scholarly journals Selective dissociation of the spectator Auger final states in O2 molecules

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (4) ◽  
Lifang Tian ◽  
Bocheng Ding ◽  
Christophe Nicolas ◽  
Ruichang Wu ◽  
Yunfei Feng ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 09 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-55 ◽  

Angle-resolved resonant Auger spectra for the transitions Xe [Formula: see text] are recorded with optical and electron energy bandwidths smaller than the lifetime widths Γ of the Auger initial and final states. All the multiplet structures are resolved for the ionic core 4d -2 of the spectator Auger final states and assigned as 4d -21 S 0n p , 1 D 2n p , 1 G 4n p , 3 P 0, 1, 2n p and 3 F 1, 2, 3n p , n = 6, 7, by comparison with previous measurements and calculations for the corresponding normal Auger emission. The resonant Auger anisotropy parameters obtained from the angular distribution measurements agree well with those expected from the spectator model.

Adam Schoene

Where Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) extends the domain of spectatorship beyond the ocular realm and claims that we must become the impartial spectators of our own character and conduct, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques, Dialogues (1776) also attempts to probe beyond the visual surface to examine through careful study the constitution of another, who is actually himself. This chapter traces a Smithian sentiment in the radical division of the self dramatized in Rousseau’s fictional autobiographical Dialogues, emphasizing Rousseau’s attempt to liberate his own gaze and render an unbiased judgment upon himself. Although Rousseau does not write in direct discourse with Smith, he applies a strikingly similar rhetorical device to the spectator within the dialogic structure of his apologia. Reading Rousseau alongside Smith resituates the Dialogues not as a work of madness, as it has frequently been interpreted, but rather as an unrelenting struggle for justice.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 556-571
Jack Post

Although most title sequences of Ken Russell's films consist of superimpositions of a static text on film images, the elaborate title sequence to Altered States (1981) was specially designed by Richard Greenberg, who had already acquired a reputation for his innovative typography thanks to his work on Superman (1978) and Alien (1979). Greenberg continued these typographic experiments in Altered States. Although both the film and its title sequence were not personal projects for Russell, a close analysis of the title sequence reveals that it functions as a small narrative unit in its own right, facilitating the transition of the spectator from the outside world of the cinema to the inside world of filmic fiction and functioning as a prospective mise-en-abyme and matrix of all the subsequent narrative representations and sequences of the film to come. By focusing on this aspect of the film, the article indicates how the title sequence to Altered States is tightly interwoven with the aesthetic and thematic structure of the film, even though Russell himself may have had less control over its design than other parts of the film.

2007 ◽  
Vol 68 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 465
Kimberly Bohman-Kalaja

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-368

The aim of the article is to recall the fi steps of comprehension by the scientific community of possibilities of a newly born means of the reality reflection. The means was initially oriented for obtaining reliable information and supposing a delayed reaction of the spectator in the process of communication. Recollection and understanding become more important under the distance education condition. Pre-revolutionary Russia lived anticipating changes, and the filmmaking was considered by the society as one of those progressive phenomena evidencing the coming of a new age. The scientists’ activity during the development of scientific fi in pre-revolutionary Russia was long hushed up and wasn’t considered as forming a basis for the future system of educational audio-visual communication. In this process there participated striking, creative personalities, mostly belonged to the community of Imperial Moscow University, which activity was during the age of changes. The significant contribution of pleiad of eminent scientists’ activity to the new direction formation was a reason to unify in one paper both their whole professional life data and information about their time-limited period of scientific fi In the future a more profound study of their achievements are considered to be promising. In the introduction the anterior period of the Russian fi appearance, where the scientific and education community of Russia was exploring the possibilities of a new means of information transfer for education purposes, is considered. Two main units are dedicated to the role of scientists in the development of scientific filmmaking for research and popularization of biomedical and physical problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Dong Ryul Lee ◽  
Jihyeon Oh ◽  
Yukyoum Kim

Celine Parreñas Shimizu

Transnational films representing intimacy and inequality disrupt and disgust Western spectators. When wounded bodies within poverty entangle with healthy wealthy bodies in sex, romance and care, fear and hatred combine with desire and fetishism. Works from the Philippines, South Korea, and independents from the United States and France may not be made for the West and may not make use of Hollywood traditions. Rather, they demand recognition for the knowledge they produce beyond our existing frames. They challenge us to go beyond passive consumption, or introspection of ourselves as spectators, for they represent new ways of world-making we cannot unsee, unhear, or unfeel. The spectator is redirected to go beyond the rapture of consuming the other to the rupture that arises from witnessing pain and suffering. Self-displacement is what proximity to intimate inequality in cinema ultimately compels and demands so as to establish an ethical way of relating to others. In undoing the spectator, the voice of the transnational filmmaker emerges. Not only do we need to listen to filmmakers from outside Hollywood who unflinchingly engage the inexpressibility of difference, we need to make room for critics and theorists who prioritize the subjectivities of others. When the demographics of filmmakers and film scholars are not as diverse as its spectators, films narrow our worldviews. To recognize our culpability in the denigration of others unleashes the power of cinema. The unbearability of stories we don’t want to watch and don’t want to feel must be borne.

John Campbell ◽  
Joey Huston ◽  
Frank Krauss

At the core of any theoretical description of hadron collider physics is a fixed-order perturbative treatment of a hard scattering process. This chapter is devoted to a survey of fixed-order predictions for a wide range of Standard Model processes. These range from high cross-section processes such as jet production to much more elusive reactions, such as the production of Higgs bosons. Process by process, these sections illustrate how the techniques developed in Chapter 3 are applied to more complex final states and provide a summary of the fixed-order state-of-the-art. In each case, key theoretical predictions and ideas are identified that will be the subject of a detailed comparison with data in Chapters 8 and 9.

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