random probability
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3211
Patrizia Berti ◽  
Luca Pratelli ◽  
Pietro Rigo

Let S be a Borel subset of a Polish space and F the set of bounded Borel functions f:S→R. Let an(·)=P(Xn+1∈·∣X1,…,Xn) be the n-th predictive distribution corresponding to a sequence (Xn) of S-valued random variables. If (Xn) is conditionally identically distributed, there is a random probability measure μ on S such that ∫fdan⟶a.s.∫fdμ for all f∈F. Define Dn(f)=dn∫fdan−∫fdμ for all f∈F, where dn>0 is a constant. In this note, it is shown that, under some conditions on (Xn) and with a suitable choice of dn, the finite dimensional distributions of the process Dn=Dn(f):f∈F stably converge to a Gaussian kernel with a known covariance structure. In addition, Eφ(Dn(f))∣X1,…,Xn converges in probability for all f∈F and φ∈Cb(R).

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. 2869-2871
Nadia Majid ◽  
Usman Ali Rahman ◽  
Muhammad Kaleem Akhter ◽  
Farzana Iqbal ◽  
Humiara Yousaf ◽  

Aim: To assess level of awareness in nurses regarding risk factors related to carcinoma breast at a tertiary care public hospital Lahore Methods: It was a descriptive study. This study took place at Mayo Hospital Lahore. The nurses of different departments especially the oncology department were recruited. A sample of n=300 was recruited through random probability sampling methods. An adopted close ended questionnaire was applied. The data was interpreted and analyzed by SPSS version 25. The data was analyzed in the form of tables and graphs. Results: Of the participants nurses 67% knew that smoking is a risk factor for carcinoma breast. It was also found that 59% agreed that exposure to another person’s cigarettes smoke also can cause breast carcinoma. Results also suggest that 88% agreed that drinking more than one glass of alcohol a day also can cause breast cancer. Moreover results suggest 71% agreed that being overweight (BMI>25) also can cause breast carcinoma. Results also suggest that 54% agreed that being over 70 years old can lead to breast cancer. Conclusion: Overall knowledge related to risk factors of breast carcinoma among nurses was satisfactory. Top rating risk factors were, smoking cigarettes and family history. Moreover, nurses knowledge regarding breast carcinoma symptoms and signs was also good among participants MeSH: Carcinoma Breast, Awareness, Risk Factor

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-119
Beta Asteria ◽  
Priatna Dwiyansa Dwiyansa

Achieve the company's goals, the management of potential human resourceswill affect employee performance which in turn will affect the company's performance.To be able to show the performance of the employees of PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch. companies are required to enforce motivation and work discipline on performanceemployee. This study will discuss the effect of motivation and work discipline on the performance of employees of outsourcing PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch. The purpose ofThis research is: 1) Knowing the effect of motivation on employee performance outsourcing PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch, 2) Knowing the effect of work discipline on employee performance outsourcing PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch, 3) To determine the effect of motivation and work discipline onemployee performance outsourcing PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch. The research location at PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch andpopulation is 87 all employees at PT. SJS Yogyakarta Branch. Sample amountof 87 respondents were taken by simple random probability sampling method. Data isanalyzed using hypothesis testing. The results obtained in this study are: (1) motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (2) work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performanceemployee performance, (3) motivation and discipline have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  

Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare two methods of data collection on job quality – an online quiz and a random probability survey. Design/methodology/approach Data are from a nationally representative sample of workers in Britain aged 20–65 years. Participants in the survey are randomly selected whereas those completing the quiz are recruited using uncontrolled convenience sampling promoted through trade union websites, newsletters and advertising on social media platforms. The survey and quiz contain the same questions and data from both methods are collected within 14 months of each other. Findings The results show that the sample recruited for participation in the online quiz is skewed towards those working in the public sector, people in higher education and towards younger age groups and women whereas the random probability survey is more representative of the adult working population in the UK. Significant differences in the results obtained by the two collection methods are found which suggests that social desirability bias is having an effect on participant responses. Practical implications Therefore policy makers should consider the advantages and disadvantages when selecting methods to collect data for tracking changes in job quality. Originality/value This paper has an original approach by examining the procedures in different methods of gathering data on job quality and the effects of this on the data collected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Lissette Mendoza ◽  
Jose Urdaneta ◽  
Chiquinquira Silva ◽  
Isabel Maggiolo ◽  
Nasser Baabel ◽  

