical school students had higher mean scores for the search for social support, optimistic, submissive, and helpless approaches, while male medical school students had higher scores for self-confident approach. Post hoc analysis indicated that the first-grade medical school students used self-confident stress coping approach more often than the higher-grade medical school students. We established that 21 years and older medical school students used submissive stress coping approach more often than younger students. Hierarchical regression revealed that gender female, submissive and helpless approaches explained 11% of the variance in Coronavirus anxiety.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10(6)) ◽  
pp. 1882-1895
Aobakwe Ledikwe

This study is aimed at uncovering the determinants of behavioural intention towards travel applications in an emerging economy of South Africa. A descriptive and quantitative design was employed, and primary data (n=420) was gathered from participants using an online questionnaire. Structural equation modelling was applied to examine the theoretical connection between the dimensions of experiencescape, memorability, satisfaction, and behavioural intention. The results prove that the dimensions of experiencescape (entertainment, escapism, and aesthetics), memorability, satisfaction, and behavioural intention are positively and significantly related. Therefore, the promotion of experiencescape, memorability, and satisfaction is an important area of concern among hospitality providers in developing a consistent and enduring service experience that can stimulate behavioural intention towards travel applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 50-61
Joehally B. Cena ◽  
Joel M. Bual

Spirituality is essential among students in their pursuit of meaning and beliefs. However, in public schools, values and religious education are less focused, compromising students' spiritual well-being. Thus, this study assessed the degree of spiritual well-being of senior high school students of public schools in Bacolod City, Philippines in terms of religious and existential well-being. It also compared the spiritual, religious, and existential well-being assessments. A quantitative design gathered the data from 335 students. Using the descriptive and inferential analyses, the results revealed that the students' spiritual well-being was moderate. Also, their religious well-being is high, while existential well-being is moderate. It indicates the need to effectively hone the students’ values to recognize their life’s purpose and satisfaction. Meanwhile, there was no difference in their spiritual, religious, and existential well-being. Thus, values and religious formations are highly encouraged to guarantee the students’ spiritual well-being.

2021 ◽  
pp. 62-82
M. A. Kashina ◽  
S. V. Lyashko ◽  
S. Tkach

Research on values is important both for the development of sociology and for. practices of social management, they provide the necessary basis for effective public policy.The purpose of this article was to analyze the current agenda for the study of values by building theoretical and methodological thematic clusters. An optional task was to describe the thematic thesaurus used by the authors of the articles on values. The hypothesis was tested that the theory of social status in relation to economic topics received the greatest recognition in the current agenda. The study was carried out in a quantitative design, the method of content analysis was used, followed by the calculation of the c-correlation coefficient between the three semantic components of the study: topic, theory, methodology. The empirical material was the abstracts of 132 articles published in 21 sociological journals, included in the 1 quartile of Scopus in 2016–2020. Articles were selected according to the author’s search method. The limitations of the study are the 5-year time period, the language of the article (English), the use of only abstract texts for analysis, and not the articles themselves, the author’s method of building clusters (it is possible to build clusters on other grounds).Results. The main hypothesis was confirmed. The strongest connection was recorded between the theory of social status and economic topics (c-correlation coefficient — 0.62). The smallest connection was found between family values and theories about values as ideal representations (0.21). At the same time, the coefficient of connection between theories and research topics is, on average, lower than that of methodologies and topics. Qualitative methodology is mentioned by authors of articles on values a little more often than quantitative one. (114 qualitative versus 103 quantitative). In the thematic thesaurus, the greatest diversity is recorded in the research area “Labor and Economics”, the least — in the areas “Family” and “Education”. Despite the fact that the group of articles dealing with values in the sphere of politics is the second largest in the sample with 87 articles (66%), only 15 frequently used terms were included in its thematic thesaurus. In the area of “Labor and Economics”, 65 significant terms were identified; in total, materials of 111 articles (84%) were attributed to this area.The directions of further research are related to the study of the isomorphism of the agenda for the study of values in international and Russian sociology, as well as the analysis of substantive discrepancies in the study of values in the same sphere of life between Russian and foreign sociologists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Muh Erwinto Imran ◽  
Wahyu Sopandi ◽  
Bachrudin Musthafa ◽  
Cepi Riyana

Competence plays an important role for teachers. It is also emphasized by the government during the performance of their duties. Teachers’ competence is one of the crucial things that they must have in order to teach the students in a class. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that the teachers considered that multiliteracy was something very important as part of the industrial revolution 4.0 era. Multiliteracy is one thing that is competitive in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 as well as one of the difficult competencies in the 21st century. Multiliteracy is also a competency that must be possessed by students first by a teacher. In Indonesia itself, every student and teacher is very valuable to have multiliteracy skills. The most widely encountered and mastered literacy by teachers is reading/writing literacy. In teaching multiliteracy, teachers face many obstacles, the obstacles they encounter are integrating basic competencies and determining the right model.Thus, every teacher has to learn how to improve their ability and competence. As the front line in the field of education, teachers need to be prepared to acquire qualified competence in teaching skill. One of the ways to ensure teachers’ eligible competence is training. Teacher training is an important key in improving teachers’ competence. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of teachers’ training on competence development.  This study used a descriptive quantitative design. The object of this research was 261 teachers in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of teacher competence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 404
Sulastri Sulastri ◽  
Rohayati Rohayati ◽  
Sary Febriaty

Traumatic experiences can trigger mental-emotional problems in children, especially in disaster conditions. The purpose of this study is to describe mental and emotional problems in children in South Lampung after the Sunda Strait tsunami natural disaster after being given playing therapy with pop-up books. This study uses a quantitative design with quasi-experimental treatment. The population in this study were preschool and school-age children affected by the Sunda Strait tsunami who lived in temporary village shelters in three villages namely Way Muli Timur, Way Muli Barat, and Kunjir as many as 93 children. The mental-emotional state of the child will be measured before and after therapy. Data collection using the Strength Difficulties Questionnaire questionnaire. The test was conducted using the dependent t-test. The results of data analysis showed that in general the level of strength and difficulty of children was abnormally susceptible (63,4%) at the beginning of the measurement and increased towards normal, in other words, there was an effect of playing therapy with pop-up books on the child's emotional mentality. The results of the bivariate test showed that there was an effect of pop-up books play therapy on children's mental-emotional problems (p-value 0,002). It is recommended that play therapy be combined with other therapies, including consistently to reinforce for children from those closest to them, such as nuclear family and other children's closest people.

Ismu Laily Mufidah ◽  
Anita Rahma Dewi

This research intended to explain the factors of students’ problems at eighth grade of SMP NU Al-Hidayah Maduran on English writing. It aimed to investigate the effect of POEW (Predict, Observe, Explain, Write) strategy used on English writing to enhance student’s English writing skill. In addition, it elaborated the significant after using POEW strategy on student’s narrative English writing. This research conducted using a quantitative design a quasi experimental research by two classes of pre-test and post-test. The researchers implemented this research to eighth grade of SMP NU Al Hidayah Maduran in academic year of 2021/2022. The participants of this study taken from eighth grade of SMP NU Al-Hidayah Maduran, which consisted of two classes and devided by experimental class and control class. It was found from the result of the test that students in experimental class got higher score than students in control class. However, based on the normality testing, this research was not normally distributed. In addition, the data declared that this research was not homogeneous. Thus, the researchers did Mann Whitney U Test. Relating to the test, the result of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) was smaller than the probability (0.000<0.05). It meant that Ha was accepted. However, it can be concluded that there was an effect of the use POEW strategy at eighth grade of SMP NU Al-Hidayah Maduran on English writing skill.

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