Spring Barley Responses to Nitrogen Fertilizer and Ethephon in Regions with a Short Crop Growing Season

1992 ◽  
Vol 169 (3) ◽  
pp. 151-160 ◽  
B. L. Ma ◽  
S. Leibovitch ◽  
W. E. Maloba ◽  
D. L. Smith
1993 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 281-291 ◽  
Toivo Yläranta ◽  
Jaana Uusi-Kämppä ◽  
Antti Jaakkola

The leaching of nitrogen from fallow, fertilized and unfertilized spring barley, and grass ley was studied in a 4-year lysimeter experiment tcarried out on clay, silt and sand soils, and Carex peat. The experimental factors included also irrigation and treatments where the nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the first year as 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate. During four years, 41-66% of the nitrogen applied in the first growing season was recovered in plants harvested. Most of it, 91-96%, was taken up in the year applied. Mostly, the water drainage was lowest in silt and sand soils. The irrigation increased clearly the leaching of nitrogen almost in all treatments. Crops decreased the drainage of water through the lysimeters and the leaching of nitrogen, grass more than barley. The effects of plants and irrigation were similar in all soils, but most marked in sand. The largest amount of nitrogen was leached in irrigated, fallowed sand, 440 kg ha-1, during four years. The majority of the leached nitrogen was nitrate. Only in peat soil a significant amount of nitrogen was leached in some another form. The leaching of 15N-labelled fertilizer during four years was highest in sand, 2.3 kg ha 1 of N or 2.3% of the nitrogen applied in the first experimental year.

O. A. Artyukhova ◽  
O. V. Gladysheva ◽  
V. A. Svirina

The effect of applying various norms of mineral fertilizers on the biological indicators of crop plants during their growth and development in the Central non-black earth region in 2017-2019 was studied on the varieties of spring barley Vladimir, Reliable and Yaromir.such indicators as plant height, photosynthetic apparatus area, green mass growth, and elements of the yield structure were Studied. It was revealed that on average during the growing season, when the norms of mineral fertilizers were increased, the area of leaf plates increased and, as a result, the increase in green mass growth relative to the control variants increased by 56.3 % at (NРК)30, 82.3 % at (NРК)60, and 126.7 % at (NРК)90. The introduction of mineral fertilizers also influenced the formation of the crop structure. There was an increase in the tillering coefficient of varieties by 15.7%, 5.7 % and 21.3 % (Vladimir, Reliable and Yaromir, respectively) relative to the control, an increase in the number of grains in the ear from 15.1 to 22.4 PCs., the weight of 1000 grains from 48.0 to 55.7 g. and the weight of grain per ear from 0.7 to 1.2 g. There was a strong correlation between the doses of mineral fertilizers and the grain yield from + 0.80 to +1.0, and the variability was calculated.      

O. A. Zadorozhna ◽  
T. P. Shyianova ◽  
M.Yu. Skorokhodov

Seed longevity of 76 spring barley gene pool samples (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. distichon, convar. distichon: 56 nutans Schubl., two deficience (Steud.) Koern., two erectum Rode ex Shuebl., two medicum Koern.; convar. nudum (L.) A.Trof.: one nudum L. та subsp. vulgare: convar. vulgare: nine pallidum Ser., three rikotense Regel.; convar. coeleste (L.) A.Trof.: one coeleste (L.) A.Trof.) from 26 countries, 11 years and four places of reproduction was analyzed. Seeds with 5–8% moisture content were stored in chamber with unregulated and 4oC temperature. The possibility of seed storage under these conditions for at least 10 years without significant changes in germination has been established. The importance of meteorological conditions in the formation and ripening of seeds for their longevity is confirmed. The relationship between the decrease of barley seeds longevity and storage conditions, amount of rainfall, temperature regime during the growing season of plants is discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 156 (5) ◽  
pp. 628-644 ◽  
E. Pohanková ◽  
P. Hlavinka ◽  
M. Orság ◽  
J. Takáč ◽  
K. C. Kersebaum ◽  

AbstractIn the current study, simulations by five crop models (WOFOST, CERES-Barley, HERMES, DAISY and AQUACROP) were compared for 7–12 growing seasons of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) at three sites in the Czech Republic. The aims were to compare how various process-based crop models with different calculation approaches simulate different values of transpiration (Ta) and evapotranspiration (ET) based on the same input data and compare the outputs of these simulations with reference data. From the outputs of each model, the water use efficiency (WUE) from Ta (WUETa) and from actual ET (WUEETa) was calculated for grain yields and above-ground biomass yield. The results of the first part of the study show that the model with the Penman approach for calculating ET simulates lower actual ET (ETa) sums, at an average of 250 mm during the growing season, than other models, which use the Penman–Monteith approach and simulate 330 mm on average during the growing season. In the second part of the current study, WUE reference values in the range 1.9–2.4 kg/m3were calculated for spring barley and grain yield. Values of WUETa/WUEETacalculated from the outputs of individual models for grain yields and above-ground biomass yields ranged from 2.0/1.0 to 5.9/3.8 kg/m3with an average value of 3.2/2.0 kg/m3and from 3.9/2.1 to 10.5/6.8 kg/m3with an average value of 6.5/4.0 kg/m3, respectively. The results confirm that the average values of all models are nearest to actual values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 393-400
V. I. Titova ◽  
E. T. Akopdzhanyan

