scholarly journals No evidence for a special role of language in feature-based categorization

2021 ◽  
Yael Benn ◽  
Anna A. Ivanova ◽  
Oliver Clark ◽  
Zachary Mineroff ◽  
Chloe Seikus ◽  

AbstractThe role of language in mediating or augmenting human thought is the subject of long-standing debate. One specific claim links language and the ability to categorize objects based on a certain feature. According to this view, language resources are critical for feature-based categorization because verbal labels can help maintain focus on the relevant categorization criterion and reduce interference from other (irrelevant) features. As a result, language impairment is expected to affect categorization of items grouped according to a single feature (low-dimensional categories, e.g., ‘Things made of wood’), where many irrelevant features need to be inhibited, more than categorization of items that share many features (high-dimensional categories, e.g., ‘Animals’), where few irrelevant features need to be inhibited. We here present findings from individuals with aphasia that go against this hypothesis (Experiments 1 and 2). We also present fMRI data from young healthy adults, showing that the language brain regions exhibit low activity level during categorization, for both low-dimensional and high-dimensional categories (Experiment 3). In tandem, these results demonstrate that language is not critical for object categorization. Our work contributes to the growing evidence that, although language may assist in accessing task-relevant information (e.g., instructions), many cognitive tasks in adult brains proceed without recruiting the language system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 246 ◽  
pp. 03041
Cailing Wang ◽  
Hongwei Wang ◽  
Yinyong Zhang ◽  
Jia Wen ◽  
Fan Yang

Making a high dimensional (e.g., 100k-dim) feature for hyperspectral image classification seems not a good idea because it will bring difficulties on consequent training, computation, and storage. In this paper, we study the performance of a high-dimensional feature by texture feature. The texture feature based on multi-local binary pattern descriptor, can achieve significant improvements over both its tradition version and the one we proposed in our previous work. We also make the high-dimensional feature practical, we employ the PCA method for dimension reduction and support vector machine for hyperspectral image classification. The two real hyperspectral image datasets are employed. Our experimental results with real hyperspectral images indicate that the high dimensional feature can enhance the classification accuracy than some low dimensional.

2021 ◽  
Renan M. Costa ◽  
Douglas A. Baxter ◽  
John H. Byrne

AbstractLearning engages a high-dimensional neuronal population space spanning multiple brain regions. We identified a low-dimensional signature associated with operant conditioning, a ubiquitous form of learning in which animals learn from the consequences of behavior. Using single-neuron resolution voltage imaging, we identified two low-dimensional motor modules in the neuronal population underlying Aplysia feeding. Our findings point to a temporal shift in module recruitment as the primary signature of operant learning.

Entropy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 389
Sonali Parbhoo ◽  
Mario Wieser ◽  
Aleksander Wieczorek ◽  
Volker Roth

Estimating the effects of an intervention from high-dimensional observational data is a challenging problem due to the existence of confounding. The task is often further complicated in healthcare applications where a set of observations may be entirely missing for certain patients at test time, thereby prohibiting accurate inference. In this paper, we address this issue using an approach based on the information bottleneck to reason about the effects of interventions. To this end, we first train an information bottleneck to perform a low-dimensional compression of covariates by explicitly considering the relevance of information for treatment effects. As a second step, we subsequently use the compressed covariates to perform a transfer of relevant information to cases where data are missing during testing. In doing so, we can reliably and accurately estimate treatment effects even in the absence of a full set of covariate information at test time. Our results on two causal inference benchmarks and a real application for treating sepsis show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, without compromising interpretability.

Alyssa Ney

This chapter considers and critiques some strategies for solving the macro-object problem for wave function realism. This is the problem of how a wave function understood as a field on a high-dimensional space may come to make up or constitute the low-dimensional, macroscopic objects of our experience. It is first noted that simply invoking correspondences between particle configurations and states of the wave function will not suffice to solve the macro-object problem, following issues noted previously by Maudlin and Monton. More sophisticated strategies are considered that appeal to functionalism. It is argued that these functionalist strategies for recovering low-dimensional macroscopic objects from the wave function also do not succeed.

