scholarly journals I. Discussion of tide observations at Bristol


This paper contains the result of an attempt to discover empirically the Laws of the Diurnal Inequality of the Times and Heights, and of the Solar Inequality of the Times of High Water at the Port of Bristol. The observations employed in this discussion are those that have been taken by the Bristol Self-registering Tide-Gauge, which has been kept steadily at work, with a few occasional interruptions, from the period of its erection in 1837 to the present time. This instrument consists essentially of a Clock, a Cylinder, a Ploat, and a Pencil, by means of which every tide marks a curve on a sheet of paper, from which the time and height of high water are ascertained. Its details are described, and an engraving of it given, both in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, Part II., p. 249, and in the Article “Tides and Waves” in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, written by the present Astronomer Royal.

1840 ◽  
Vol 130 ◽  
pp. 255-272 ◽  

The subject of the present communication is different in its nature from those of previous memoirs on the tides presented by me, and printed by the Society; since it refers, not to comparison of the times and heights of different tides, but to the rate of the rise and fall of the surface of the water in successive stages of the same tide. This inquiry has often been prosecuted at particular places by naval observers, and is of very material importance to navigation. For even supposing the time and height of high water to be known, it is still often requisite, for nautical purposes, to know the height of the water at a given interval before or after the moment of high water. And this inquiry may be the more useful, inasmuch as the laws of rise and fall of the surface are nearly the same at all places; the differences being, for the most part, of such a kind as can be ascertained and allowed for without much difficulty. Hence these laws, once stated, will be applicable on every coast; and the knowledge of them may supersede those laborious trains of observation which have often been instituted in order to ascertain the laws at particular places. The materials of the present investigation (which is principally founded upon ob­servation) are the following: —Five months’ tide observations made at Plymouth, in which, besides the time and height of high and low water, the time of the surface passing two lines above the level of mean water was carefully observed; these latter observations being made, at my request, by direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty: —Three months’ observations (taken out of a larger series) made at Liverpool, under the direction of Capt. Denham, R. N., in which the height of the surface was noted every half hour: —and twelve months’ observations made at Bristol by Mr. Bunt, by means of his tide-gauge. The latter observations were reduced by Mr. Bunt himself; the others were discussed under my direction by Mr. Dessiou and Mr. Ross, of the Hydrographer’s Office, with their usual care and skill.

1867 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 289-290

This Paper contains the results of a Discussion of about 19,000 observations of Times and Heights of High Water at Bristol, for the purpose of obtaining the Empirical Laws of the Diurnal Inequalities of the Times and Heights, and of the Solar Inequality of the Times, of the tides at that port. Curves on Diagrams which accompany the Paper exhibit the results. The Observations were taken by a Self-registering Tide-Gauge, the Clock of which has from the first been regulated by transit observation.

1974 ◽  
Vol 1 (14) ◽  
pp. 148
J. SIndern ◽  
G.E. Schroder

The project of a "barrage across an estuary in Northern Germany was accompanied by a programme to monitor the hydrologic and morphologic situation. This became necessary in order to avoid dangers resulting from the sensitivity of the shallow wadden area to human interference. Various methods to record the morphology were tested. The aerial photographic waterline survey proved superior as it supplies a complete and economic record and allows accurate analysis of the topography. The principle consists in taking aerial photographs at short time intervals between low water and high water, each photo showing a different waterline. The scale chosen was 1:18000, corresponding to a flight altitude of 2700 metres. Rectification of the distorted photos requires reference markers to be distributed over the survey area which measures about 140 km^. By using simultaneous tide gauge records, contour lines can be constructed from the photographed waterlines. This morphologic record is supplemented by submarine survey of the estuary. It is expected that details of sediment transport and of tidal prism changes may be revealed. Predicted and actual effects of the barrage will be compared, which might lead to a better understanding of such coasts.

2021 ◽  
Amin Shoari Nejad ◽  
Andrew C. Parnell ◽  
Alice Greene ◽  
Peter Thorne ◽  
Brian P. Kelleher ◽  

Abstract. We provide an updated sea level dataset for Dublin for the period 1938 to 2016 at yearly resolution. Using a newly collated sea level record for Dublin Port, as well as two nearby tide gauges at Arklow and Howth Harbour, we perform data quality checks and calibration of the Dublin Port record by adjusting the biased high water level measurements that affect the overall calculation of mean sea level (MSL). To correct these MSL values, we use a novel Bayesian linear regression that includes the Mean Low Water values as a predictor in the model. We validate the re-created MSL dataset and show its consistency with other nearby tide gauge datasets. Using our new corrected dataset, we estimate a rate of 1.08 mm/yr sea level rise at Dublin Port between 1953–2016 (95 % CI from 0.62 to 1.55 mm/yr), and a rate of 6.48 mm/yr between 1997–2016 (95 % CI 4.22 to 8.80 mm/yr). Overall sea level rise is in line with expected trends but large multidecadal varaibility has led to higher rates of rise in recent years.

