On the Geometry of the Linear Representations of the Symmetric Group

1935 ◽  
Vol s2-38 (1) ◽  
pp. 402-413
G. de B. Robinson
A. O. Morris ◽  
A. K. Yaseen

In [6] the first author introduced some combinatorial concepts involving Young diagrams corresponding to partitions with distinct parts and applied them to the projective representations of the symmetric group Sn. A conjecture concerning the p-block structure of the projective representations of Sn was formulated in terms of these concepts which corresponds to the well-known, but long proved, Nakayama ‘conjecture’ for the p-block structure of the linear representations of Sn. This conjecture has recently been proved by Humphreys [1].

1987 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
M. Saeed-ul-Islam

This paper is devoted to the determining of the irreducible linear representations of the generalized symmetric group (elsewhere written as , Cm ≀ Sn or G(m, 1, n)) by considering the conjugacy classes of and then constructing the same number of inequivalent irreducible linear representations of . These have previously been determined by Kerber [2, Section 5] using Clifford's theory applied to wreath products.

Heather M Russell ◽  
Julianna Tymoczko

Abstract Webs are planar graphs with boundary that describe morphisms in a diagrammatic representation category for $\mathfrak{sl}_k$. They are studied extensively by knot theorists because braiding maps provide a categorical way to express link diagrams in terms of webs, producing quantum invariants like the well-known Jones polynomial. One important question in representation theory is to identify the relationships between different bases; coefficients in the change-of-basis matrix often describe combinatorial, algebraic, or geometric quantities (e.g., Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials). By ”flattening” the braiding maps, webs can also be viewed as the basis elements of a symmetric group representation. In this paper, we define two new combinatorial structures for webs: band diagrams and their one-dimensional projections, shadows, which measure depths of regions inside the web. As an application, we resolve an open conjecture that the change of basis between the so-called Specht basis and web basis of this symmetric group representation is unitriangular for $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-webs ([ 33] and [ 29].) We do this using band diagrams and shadows to construct a new partial order on webs that is a refinement of the usual partial order. In fact, we prove that for $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-webs, our new partial order coincides with the tableau partial order on webs studied by the authors and others [ 12, 17, 29, 33]. We also prove that though the new partial order for $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-webs is a refinement of the previously studied tableau order, the two partial orders do not agree for $\mathfrak{sl}_3$.

1995 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-234 ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 001440292110088
Madhavi Jayanthi ◽  
Russell Gersten ◽  
Robin F. Schumacher ◽  
Joseph Dimino ◽  
Keith Smolkowski ◽  

Using a randomized controlled trial, we examined the effect of a fractions intervention for students experiencing mathematical difficulties in Grade 5. Students who were eligible for the study ( n = 205) were randomly assigned to intervention and comparison conditions, blocked by teacher. The intervention used systematic, explicit instruction and relied on linear representations (e.g., Cuisenaire Rods and number lines) to demonstrate key fractions concepts. Enhancing students’ mathematical explanations was also a focus. Results indicated that intervention students significantly outperformed students from the comparison condition on measures of fractions proficiency and understanding ( g = 0.66–0.78), number line estimation ( g = 0.80–1.08), fractions procedures ( g = 1.07), and explanation tasks ( g = 0.68–1.23). Findings suggest that interventions designed to include explicit instruction, along with consistent use of the number line and opportunities to explain reasoning, can promote students’ proficiency and understanding of fractions.

1989 ◽  
Vol 1 (19) ◽  
pp. 3073-3082 ◽  
K Slevin ◽  
E Castano ◽  
J B Pendry

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (04) ◽  
pp. 915-941 ◽  

We study the family of rational sets of words, called completely reducible and which are such that the syntactic representation of their characteristic series is completely reducible. This family contains, by a result of Reutenauer, the submonoids generated by bifix codes and, by a result of Berstel and Reutenauer, the cyclic sets. We study the closure properties of this family. We prove a result on linear representations of monoids which gives a generalization of the result concerning the complete reducibility of the submonoid generated by a bifix code to sets called birecurrent. We also give a new proof of the result concerning cyclic sets.

2006 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-155 ◽  
A. Caranti ◽  
F. Dalla. Volta

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