dark matter candidate
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Sebastian Baum ◽  
Marcela Carena ◽  
Nausheen R. Shah ◽  
Carlos E. M. Wagner

Abstract A new measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, gμ− 2, has been reported by the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration and shows a 4.2 σ departure from the most precise and reliable calculation of this quantity in the Standard Model. Assuming that this discrepancy is due to new physics, we concentrate on a simple supersymmetric model that also provides a dark matter explanation in a previously unexplored region of supersymmetric parameter space. Such interesting region can realize a Bino-like dark matter candidate compatible with all current direct detection constraints for small to moderate values of the Higgsino mass parameter |μ|. This in turn would imply the existence of light additional Higgs bosons and Higgsino particles within reach of the high-luminosity LHC and future colliders. We provide benchmark scenarios that will be tested in the next generation of direct dark matter experiments and at the LHC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Chun Liu ◽  
Yakefu Reyimuaji

Abstract A model, which extends the standard model with a new chiral U(1)′ gauge symmetry sector, for the eV-mass sterile neutrino is constructed. It is basically fixed by anomaly free conditions. The lightness of the sterile neutrino has a natural explanation. As a by product, this model provides a WIMP-like dark matter candidate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Dieter Lüst ◽  
Chrysoula Markou ◽  
Pouria Mazloumi ◽  
Stephan Stieberger

Abstract The origin of the graviton from string theory is well understood: it corresponds to a massless state in closed string spectra, whose low-energy effective action, as extracted from string scattering amplitudes, is that of Einstein-Hilbert. In this work, we explore the possibility of such a string-theoretic emergence of ghost-free bimetric theory, a recently proposed theory that involves two dynamical metrics, that around particular backgrounds propagates the graviton and a massive spin-2 field, which has been argued to be a viable dark matter candidate. By choosing to identify the latter with a massive spin-2 state of open string spectra, we compute tree-level three-point string scattering amplitudes that describe interactions of the massive spin-2 with itself and with the graviton. With the mass of the external legs depending on the string scale, we discover that extracting the corresponding low-energy effective actions in four spacetime dimensions is a subtle but consistent process and proceed to appropriately compare them with bimetric theory. Our findings consist in establishing that string and bimetric theory provide to lowest order the same set of two-derivative terms describing the interactions of the massive spin-2 with itself and with the graviton, albeit up to numerical coefficient discrepancies, a fact that we analyze and interpret. We conclude with a mention of future investigations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Mathias Becker ◽  
Dominik Döring ◽  
Siddhartha Karmakar ◽  
Heinrich Päs

AbstractWe study the dark matter phenomenology of Standard Model extensions addressing the reported anomaly in the $$R_K$$ R K observable at one-loop. The article covers the case of fermionic singlet DM coupling leptophilically, quarkphilically or amphiphilically to the SM. The setup utilizes a large coupling of the new particle content to the second lepton generation to explain the $$R_K$$ R K anomaly, which in return tends to diminish the dark matter relic density. Further, dark matter direct detection experiments provide stringent bounds even in cases where the dark matter candidate only contributes a small fraction of the observed dark matter energy density. In fact, direct detection rules out all considered models as an explanation for the $$R_K$$ R K anomaly in the case of Dirac dark matter. Conversely, for Majorana dark matter, the $$R_K$$ R K anomaly can be addressed in agreement with direct detection in coannihilation scenarios. For leptophilic dark matter this region only exists for $$M_\text {DM} \lesssim 1000 \, \mathrm {GeV}$$ M DM ≲ 1000 GeV and dark matter is underabundant. Quarkphilic and amphiphilic scenarios even provide narrow regions of parameter space where the observed relic density can be reproduced while offering an explanation to $$R_K$$ R K in agreement with direct detection experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
B. Fu ◽  
S.F. King

Abstract We consider the possibility that dark matter is stabilised by a discrete Z2 symmetry which arises from a subgroup of a U(1)′ gauge symmetry, spontaneously broken by integer charged scalars, and under which the chiral quarks and leptons do not carry any charges. A chiral fermion χ with half-integer charge is odd under the preserved Z2, and hence becomes a stable dark matter candidate, being produced through couplings to right-handed neutrinos with vector-like U(1)′ charges, as in the type Ib seesaw mechanism. We calculate the relic abundance in such a low energy effective seesaw model containing few parameters, then consider a high energy renormalisable model with a complete fourth family of vector-like fermions, where the chiral quark and lepton masses arise from a seesaw-like mechanism. With the inclusion of the fourth family, the lightest vector-like quark can contribute to the dark matter production, enlarging the allowed parameter space that we explore.

