angle scattering
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 152-157
Atabek S. Ashirov ◽  
Uchkun O. Kutliev ◽  
Soyibjon Xakimov ◽  
Shavkat K. Ismailov

This article presents the results of computer modeling of small-angle scattering of Ar+ ions from the surface of the SiO2 thin film under bombardment by low-energy. The study of the trajectory of the scattered ions showed that the trajectories with two focuses are observed not only near the center of the semichannel but also nearby the surface of the atomic chain. An increase in the value of the initial energy of incident particles leads to a narrowing of the trajectory of the scattered ions, which leads to the appearance of low-intensity peaks in the energy spectrum of the scattered ions.

Micromachines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Si Kuan Thio ◽  
Sung-Yong Park

We present a plasmonic-enhanced dielectrophoretic (DEP) phenomenon to improve optical DEP performance of a floating electrode optoelectronic tweezers (FEOET) device, where aqueous droplets can be effectively manipulated on a light-patterned photoconductive surface immersed in an oil medium. To offer device simplicity and cost-effectiveness, recent studies have utilized a polymer-based photoconductive material such as titanium oxide phthalocyanine (TiOPc). However, the TiOPc has much poorer photoconductivity than that of semiconductors like amorphous silicon (a-Si), significantly limiting optical DEP applications. The study herein focuses on the FEOET device for which optical DEP performance can be greatly enhanced by utilizing plasmonic nanoparticles as light scattering elements to improve light absorption of the low-quality TiOPc. Numerical simulation studies of both plasmonic light scattering and electric field enhancement were conducted to verify wide-angle scattering light rays and an approximately twofold increase in electric field gradient with the presence of nanoparticles. Similarly, a spectrophotometric study conducted on the absorption spectrum of the TiOPc has shown light absorption improvement (nearly twofold) of the TiOPc layer. Additionally, droplet dynamics study experimentally demonstrated a light-actuated droplet speed of 1.90 mm/s, a more than 11-fold improvement due to plasmonic light scattering. This plasmonic-enhanced FEOET technology can considerably improve optical DEP capability even with poor-quality photoconductive materials, thus providing low-cost, easy-fabrication solutions for various droplet-based microfluidic applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Sebastian Jaksch

Small-angle scattering, and its neutron expression small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), has developed into an invaluable tool for the investigation of microscopic and mesoscopic structures in recent decades [...]

2021 ◽  
Detlef-M. Smilgies ◽  
Ruipeng Li

Grazing incidence small- and wide-angle scattering (GISAXS, GIWAXS) are widely applied for the study of organic thin films, be it for the characterization of nanostructured morphologies in block copolymers, nanocomposites, or nanoparticle assemblies, or the packing and orientation of small aromatic molecules and conjugated polymers. Organic thin films typically are uniaxial powders, with specific crystallographic planes oriented parallel to the substrate surface. The associated fiber texture scattering patterns are complicated by refraction corrections and multiple scattering. We present an interactive graphics tool to index such patterns.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sjoerd Roorda ◽  
Pat Clancy ◽  
Jonathan Bellemare ◽  
Simon Laliberté-Riverin

With the aim of exploring neutron techniques for the non-destructive detection of hydrogen in embrittled steel, three sets of steel samples were studied with neutron scattering: Ni coated, Cd coated, and Cr coated. Each set contained a non-embrittled or low-hydrogen concentration reference and one or two embrittled and high-hydrogen concentration samples. It is observed that the incoherent scattering, when normalized by the intensity of the Bragg peak, is significantly higher for high-hydrogen concentration or embrittled samples than in the reference. Although the difference is small, this represents a non-destructive technique of detecting hydrogen embrittlement. Neutron radiography, and inelastic or small-angle scattering could not distinguish between embrittled and reference samples.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2368
Gaetano Zimbardo ◽  
Francesco Malara ◽  
Silvia Perri

Superdiffusive transport of energetic particles in the solar system and in other plasma environments is often inferred; while this can be described in terms of Lévy walks, a corresponding transport differential equation still calls for investigation. Here, we propose that superdiffusive transport can be described by means of a transport equation for pitch-angle scattering where the time derivative is fractional rather than integer. We show that this simply leads to superdiffusion in the direction parallel to the magnetic field, and we discuss some advantages with respect to approaches based on transport equations with symmetric spatial fractional derivates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 271
Ding Sheng ◽  
Kaijun Liu ◽  
V. Florinski ◽  
J. D. Perez

Abstract Hybrid simulations in 2D space and 3D velocity dimensions with continuous injection of pickup ions (PUIs) provide insight into the plasma processes that are responsible for the pitch angle scattering of PUIs outside the heliopause. The present investigation includes for the first time continuous injection of PUIs and shows how the scattering depends on the energy of the PUIs and the strength of the background magnetic field as well as the dependence on the injection rate of the time for the isotropization of the pitch angle distribution. The results demonstrate that, with the gradual injection of PUIs of a narrow ring velocity distribution perpendicular to the background magnetic field, oblique mirror mode waves develop first, followed by the growth of quasiparallel propagating ion cyclotron waves. Subsequently, the PUIs are scattered by the excited waves and gradually approach an isotropic distribution. A time for isotropization is defined to be the time at which T ∣∣/T ⊥, i.e., the ratio of the parallel to perpendicular PUI thermal energy changes from ≈0 to ≈0.15. By varying the PUI injection rate, estimates of the time for the PUI distribution to be isotropized are presented. The isotropization time obtained is shorter, ≈ months, than the time, ≈ years, required by the conventional secondary ENA mechanism to explain the IBEX ENA ribbon.

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