X-Ray Refraction Characterization of the Interface Structure of Ceramics
Advanced ceramics require specific methods for their nondestructive characterization. X-ray refraction techniques determine the specific surfaces and interfaces of high performance ceramics, composites and other low density materials down to nano-meter dimensions. X-ray refraction occurs due to the interference of phase shifted X-rays in ultra small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) at objects above 100 nm size. Applications to monolithic ceramics and ceramic composites are presented. The well localized mean pore size of ceramics and the crack growth of ceramic composites are measured non-destructively.
2013 ◽
Vol 46
pp. 898-902
1996 ◽
Vol 163
pp. 31-38
2001 ◽
Vol 206-213
pp. 673-676