2013 ◽  
pp. 143-155
A. Klepach ◽  
G. Kuranov

The role of the prominent Soviet economist, academician A. Anchishkin (1933—1987), whose 80th birth anniversary we celebrate this year, in the development of ideas and formation of economic forecasting in the country at the time when the directive planning acted as a leading tool of economic management is explored in the article. Besides, Anchishkin’s special role is noted in developing a comprehensive program of scientific and technical progress, an information basis for working out long-term forecasts of the country’s development, moreover, his contribution to the creation of long-term forecasting methodology and improvement of the statistical basis for economic analysis and economic planning. The authors show that social and economic forecasting in the period after 1991, which has undertaken a number of functions of economic planning, has largely relied on further development of Anchishkin’s ideas, at the same time responding to new challenges for the Russian economy development during its entry into the world economic system.

2019 ◽  
Alexia Bourgeois ◽  
Carole Guedj ◽  
Emmanuel Carrera ◽  
Patrik Vuilleumier

Selective attention is a fundamental cognitive function that guides behavior by selecting and prioritizing salient or relevant sensory information of our environment. Despite early evidence and theoretical proposal pointing to an implication of thalamic control in attention, most studies in the past two decades focused on cortical substrates, largely ignoring the contribution of subcortical regions as well as cortico-subcortical interactions. Here, we suggest a key role of the pulvinar in the selection of salient and relevant information via its involvement in priority maps computation. Prioritization may be achieved through a pulvinar- mediated generation of alpha oscillations, which may then modulate neuronal gain in thalamo-cortical circuits. Such mechanism might orchestrate the synchrony of cortico-cortical interaction, by rendering neural communication more effective, precise and selective. We propose that this theoretical framework will support a timely shift from the prevailing cortico- centric view of cognition to a more integrative perspective of thalamic contributions to attention and executive control processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 2543-2548
Petya Kasnakova

The games play a special role in rehabilitation practice. The positive emotions they cause in patients cannot be achieved by other methods and means of modern rehabilitation. The role of game playing activity in practice is crucial to the achievement of one of the important tasks in implementing rehabilitation measures, namely to evacuate the patient from the depressed mental state, to distract him from the disease process and to focus on mobilizing his healing powers. The mood, the emotional charge and the dynamics that the games create are particularly suited to awakening the patient's interest in the healing process, their attraction and their active involvement in the rehabilitation activities. The connection between the actions in the game and the movements in the analytical exercises accelerates the formation of motor habits, physical qualities and skills not only in children but also in adult patients with various pathological injuries. Rehabilitation games are suitable for all ages by enhancing the health of the occupants, developing their mental qualities, improving the activity of the vestibular, visual and motor analyzers. The basis of the motor movement training game methodology and the improvement of motor movement skills is the activation of the thought processes and emotional experiences, the development of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.