Mitesh Kumar Behera ◽  
Shivaramakrishna Singirala ◽  
Subhasmita Mishra ◽  
R Mohanta

Abstract Modular symmetries have been impeccable in neutrino and quark sectors. This motivated us, to propose a variant of scotogenic model based on modular $A_4$ symmetry and realize the neutrino mass generation at one-loop level through radiative mechanism. Alongside, we discuss the lepton flavour violating processes $\mu \to e \gamma$, $\mu \to3e$ and $\mu - e $ conversion in the nucleus. The lightest Dirac fermion turns out to be potential dark matter candidate, made stable by suitable assignment of modular weights. The relic density of the same has been computed with annihilations mediated by inert scalars and new $U(1)$ gauge boson. The LEP-II and ATLAS dilepton constraints on the new gauge parameters are suitably considered to show the consistent parameter region.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2150
Ariel Arza ◽  
Elisa Todarello

The axion is a dark matter candidate arising from the spontaneous breaking of the Peccei–Quinn symmetry, introduced to solve the strong CP problem. It has been shown that radio/microwave radiation sent out to space is backscattered in the presence of axion dark matter due to stimulated axion decay. This backscattering is a feeble and narrow echo signal centered at an angular frequency very close to one-half of the axion mass. In this article, we summarize all the relevant results found so far, including analytical formulas for the echo signal, as well as sensitivity prospects for possible near-future experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Michael J. Baker ◽  
Darius A. Faroughy ◽  
Sokratis Trifinopoulos

Abstract Motivated by UV explanations of the B-physics anomalies, we study a dark sector containing a Majorana dark matter candidate and a coloured coannihilation partner, connected to the Standard Model predominantly via a U1 vector leptoquark. A TeV scale U1 leptoquark, which couples mostly to third generation fermions, is the only successful single-mediator description of the B-physics anomalies. After calculating the dark matter relic surface, we focus on the most promising experimental avenue: LHC searches for the coloured coannihilation partner. We find that the coloured partner hadronizes and forms meson-like bound states leading to resonant signatures at colliders reminiscent of the quarkonia decay modes in the Standard Model. By recasting existing dilepton and monojet searches we exclude coannihilation partner masses less than 280 GeV and 400 GeV, respectively. Since other existing collider searches do not significantly probe the parameter space, we propose a new dedicated search strategy for pair production of the coloured partner decaying into bbττ final states and dark matter particles. This search is expected to probe the model up to dark matter masses around 600 GeV with current luminosity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Leonardo Coito ◽  
Carlos Faubel ◽  
Juan Herrero-García ◽  
Arcadi Santamaria

Abstract We study the case of a pseudo-scalar dark matter candidate which emerges from a complex scalar singlet, charged under a global U(1) symmetry, which is broken both explicitly and spontaneously. The pseudo-scalar is naturally stabilized by the presence of a remnant discrete symmetry: dark CP. We study and compare the phenomenology of several simplified models with only one explicit symmetry breaking term. We find that several regions of the parameter space are able to reproduce the observed dark matter abundance while respecting direct detection and invisible Higgs decay limits: in the resonances of the two scalars, featuring the known as forbidden or secluded dark matter, and through non-resonant Higgs-mediated annihilations. In some cases, combining different measurements would allow one to distinguish the breaking pattern of the symmetry. Moreover, this setup admits a light DM candidate at the sub-GeV scale. We also discuss the situation where more than one symmetry breaking term is present. In that case, the dark CP symmetry may be spontaneously broken, thus spoiling the stability of the dark matter candidate. Requiring that this does not happen imposes a constraint on the allowed parameter space. Finally, we consider an effective field theory approach valid in the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson limit and when the U(1) breaking scale is much larger than the electroweak scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Raymundo Ramos ◽  
Van Que Tran ◽  
Tzu-Chiang Yuan

Abstract We present a detailed study of the non-abelian vector dark matter candidate Wt with a MeV–GeV low mass range, accompanied by a dark photon A′ and a dark Z′ of similar masses, in the context of a gauged two-Higgs-doublet model with the hidden gauge group that has the same structure as the Standard Model electroweak gauge group. The stability of dark matter is protected by an accidental discrete Z2 symmetry (h-parity) which was usually imposed ad hoc by hand. We examine the model by taking into account various experimental constraints including dark photon searches at NA48, NA64, E141, ν-CAL, BaBar and LHCb experiments, electroweak precision data from LEP, relic density from Planck satellite, direct (indirect) detection of dark matter from CRESST-III, DarkSide-50, XENON1T (Fermi-LAT), and collider physics from the LHC. The theoretical requirements of bounded from below of the scalar potential and tree level perturbative unitarity of the scalar sector are also imposed. The viable parameter space of the model consistent with all the constraints is exhibited. While a dark Z′ can be the dominant contribution in the relic density due to resonant annihilation of dark matter, a dark photon is crucial to dark matter direct detection. We also demonstrate that the parameter space can be further probed by various sub-GeV direct dark matter experimental searches at CDEX, NEWS-G and SuperCDMS in the near future.

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