1983 ◽  
Vol 29 (101) ◽  
pp. 28-47 ◽  
A. Iken ◽  
H. Röthlisberger ◽  
A. Flotron ◽  
W. Haeberli

Abstract Results of systematic movement studies carried out by means of an automatic camera on Unteraargletscher since 1969 are discussed together with supplementary theodolite measurements made at shorter intervals and over a longer section of the glacier. In addition to the typical spring/early summer maximum of velocity known from other glaciers, an upward movement of up to 0.6 m has been recorded at the beginning of the melt season. It was followed, after a few fluctuations of the vertical velocity, by an equal but slower downward movement which continued at an almost constant rate for about three months. Possible explanations of the uplift are discussed, the most satisfactory explanation being water storage at the bed. The observations then suggest that this storage system is efficiently connected with the main subglacial drainage channels only during times of very high water pressure in the channels. Detailed measurements showed that the times of maximum horizontal velocity coincided with the times of maximum upward velocity rather than with the times when the elevation of the surveyed poles had reached a maximum. On the basis of the hypothesis of water storage at the bed this finding means that the sliding velocity is influenced mainly by the subglacial water pressure and the actual, transient stage of cavity development, while the amount of stored water is of lesser influence.

On a representation made by the author of the advantages which would result from a series of simultaneous observations of the tides, continued for a fortnight, along a great extent of coast, orders were given for carrying this measure into effect at all the stations of the Preventive service on the coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, from the 7th to the 22nd of June inclusive. From an examination of the registers of these observations, which were transmitted to the Admiralty, but part of which only have as yet been reduced, the author has been enabled to deduce many important inferences. He finds, in the first place, that the tides in question are not affected by any general irregularity, having its origin in a distant source, but only by such causes as are merely local, and that therefore the tides admit of exact determination, with the aid of local meteorological corrections. The curves expressing the times of high water, with relation to those of the moon’s transit, present a very satisfactory agreement with theory; the ordinates having, for a space corresponding to a fortnight, a minimum and maximum magnitude, though not symmetrical in their curvatures on the two sides of these extreme magnitudes. The amount of flexure is not the same at different places; thus confirming the result already obtained by the comparison of previous observations, and especially those made at Brest; and demonstrating the futility of all attempts to deduce the mass of the moon from the phenomena of the tides, or to correct the tables of the tides by means of the mass of the moon. By the introduction of a local, in addition to the general, semimenstrual inequality, we may succeed in reconciling the discrepancies of the curve which represents this inequality for different places; discrepancies which have hitherto been a source of much perplexity. These differences in the semimenstrual inequality are shown by the author to be consequences of peculiar local circumstances, such as the particular form of the coast, the distance which the tide wave has travelled over, and the meeting of tides proceeding in different directions; and he traces the influence of each of these several causes in producing these differences. A diurnal difference in the height of the tides manifests itself with remarkable constancy along a large portion of the coast under consideration. The tide hour appears to vary rapidly in rounding the main promontories of the coast, and very slowly in passing along the shores of the intervening bays; so that the cotidal lines are brought close together in the former cases, and, in the latter, run along nearly parallel to the shore; circumstances which will also account for comparative differences of level, and of corresponding velocities in the tide stream. The author intends to prosecute the subject when the whole of the returns of these observations shall have undergone reduction.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1995-2028 ◽  
M. P. Wadey ◽  
I. D. Haigh ◽  
J. M. Brown

Abstract. For the UK's longest and most complete sea level record (Newlyn), we assess extreme high water events and their temporal clustering; prompted by the 2013/2014 winter of flooding and storms. These are set into context against this almost 100 yr record. We define annual periods for which storm activity, tides and sea levels can be compared on a year-by-year basis. Amongst the storms and high tides which affected Newlyn the recent winter produced the largest recorded high water (3 February 2014) and five others above a 1 in 1 yr return period. The large magnitude of tide and mean sea level, and the close inter-event spacings (of large return period high waters), suggests that the 2013/2014 high water "season" may be considered the most extreme on record. However, storm and sea level events may be classified in different ways. For example in the context of sea level rise (which we calculate linearly as 1.81 ± 0.1 mm yr−1 from 1915 to 2014), a lower probability combination of surge and tide occurred on 29 January 1948, whilst 1995/1996 storm surge season saw the most high waters of ≥ 1 in 1 yr return period. We provide a basic categorisation of five types of high water cluster, ranging from consecutive tidal cycles to multiple years. The assessment is extended to other UK sites (with shorter sea level records and different tide-surge characteristics), which suggests 2013/2014 was extreme, although further work should assess clustering mechanisms and flood system "memory".

