scholarly journals Have associations between mental health and health related behaviours changed between 2005 and 2015? A population based cross-cohort study

Suzanne H. Gage ◽  
Praveetha Patalay

AbstractBackgroundPoor adolescent mental health is a growing concern over recent decades with evidence of increasing internalising mental health problems corresponding with decrease in anti-social, smoking and alcohol behaviours. However, understanding whether and how the associations between mental health and health-related behaviours such as substance use, anti-social behaviour and obesity have changed over time is less well-understood.ObjectivesWe investigate whether the associations between different health-related outcomes in adolescence are stable or changing over time in two recent cohorts of adolescents born ten years apart.MethodData from two UK birth cohort studies, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC, born 1991-92, N=5627, 50.7% female) and Millennium Cohort Study (MCS, born 2000-1, N=11318, 50.6% female) at age 14 sweeps are used. The health outcomes of focus are depressive symptom score, substance use (alcohol, smoking, cannabis and other drugs), antisocial behaviours (assault, graffiti, vandalism, shoplifting and rowdy behaviour), weight (BMI), weight perception (perceive self as overweight) and sexual activity (had sexual intercourse).ResultsOur results suggest although directions of associations between mental-health and health-related behaviours (eg smoking) are similar over time, their strength across the distribution has changed. While smoking and alcohol use behaviours are decreasing in adolescents, those that endorse these behaviours in 2015 are more likely to have co-occurring mental-health and other problems than those born in 2005. Similarly, higher body mass index is more strongly associated with depressive symptoms in 2015.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that associations between these factors has changed over time, which has implications for public health and our understanding of the mechanisms underlying their observed associations in the population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 519-526 ◽  
Elizabeth Wall-Wieler ◽  
Suzan L. Carmichael ◽  
Marcelo L. Urquia ◽  
Can Liu ◽  
Anders Hjern

2020 ◽  
pp. 088626052093509 ◽  
Rebecca E. Lacey ◽  
Laura D. Howe ◽  
Michelle Kelly-Irving ◽  
Mel Bartley ◽  
Yvonne Kelly

Previous research has demonstrated a graded relationship between the number of Adverse Childhood Experiences reported (an ACE score) and child outcomes. However, ACE scores lack specificity and ignore the patterning of adversities, which are informative for interventions. The aim of the present study was to explore the clustering of ACEs and whether this clustering differs by gender or is predicted by poverty. Data on 8,572 participants of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were used. ALSPAC is a regionally representative prenatal cohort of children born between 1991 and 1992 in the Avon region of South-West England. ACEs included parental divorce, death of a close family member, interparental violence, parental mental health problems, parental alcohol misuse, parental drug use, parental convictions, and sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, between birth and 19 years. Latent class analysis was used to derive ACE clusters and associations between poverty, gender, and the derived classes tested using multinomial logistic regression. Five latent classes were identified: “Low ACEs” (55%), “Parental separation and mother’s mental health problems” (18%), “Parental mental health problems, convictions and separation” (15%), “Abuse and mental health problems” (6%), and “Poly adversity” (6%). Death of a close family member and sexual abuse did not cluster with other adversities. The clustering did not differ by gender. Poverty was strongly related to both individual ACEs and clusters. These findings demonstrate that ACEs cluster in specific patterns and that poverty is strongly related to this. Therefore, reducing child poverty might be one strategy for reducing ACEs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 1650-1664 ◽  
Praveetha Patalay ◽  
Suzanne H Gage

Abstract Background There is evidence that mental health problems are increasing and substance use behaviours are decreasing. This paper aimed to investigate recent trends in mental ill health and health-related behaviours in two cohorts of UK adolescents in 2005 and 2015. Methods Prevalences in mental health (depressive symptoms, self-harm, anti-social behaviours, parent-reported difficulties) and health-related behaviours (substance use, weight, weight perception, sleep, sexual intercourse) were examined at age 14 in two UK birth cohorts; Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC, N = 5627, born 1991–92) and Millennium Cohort Study (MCS, N = 11 318, born 2000–02). Prevalences and trend estimates are presented unadjusted and using propensity score matching and entropy balancing to account for differences between samples. Results Depressive symptoms (9% to 14.8%) and self-harm (11.8% to 14.4%) were higher in 2015 compared with 2005. Parent-reported emotional difficulties, conduct problems, hyperactivity and peer problems were higher in 2015 compared with 2005 (5.7–8.9% to 9.7–17.7%). Conversely, substance use (tried smoking, 9.2% to 2.9%; tried alcohol, 52.1% to 43.5%, cannabis, 4.6% to 3.9%), sexual activity (2% to 0.9%) and anti-social behaviours (6.2–40.1% to 1.6–27.7%) were less common or no different. Adolescents in 2015 were spending less time sleeping (<8 h 5.7% to 11.5%), had higher body mass index (BMI) (obese, 3.8% to 7.3%) and a greater proportion perceived themselves as overweight (26.5% to 32.9%). The findings should be interpreted bearing in mind limitations in ability to adequately harmonize certain variables and account for differences in attrition rates and generalizability of the two cohorts. Conclusions Given health-related behaviours are often cited as risk factors for poor mental health, our findings suggest relationships between these factors might be more complex and dynamic in nature than currently understood. Substantial increases in mental health difficulties, BMI and poor sleep-related behaviours highlight an increasing public health challenge.

