scholarly journals Power Evolution Prediction and Optimization in a Multi-span System Based on Component-wise System Modeling

Metodi P. Yankov ◽  
Uiara Celine de Moura ◽  
Francesco da Ros
Soraya Masthura Hasan ◽  
T Iqbal Faridiansyah

Mosque architectural design is based on Islamic culture as an approach to objects and products from the Islamic community by looking at their suitability and values and basic principles of Islam that explore more creative and innovative ideas. The purpose of this system is to help the team and the community in seeing the best mosque in the top order so that the system can be used as a reference for the team and the community. The variables used in the selection of modern mosques include facilities and infrastructure, building structure, roof structure, mosque area, level of security and facilities. The system model used is a fuzzy promethee model that is used for the modern mosque selection process. Fuzzy inference assessment is used to determine the value of each variable so that the value remains at normal limits. Fuzzy values will then be included in promethee assessment aspects. The highest promethee ranking results will be made a priority for the best mosque ranking. This fuzzy inference system and promethee system can help the management team and the community in determining the selection of modern mosques in aceh in accordance with modern mosque architecture. Intelligent System Modeling System In Determining Modern Mosque Architecture in the City of Aceh, this building will be web based so that all elements of society can see the best mosque in Aceh by being assessed by all elements of modern mosque architecture.Keywords: Fuzzy inference system, Promethe, Option of  Masjid

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