Comparative Performance Study of Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Utilizing Cryogenic Cold

W. H. Lee

The re-evaporation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is capable of acting as a low temperature heat sink for power cycles, thereby enhancing the thermal efficiency of the cycle. Leaving aside the detail of the appropriate heat exchanger technology, the comparative performance of improved high and low temperature closed cycle gas turbines is investigated using non-dimensionalized performance analysis. It was shown that the effect of lowering the minimum cycle temperature on the efficiency is equivalent to raising the maximum cycle temperature by a multiple amount. The specific output, however, decreases to a fraction of that achieved by the cycle with the original minimum cycle temperature. Implications are drawn for the application of the closed cycle gas turbine utilizing cryogenic cold.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Emmanuel O. Osigwe ◽  
Arnold Gad-Briggs ◽  
Theoklis Nikolaidis

When selecting a design for an unmanned aerial vehicle, the choice of the propulsion system is vital in terms of mission requirements, sustainability, usability, noise, controllability, reliability and technology readiness level (TRL). This study analyses the various propulsion systems used in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), paying particular focus on the closed-cycle propulsion systems. The study also investigates the feasibility of using helium closed-cycle gas turbines for UAV propulsion, highlighting the merits and demerits of helium closed-cycle gas turbines. Some of the advantages mentioned include high payload, low noise and high altitude mission ability; while the major drawbacks include a heat sink, nuclear hazard radiation and the shield weight. A preliminary assessment of the cycle showed that a pressure ratio of 4, turbine entry temperature (TET) of 800 °C and mass flow of 50 kg/s could be used to achieve a lightweight helium closed-cycle gas turbine design for UAV mission considering component design constraints.

P. A. Phillips ◽  
Peter Spear

After briefly summarizing worldwide automotive gas turbine activity, the paper analyses the power plant requirements of a wide range of vehicle applications in order to formulate the design criteria for acceptable vehicle gas turbines. Ample data are available on the thermodynamic merits of various gas turbine cycles; however, the low cost of its piston engine competitor tends to eliminate all but the simplest cycles from vehicle gas turbine considerations. In order to improve the part load fuel economy, some complexity is inevitable, but this is limited to the addition of a glass ceramic regenerator in the 150 b.h.p. engine which is described in some detail. The alternative further complications necessary to achieve satisfactory vehicle response at various power/weight ratios are examined. Further improvement in engine performance will come by increasing the maximum cycle temperature. This can be achieved at lower cost by the extension of the use of ceramics. The paper is intended to stimulate the design application of the gas turbine engine.

2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Zheshu Ma ◽  
Zhenhuan Zhu

Indirectly or externally-fired gas-turbines (IFGT or EFGT) are novel technology under development for small and medium scale combined power and heat supplies in combination with micro gas turbine technologies mainly for the utilization of the waste heat from the turbine in a recuperative process and the possibility of burning biomass or 'dirty' fuel by employing a high temperature heat exchanger to avoid the combustion gases passing through the turbine. In this paper, by assuming that all fluid friction losses in the compressor and turbine are quantified by a corresponding isentropic efficiency and all global irreversibilities in the high temperature heat exchanger are taken into account by an effective efficiency, a one dimensional model including power output and cycle efficiency formulation is derived for a class of real IFGT cycles. To illustrate and analyze the effect of operational parameters on IFGT efficiency, detailed numerical analysis and figures are produced. The results summarized by figures show that IFGT cycles are most efficient under low compression ratio ranges (3.0-6.0) and fit for low power output circumstances integrating with micro gas turbine technology. The model derived can be used to analyze and forecast performance of real IFGT configurations.

1978 ◽  
C. F. McDonald

With soaring fuel costs and diminishing clean fuel availability, the efficiency of the industrial gas turbine must be improved by utilizing the exhaust waste heat by either incorporating a recuperator or by co-generation, or both. In the future, gas turbines for power generation should be capable of operation on fuels hitherto not exploited in this prime-mover, i.e., coal and nuclear fuel. The recuperative gas turbine can be used for open-cycle, indirect cycle, and closed-cycle applications, the latter now receiving renewed attention because of its adaptability to both fossil (coal) and nuclear (high temperature gas-cooled reactor) heat sources. All of these prime-movers require a viable high temperature heat exchanger for high plant efficiency. In this paper, emphasis is placed on the increasingly important role of the recuperator and the complete spectrum of recuperative gas turbine applications is surveyed, from lightweight propulsion engines, through vehicular and industrial prime-movers, to the large utility size nuclear closed-cycle gas turbine. For each application, the appropriate design criteria, types of recuperator construction (plate-fin or tubular etc.), and heat exchanger material (metal or ceramic) are briefly discussed.