2020 ◽  
pp. 140349482097309
Sunna Gestsdottir ◽  
Hafrun Kristjansdottir ◽  
Hedinn Sigurdsson ◽  
Inga Dora Sigfusdottir

Aims: The use of anabolic androgen steroids to enhance performance is not a modern phenomenon. However, the majority of today’s anabolic androgen steroid users are not competitive athletes, but individuals who want to look leaner and muscular. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of anabolic androgen steroid use among young individuals and assess whether their mental health, lifestyle and substance use differ from non-anabolic androgen steroid users. Methods: A population-based study conducted in secondary schools, mean age was 17.3 years. A total of 10,259 participants (50% young women, 1% reported gender as ‘other’, 49% young men) answered questions on mental health, anabolic androgen steroid use, substance use and sports participation. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, t-test, χ2 and logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of anabolic androgen steroid use was 1.6%, and 78% of users were young men. Anabolic androgen steroid users had more anger issues, anxiety, depression, and their self-esteem was lower than among non-anabolic androgen steroid users ( P<0.05). A larger proportion of anabolic androgen steroid users, 30%, had attempted suicide compared to 10% of non-users (χ2 (1, 9580) = 57.5, P<0.001). Proportionally, anabolic androgen steroid users were more likely to take medicine for mental health problems and misuse substances than non-users. Participation in non-organised sports, increased anger and body image were associated with increased odds of using anabolic androgen steroids. Conclusions: Anabolic androgen steroid use is a public health threat. It had an alarming effect on the life of individuals who report having used anabolic androgen steroids. Authorities, healthcare workers, parents and others working with young people need to be informed of the signs and risks of anabolic androgen steroid use to reduce future negative implications.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 711-723 ◽  
Janni Ammitzbøll ◽  
Lau Caspar Thygesen ◽  
Bjørn E. Holstein ◽  
Anette Andersen ◽  
Anne Mette Skovgaard

2020 ◽  
Kayleigh E Easey ◽  
Robyn E Wootton ◽  
Hannah M Sallis ◽  
Elis Haan ◽  
Laura Schellhas ◽  

AbstractBackgroundIncreased alcohol consumption often co-occurs with mental health problems; however, we do not currently fully understand whether this is due to confounding, shared biological mechanisms, or causal effects.DesignWe analysed a polygenic risk score (PRS) composed of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reliably associated with patterns of adult alcohol consumption to test: 1) if this PRS is associated with consumption during pregnancy and adolescence, 2) if child alcohol PRS is associated with mental health phenotypes, and 3) if maternal alcohol PRS is associated with offspring alcohol phenotypes and mental health. We used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Additional substance abuse behaviours and mental health/behavioural outcomes were also investigated at different life stages across both generations (alcohol phenotypes n =22; health phenotypes n = 91). The availability of data from early life on the same participants (pre-alcohol use around ages 7-10 years) provided a negative control, in contrast to that in ages of alcohol use (13-24 years).FindingsThe adult alcohol PRS was associated with consumption phenotypes during pregnancy (strongest signal for alcohol frequency at 18 weeks’ gestation: p=1.01×10-5) but offspring alcohol PRS did not predict offspring alcohol consumption at age 13-24 years. We found evidence for an association of maternal PRS with own perinatal depression (p=0.02) and decreased offspring intellectual ability (p=0.016).ConclusionsAn alcohol PRS derived from GWAS of alcohol use in the general population was shown to be associated with frequency and amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy, and maternal depression at 32 weeks gestation. The associations between alcohol PRS with mother’s depression and offspring intellectual ability are consistent with previous studies, adding to the validity of using this alcohol PRS in future aetiological studies.

2021 ◽  
Fred Johansson ◽  
Pierre Côté ◽  
Sheilah Hogg-Johnson ◽  
Ann Rudman ◽  
Lena W. Holm ◽  

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has a profound effect on societies and citizens worldwide, raising concerns about potential mental health impacts. We aimed to describe trajectories of depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms during the COVID-19 outbreak compared to before, and determine if trajectories were modified by pre-pandemic loneliness, poor sleep quality and mental health problems. We conducted a cohort study with 1836 Swedish university students entering before the onset of the pandemic, March 13, 2020, with follow-ups within three (FU1) and six months (FU2) of the outbreak. Generalized Estimating Equations were used to estimate mean differences in symptom levels over time-periods, and to estimate potential effect modifications. We found small differences in mean levels of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) over time. Compared to before the pandemic, depression increased by 0.25 points of 21 (95% CI: 0.04 to 0.45) at FU1 and decreased by -0.75/21 (95% CI: -0.97 to -0.53) at FU2. Anxiety decreased from baseline to FU1 by -0.09/21 (95% CI: -0.24 to 0.07) and by -0.77/21 (95% CI: -0.93 to -0.61) to FU2. Stress decreased from baseline to FU1 by -0.30/21 (95% CI: -0.52 to -0.09) and by -1.32/21 (95% CI: -1.55 to -1.09) to FU2. Students with pre-pandemic loneliness, poor sleep quality and pre-pandemic mental health problems did not show worse trajectories of mean mental health symptoms. In conclusion, symptom levels were relatively stable during the first three months of the pandemic, while there was a slight decrease during the summer months, probably due to seasonality effects.

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