Aim: To compare the presence of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (SIL) in pregnant and non-pregnant adolescents treated at the “Maternidad Dr. Armando Castillo Plaza” in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Patients and Methods: A comparative research with non-experimental transectional and field design was performed; where 46 pregnant adolescents (cases) and 46 non-pregnant adolescents (controls) was included, chosen by random probability sampling, who underwent identification of factors associated with the pathology, evaluation by pap-smear and HPV genotyping by chain reaction of polymerase (PCR). Results: It was found that 32.6% of pregnant women had low grade SIL ( HPV or CIN 1) compared to 21.7% in non-pregnant women, with a risk twice higher (OR [95% CI] = 2.44 [1.05 -5.65]). The molecular diagnosis was positive in half of the total sample, being higher in pregnant women (52.1 vs. 47.9p <0.05); infections with high-risk genotypes predominated 47.8 vs 30.5; p <0.05). HPV 16 was the most prevalent among pregnant women (21.7%) and co-infection by low-risk genotypes (6-11) in non-pregnant women (17.4%). Conclusions: adolescent pregnant women have a higher prevalence of LIE and genital HPV infection, associated with a significant risk of twice the probability of presenting an LIE compared to non-pregnant adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 466-478
Abdulrahman Dogara ◽  
Saber W. Hamad ◽  
Muhammad Usman ◽  
Salisu Muhammad Tahir ◽  
Namadi Sunusi ◽  

For ages, medicinal plants play a significant role in the effective, affordable, and safe healthcare system. Medicinal plants continue to play an important role in Nigeria's healthcare system, which serves more than 70% of the country's population. For pharmaceutical exploration and conservation, it is important to document the use of medicinal plants in a specific region across time. The study's goal was to find out which plants were used to treat typhoid illness in Kaduna state. The in-depth interview guide was utilized in conjunction with an expert method and non-random probability sampling. The study discovered and recorded 31 plant species from 25 families that are used by Kaduna residents to cure typhoid diseases. Plants with a 0.45 value of relative frequency citation were documented. The highest relative frequency of citation (0.9) and fidelity level (90%) are found in Garcinia mangostana, Senna alata, Moringa oleifera, and Hibiscus sabdariffa, respectively. In Nigeria, traditional medicinal knowledge is guarded by  elderly people. The study discovered plant species that could be used as a potential source of anti typhoid in Nigeria.

2021 ◽  
Vasil Dinev Penchev

The paper is concentrated on the special changes of the conception of causalityfrom quantum mechanics to quantum information meaning as a background the revolution implemented by the former to classical physics and science after Max Born’s probabilistic reinterpretation of wave function. Those changes can be enumerated so: (1) quantum information describes the general case of the relation of two wave functions, and particularly, the causal amendment of a single one; (2) it keeps the physical description to be causal by the conservation of quantum information and in accordance with Born’s interpretation; (3) it introduces inverse causality, “backwards in time”, observable “forwards in time” as the fundamentally random probability density distribution of all possible measurements of any physical quantity in quantum mechanics; (4) it involves a kind of “bidirectional causality” unifying (4.1) the classical determinism of cause and effect, (4.2) the probabilistic causality of quantum mechanics, and (4.3) the reversibility of any coherent state; (5) it identifies determinism with the function successor in Peano arithmetic, and its proper generalized causality with the information function successor in Hilbert arithmetic.