1979 ◽  
H. C. Daudet ◽  
C. A. Kinney

This paper presents a discussion of the significant results of a study program conducted for the Department of Energy to evaluate the potential for closed cycle gas turbines and the associated combustion heater systems for use in coal fired public utility power plants. Two specific problem areas were addressed: (a) the identification and analysis of system concepts which offer high overall plant efficiency consistent with low cost of electricity (COE) from coal-pile-to-bus-bar, and (b) the identification and conceptual design of combustor/heat exchanger concepts compatible for use as the cycle gas primary heater for those plant systems. The study guidelines were based directly upon the ground rules established for the ECAS studies to facilitate comparison of study results. Included is a discussion of a unique computer model approach to accomplish the system analysis and parametric studies performed to evaluate entire closed cycle gas turbine utility power plants with and without Rankine bottoming cycles. Both atmospheric fluidized bed and radiant/convective combustor /heat exchanger systems were addressed. Each incorporated metallic or ceramic heat exchanger technology. The work culminated in conceptual designs of complete coal fired, closed cycle gas turbine power plants. Critical component technology assessment and cost and performance estimates for the plants are also discussed.

1978 ◽  
K. Bammert ◽  
R. Krapp ◽  
U. Reiter

The nonsteady operational behavior of single- and two-shaft closed-cycle gas turbines is investigated on the basis of two reference plants. The behavior in case of a full-load release and after emergency shutdown was calculated. It is proved that these disturbances of operation can be mastered in two-shaft plants as well as in single-shaft plants. Furthermore, the stresses caused by dynamic changes in the circuit and to be considered in designing a closed-cycle gas turbine were investigated.

G. E. Provenzale

The Closed Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) offers potential savings in operating costs due to high system efficiency and the ability to direct fire coal. However, for the full potential of CCGT to be realized, more competitive cost information must be generated, correlated, and compared with conventional steam power systems. Current development programs are intended to resolve many of the remaining uncertainties in design, performance, and cost by detailed examination and testing of critical components of CCGT coal-fired power systems. This paper reviews current technology developments and economic considerations of the closed cycle gas turbine burning dirty fuels versus conventional steam power systems.

1995 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52 ◽  
V. R. Dhole ◽  
J. P. Zheng

Pinch technology has developed into a powerful tool for thermodynamic analysis of chemical processes and associated utilities, resulting in significant energy savings. Conventional pinch analysis identifies the most economical energy consumption in terms of heat loads and provides practical design guidelines to achieve this. However, in analyzing systems involving heat and power, for example, steam and gas turbines, etc., pure heat load analysis is insufficient. Exergy analysis, on the other hand, provides a tool for heat and power analysis, although at times it does not provide clear practical design guidelines. An appropriate combination of pinch and exergy analysis can provide practical methodology for the analysis of heat and power systems. The methodology has been successfully applied to refrigeration systems. This paper introduces the application of a combined pinch and exergy approach to commercial power plants with a demonstration example of a closed-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) system. Efficiency improvement of about 0.82 percent (50.2 to 51.02 percent) can be obtained by application of the new approach. More importantly, the approach can be used as an analysis and screening tool for the various design improvements and is generally applicable to any commercial power generation facility.

1974 ◽  
Vol 96 (4) ◽  
pp. 342-348 ◽  
K. Bammert ◽  
J. Rurik ◽  
H. Griepentrog

At the moment the closed-cycle gas turbine attracts considerable attention due to: 1 The possibility of directly coupling the closed-cycle gas turbine with a gas-cooled high temperature reactor; 2 the economical use of dry coolers to reduce the thermal charge of the environment; and 3 the reduction of pollution and energy consumption, by replacing the domestic hearth by a central heating and power station. The experience gained in the development, design, construction and operation of the closed-cycle gas turbines at present in service is to be used for these new applications. In this paper, four closed-cycle gas turbine plants in operation in Europe are described and the experience obtained is summarized. The incorporation of the experience gained with these plants in the design and construction of future closed-cycle gas turbines using helium as a working medium is shown with the example of a 50 MW helium turbine. The combined application of experience and a new design philosophy results in a rather unconventional gas turbine.

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