Замира Сейткожоева

Аннотация: В статье обращено внимание на исключительную роль книги в жизни человека, воспитание молодежи. Книга сопровождает человека всю жизнь. Однако в последние годы замечается снижение интереса к чтению книг. Отдается предпочтение компьютеру, играм, телевизору, слушанию музыки через наушники. Во избежание деградации личности, в воспитании грамотной, гуманной, толерантной личности необходимо приучать подрастающее поколение к вдумчивому чтению книг. Значительное место в развитии личности занимает внеклассное чтение, к которому нужно прививать интерес еще во время учебы в младшем возрасте. В мире особая роль принадлежит межличностным отношениям, формированию такой личности, которая могла бы жить в согласии с носителями разных культур. Для формирования поликультурной личности важная роль принадлежит культурному наследию, основу которого составляют книги. Ключевые слова: роль книги, гуманная личность, толерантная личность, библиографические материалы, указатели библиографических данных, справочная литература, поликультурная личность, внеклассное чтение, информатизация, интерес к чтению. Аннотация: Макалада адамдын жашоосундагы жаштарды тарбиялоодогу китептин өзгөчө мааниси, ролуна өзгөчө көңүл бурулган. Бир эле мезгилде, соңку жылдарда китептерибизге болгон адамдардын кызыгууларды төмөндөп бараткандыгы байкалган.Учурда поли- же ар кандай оюндарга, телевизор көрүүгө, кулакчын аркылуу модалуу музыка угууга, артыкчылык берилип жатат. Билимдүү, гумандуу толеранттуу инсанды тарбиялап чыгууга да, анын деградацияга кабылышынан сактап калыш үчүн, өсүп келе жаткан муундарды өзүнүн айкалыштыра алуусу менен китептерди берилип жана ой жүгүртүп алууга үйрөтүү- өтө зарыл талап болуп эсептелет. Инсандын онүгүндө окуудан тышкаркы окуунун маанилүү орду бар. Мындай окууга буга кызыгуусун өркүндөтүүнун башталгыч каласстардан тарта үйрөтүү абзел. Инсандар аралык байланыштар дүйнөдө өзгөчө орун ээлейт, алар башка маданий өкүлдөрү менен макулдуктулукта жашоого даяр. Полимаданиятту инсандын калыптанышына ар маданияттын мурасы өтө чоң ролду ойнойт, анын негизин китептер түзөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: китептин мааниси жана ролу, гумандуу инсан, толеранттуу инсан, библиографиялык материалдар, библиографиялык маалыматтарды көрсөтүү сурантыла билүү адабияты, полимаданиятуу инсан, окуудан тышкаркы окуу,маалымдуулук, окууга кызыгуу The article draws attention to the exceptional role of the book in human life, education of young people. The book accompanies a person all his life. However, in recent years, there has been a decline in interest in reading books. Preference is given to a computer, games, TV, listening to music through headphones. In order to avoid degradation of the personality, it is necessary to accustom the younger generation to thoughtful reading of books. a significant place in the development of personality takes extracurricular reading, to which you need to instill interest even while studying at a younger age. In the world a special role belongs to interpersonal relationship, the formation of such a personality, who could live in harmony with speakers of different cultures. To form a multicultural personality an important role belongs to cultural heritage, the basis of which are books Keywords: the role of the book, humane personality, tolerant personality, bibliographic materials, indexes of bibliographic data, reference literature, multicultural personality, extracurricular reading, informatization, interest in reading.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (22) ◽  
pp. 2467-2473 ◽  
Enrique Reyes-Muñoz ◽  
Federica Di Guardo ◽  
Michal Ciebiera ◽  
Ilker Kahramanoglu ◽  
Thozhukat Sathyapalan ◽  

Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), defined as glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, represents one of the most common maternal-fetal complications during pregnancy and it is associated with poor perinatal outcomes. To date, GDM is a rising condition over the last decades coinciding with the ongoing epidemic of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Objective: The aim of this review is to discuss the role of diet and nutritional interventions in preventing GDM with the explanation of the special role of myo-inositol (MI) in this matter. Methods: We performed an overview of the most recent literature data on the subject with particular attention to the effectiveness of diet and nutritional interventions in the prevention of GDM with the special role of MI. Results: Nutritional intervention and physical activity before and during pregnancy are mandatory in women affected by GDM. Moreover, the availability of insulin-sensitizers such as different forms of inositol has dramatically changed the scenario, allowing the treatment of several metabolic diseases, such as those related to glucose dysbalance. Although the optimal dose, frequency, and form of MI administration need to be further investigated, diet supplementation with MI appears to be an attractive alternative for the GDM prevention as well as for the reduction of GDM-related complications. Conclusion: More studies should be conducted to prove the most effective nutritional intervention in GDM. Regarding the potential effectiveness of MI, further evidence in multicenter, randomized controlled trials is needed to draw firm conclusions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (13) ◽  
pp. 1191-1212 ◽  
Botond Penke ◽  
Gábor Paragi ◽  
János Gera ◽  
Róbert Berkecz ◽  
Zsolt Kovács ◽  

Lipids participate in Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) trafficking and processing - important factors in the initiation of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis and influence the formation of neurotoxic β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides. An important risk factor, the presence of ApoE4 protein in AD brain cells binds the lipids to AD. In addition, lipid signaling pathways have a crucial role in the cellular homeostasis and depend on specific protein-lipid interactions. The current review focuses on pathological alterations of membrane lipids (cholesterol, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids) and lipid metabolism in AD and provides insight in the current understanding of biological membranes, their lipid structures and functions, as well as their role as potential therapeutic targets. Novel methods for studying the membrane structure and lipid composition will be reviewed in a broad sense whereas the use of lipid biomarkers for early diagnosis of AD will be shortly summarized. Interactions of Aβ peptides with the cell membrane and different subcellular organelles are reviewed. Next, the details of the most important lipid signaling pathways, including the role of the plasma membrane as stress sensor and its therapeutic applications are given. 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal may play a special role in the initiation of the pathogenesis of AD and thus the “calpain-cathepsin hypothesis” of AD is highlighted. Finally, the most important lipid dietary factors and their possible use and efficacy in the prevention of AD are discussed.

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