Cecilia T Reyes ◽  
Cecile O. Legaspi ◽  
Clyde G. Abayon ◽  
Tomas O. Ortega ◽  
Anna Mae. C. Relingo ◽  

A study was conducted to evaluate the performance in the delivery of support to education programs of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Lezo, Aklan. The samples were determined adopting the Multi-Stage Random Probability Sampling technique. The targeted 150 respondents were proportionately allocated in each barangay based on the 2015 Census Population and Housing Data from the Philippine Statistical Authority. The qualified sample respondents were selected using the Kish Grid. Female respondents were targeted for even numbered questionnaires while male respondents were targeted for odd numbers. The four major core concepts namely awareness, availment, satisfaction and need for action were used in measuring the rating of the respondents and presented in frequency and percentage distributions. The reasons for their response were likewise gathered. The study concluded that most of the respondents were not aware of scholarships and other assistance programs for students and alternative learning system and other special education programs. Low adjectival rating of citizens availment on educational programs was noted from the survey. This implies that there is a need for considerable improvement and significant interventions for the citizens to be knowledgeable and be able to avail those educational services offered in the Municipality of Lezo. In general, respondents were satisfied on educational programs. In spite of this positive feedback, additional efforts toward improvement are still essential. It is recommended that the LGU must provide budget for the construction of school buildings, libraries, and other facilities and acquisition of needed reference materials in order to provide its citizens with conducive environment for learning.

2021 ◽  
Chiun-Jr Hu ◽  
Fang-Hua Chu ◽  
Yi-Shiang Huang ◽  
Yu-Ching Tu ◽  
Yu-Mei Hung ◽  

Abstract Chamaecyparis formosensis is an endemic species of Taiwan, threatened from intensive use and illegal felling. An individual identification system for C. formosensis is required to provide scientific evidence for court use and deter illegal felling. In this study, 36 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed. By applying up to 28 non-linkage of the developed markers, it is calculated that the cumulative random probability of identity (CPI) is as low as 1.652×10-12, the combined power of discrimination (CPD) is as high as 0.999999999998348, and the identifiable population size is up to 60 million, which is greater than the known C. formosensis population size in Taiwan. Biogeographical analysis data show that C. formosensis from four geographic areas belong to the same genetic population which can be further divided into three clusters: SY (Eastern Taiwan), HV and GW (Northwestern Taiwan), and MM (Southwestern Taiwan). The developed system was applied to assess the provenance of samples with 88.44% of accuracy rate, and therefore can serve as a pre-screening tool to reduce the range required for comparison. The system developed in this study is a potential crime-fighting tool against illegal felling.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052110152
Anne Nobels ◽  
Adina Cismaru-Inescu ◽  
Laurent Nisen ◽  
Bastien Hahaut ◽  
Gilbert M. D. Lemmens ◽  

Because of a growing older population, the sexual health (SH) of older adults, including sexual violence (SV), is becoming an increasingly important public health concern. Yet, reliable SV prevalence rates and risk factors are lacking, due to methodological shortcomings in current studies. SV research involves challenges regarding safety and disclosure, especially in older adults. In this paper, we reflect on the methods used in a sexual health and violence (SH&V) study in older adults balancing between privacy rules imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ethical and safety guidelines. To ensure the acceptability of the questionnaire, it was tested in a two-phase pilot study. To maximize SV disclosure, the questionnaire built up gradually towards the more sensitive SV modules. Interviewers were trained to approach participants in a non-judgmental manner. Due to GDPR, our data collection method was changed from a random sampling via the National Register to a cluster random probability sampling with a random walk finding approach. Older adults were willing to discuss SH&V during a structured face-to-face interview with trained interviewers. Following strict safety guidelines, no major incidents were reported. The cluster random probability sampling with random walk finding approach provided an adequate sampling frame, but was inefficient and time-consuming. Doing research on SH&V in older adults is feasible but requires a substantial investment of time and the challenges involved may incur greater costs. In order to guarantee further research on sensitive topics in older adults, we recommend that an interdisciplinary expert group consisting of researchers, donors, and policymakers investigates how GDPR and public health research in hard-to-reach populations can be better matched.

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