Using linear regression residual of document vectors in text categorization

H. Altincay
HortScience ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 1185-1188 ◽  
Hiroshi Iwanami ◽  
Makoto Ishiguro ◽  
Nobuhiro Kotoda ◽  
Sae Takahashi ◽  
Junichi Soejima

The firmness of the flesh in 27 apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.) cultivars and selections (genotypes) was measured as an indicator of storage potential at 20 days after harvest under 20 ± 2 °C, 80% ± 5%relative humidity storage conditions. Softening ranged from 9% to 58% of initial values among genotypes after 20 days of storage. In some genotypes, softening was not continuous, a minimum firmness being reached before day 20. After a period of rapid softening, firmness declined to at least 20% of that at harvest. For each genotype, linear regression analysis of firmness changes from harvest until when firmness decreased by 20% was carried out. In genotypes in which firmness did not drop >20% within 20 days of storage, the entire dates to 20 days were used for analysis. The homogeneity of the regression residual variances and their normal distribution was not rejected at P = 0.05, and the linear regression analysis was assumed to be applicable to the change in firmness for each genotype. Results of the regression analysis showed that the regression was significant for all genotypes except one. Therefore, storage potential could be evaluated by comparing the regression coefficient of each genotype.

1985 ◽  
Vol 30 (10) ◽  
pp. 824-824
William L. Hays

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-137
Ary Sutrischastini ◽  
Agus Riyanto

This paper will discuss the effect of work motivation (incentives, motives and expectations) on the performance of the staff of the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul. The purpose of this paper is: 1) Determine the effect of incentives on the performance of the staff of the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul, 2) Determine the effect of motive on the performance of the staff of the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul, 3) To know the effect of expectations on the performance of the staff of the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul, 4)To know the effect of incentives, motives and expectations on the performance of the staff of the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul.Research sites in the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul and the population is 162entire employee in the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul. Samples amounted to 116 respondents taken with simple random probability sampling method. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results obtained: (1) incentives positive and significant effect on the performance of, (2) motif positive and significant effect on the performance of, (3) expectations positive and significant impact on the performance of , and (4) incentives, motives and expectations of positive and significant impact on the performance of the staff of the Regional Secretariat Gunungkidul.

Eka Ambara Harci Putranta ◽  
Lilik Ambarwati

The study aims to analyze the influence of internal banking factors in the form of: Capital Adequency Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) and Total Assets (TA) to Non Performing Financing at Sharia Banks. This research method used multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 16.00 software which is used to see the influence between the independent variables in the form of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) and Total Assets (TA) to Non Performing Financing. The sample of this study was 3 Islamic Commercial Banks, so there were 36 annual reports obtained through purposive sampling, then analyzed using multiple linear regression methods. The results showed that based on the F Test, the independent variable had an effect on the NPF, indicated by the F value of 17,016 and significance of 0,000, overall the independent variable was able to explain the effect of 69.60%. While based on the partial t test, showed that CAR has a significant negative effect, Total assets have a significant positive effect with a significance value below 0.05 (5%). Meanwhile FDR does not affect NPF.

Evi Mariana

The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the decisionof the students chose to study in Obstetrics Prodi STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis and analyze the factors that most influence the decision of the students chose to study in Obstetrics Prodi STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis. Collecting data in this study was conducted using a survey by questionnaire to 114 students by stratified random sampling method. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression, F test and test T. The result is a marketing mix that significantly is the product, place, and physical evidence. And that does not affect the marketing mix is price, promotion, place, and processes

Muhammad Rois Rois ◽  
Manarotul Fatati Fatati ◽  
Winda Ihda Magfiroh

This study aims to determine the effect of Inflation, Exchange Rate and Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) to Return of PT Nikko Securities Indonesia Stock Fund period 2014-2017. The study used secondary data obtained through documentation in the form of PT Nikko Securities Indonesia Monthly Net Asset (NAB) report. Data analysis is used with quantitative analysis, multiple linear regression analysis using eviews 9. Population and sample in this research are PT Nikko Securities Indonesia. The result of multiple linear regression analysis was the coefficient of determination (R2) showed the result of 0.123819 or 12%. This means that the Inflation, Exchange Rate and Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) variables can influence the return of PT Nikko Securities Indonesia's equity fund of 12% and 88% is influenced by other variables. Based on the result of the research, the variables of inflation and exchange rate have a negative and significant effect toward the return of PT Nikko Securities Indonesia's equity fund. While the variable of Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) has a negative but not significant effect toward Return of Equity Fund of PT Nikko Securities Indonesia

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