2016 ◽  
Diana Fuentes-Andino ◽  
Keith Beven ◽  
Sven Halldin ◽  
Chong-Yu Xu ◽  
José-Eduardo Reynolds ◽  

Abstract. Prevention and mitigation of floods require information on discharge and extent of inundation, commonly unavailable or uncertain, especially during extreme events. This study was initiated by the devastating flood in Tegucigalpa when Hurricane Mitch struck the city. In this study we hypothesised that it is possible to estimate, in a trustworthy way despite large data uncertainties, this extreme 1998 flood discharge and the extent of the inundations that followed, from a combination of models and post–event measured data. Post–event data collected in 2000 and 2001 were used to estimate discharge peaks, times of peaks and high water marks. These data were used in combination with rain data from two gauges to drive and constrain a combination of well–known models: TOPMODEL, Muskingum–Cunge–Todini routing, and the LISFLOOD–FP hydraulic model. Simulations were performed within the GLUE uncertainty–analysis framework. The model combination predicted peak discharge, times of peaks and more than 90 % of the observed high–water marks within the uncertainty bounds of the evaluation data. This allowed an inundation likelihood map to be produced. Observed high–water marks could not be reproduced at a few locations on the floodplain. These locations are useful to improve model set–up, model structure or post–event data–estimation methods. Rainfall data were of central importance in simulating the times of peak and results would be improved by a better spatial assessment of rainfall, e.g. from satellite data or a denser rain–gauge network. Our study demonstrated that it was possible, considering the uncertainty in the post–event data, to reasonable reproduce the extreme Mitch flood in Tegucigalpa in spite of no hydrometric gauging during the event.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 3597-3618 ◽  
Diana Fuentes-Andino ◽  
Keith Beven ◽  
Sven Halldin ◽  
Chong-Yu Xu ◽  
José Eduardo Reynolds ◽  

Abstract. Studies for the prevention and mitigation of floods require information on discharge and extent of inundation, commonly unavailable or uncertain, especially during extreme events. This study was initiated by the devastating flood in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, when Hurricane Mitch struck the city. In this study we hypothesized that it is possible to estimate, in a trustworthy way considering large data uncertainties, this extreme 1998 flood discharge and the extent of the inundations that followed from a combination of models and post-event measured data. Post-event data collected in 2000 and 2001 were used to estimate discharge peaks, times of peak, and high-water marks. These data were used in combination with rain data from two gauges to drive and constrain a combination of well-known modelling tools: TOPMODEL, Muskingum–Cunge–Todini routing, and the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model. Simulations were performed within the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) uncertainty-analysis framework. The model combination predicted peak discharge, times of peaks, and more than 90 % of the observed high-water marks within the uncertainty bounds of the evaluation data. This allowed an inundation likelihood map to be produced. Observed high-water marks could not be reproduced at a few locations on the floodplain. Identifications of these locations are useful to improve model set-up, model structure, or post-event data-estimation methods. Rainfall data were of central importance in simulating the times of peak and results would be improved by a better spatial assessment of rainfall, e.g. from radar data or a denser rain-gauge network. Our study demonstrated that it was possible, considering the uncertainty in the post-event data, to reasonably reproduce the extreme Mitch flood in Tegucigalpa in spite of no hydrometric gauging during the event. The method proposed here can be part of a Bayesian framework in which more events can be added into the analysis as they become available.

One of the most outstanding problems in the study of storm surges is that of the interaction with tides. Since the equations of motion are non-linear the surge cannot be adequately studied or forecast in relation to the meteorological situation until this problem of inter-­action is solved. The important subject of probability of the combined effects of surges and tides reaching or exceeding danger levels also necessitates the solution of the problem, for there is some evidence to show that the largest apparent surges (that is, the excess of actual levels over those of the purely tidal levels) do not occur at or about the times of the purely tidal high water. The problem has been investigated for a long uniform gulf about 100 miles long and about 21 fathoms deep. This has required the development of methods of calculation of tides in the channel, taking account of all non-linear terms in the equations of motion, a problem which in itself is mathematically intractable. The numerical methods have been applied also to cases where storm surges have been superposed upon the tides, with the maximum of the surge occurring near high water, or near low water, or near one of the two half-tide levels. These four cases reveal the character and magnitude of the interaction in this particular gulf. The mean of the four cases shows no obvious tidal interaction, but it is shown that the apparent surge is dependent upon the coefficient of friction and that the magnitude of this is greatly affected by the tides. The actual apparent surge at the mouth of the gulf is, of course, affected by the reflexion which takes place at the head of the gulf, and a method is given for computing the incident and reflected oscillations. It is remarked that it is the incident part which is directly due to the meteorological disturbances in the sea, so that correlations of apparent surges with meteorological data are complicated by the reflected oscillation.

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