scholarly journals Baryon asymmetry, dark matter, and density perturbation from primordial black holes

2014 ◽  
Vol 89 (10) ◽  
Tomohiro Fujita ◽  
Keisuke Harigaya ◽  
Masahiro Kawasaki ◽  
Ryo Matsuda
2020 ◽  
Vol 501 (1) ◽  
pp. 1426-1439
Bernard Carr ◽  
Sebastien Clesse ◽  
Juan García-Bellido

ABSTRACT If primordial black holes (PBHs) formed at the quark-hadron epoch, their mass must be close to the Chandrasekhar limit, this also being the characteristic mass of stars. If they provide the dark matter (DM), the collapse fraction must be of order the cosmological baryon-to-photon ratio ∼10−9, which suggests a scenario in which a baryon asymmetry is produced efficiently in the outgoing shock around each PBH and then propagates to the rest of the Universe. We suggest that the temperature increase in the shock provides the ingredients for hotspot electroweak baryogenesis. This also explains why baryons and DM have comparable densities, the precise ratio depending on the size of the PBH relative to the cosmological horizon at formation. The observed value of the collapse fraction and baryon asymmetry depends on the amplitude of the curvature fluctuations that generate the PBHs and may be explained by an anthropic selection effect associated with the existence of galaxies. We propose a scenario in which the quantum fluctuations of a light stochastic spectator field during inflation generate large curvature fluctuations in some regions, with the stochasticity of this field providing the basis for the required selection. Finally, we identify several observational predictions of our scenario that should be testable within the next few years. In particular, the PBH mass function could extend to sufficiently high masses to explain the black hole coalescences observed by LIGO/Virgo.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Juan García-Bellido ◽  
Bernard Carr ◽  
Sébastien Clesse

The origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) and the nature of dark matter are two of the most challenging problems in cosmology. We propose a scenario in which the gravitational collapse of large inhomogeneities at the quark-hadron epoch generates both the baryon asymmetry and most of the dark matter in the form of primordial black holes (PBHs). This is due to the sudden drop in radiation pressure during the transition from a quark-gluon plasma to non-relativistic hadrons. The collapse to a PBH is induced by fluctuations of a light spectator scalar field in rare regions and is accompanied by the violent expulsion of surrounding material, which might be regarded as a sort of “primordial supernova". The acceleration of protons to relativistic speeds provides the ingredients for efficient baryogenesis around the collapsing regions and its subsequent propagation to the rest of the Universe. This scenario naturally explains why the observed BAU is of order the PBH collapse fraction and why the baryons and dark matter have comparable densities. The predicted PBH mass distribution ranges from subsolar to several hundred solar masses. This is compatible with current observational constraints and could explain the rate, mass and low spin of the black hole mergers detected by LIGO-Virgo. Future observations will soon be able to test this scenario.

2021 ◽  
Vol 126 (4) ◽  
V. De Luca ◽  
G. Franciolini ◽  
A. Riotto

Hyungjin Kim

Abstract Primordial black holes are a viable dark matter candidate. They decay via Hawking evaporation. Energetic particles from the Hawking radiation interact with interstellar gas, depositing their energy as heat and ionization. For a sufficiently high Hawking temperature, fast electrons produced by black holes deposit a substantial fraction of energy as heat through the Coulomb interaction. Using the dwarf galaxy Leo T, we place an upper bound on the fraction of primordial black hole dark matter. For M < 5 × 10−17M⊙, our bound is competitive with or stronger than other bounds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (01) ◽  
pp. 004-004 ◽  
Nicola Bellomo ◽  
José Luis Bernal ◽  
Alvise Raccanelli ◽  
Licia Verde

2018 ◽  
Vol 97 (5) ◽  
Rouzbeh Allahverdi ◽  
James Dent ◽  
Jacek Osinski

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