Efficient Large Deformation Simulations of Multi-Flexible-Body Systems Using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Beam and Plate Elements

Imad M. Khan ◽  
Kurt S. Anderson

In this paper, we investigate the absolute nodal coordinate finite element (FE) formulations for modeling multi-flexible-body systems in a divide-and-conquer framework. Large elastic deformations in the individual components (beams and plates) are modeled using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). The divide-and-conquer algorithm (DCA) is utilized to model the constraints arising due to kinematic joints between the flexible components. We develop necessary equations of the new algorithm and present numerical examples to test and validate the method.

Oleg Dmitrochenko ◽  
Aki Mikkola

This study is an extension of a newly introduced approach to account transverse shear deformation in absolute nodal coordinate formulation. In the formulation, shear deformation is usually defined by employing slope vectors in the element transverse direction. This leads to the description of deformation modes that, in practical problems, may be associated with high frequencies. These high frequencies, in turn, could complicate the time integration procedure, burdening numerical performance of shear deformable elements. In a recent study of this paper’s authors, the description of transverse shear deformation is accounted for in a two-dimensional beam element, based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation without the use of transverse slope vectors. In the introduced shear deformable beam element, slope vectors are replaced by vectors that describe the rotation of the beam cross-section. This procedure represents a simple enhancement that does not decrease the accuracy or numerical performance of elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. In this study, the approach to account for shear deformation without using transverse slopes is implemented for a thin rectangular plate element. In fact, two new plate elements are introduced: one within conventional finite element and another using the absolute nodal coordinates. Numerical results are presented in order to demonstrate the accuracy of the introduced plate element. The numerical results obtained using the introduced element agree with the results obtained using previously proposed shear deformable plate elements.

Oleg Dmitrochenko ◽  
Aki Mikkola

In this paper, triangular finite elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are introduced. Triangular elements employ the Kirchhoff plate theory and can, accordingly, be used in thin plate bending problems. These elements can exactly describe arbitrary rigid body motion while their mass matrices are constant. Previous plate developments in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation have focused on rectangular elements that are difficult to use when arbitrary meshes need to be described. The elements introduced in this study have overcome this problem and represent an important addition to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The two elements introduced are based on Specht’s and Morley’s shape functions. The numerical solutions of these elements are compared with results obtained using the previously proposed rectangular finite element and analytical results.

Jussi T. Sopanen ◽  
Aki M. Mikkola

The objective of this study is to investigate the accuracy of elastic force models that can be used in the absolute nodal coordinate finite element formulation for the analysis of threedimensional beams. The elastic forces of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation can be derived using a continuum mechanics approach. This study investigates the accuracy and usability of such an approach for the three-dimensional absolute nodal coordinate beam element. This study also presents an improvement proposal for the use of a continuum mechanics approach in deriving the expression of the elastic forces of the beam element. The improvement proposal is verified using several numerical examples. Numerical examples show that the proposed elastic force model of the beam element agrees with analytical results as well as with solutions obtained using existing finite element formulation. The results also imply that the beam element does not suffer from the phenomenon called shear locking. In the beam element under investigation, global displacements and slopes are used as the nodal coordinates, which resulted in a large number of nodal degrees of freedom. This study provides a physical interpretation of the nodal coordinates used in the absolute nodal coordinate beam element. It is shown that the beam element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation relaxes the assumption of the rigid cross-section and is capable of representing a distortional deformation of the cross-section.

Naresh Khude ◽  
Dan Melanz ◽  
Ilinca Stanciulescu ◽  
Dan Negrut

This contribution discusses how a flexible body formalism, specifically, the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF), is combined with a frictional/contact model using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to address many-body dynamics problems; i.e., problems with hundreds of thousands of rigid and deformable bodies. Since the computational effort associated with these problems is significant, the analytical framework is implemented to leverage the computational power available on today’s commodity Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) cards. The code developed is validated against ANSYS and FEAP results. The resulting simulation capability is demonstrated in conjunction with hair simulation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-338 ◽  
Marko K. Matikainen ◽  
Antti I. Valkeapää ◽  
Aki M. Mikkola ◽  
A. L. Schwab

Oleg Dmitrochenko ◽  
Aki Mikkola

In this paper, two triangular plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) are introduced. Triangular elements employ the Kirchhoff plate theory and can, accordingly, be used in thin plate problems. As usual in ANCF, the introduced elements can exactly describe arbitrary rigid body motion when their mass matrices are constant. Previous plate developments in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation have focused on rectangular elements that are difficult to use when arbitrary meshes need to be described. The elements introduced in this study have overcome this problem and represent an important addition to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The two elements introduced are based on Specht’s and Morley’s shape functions, previously used in conventional finite element formulations. The numerical solutions of these elements are compared with previously proposed rectangular finite element and analytical results.

1999 ◽  
Vol 122 (4) ◽  
pp. 498-507 ◽  
Marcello Campanelli ◽  
Marcello Berzeri ◽  
Ahmed A. Shabana

Many flexible multibody applications are characterized by high inertia forces and motion discontinuities. Because of these characteristics, problems can be encountered when large displacement finite element formulations are used in the simulation of flexible multibody systems. In this investigation, the performance of two different large displacement finite element formulations in the analysis of flexible multibody systems is investigated. These are the incremental corotational procedure proposed in an earlier article (Rankin, C. C., and Brogan, F. A., 1986, ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 108, pp. 165–174) and the non-incremental absolute nodal coordinate formulation recently proposed (Shabana, A. A., 1998, Dynamics of Multibody Systems, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). It is demonstrated in this investigation that the limitation resulting from the use of the infinitesmal nodal rotations in the incremental corotational procedure can lead to simulation problems even when simple flexible multibody applications are considered. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation, on the other hand, does not employ infinitesimal or finite rotation coordinates and leads to a constant mass matrix. Despite the fact that the absolute nodal coordinate formulation leads to a non-linear expression for the elastic forces, the results presented in this study, surprisingly, demonstrate that such a formulation is efficient in static problems as compared to the incremental corotational procedure. The excellent performance of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation in static and dynamic problems can be attributed to the fact that such a formulation does not employ rotations and leads to exact representation of the rigid body motion of the finite element. [S1050-0472(00)00604-8]

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