Impact of operational scheduling of pumped storage power plant considering excess energy and reduction of fuel cost on power supply reliability in a power system with a large penetration of photovoltaic generations

R. Aihara ◽  
A. Yokoyama ◽  
F. Nomiyama ◽  
N. Kosugi
2014 ◽  
Vol 541-542 ◽  
pp. 892-897 ◽  
Peng Fei Yi ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Zhao Yuan Zhang

This paper built a hybrid power system, including wind power, PV power and hydro power generation. It is presented mathematical model for the optional design of hybrid power system. The object of the model are to minimize the initial investment cost, power supply reliability and power complementation. The constraint condition are included system working, installed capacity and load balance, So the capacity matching model is established. A stand-alone photovoltaic of pasturing area is calculated by using the model. The result shows that the optional design model have an important sense, which improved power supply reliability, complementary characteristics of hybrid power and reduce the total cost of the system.

С.Е. Кузнецов ◽  
Н.А. Алексеев ◽  
А.А. Виноградов

Изложена методика расчета показателей безотказности электроснабжения (вероятности безотказного электроснабжения и средней наработки до отказа) ответственных приемников морского судна, подключаемых к аварийному электрораспределительному щиту. Методика реализована применительно к судовой электроэнергетической системе с тремя источниками электроэнергии – двумя основными дизель-генераторными агрегатами, подключенными к главному электрораспределительному щиту, и одним аварийным дизель-генераторным агрегатом, подключенным к аварийному электрораспределительному щиту. Рассмотрены различные режимы работы судовой электроэнергетической системы: при работе до первого отказа одного основного дизель-генератора, при параллельной работе двух основных дизель-генераторов, при работе одного аварийного дизель-генератора; а также после обесточивания с учетом возможности последующего включения резервного или (и) аварийного дизель генератора. Методика, с соответствующими корректировками, может быть использована для расчета показателей безотказного электроснабжения в судовых электроэнергетических системах другой комплектации. Расчет показателей безотказности электроснабжения необходим при проектировании для обеспечения требуемого уровня надежности электроснабжения судовых приемников электроэнергии, а при эксплуатации – для предупреждения отказов и планирования технического обслуживания и ремонта элементов судовых электроэнергетических систем. The methodology for calculating the indicators of the reliability of power supply (the probability of failure-free power supply and the mean time to failure) of critical receivers of a sea vessel connected to the emergency electrical switchboard is presented. The technique is implemented in relation to a ship power system with three sources of electricity - two main diesel generator sets connected to the main electrical switchboard, and one emergency diesel generator set connected to an emergency electrical switchboard. Various operating modes of the ship's electric power system are considered: during operation until the first failure of one main diesel generator, during parallel operation of two main diesel generators, during operation of one emergency diesel generator; as well as after de-energizing, taking into account the possibility of subsequent switching on of the backup and / or emergency diesel generator. The technique, with appropriate adjustments, can be used to calculate indicators of reliable power supply in ship power systems of a different configuration. Calculation of power supply reliability indicators is necessary during design to ensure the required level of power supply reliability for ship power receivers, and during operation - to prevent failures and plan maintenance and repair of elements of ship power systems.

Zhang Zhichao

At present, in the typical design of China’s nuclear power plant, main generation system is connected to the power grid by 500 kV system. 500 kV system as a priority power source, 220kV system as an auxiliary power source. Independent operation of 500kV and 220kV system, improved the reliability of power supply of nuclear power plant. However, the DC 220V power system used to control the 500kV and 220kV system in the switch station of partial nuclear power project is not independently configured, and the design form of one set of DC system is used in the transformer station. In recent years, there are many accidents that AC power enters into the DC power system, resulted in the loss of power source in the transformer station. The loss of external power source in the whole plant is very significant. In this paper, the influence of AC power entering into DC power system on relay protection device is analyzed, the measures to prevent the AC power into DC power system are discussed, the necessity of independent configuration of DC control power system for the 500kV priority power system and 220kV auxiliary power supply system is analyzed.

2012 ◽  
Vol 132 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-94 ◽  
Ryota Aihara ◽  
Akihiko Yokoyama ◽  
Fumitoshi Nomiyama ◽  
Narifumi Kosugi

Abdulla Ahmed ◽  
Tong Jiang

<p>The wind energy plays an important role in power system because of its renewable, clean and free energy. However, the penetration of wind power (WP) into the power grid system (PGS) requires an efficient energy storage systems (ESS). compressed air energy storage (CAES) system is one of the most ESS technologies which can alleviate the intermittent nature of the renewable energy sources (RES). Nyala city power plant in Sudan has been chosen as a case study because the power supply by the existing power plant is expensive due to high costs for fuel transport and the reliability of power supply is low due to uncertain fuel provision. This paper presents a formulation of security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) of diesel power plant (DPP) with the integration of CAES and PW. The optimization problem is modeled and coded in MATLAB which solved with solver GORUBI 8.0. The results show that the proposed model is suitable for integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into PGS with ESS and helpful in power system operation management.</p>

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