The field experiment on identifying differences in the effect of the herbicide and foliar feeding of plants with liquid nitrogen fertilizer (UAN-32) against the background of autumn tillage with a cultivator or plow on potato yield and phytopathologic characteristics of tubers during storage was carried out in 2019-2020 in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The experiment was laid on sod-podzolic sandy loamy soil in production conditions on two varieties of potato ‒ the super-early Сolomba variety and the medium-early Innovator variety grown for seeds. The variants under study were surface application of the soil herbicide Gezagard in a tank mixture with UAN-32 and foliar feeding of plants with UAN-32 (N42) during the growing season against the background of N42P42K169 (calcium chloride in autumn + ammonium nitrate phosphate in spring). The results indicate that the background fertilization provides the yield of Colombа variety potato of 20.7-29.0 t/ha, the Innovator variety – 17.4-23.1 t/ha. The use of the herbicide is more effective during autumn tillage with a cultivator, providing an increase in yield of 28-37 % on both potato varieties, feeding of plants with UAN-32 contributes to an increase in yield (8-10 %) only on the Сolomba variety. Plowing the soil for potatoes helps to avoid the pest damage of tubers and to reduce their susceptibility to rhizoctonia by 6-27 %, to wet rot ‒ up to 55 %. In general, it has been established that due to autumn plowing with fertilization at a dose of N42P42K169, it is possible to obtain an increase in potato yield exceeding the increase provided both by herbicides and the use of foliar feeding of potatoes.

Crop Science ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 1341-1346 ◽  
Patrick Bulman ◽  
Constantinos G. Zarkadas ◽  
Donald L. Smith

Weed Science ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-102 ◽  
George P. Stallings ◽  
Donald C. Thill ◽  
Carol A. Mallory-Smith ◽  
Bahman Shafii

The movement of sulfonylurea herbicide-resistant (R) kochia pollen was investigated in a spring barley field near Moscow, ID, using a Nelder plot design in 1991 and 1992. Each 61 m diameter plot had 16 rays spaced 22.5° apart and contained 211 kochia plants. There were 12 susceptible (S) plants and one R plant along each ray. The R and S plants were 1.5 m and 3.0 to 30.5 m from the center of the plot, respectively. Wind direction and speed in the 16 vectors, air and soil temperature, and rainfall were monitored continuously. Mature kochia seed was collected from individual plants, planted in the greenhouse, and sprayed with chlorsulfuron to test for resistant F1progeny. Results from the 2-yr study showed outcrossing of R pollen onto S plants at rates up to 13.1% per plant 1.5 m from the R plants and declining to 1.4% per plant or less 29 m from the R plants. At least 35% of the total R x S crosses occurred in the direction of prevailing southeastward winds. Predicted percentages of R x S crosses per plant ranged from 0.16 to 1.29 at 1.5 m, and 0.00 to 0.06% at 29 m. Thus, resistant kochia pollen can spread the sulfonylurea-resistant trait at least 30 m during each growing season.

2003 ◽  
Vol 54 (12) ◽  
pp. 1277 ◽  
W. J. R. Boyd ◽  
C. D. Li ◽  
C. R. Grime ◽  
M. Cakir ◽  
S. Potipibool ◽  

Factors contributing to variation in heading date in spring barley were examined in several studies commencing with a survey of developmental variation in a large collection of genotypes and concluding with the molecular genetic analysis of 7 doubled haploid populations. Genotypes varied considerably in their specific responses to photoperiod and vernalisation, and in the duration of a pre-inductive (or juvenile) phase defined in this paper as a 'basic vegetative period'. The latter includes differential genotype responses to ambient temperature and their interaction with photoperiod. Combinations of these largely independent environmental variables account for variation in heading date associated with differences in growing season conditions, particularly geographic region, sowing dates, and cultivar adaptation. Under extended and natural (short) photoperiods, in both summer and winter field plantings, conventional genetic analysis was characterised by simple Mendelian segregation combined with considerable transgressive segregation within distinct early and late flowering subpopulations. Equivalent transgressive segregation characterised molecular genetic analysis that identified 16 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with contributions ranging from >50% of the variation recorded to <10%. These were dominated by 2 QTLs located on chromosome 2, one of which on 2HS was associated with response to extended photoperiod and the other, located near the centromere, with variation in the duration of the basic vegetative period. As only one population segregated for response to vernalisation, all analyses were restricted to parents and progeny homozygous for no response. Three other QTLs on 1HL, 3HL, and 5HL were primarily associated with vernalised parents and progeny characterised by prostrate seedling growth habits, which questions any assumption of a pleiotrophic association between genes for vernalisation and growth habit.The potential for exploiting markers for selection is considered to be limited by the considerable transgressive segregation observed in lines homozygous for parental alleles, and the limited understanding of the causes of variation in the phenotypic expression of the QTLs identified. Such markers would be useful in the selection of backcrossed progeny and in developing materials for investigating fundamental mechanisms contributing to developmental variation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-148 ◽  
Wen-Yuan Huang

AbstractNitrogen applied before planting is more vulnerable to loss to the environment than nitrogen applied during the growing season, but the growing season application can increase the risk of lower yields caused by adverse weather that prohibits farmers to complete N application. An expected utility framework is used to illustrate the potential economic benefit of insurance for a farmer to reduce this risk cost. An expected-value variance analysis is used to illustrate the potential benefit of insurance to Iowa corn growers who apply N fertilizer only during the growing season.

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