AHB-master controller formal compliance verification

Son Lam Nguyen ◽  
Duc Minh Nguyen
2013 ◽  
Vol 364 ◽  
pp. 419-423 ◽  
Sheng Bo Qi ◽  
Meng Zhang ◽  
Zhen Hao Wang

The tidal current energy generation system, which works underwater and is interfered by electrical transmission during the process of data communication, has field update requirements but cannot directly use In-System Programming (ISP) to update, so a remote multi-processor updating system is developed based on ISP and CAN bus. This system consists of a shore station host computer, master controller and the slaves. The host computer transmits the HEX file to the master controller via CAN bus, and the master controller updates the appointed slave by ISP. This paper studies retransmission mechanism and ISP process. The system avoids failed update caused by data channel interference through separating the HEX file transmission and the ISP process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 342
K. Kishore Kumar ◽  
Movva Pavani

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-237 ◽  
Angela Maria Cristina Clara ◽  
Edna Dias Canedo ◽  
Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 149
Andre Rizki Dewo Nugraha ◽  
Ridha Muldina Negara ◽  
Danu Dwi Sanjoyo

In this day people are asking for a reliable network when technology at its limit. Software-Defined Network (SDN) is an answer to that problem of network development where all the control over the network becomes centralized. However, all services controlled by a centralized controller have a big disadvantage if the controller dies. The High Availability (HA) is the solution. HA controller is divided into master and slave, when master controller is down then slave controller will respond to replace the function of master controller. In this research the system will be made by using two methods namely OpenDayLight SDN Controller Platform (OSCP) clustering and Heartbeat-DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device). OSCP clustering is a feature on OpenDayLight controller that is ready to be used and only need to be configured, with OSCP the main and backup controller clustering will be on connected cluster. Heartbeat-DRBD is an application commonly used to create High Availability systems on a server, but in this study will be used for the controller, Heartbeat will monitoring the main controller and if indicated to be down will move the resources to the backup controller with the DRBD application. From the simulation result shows that OSCP Clustering Failover and Failback average Time is 17 seconds while Heartbeat-DRBD is 23-45 seconds depends on how many switch and host are.While QoS parameters on both method have simillar value.it can be concluded that the High Availability system with OSCP Clustering method is more stable and good rather than Heartbeat-DRBD method to apply in a network.

JoTI ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Teguh Sutanto ◽  
Norma Ningsih ◽  

Penyimpanan susu segar membutuhkan pengaturan dan pemantauan suhu yang optimal agar kualitas susu segar dapat dipertahankan. Kondisi saat ini cold storage hanya bisa menampilkan temperature susu saat ini, tetapi data histori temperature dan keasaman susu tidak terekam dengan baik. Informasi distribusi susu segar dari petani susu ke KUD penyimpanan susu kemudian ke Industri Pengolah Susu (IPS) butuh yang lama. Penelitian ini mengusulkan Perangkat IoT Master dan Slave yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan penyimpanan, pemantauan dan pengendalian persedian susu segar. IoT Node terdiri dari sensor suhu ruang, suhu susu, Ph meter, dan ultrasonic. Data dari sensor akan diproseses oleh IoT Node untuk kemudian dikirim ke IoT Master Controller. IoT Master Controller akan mengirimkan data ke server cloud. Berdasarkan data tersebut maka kondisi susu dalam cold storage dapat dipantau kualitas dan ketersediaannya.

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