scholarly journals A Graphics Processor Unit-Accelerated Freeform Surface Offsetting Method for High-Resolution Subtractive Three-Dimensional Printing (Machining)

Mohammad M. Hossain ◽  
Chandra Nath ◽  
Thomas M. Tucker ◽  
Richard W. Vuduc ◽  
Thomas R. Kurfess

Machining is one of the major manufacturing methods having very wide applications in industries. Unlike layer-by-layer additive three-dimensional (3D) printing technology, the lack of an easy and intuitive programmability in conventional toolpath planning approach in machining leads to significantly higher manufacturing cost for direct computer numerical control (CNC)-based prototyping (i.e., subtractive 3D printing). In standard computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) packages, general use of B-rep (boundary representation) and non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS)-based representations of the computer-aided design (CAD) interfaces make core computations of tool trajectories generation process, such as surface offsetting, difficult. In this work, the problem of efficient generation of freeform surface offsets is addressed with a novel volumetric (voxel) representation. It presents an image filter-based offsetting algorithm, which leverages the parallel computing engines on modern graphics processor unit (GPU). The compact voxel data representation and the proposed computational acceleration on GPU together are capable to process voxel offsetting at four-fold higher resolution in interactive CAM application. Additionally, in order to further accelerate the offset computation, the problem of offsetting with a large distance is decomposed into successive offsetting using smaller distances. The performance trade-offs between accuracy and computation time of the offset algorithms are thoroughly analyzed. The developed GPU implementation of the offsetting algorithm is found to be robust in computation, and demonstrates a 50-fold speedup on single graphics card (NVIDIA GTX780Ti) relative to prior best-performing algorithms developed for multicores central processing units (CPU). The proposed offsetting approach has been validated for a variety of complex parts produced on different multi-axis CNC machine tools including turning, milling, and compound turning-milling.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (14) ◽  
pp. 4164
Elizabeth Diederichs ◽  
Maisyn Picard ◽  
Boon Peng Chang ◽  
Manjusri Misra ◽  
Amar Mohanty

Three-dimensional (3D) printing manufactures intricate computer aided designs without time and resource spent for mold creation. The rapid growth of this industry has led to its extensive use in the automotive, biomedical, and electrical industries. In this work, biobased poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT) blends were combined with pyrolyzed biomass to create sustainable and novel printing materials. The Miscanthus biocarbon (BC), generated from pyrolysis at 650 °C, was combined with an optimized PTT blend at 5 and 10 wt % to generate filaments for extrusion 3D printing. Samples were printed and analyzed according to their thermal, mechanical, and morphological properties. Although there were no significant differences seen in the mechanical properties between the two BC composites, the optimal quantity of BC was 5 wt % based upon dimensional stability, ease of printing, and surface finish. These printable materials show great promise for implementation into customizable, non-structural components in the electrical and automotive industries.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 168781401771038 ◽  
Isad Saric ◽  
Adil Muminovic ◽  
Mirsad Colic ◽  
Senad Rahimic

This article presents architecture of integrated intelligent computer-aided design system for designing mechanical power-transmitting mechanisms (IICADkmps). The system has been developed in C# program environment with the aim of automatising the design process. This article presents a modern, automated approach to design. Developed kmps modules for calculation of geometrical and design characteristics of mechanical power-transmitting mechanisms are described. Three-dimensional geometrical parameter modelling of mechanical power-transmitting mechanisms was performed in the computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing/computer-aided engineering system CATIA V5. The connection between kmps calculation modules and CATIA V5 modelling system was established through initial three-dimensional models – templates. The outputs from the developed IICADkmps system generated final three-dimensional virtual models of mechanical power-transmitting mechanisms. Testing of the developed IICADkmps system was performed on friction, belt, cogged (spur and bevel gears) and chain transmitting mechanisms. Also, connection of the developed IICADkmps system with a device for rapid prototyping and computer numerical control machines was made for the purpose of additional testing and verification of practical use. Physical prototypes of designed characteristic elements of mechanical power-transmitting mechanisms were manufactured. The selected test three-dimensional virtual prototypes, obtained as an output from the developed IICADkmps system, were manufactured on the device for rapid prototyping (three-dimensional colour printer Spectrum Z510) and computer numerical control machines. Finally, at the end of the article, conclusions and suggested possible directions of further research, based on theoretical and practical research results, are presented.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0257158
Wei-Ting Chou ◽  
Chuan-Chung Chuang ◽  
Yi-Bing Wang ◽  
Hsien-Chung Chiu

This experimental study aimed to compare the internal fit (marginal fit and internal discrepancy) of metal crowns fabricated by traditional casting and digital methods (computer numerically controlled (CNC) milling and three-dimensional [3D] printing). Thirty standard master abutment models were fabricated using a 3D printing technique with digital software. Metal crowns were fabricated by traditional casting, CNC milling, and 3D printing. The silicon replica method was used to measure the marginal and internal fit. A thin layer of low-viscosity polyvinyl siloxane material was placed inside each crown and on the die (like a seat) until the material was set. Replicas were examined at four reference points under a microscope: the central pit (M1), cusp tip (M2), axial wall (M3), and margin (M4). The measured data were analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to verify statistical significance, which was set at p < 0.05. In the traditional casting group, the minimum distance measured was at M3 (90.68 ± 14.4 μm) and the maximum distance measured was at M1 (145.12 ± 22 μm). In the milling group, the minimum distance measured was at M3 (71.85 ± 23.69 μm) and the maximum distance measured was at M1 (108.68 ± 10.52 μm). In the 3D printing group, the minimum distance measured was at M3 (100.59 ± 9.26 μm) and the maximum distance measured was at M1 (122.33 ± 7.66 μm). The mean discrepancy for the traditional casting, CNC milling, and 3D printing groups was 120.20, 92.15, and 111.85 μm, respectively, showing significant differences (P < 0.05). All three methods of metal crown fabrication, that is, traditional casting, CNC milling, and 3D printing, had values within the clinically acceptable range. The marginal and internal fit of the crown was far superior in the CNC milling method.

Mohammad M. Hossain ◽  
Richard W. Vuduc ◽  
Chandra Nath ◽  
Thomas R. Kurfess ◽  
Thomas M. Tucker

The lack of plug-and-play programmability in conventional toolpath planning approach in subtractive manufacturing, i.e., machining leads to significantly higher manufacturing cost for CNC based prototyping. In computer aided manufacturing (CAM) packages, typical B-rep or NURBS based representations of the CAD interfaces challenge core computations of tool trajectories generation process, such as, surface offsetting to be completely automated. In this work, the problem of efficient generation of free-form surface offsets is addressed with a novel volumetric representation. It presents an image filter based offsetting algorithm, which leverages the parallel computing engines on modern graphics processor unit (GPU). The scalable voxel data structure and the proposed hardware-accelerated volumetric offsetting together advance the computation and memory efficiencies well beyond the capability of past studies. Additionally, in order to further accelerate the offset computation the problem of offsetting with a large distance is decomposed into successive offsetting using smaller distances. The accuracy of the offset algorithms is thoroughly analyzed. The developed GPU implementation of the offsetting algorithm is robust in computation, easy to comprehend, and achieves a 50-fold speedup on single graphics card (NVIDIA GTX780Ti) relative to prior best-performing dual socket quad-core CPU implementation.

2015 ◽  
Richard H. Haney ◽  
Eric Darve ◽  
Mohammad P. Ansari ◽  
Rohit Pataki ◽  
AmirHossein AminFar ◽  

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